Christine de Pizan Writing, MS. Harley 4431, f.4R. French, 15th c. British Library, London
Women in the Middle Ages
Bibliography on Gender in Byzantium
Extensive bibliography of print resources created in 2004 by scholars and staff at Dumbarton Oaks in conjunction with the exhibition, Women of Byzantium, and later updated and supplemented with studies on eunuchs and masculinity.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index
Partial indexes to nearly 500 journals as well as many essay collections devoted to topics dealing with women, sexuality, and gender in the middle ages.
Monastic Matrix: A Scholarly Resource for the Study of Women’s Religious Communities From 400–1600 CE
Contains information about religious communities, hospitals, oratories, reclusaria, and other places associated with religious women. Includes primary source material in literary and diplomatic genres, secondary sources, articles and research references, biographies, digital images of art objects, architecture, archaeological remains, site-plans and maps, bibliography, and glossary.
Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship
Organization to promote scholarship and discussion on feminist perspectives. Includes link to bibliography on medieval feminist studies in monographic and periodical literature.