Babbitt, L. H.
The amphibia of Connecticut. Hartford: State Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin no. 57, pp. 9-50, 1937.
Babcock, Harold Lester 1886-1953
Loveridge, A. 1953. Harold Lester Babcock, 1886-1953. Copeia, pp. 134-135.
Babcock, Harold Lester. Field guide to New England turtles. New England Museum of Natural History. Natural history guides, no. 2. Boston, The Boston Society of Natural History, 1938.
Babcock, Harold Lester. The snakes of New England. New England Museum of Natural History. Natural history guides; no. 1. Boston: [Boston Society of Natural History], 1929.
Babson, Susan
Curator, Museum of the Cape Ann Scientific and Literary Association, 1902- .
Cape Ann Scientific and Literary Association. Along the old roads of Cape Ann. Gloucester, Mass., Printed by F.S. & A.H. McKenzie, 1923, 106 pp.
Sarah Rogers' findings were used by Susan Babson in her anonymous Along the Old Roads of Cape Ann.
Dexter, R. W. 1973. The scientific period of the Cape Ann Scientific and Literary Association and its successors, 1873-1952. Essex Institute Historical Collections, vol. 109, no. 2, pp. 165-174.
Bacon, John
President, Harvard Natural History Society; Meisel, 1837
Bagg, Aaron Clark 1885-1947; Holyoke, MA; Director, Massachusetts Audubon Society; Businessman; AOU
Bagg, Aaron Clark, and Samuel Atkins Eliot, Jr. 1937. Birds of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts. Northampton, MA: The Hampshire bookshop, 813 p.
Bagg, Aaron Moore 1912- .
Son of Aaron Clark Bagg
The Turkey Vulture in New England up to 1950. Auk, vol. 68 (1951), pp. 315-333. (with H.M. Parker)
Bagley, Lowell 1784-1860; Amesbury, MA; Diary (Feb. 1819-Oct. 1850) contains natural history material; Pp. 12-32 in: Longyear, Mary B. 1925. The History of a House. Brookline.; Mathews, American Diaries, 1959. P. 236 (1819)
Bailey, Charles Eaton 1860-1905; b, Fitchberg; d, Malden; Landscape architect; Worked with gypsy moth control
Palmer, T. S. et al. 1954. Biographies of Members of the American Ornithologists' Union, reprinted from 'The Auk', 1884-1954. Ed. by P. H. Oehser. Washington, DC: Lord Baltimore Press, 630 pp. [p. 23].
Bailey, Florence (Augusta) Merriam 1863-1948
8 Aug. 1863-22 Sept. 1948
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
American National Biography, ed. by J. A. Garraty and M. C. Carnes. NY: Oxford University Press, 1999. 24 v. plus 2 supplements. Online version available.
Curran, J. M. 1997. Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, pp. 42-44.
Kofalk, H. 1989. No woman tenderfoot: Florence Merriam Bailey, pioneer naturalist. College Station: Texas A&M Univ. Press, 225 pp. figs. (photos, incl. portraits). Bibliography
Oehser, P. H. 1952. In memoriam: Florence Merriam Bailey. Auk, vol. 69, pp. 19-26, pl.
"Florence Merriam Bailey 1863-1948." Pp. 32-36 in Birdwatching with American Women, edited by D. Strom. NY: W. W. Norton, 1986. [Biographical sketch, portrait and selection from A-Birding on a Bronco.]
Primary Works
Birds of village and field: A bird book for beginners. by Florence A. Merriam. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1898, 406 pp. illus., pl.
Birds through an opera glass. by Florence A. Merriam. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1889, 223 p. (Riverside library for young people, no. 3)
How birds affect the farm and garden. A series of facts determined by investigation of the food habits of our common birds, showing their character as insect destroyers and their value as allies of the farmer and fruit grower. By Florence A. Merriam. NY: Forest and Stream Publ. Co., 1896, 31 pp. illus., [reprinted from Forest and Stream ]
Bailey, Harry Balch 1853-1928; b, Boston; d, Newport News, VA; Businessman; Associated with Nuttall Ornithological Club; Moved to NY in 1875.; AOU
Bailey, J. R. 1913- .
Amphibians and reptiles of New Hampshire. Pp. 195-217 in Biological Survey of the Connecticut Watershed, rept. no. 4, 1939. With J. A. Oliver [sr. author].
Bailey, Joshua -1752; b, Killingly, CT?
Reported caterpillar outbreak on oak in Haverhill.
Chase, History of Haverhill.
Jackson, R. L. 1948. The Physicians of Essex County. Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 152 pp. [pp. 6-8]
Bailey, Wallace 1924-
Bailey, Wallace. Birds in Massachusetts; when and where to find them. South Lancaster? Mass., 1955, 234 pp.
Bailey, Wallace. Birds of the Cape Cod National Seashore and adjacent areas. South Wellfleet, Mass. [Eastern National Park and Monument Association, 1968, 119 pp.
