Fesler MS. Antiphonale-Responsoriale 16th c. Choir Book, Iberia, Hill Monastic Library

Music & Liturgy

Cantus: A Database for Latin Ecclesiastical Chant
Database intended to assist scholars in the study of the chants of the Office. Contains indices of the chants in sources of the liturgical Office. It uses as models two older kinds of indices, e.g., those published in various facsimile editions of sourcessuch as Paléographie musicale and those presented by Dom René-Jean Hesbert in the Corpus Antiphonalium Officii.

Cantus Planus
Contains databases, full-text, and links for the study of Gregorian chant. Created and maintained by Universität Regensburg, Institut für Musikwissenschaft. In English, French, and German.

Celebrating the Liturgy's Books: Medieval & Renaissance MS in NYC
This resource, which was prepared for the 2002 annual meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, contains images from manuscripts in New York City collections, illustrated glossaries, audio clips of liturgical musical forms, bibliography. and links to other liturgical resources.

Chant Behind the Dikes: The Medieval Liturgy of the Low Countries
Website dedicated to the medieval liturgy of the Low Countries and its manuscript sources. Endeavors to map the liturgy and liturgical chant of this area. Many useful links, including Analecta Hymnica and RELICS: Renaissance Liturgical Imprints: A Census

Cursus: An Online Resource of Medieval Liturgical Texts
Project to make data from sources of medieval Latin liturgy available on the Internet using XML. Contains a searchable repository of antiphons, responds, and prayers as well as selected liturgical manuscripts.

DIAMM: Digital Archive of Medieval Music
DIAMM is a portal to worldwide collections of medieval polyphonic music manuscripts. The manuscripts, from libraries and archives around the globe, date from approximately 800 to 1550. Resources include detailed information for all the known sources of European polyphonic music and high-quality digital images of selected manuscripts. DIAMM is working to expand the online image collection and will announce new acquisitions on their News page.

Global Chant
Searchable database of plainchant melodies and texts included in medieval sources and new editions. A simple tool for searching information on Gregorian chant and other medieval monody including sacred songs. Contains nearly 25.000 records of chant incipits that provide information about text, melody, genre, modus and concordances in new editions and other on-line databases.

Liturgia Latina
This project aims to make digital versions of the traditional Latin liturgy and related decoments of the Roman Catholic Church available for liturgical scholars.

Medieval Music Database
Texts of liturgical chant from the tenth to the fifteenth centuries and the texts of polyphonic songs of the fourteenth century. Database contains more than 70,000 works searchable by full text, composer, genre, and liturgical feast.

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Shalimar White
Fine Arts Library, Littauer Center