ProQuest Black Studies

ProQuest Black Studies is a vast conglomeration of primary and secondary source material.

--Contains numerous "Primary Sources Collections" (List of those included; Select Archival Collections). Some are also in ProQuest History Vault  Black Freedom Struggle.

--Includes the searchable full text of about 300 biographical dictionaries and related works.  Limit to the biographical material at Publication/Collection title. Look up and add to search: African American Biographical Database.  There is no name-form control, so search unique last names alone (Pyrtle), and try various forms of more common names ("James Sanders" OR "Sanders James").

Indexing of these 300 works, not provided by ProQuest Black Studies, is available in print in:
Black biography, 1790-1950 : a cumulative index, ed. by Randall K. Burkett, Nancy Hall Burkett, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Alexandria : Chadwyck-Healey, 1991. 3 v.
HOLLIS Record    In bookcase beside door into the Atkins Reference Room (Widener 2nd floor)
--Index entries include name (in inverted form; useful for browsing similar names), place of birth, birth/death dates, occupation, religion, gender.

--Newspapers  (List of those included; Select Newspapers). Some are also in ProQuest Historical Newspapers

--Includes the former International Index to Black Periodicals Full Text (1900- ; full text 1998- ) which indexes over 150 scholarly and popular journals, newspapers, and newsletters from the US, Africa and the Caribbean.  Under Content Type, choose Journals and/or Magazines and Historical Periodicals.

--Includes the former Black literature Index, 1827-1940.  2997 microfiches and printed guide
----Full text of over 86,000 literary works on microfiche, including fiction, poetry, book reviews and other literary forms by African-Americans and Whites writing in African-American periodicals and newspapers.
List of periodicals indexed with links to lists of article in each.