Visual Sources

Visual materials, i.e., drawings, paintings, prints, photographs, films, videos, etc. are to be found in many Harvard libraries. Records for many, but by no means all, individual Harvard University Library images are available in VIA, an online catalog of images. Records include subjects and a thumbnail image.


Chicago Urban League Photos.

The Civil Rights Era in the U.S. News & World Report Photographs Collection: Selected Images from the Collections of the Library of Congress

Digital Schomburg

AP Multimedia Archive (AccuNet) is a searchable database of over 700,000 Associated Press photographs, charts and other graphics from the 1840s to the present.

Portrait of Black Chicago (1970s)

Motion Picture/Television/Radio

Television News of the Civil Rights Era 1950-1970

Internet Archive. In Advanced search select Mediatype: Movies

American History in Video has numerous modern documentaries together with newsreels from 1929 to the present.

Library of American Broadcasting

Further Information

Film Research at Harvard