Bailey, William
Birds in Massachusetts, 1955
Bailey, William Whitman 1843-1914
Feb. 22, 1843 - Feb. 20, 1914
b, West Point, NY; d, Providence, RI
Brown, Ph.B, 1864
Harvard Summer School, 1875, 1876, 1879
Providence Atheneum, assistant librarian, 1861-71
Brown University chemistry dept, assistant, 1864
Manchester (NH) Print Works, chemist, 1866-67
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, assistant in chemistry, 1866
U.S. Survey of the 40th Parallel, botanist, 1867
Providence, RI, privat schools, teacher, 1867-77
Brown University, instructor, 1877-81, professor, 1881-1906
m, Eliza Randall Simmons, 2 children
Life was marked when he was nine years old by the loss of mother and sister in a Hudson River steamer fire. He was rescued by his father Jacob Bailey, professor of chemistry, mineralogy and geology, and renowned microscopist at West Point. Worked with John Torrey in NY during the early 1870s. Specialized in pollination and had large botanical library. Interested in plant teratology.
Herbarium: Brown University
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. (NY: J.T. White, 1898-1984), vol. 29.
Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists
Deane, W, 1914. William Whitman Bailey. Rhodora, v. 16, no. 186, (June), pp. 97-101.
Sterling, K. B. 1997. Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, pp. 50-52.
Who Was Who in America, Volume 1, 1897-1942.
Primary works
Decisive moments. Brown Alumni Monthly, v. 13 (1913), no. 6 (Jan.), pp. 142-143.
How I drifted into botany. The Brunonian, v. 35 (1901) (March), 261-264.
Among Rhode Island wild flowers. 2d. ed. Providence, R.I.: Preston and Rounds, c1896.
New England wild flowers and their seasons. Providence, R.I., Preston and Rounds, 1897, 150 pp.
Some notes on the flora of Rhode Island.
A forgotten botanical garden. Am. Bot. xiv. 41-43. 1908.
A great plant hunt. Providence Journal, Oct. 10, 1909.
Among Rhode Island wild flowers. Providence, RI: Preston and Rounds, [1895]. 2 p. l., [vii]-xi, 105 p., front., plates. 18 cm. List of Rhode Island trees, pp. 91-96. 2nd ed. 1896.
Botany at Brown. Providence Journal, Mar. 19, 1912.
Why I became a botanist. The Observer, 1894
Papers of William Whitman Bailey, 1884-1914 (inclusive). LOCATION: Botany Gray Herbarium, Harvard University
Baily, William Lloyd 1851-
b, Germantown, PA; Lecturer, Ornithology, University of Pennsylvania, 1895-; Gulls of Maine and Jersey coasts; Bird photography and habits
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Baird, Spencer Fullerton 1823-1887
3 Feb. 1823-19 Aug. 1887
Allard, D. C. 1997. Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, pp. 53-56.
Allard, D. C. 1990. The Fish Commission Laboratory and its influence on the founding of the Marine Biological Laboratory. J. Hist Biol., v. 23, no. 2, pp. 251-270.
Allard, D. C. 1999. A pioneering oceanic exploration: Spencer Baird in the Northeast Atlantic, 1871-1887. Pp. 119-130 in: Surveying the Record: North American Scientific Exploration to 1930. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, v. 231.
American National Biography, ed. by J. A. Garraty and M. C. Carnes. NY: Oxford University Press, 1999. 24 v. plus 2 supplements. Online version available.
Linton, Edwin. 1915. Reminiscences of the Woods Hole laboratory of the Bureau of Fisheries, 1882-89. Science, vol. 41, issue 1064, pp. 737-753.
Baird, Viola Brainerd
Daughter of Ezra Brainerd, assisted her father in crossing experiments to elucidate the status of naturally occurring intermediates.
Wild Violets of North America. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1942.
Baker, George
President, Providence Franklin Society, 1850-52.; Meisel, 1821
Balch, Francis Noyes 1873-1960
b, Boston?; d, Brookline, MA; Boston Finance Commission; Molluscs
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Champion, M. 1961. The Nautilus, vol. 74, pp. 164-165.
Balch, Joseph, Jr.
Founder, Providence Franklin Society; Meisel, 1821
Ball, Stanley Crittenden 1885-1956
Educ: Yale, Bachelor's, 1911, PhD., 1915.
Professor, Dept. of Zoology
Curator of Zoology, Peabody Museum of Natural History, 1925(?)-
Research largely in birds of the Pacific and of the Gaspé Peninsula.
Davis, F. R. 2000. The history of ornithology at Yale University and the Peabody Museum of Natural History. Pp. 83-121 in Contributions to the History of North American Ornithology, ed by W. E. Davis, Jr. and J. A. Jackson. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, no. 13. Portrait and partial bibliography.
The spadefoot toad in Connecticut in 1933. Pp. 26-30 in Babbit, 1937.
The distribution and behavior of the spadefoot toad in Connecticut. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. 32, pp. 351-379.
Ballard, Harlan Hoge 1853-1934; b, Athens, OH; Librarian and curator, Berkshire Atheneum and Museum, Pittsfield, MA, 1888-; Founder, Agassiz Association, 1875
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. 6 v. NY: D. Appleton & Co., 1888-1889. Online version in Virtual American Biographies,
National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. NY: James T. White & Co., 1899, V. 9, pp. 488-489.
Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans. 10 vols. Ed. by Rossiter Johnson. Boston: The Biographical Society, 1904.
Who Was Who in America. Volume 1, 1897-1942. Chicago: A.N. Marquis Co., 1943.
Hand-book of the St. Nicholas Agassiz Association.
1st ed. Pittsfield, 1882, 86 pp.
2nd ed. Lennox, Mass., 1884. 116 pp.
