Drama Scholarship and Reference

International Bibliography of Theatre and Dance with Full Text

Performing Arts Periodicals Database (1864- ): 46 periodicals indexed 1864-1997; 155 periodicals indexed 1998- . Some abstracts.

Carpenter, Charles A. Modern drama scholarship and criticism, 1966-1980: an international bibliography. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, c1986.
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: TS 70. 10.40
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3072. 7

Carpenter, Charles A. Modern drama: scholarship and criticism 1981-1990: an international bibliography. Toronto; Buffalo: Published in association with Modern Drama by University of Toronto Press, 1997.
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: HTC-LC PN1851.Z99 C37 1997x
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3072.7.2

Part 2:
Other Theater Indexes

Cumulated Dramatic index, 1909-1949; a cumulation of the F. W. Faxon Company's Dramatic index.
LOCATION: Hilles: REF.ROOM PN1620.A1 Z993 x
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: Ordered--not received
LOCATION: Widener: RR 2952.14 F Library has: 2 v.

Continued by:
Bulletin of bibliography and dramatic index, 1950-1953.
LOCATION: Widener: BP 123.9

International bibliography of theatre, 1982- .
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: TS 70.10.20

List of books, essays in books, articles, dissertations, and other publications. Includes circus and variety acts, dance, drama, mime, music-drama, puppetry. International coverage.

Annual Bibliography in Modern drama, 1959- .
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: Thr 23.13 Current Issues: Periodicals Reading Room Stacks

On drama as literature, not theater. On 20th century drama.

Theaterperiodika des 18. Jahrhunderts: Bibliographie und inhaltliche Erschliessung deutschsprachiger Theaterzeitschriften, Theaterkalender und Theatertaschenbucher.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC PN2004.Z99 B46 1994x F Library has: v. 1-2 in 5

  • T. 1. 1750-1780 (2 v.)
  • T. 2. 1781-1790 (3 v.)

    Gives tables of contents and indexes the late 18th century periodical literature by play author, play title, and subject keywords.

Theater Reviews:

National theatre critics' reviews, 1995-1996.
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: HTC-LC PN2000.N76

Continues: New York theatre critics' reviews, 1943-95.
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: HTC-LC PN2000.N76

Which continues: Critics' theatre reviews, 1940-42.
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: TS 34.5

New York Times theater reviews, 1870- .
LOCATION: Widener: Thr 844.72F

Indexed (to 1971) in
New York times directory of the theater.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 2961. 104 F

Theatre record, 1991-
LOCATION: Theatre Collection: HTC-LC PN2596.L6 L66

Issued with annual name and title index: Theatre index. Continues: London theatre record, Jan. 1981-90.

Dramatic Works

Alexander Street Literature includes

  • Black Drama
  • Twentieth Century North American Drama
  • North American Indian Drama
  • North American Women’s Drama
  • Asian American Drama and Asian American Drama

American Drama (Lion) (1714-1911)

Audio Drama: The L.A. Theatre Works Collection  (19th century- )includes over 300 dramatic works in streaming audio from the radio theatre company's archive

North American Women's Drama contains plays, together with information on related productions, theaters, production companies, etc. Some of the plays were previously unpublished.