House and Senate Journals
The House and Senate Journals are proceedings, or minutes of each of the legislative chambers. There one can find the listing of the House and Senate's official work on bills, resolutions, petitions, and each chamber's votes on them. The Journals have been issued since the first Congress in 1789. The first through the fourteenth Congress Journals were originally published privately and are now digitized (see below), while Journals for later years have been issued as part of the Serial Set (which is more fully described in the Reports and Documents of this Research Guide).
Title/Description | Years | Location |
House Journal (1st- 43d Congress) Senate Journal (1st- 43d Congress) |
1789-1875 | American Memory: A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation; U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates |
in Serial Set (15th - 95th Congress) |
1818-1978 |
US Doc 445 (D level Lamont or at HD) |
Readex's House and Senate Journals, Series 1, 1789-1817 |
1789-1817 |
House and Senate Journals in Readex's U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994 (for best results, search title:Senate Journal AND publication type: congressional journals, or title: House Journal AND publication type: congressional journals) |
1817-1994 |
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America (103d, 2d sess. + ) | 1994-present | Microforms (Lamont) XJS: (Su Docs Microfiche level D) |
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America (105th, 2d sess. + ) | 1998-present | Documents (Lamont) XJS: (end of Su Docs level D) |
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States (97th, 1st sess. + ) | 1981- present | Microforms (Lamont) XJH: (Su Docs Microfiche level D) |
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States (104th, 2d sess. + ) | 1996- present | Documents (Lamont) XJH:(end of Su Docs level D) |
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States | 1991-1999 | House Journal via GPOAccess |
Senate Executive Journals
Senate Executive Journals are records of the closed session meetings, mostly dealing with treaties and nominations. These do not contain any speeches, but only motions and actions.
Senate Executive Journals
Title/Description | Years | Location |
Senate Executive Journal (1st-43d Congress) |
1789-1875 |
Senate Executive Session Journals (currently 1st-66th Congress) Projected to eventually cover through 1980 (96th Congress) | 1789-1921 | Readex Senate Executive Journals, 1789-1921 |