Both in Google Book Search
Three kingdoms: a hand-book of the Agassiz association.
3rd ed., NY: Writers Publishing Company, 1888, xii, 167 p., port. front.
4th ed., St. Louis: I.A. McKeel, 1897, 150 p.
Ballou, Henry Arthur 1872-1937; b, West Swanzey, NH; Instructor, Connecticut College, 1897-1901; Agriculture, zoology, entomology
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Bancroft, Edward 1744-1821
born, Weston, MA. Surgeon, Massachusetts; "writers in the Dutch service who wrote on the natural history of Surinam, or Dutch Guina"; His Natural History, 1769; Knight, Zoological Illustraton, p. 91
Physician in British Guiana, where he studied electrical discharge of Torpedo fish. Later a double agent in American Revolution.
Bangs, Outram 1863-1932; b. Watertown, MA; AOU
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Barbour, T. 1932. Outram Bangs. Cambridge: Privately Printed, 6 pp.
Barbour, T. 1946. A Naturalist's Scrapbook. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 218 pp. (Chapter II: The Museum of Comparative Zoölogy)
Davis, W. E., Jr. 1997. Outram Bangs and the creation of a world-class bird collection at Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bird Observer, v. 25, no. 6, pp. 311-316.
Peters, J. L. 1933. Outram Bangs, 1863-1932. Auk, vol. 50, no. 3 (July), pp. 265-274. Portrait
Peters, J. L. 1932. Outram Bangs. Science, v. 76, pp.337-339
Porter, M. D. 1943. A Bibliography of the Published Papers of Outram Bangs. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 92, no. 2, pp, 105-118. Portrait
Primary Works
Bangs, Outram. Notes on the mammals of Block Island, Rhode Island.
Banks, Nathan 1868-1953; b, Roslyn, NY; d, Holliston, MA
Carpenter, F. M. & P. J. Darlington, Jr. 1954. Nathan Banks, A biographic sketch and list of publications. Psyche, vol. 61, pp. 81-110. Portrait
Darlington, P. J., Jr. 1953. Nathan Banks. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 46, p. 173.
Gunder, J. D. 1930. North American institutions featuring Lepidoptera. XIV. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. Entomological News, vol. 41, pp. 147-152. [Autobiographical paragraph by Banks]
Mallis, Arnold. 1971. American Entomologists. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 549 p.
Barbour, Thomas 1884-1946
19 Aug. 1884-8 Jan. 1946; b, Martha's Vineyard; d, Boston, MA; Harvard, Ph.D., 1910
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
Aguayo, C. G. 1946. Dr. Thomas Barbour 1884-1946. Rev. Soc. Malac. C. de la Torre (Habana), v. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-6.
American National Biography, ed. by J. A. Garraty and M. C. Carnes. NY: Oxford University Press, 1999. 24 v. plus 2 supplements. Online version available.
Bigelow, H. B. 1952. Dr. Thomas Barbour 1884-1946. Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 27, pp. 13-45.
Dunn, E. R. 1946. Thomas Barbour 1884-1946. Copeia, pp. 1-3. Portrait
Harvard's Eateria: Professor Barbour serves unusual luncheons to great scientists in the Agassiz Museum. Life, v. 15, no. 24 (December 13, 1943), pp. 49-50, 52. Portraits.
Kidder, A. V. 1958. Thomas Barbour. Pp. 307-317 in The Saturday Club: A Century Completed, 1920-1956, ed. by Edward Waldo Forbes, and John H. Finley, Jr. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 410 p. Portrait
Peters, J. L. 1948. Thomas Barbour, 1884-1946. Auk, v. 65, pp. 432-438. Portrait
S[hipton], C. K. 1947. Thomas Barbour. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society v. 56, pp. 7-10.
Thomas Barbour. American Philosophical Society Yearbook 1946 (1947), pp. 272-277.
Primary Works
Reptiles and amphibians, their habits and adaptations. Ill. in part by George Nelson. Boston & NY: Houghton Mifflin, 1926, 125 pp. front., illus., plates. Rev. ed. 1934, 129 pp.
Naturalist at large. Boston: Little, Brown, 1943, 314 pp., front., plates (1 double) ports.
A naturalist's scrapbook. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1946, 218 pp., front., plates, ports.
Barker, Dr. Charles O.
Founder, Lynn Natural History Society
Dexter, Ralph W. 1962 The Lynn Natural History Society (1842-1855). Essex Institute Historical Collections 98: 175-183.
Barker, Mrs. Mabel
Daughter of Abby L. Davis
Amateur botanist interested in land plants.
Dexter, R. W. 1986. Two centuries of naturalists on Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Essex Institute Historical Collection, v. 122, no. 3, 246-258.
Barnard, Thomas 1748-1814
Harvard College, Class of 1766
The Centenary of the North Church and Society in Salem, Massachusetts. Salem: Printed for the Society, 1873, 222 pp. Biography, pp. 171-172, port. frontis.
Prince, John. 1814. A Sermon, Preached before the North Church and Society in Salem, October 16, 1814: On the Death of their Pastor, the Rev. Thomas Barnard, D.D. who Died October 1, 1814, in the Sixty-seventh year of his Age. 2nd ed. Salem: Printed by Thomas C. Cushing, 24 pp.
Sibley’s Harvard graduates. Biographical sketches of those who attended Harvard College, by Clifford K. Shipton. Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1972, vol. 16, pp. 316-322. Portrait
Saunders, J. P. Catalogue of a Large Collection of Books Belonging to the Library of the late Reverend Thomas Barnard... Salem, MA, 12 pp.
Barney, Everett H. 1835- .
Barney, Everett H. 1895. Flora of Forest Park. From Park Commissioners report, Springfield, Mass., 1894-
Barney, Everett H. Flora of Forest Park. [Springfield, Mass. In: Report of the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of Springfield, Mass. Springfield, Mass., 1895-1916. 1894, 1899, 1900, 1915-1916.
Barney, Raymond Livingston 1891-1938; b, Providence, RI; d, Vermont
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
Barratt, Dr. Joseph 1796-1882 or 1880??; President, Cuvieran or Natural History Society of Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, 1836; Meisel, 1836
Kelly, H. A. & W. L. Burrage. 1928. Dictionary of American Medical Biography. NY: D. Appleton, pp. 63-64.
Hallock, F. K. 1923. Joseph Barratt, M.D.: physician and botanist of Middletown, Conn. Bulletin of the Society of Medical History of Chicago, vol. 3, pp. 151-167.
Sargent, C. S. 1901. Joseph Barratt. In: Silva of North America, vol. 14, p. 64.
Weatherby, C. A. 1921. Old-time Connecticut botanists and their herbaria, - II. Joseph Barratt. Rhodora, vol. 23, nos. 270, 271 (June, July), pp. 121-125, 171-177, 301?????????.
Primary Works
Barratt, Joseph. The Indian of New-England, and the north-eastern provinces: a sketch of the life of an Indian hunter, ancient traditions relating to the Etchemin tribe, their modes of life, fishing, hunting, &c.: with vocabularies in the Indian and English, giving the names of the animals, birds, and fish: the most complete that has been given for New-England, in the languages of the Etchemin and Micmacs ... Middletown, Conn.: Charles H. Pelton, printer, 1851.
Barratt, Dr. Joseph ????; of Norwich, VT; Collected in White Mountains, 1824
Pease, A. S. 1964. "History of Botanical Collecting in this Area" (pp. 33-40; with bibliography, pp. 41-50) in A Flora of Northern New Hampshire. Cambridge: New England Botanical Club.
Barrows, Charlotte M. (Mrs. William Homer Barrows) 1863-1921; b, Springfield; d, Pittsfield, MA, 1921
Palmer, T. S. et al. 1954. Biographies of Members of the American Ornithologists' Union, reprinted from 'The Auk', 1884-1954. Ed. by P. H. Oehser. Washington, DC: Lord Baltimore Press, 630 pp. [p. 34].
Bartlett, Elisha, MD
Lowell; Acknowledged for information on fisheries of Merrimack in Storer, 1839
Bartlett, Mira W.
Bartlett, Mira W. A partial list of wild flowers found in the thirty-two square miles comprised in the city of Haverhill. Bulletin of the Haverhill Public Library; v.8, no.16, pp. 62-76. [Haverhill, Mass?]: Haverhill Public Library, 1925.
Bartlett, Robert Merrill 1898-1995
Bartlett, Robert Merrill. My corner of New England: thoughts on nature and human nature from a Pilgrim house on Cape Cod Bay. Portsmouth, N.H.: P.E. Randall, 1984.
Batchelder, Charles Foster 1856-1954
b, Cambridge; Ornithologist, MCZ; Editor, New England Zoological Club
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Taber, Wendell. 1958. In Memoriam: Charles Foster Batchelder. Auk, v. 75(1), pp. 15-25.
Batchelder, Charles Foster. 1896. Some facts in regard to the distribution of certain mammals in New England and northern New York. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. v. 27, p. 185-193.
Batchelder, Frederick William 1838-1911
Owen, M. L. 1912. Frederick William Batchelder. Rhodora, v. 14, no. 159 (March), 41-45.
Batchelder, Frederick W. (Frederick William). Preliminary list of plants growing without cultivation in the vicinity of Manchester, New Hampshire. Proceedings of the Manchester institute of arts and sciences. vol. iv, pt. ii, 59 pp. 1909. Rev. and enl., 1909. Manchester, N. H., Manchester institute of arts and sciences [1909].
Batchelder, J. P.
Vice-President, Lyceum of Natural History of the Berkshire Medical Institute, Pittsfield; Meisel, 1823
Bates, Dr.
Collected fish in Portland Harbor, Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, v. 2 (1845), p.72
Kendall, William Converse. 1914. The fishes of Maine. Proc. Portland Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, art 1, 198 pp.
Google Books version.
Bates, Frank Amasa
Secretary, League of Massachusetts Ornithologists; t.p. of his Wanderings in New Hampshire, 1891
Bates, Frank Amasa. Stories of lake, field and forest. Rambles of a sportsman -naturalist. With ten half-tone engravings. South Braintree, Mass., F.A. Bates, 1899.
Bates, Frank Amasa. Wanderings in New Hampshire; a record of a tramp among the white mountains in June, 1890. Hyde Park, Mass. F.B. Webster & co., 1891.
Bates, George Andrew 1847-
b, Boston; Marine life; Tufts College Medical School; Histology, embryology
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Dexter, R. W. 1980. Natural history at the Essex Institute, 1848-1898. Essex Institute Historical Collection, v. 116, pp. 21-33 [mentioned p. 33].
Baynes, Ernest Harold 1868-1925; b, Calcutta, India; d. Meriden, NH; Educ.: CCNY; Founder, Meriden Bird Club and numerous others; Founder, American Bison Society; AOU
May 1, 1868 - Jan. 21, 1925
b, Calcutta, India; d, Meriden, NH
English boarding school, Bronx (NY) high school
Attended City College of New York
New York Times, reporter,1891-92
Assistant to his father, John Baynes, inventor of photographic modeling, 1893-1900
Natural history writer, lecturer, 1900-
m, Louise Birt O'Connell
Active promoter of wildlife conservation, particularly of the American Bison. The Meridan (NH) Bird Club proliferated to around 114 local clubs in 30 states, many of which jouined the Audubon movement. WWA
Correspondence connected with American Bison Society, NY Zoological Society archives, Bronx, NY
Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists
Gorges, R. 1928. Ernest Harold Baynes, Naturalist and Crusader. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 256 pp.
Solomon, G. E. 1997. Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, pp. 70-71.
Baynes, Ernest Harold. 1925. Animal heroes of the great war with an account of the writer "The man and his enemies" by Owen Wister. NY: The Macmillan company, lvi, 307 pp.
Bean, Ralph Carleton 1881-1977
[Hyland, F.] 1987. In memoriam: Ralph C. Bean, 1881-1977. Rhodora, v. 89, no. 860, pp. 447-448. Portrait
Beck, Lewis Caleb 1798-1853
Curator, Lyceum of Natural History of the Berkshire Medical Institute, Pittsfield, MA; Meisel, 1823
Beckett, Sylvester B.
Curator, Portland Society of Natural History, 1862; Meisel, 1843
Beers, Henry Wheeler 1866-1914
b, Easton; d, Bridgeport, CT; Nesting of hawks and owls; AOU
Belcher, Nathan
Member, N.L.D. Society, Amherst College, 1832; Meisel, 1822
For N.L.D. Society (Also called Society of Natural History) see: p. 57 in Student life at Amherst College: Its organizations, their membership and history, by George Rugg Cutting. (Amherst, Hatch & Williams, 1871, 207 p.). Available in HathiTrust. Records at Amherst.
Belding, David Lawrence. 1884-1970
Belding, David L. 1931. The quahaug fishery of Massachusetts: including the natural history of the quahaug and a discussion of quahaug farming. [Boston] : Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dept. of Conservation, Division of Fisheries and Game, Marine Fisheries Section, 41 p. : ill. (Marine fisheries series ; no. 2).
Belding, David L. 1931. The scallop fishery of Massachusetts: including an account of the natural history of the common scallop. [Boston] : Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dept. of Conservation, Division of Fisheries and Game, Marine Fisheries Section, 51 p.: ill. (Marine fisheries series ; no. 3)
Belding, David Lawrence, 1930. The soft-shelled clam fishery of Massachusetts: including the natural history of the soft-shelled clam and a discussion of sewage pollution and shellfish. Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dept. of Conservation, Division of Fisheries and Game, Marine Fisheries Section, 65 p. ill. (Marine fisheries series ; no. 1)
Belknap, Jeremy 1744-1798
American National Biography, ed. by J. A. Garraty and M. C. Carnes. NY: Oxford University Press, 1999. 24 v. plus 2 supplements. Online version available.
Dictionary of American biography. (NY: C. Scribner's sons, 1928-95. 20 v. + 10 Supplements).
Lawson, R. M. 1994. Elder scripture: Jeremy Belknap's journey to the White Mountains in 1784. Historical New Hampshire, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 201-227.
Lawson, R. M. 1988. Wilderness journey: Jeremy Belknap and fellow 'sons of science' explore the White Mountains in 1784. New Hampshire Profiles, vol. 37, pp. 55-56, 58.
Lawson, R. M. 2002. Passaconaway's realm: Captain John Evans and the exploration of Mount Washington. Hanover: University Press of New England, 157 p.
Riley, S. T. Jeremy Belknap, in Keepers of the Past, ed. by Clifford L. Lord. University of North Carolina Press, 1965, pp. 19-29.
Sibley’s Harvard graduates. Biographical sketches of those who attended Harvard College, by Clifford K. Shipton. Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1970, vol. 15, pp. 175-195. Portrait
Tucker, L. L. Clio's Consort: Jeremy Belknap and the Founding of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston: The Society: Distributed by Northeastern University Press, 1990.
Primary Works
Circular letter of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, ser 1, vol. 4, pp. 5-14, 1795. [Includes notes on preserving natural history specimens by Manasseh Cutler and William Dandridge Peck]
The Belknap papers. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, ser 5, vol. 3, pp. 1877, [White Mountains trip, pp. 170-190 ]
Description of the White Mountains in New-Hampshire. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 1786, pp. 42-49.
Journal of a Tour to the White Mountains in July, 1784. Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1876, 21 pp.
Belknap's New Hampshire: An Account of the State in 1792. Edited with an introduction and notes by G. T. Land. Hampton, NH: P. E. Randall, 1973. Facsimile reprint of vol.3, 1812 edition.
Belknap, Jeremy. The history of New-Hampshire. 2d ed. with large additions and improvements, published from the author's last manuscript ; illustrated by a map. Boston: Bradford and Read, 1813 3 v. front., fold. map. (First edition published: v. 1, 1784; v. 2, 1791; v. 3, 1792.)
Belknap, Jeremy. The history of New-Hampshire. Boston: For the author, 1791-1792, 3 v. fold. map. (Imprint varies: v. 1, Boston: re-printed for the author, 1792.-- v. 2, printed at Boston, for the author, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Faust's statue, no. 45, Newbury-street. 1791.--v. 3, Printed at Boston, for the author, by Belknap and Young. State street. 1792. Vol. 1 first published at Philadelphia, in 1784)
The History of New Hampshire... Volume III. Containing a Geographical Description of the State; with Sketches of its Natural History, Productions, Improvements, and Present State of Society and Manners, Laws and Government. Boston: Belknap and Young, 1792. Later eds. 1831
The History of New-Hampshire. 3 vols. Philadelphia: Printed for the author by Robert Aitken, 1784-92.
Bellows, Howard Perry 1852-1934
b, Fall River; d, Cambridge, MA
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
Who Was Who in America, 1943.
Benedict, George Wyllys 1796-1871
Professor, University of Vermont, 1825-47; Businessman, 1847-; Conchology
Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. 6 v. NY: D. Appleton & Co., 1888-1889. Online version in Virtual American Biographies,
Dann, K. T. 1987. George Wyllys Benedict and the "Proteus of the Lakes." Vermont History, v. 55, no. 1, pp. 31-40
The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans. 10 v. Boston: The Biographical Society, 1904.
Benedict, Dr. James Everard 1854-1940
b, Norwalk, CT; Assistant to Verrill; Crustacea, Annelids
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Bennett, Caleb W.
Springfield Society of Natural History; Birds; Meisel, 1859
Bennett, James Lawrence 1832-1904
Reid, A. M. M. 1987. Pioneer New England bryologists : a prosopography. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University (Occasional papers of the Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany, no. 19), 71 pp. [pp. 7-8]
Robinson, B. L. 1904. James Lawrence Bennett. Rhodora, vol. 6, no. 66 (June), pp. 146-147.
Smith, A. M. 1904. James Lawrence Bennett, 1832-1904. The Bryologist, vol. 7, p. 79
Primary Works
Bennett, James L. Plants of Rhode Island: being an enumeration of plants growing without cultivation in the State of Rhode Island. Providence: Providence Press, 128 pp. 1888. Proceedings of the Providence Franklin Society
Providence Franklin Society. The ferns, fern allies and flowering plants of Rhode Island. Providence, R.I.: Providence Franklin Society: Snow & Farnham Co., Printers, 1920, 78 pp. Revision of the first 58 pp. of James L. Bennett's Plants of Rhode Island, ed. by George H. Noble?
Benson, Frank Weston 1862-1951
b,d, Salem; Etcher; AOU
Bent, Arthur Cleveland 1866-
b, Taunton, MA; Secretary, Bristol County Academy of Science, 1909-
Nov. 25, 1866 - Dec. 30, 1954
b,d, Taunton, MA
Harvard, A.B. 1889
m, Rosalba Peale Smith, 1895 (divorced 1911), no children
Madeline Vincent Godfrey, 1914, 4 children
Safety Seamless Pocket co., 1891-95
Plymouth Electric Light Company, 1892-1931
Mason Machine Works, 1900-14, and several other companies
Active inn Taunton church and civic affairs.
Associate/Research Fellow in Ornithology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 1911-16, 1927-54
Collaborator, Division of Birds, U.S. National Museum, 1927-54
A boyhood interest in natural history led to extensive North American fieldwork , 1901-1910. In 1910, Bent agreed to complete for the Smithsonian Institution the Charles E. Bendire's unfinished life histories of North American birds. Bent organized a larhge network of informaants, whose observations and photographs were incorperated into Bent's Life Histories of North American Birds, 1910-1968. The last four volumes appeared postumously, the last three edited from Bent's notes by Oliver L. Austin, Jr.
Bird collection, Museum of Comparative Zoology
Birds eggs collection, U.S. National Museum
Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists
Deiss, W. A. 1997. Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, pp. 76-78.
EAB, n.s., vol. 25, 1955.
Teale, E. W. 1946. Plutarch of the birds. Audubon Magazine, vol. 48, (January), pp. 14-20.
New York Times, January 1, 1955, p. 15
Taber, Wendell. 1955. In Memoriam: Arthur Cleveland Bent. Auk, v. 72(4), pp. 332-339.
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Oehser, Paul Henry. 1971. Index to Bent's "Life histories of North American Birds." Washington: Division of Geographic Research, National Geographic Society, v, 25 p. (Material indexed was published in 21 numbers of the Bulletin of the U. S. National Museum, beginning with no. 107 (1919) and ending with no. 237 (1968). Photocopy. Ithaca, N. Y. : Albert R. Mann Library, 1977. Most of the pages in the photocopy are folded leaves, two pages to a leaf.
Life histories of North American birds of prey, order Falconiformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 167, 170, 1937, 1938. Reprint - NY: Dover, 1961, 2 v.
Life histories of North American cuckoos, goatsuckers, hummingbirds and their allies, orders Psittaciformes, Cuculiformes, Trogoniformes, Coraciiformes, Caprimulgiformes and Micropodiiformes. (United States National Museum Bulletin 176, 1940, 506 pp., 73 pl.
Life histories of North American diving birds, order Pygopodes. United States National Museum Bulletin 107, 1919, 245 pp., 55 pl. (12 col.). Reprint - NY: Dodd, Mead, 1946, 237, 32 pl.
Life histories of North American gallinaceous birds, orders Galliformes and Columbiformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 162, 1932, 490 pp., 93 pl.
Life histories of North American gulls and terns, order Longipennes. United States National Museum Bulletin 113, 1921, 345 pp., 93 pl. Reprint - NY: Dodd, Mead, 1947, x + 333 pp., no pl.
Life histories of North American marsh birds, orders Odontoglossae, Herodines and Paludicolae. United States National Museum Bulletin 135, 1926, 490 pp., 98 pl.
Life histories of North American petrels and pelicans and their allies, order Tubinares and order Steganopodes. United States National Museum Bulletin 121, 19??, 343 pp., 69 pl.
Life histories of North American shore birds, order Limicolae. United States National Museum Bulletin 142, 1927. Reprint - NY: Dover, 1962, 2 v.
Life histories of North American wildfowl, order Anseres (part). United States National Museum Bulletin 126, 130, 1923, 1925. Reprint - NY: Dover, 1951, 2v.;1962, 2 v.
Life histories of North American woodpeckers, order Piciformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 174, 1939, 334 pp. 39 pl. Deluxe ed., Ill. by William Zimmerman, Indiana University Press, 1992
Life histories of North American blackbirds, orioles, tanagers, and allies, order Passeriformes; families: Proceidae, Icteridae, and Thraupidae. United States National Museum Bulletin 211, 1958, 549 pp.
Life histories of North American flycatchers, larks, swallows, and their allies, order Passeriformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 179, 1942, 555 pp., 70 pl.
Life histories of North American jays, crows, and titmice, order Passeriformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 191, 1946, 495 pp.
Life histories of North American nuthatches, wrens, thrashers, and their allies, order Passeriformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 195, 1948, 495 pp.
Life histories of North American thrushes, kinglets, and their allies, order Passeriformes. United States National Museum Bulletin, 1949, 454 pp. ???
Life histories of North American wagtails, shrikes, vireos, and their allies, order Passeriformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 197, 1950, 411 pp.
Life histories of North American wood warblers, order Passeriformes. United States National Museum Bulletin 203, 1953, 734 pp.
Life histories of North American birds. ed. and abridged by Henry Hill Collins, Jr., NY: Harper, 1960, 2 v.
Bentley, William 1759-1819
Papers, Harvad University Archives, Include letters from W. D. Peck.
Bequaert, Joseph Charles 1886-1982
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
Barbour, Thomas. 1943. Naturalist at large. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 314 p. [p. 312].
Clench, W. J. 1982. Joseph Charles Bequaert, 1886-1982. Nautilus, vol. 96, no. 2, p. 35. Portrait
Bergroth, Ernest Evald 1857-1925
b, Jacobstad, Finland; Address, Fitchberg, MA; Systematic entomology, Hemiptera-Heteroptera, Diptera
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Beston, Henry 1888-1968
Coatsworth, E. 1976. Personal Geography. Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Greene Press, 192 pp.
Lorenz, C.M. 1978. Henry Beston: the outermost man. Atlantic, vol. 242 (October), pp. 107-110
Hinckley, E. B. 1931. Thoreau and Beston: two observers of Cape Cod. New England Quarterly v. 4, pp. 216-229.
TCA, pp. 137-138
TCA, Suppl., pp. 85-86
Scott, W. T. 1961. A journal for Henry Beston. Pp. 170-182 in Exiles and Fabrications. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 215 pp. ????
Waldron, N. T. 1992. Journey to the Outermost House. Exeter, NH: J. N. Townsend, 95 pp.
Primary Works
Especially Maine: the natural world of Henry Beston, from Cape Cod to the St. Lawrence, ed. by Elizabeth Coatsworth. Stephen Greene,
Herbs and the earth, woodcuts by John Howard Benson. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1935, viii + 143 p.
Northern farm, a chronicle of Maine. ill. by Thoreau MacDonald. N.Y.: Rinehart, [1948]. viii + 246 p.
The outermost house; a year of life on the great beach of Cape Cod, ill. with photographs by William A. Bradford and others. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Doran, 1928. xv + 222 p. front., ill.(map) plates.; rpt. Penguin, l976.
The outermost house; a year of life on the great beach of Cape Cod. N.Y.: Rinehart, [1949]. iv + 222 p. map.
The St. Lawrence, ill. by A. Y. Jackson. N.Y. and Toronto: Farrar and Rinehart, [1942]. xi + 274 p. ill, map. (Rivers of America).
White pine and blue water, a state of Maine reader. NY: Farrer, Straus, 1950, xxii + 410 pp.
Bethune, John McLean
Lawyer; Amateur ornithologist; Helped Nuttall; Graustein, Nuttal, p. 226
Gave T. W. Harris specimens included in Harris' list in Edward Hitchcock's Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts, 1833, 1835.
Bickmore, Albert Smith 1839-1914
b, St. George, ME; d, NY, NY; Dartmouth, A.B.,1860; A.M. 1863; Harvard, B.S., 1864; Hamilton, Ph.D., 1869; Studied with Louis Agassiz, 1860-1864; Curator, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. (NY: J.T. White, 1898-1984), vol. 8, pp. 268-269.
Root, N. J. 1997. Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, pp. 79-81.
Bicknell, Edwin
Microscopist; Assoc. with Essex Institute; Hurd, History of Essex County, p. 172
Bicknell, Eugene Pintard 1859-1925
b, Riverdale-on-Hudson, NY; d, Hewlett, L.I, NY; Businessman, mainly in NY
Ferns and flowering plants of Nantucket. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 1908-1919; AOU
Biddle, Harriet
Harriet Biddle. Bulletin of the Boston Society of Natural History no. 56, p 21. Portrait [librarian]
Bigelow, Edward Fuller 1860-1938
b, Colchester, CT; Nature study, insect life history, aquatic microscopy
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Bigelow, Edwin Victor 1866-
Bigelow, E. Victor (Edwin Victor). A narrative history of the town of Cohasset, Massachusetts. [Cohasset] Committee on Town History, 2 v. 1898-1956.
Bigelow, Henry Bryant 1879-1967
3 Oct. 1879-11 Dec. 1967; b, Boston; d, Concord, MA
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
American National Biography, ed. by J. A. Garraty and M. C. Carnes. NY: Oxford University Press, 1999. 24 v. plus 2 supplements. Online version available.
Barbour, Thomas. 1943. Naturalist at large. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 314 p. [pp. 143-145].
Brosco, J. P. 1989. Henry Bryant Bigelow, the US Bureau of Fisheries, and intensive area study. Social Studies of Science, v. 19, pp. 239-264.
Dick, M. M. and W. C. Schroeder. 1968. Henry Bryant Bigelow, 1879 -1967. Copeia, 1968, pp. 657-659.
Dobbs, D. 1999. Vita: Brief life of an innovative oceanographer: 1879-1967 Harvard Magazine, Jan-Feb, p. 46.
Graham, M. et al. 1955. Papers in marine biology and oceanography dedicated to Henry Bryant Bigelow, 498 pp.. Deep sea research. Suppl. to vol.3. London, New York, Pergamon Press,
Graham, M. 1968. Henry Bryant Bigelow, 3 October 1879 - 11 December 1967. Deep-Sea Research, v. 15, pp. 125-132. Portrait, bibliography
Logan, J. W. 1987. The Man Who Went to Sea: Henry Bigelow. Island Journal, v. 4, pp. 43-45
Redfield, A. C. 1978. Henry Bryant Bigelow, October 3, 1879 - December 11, 1967. Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 48, pp. 51-80. Portrait, bibliography
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Henry Bryant Bigelow, 1879-1967. Oceanus, vol. 14, no. 2. Woods Hole, Mass., 1968. [Recollections by associates]
National Geographic Magazine. 113(3): 388, Mr 1958 (Photograph)
Primary Works
Memories of a Long and Active Life. Cambridge: Cosmos Press, 1964, 41 pp.
Fishes of the Gulf of Maine, by H. B. B. & W. W. Welsh. Bull. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, vol. 40, pt. 1, 1924, Doc. no. 965, 1925; 1st revision. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fishery bulletin 74, 1953.
Supplemental notes on fishes of the Gulf of Maine. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Bulletin no.20, 1936.
Exploration of the waters of the Gulf of Maine. Geographical Review, v. 18, no. 2 (1928), pp. 232-260.
Physical oceanography of the Gulf of Maine. U. S. Bureau of fisheries. Document 969, 1927.
Plankton of the offshore waters of the Gulf of Maine. Bull. U.S. Bureau of fisheries, 40(2), 1924, Doc. 968, 1926.
Exploration of the coastal water off the northeastern United States in 1916 by the U.S. Fisheries Schooner "Grampus". Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, v.65 (1922), pp. 85-188.
Explorations in the Gulf of Maine, July and August, 1912, by the U.S. Fisheries schooner Grampus. Oceanography and notes on the plankton. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, v.58, no.2 (1914).
List of the Medusae craspedotae, Siphonophorae, Scyphomedusae, Ctenophorae. Boston society of natural history. Occassional papers. VII [pt.12]. Boston, Boston society of natural history, 1914.
Notes on the fauna above mud bottoms in deep water in the Gulf of Maine, by Henry B. Bigelow and William C. Schroeder. Biological Bulletin, Vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 1305-324, 1939.
Papers of Henry Bryant Bigelow, 1906-1964 (inclusive).LOCATION: Harvard Archives: HUG4212.xx
Bigelow, Jacob 1787-1879
b, Sudbury, d, Boston, MA
Feb. 27, 1786 - Jan. 10, 1879
EDUC: Harvard College, A.B., 1806
Univ. of Pennsylvania, M.D. 1810
University of Pennsylvania, M.D. 1811
m, Mary Scollay, 1817, 5 children
Medical practice, 1811 (with James Jackson) -
Lectured on botany at Harvard with W. D. Peck, 1814
Harvard Medical School, professor of materia medica, 1815-1855
Harvard, Rumford professor of the application of science to useful arts, 1816-1827
Massachusetts General Hospital, visiting physician
American National Biography, ed. by J. A. Garraty and M. C. Carnes. NY: Oxford University Press, 1999. 24 v. plus 2 supplements. Online version available.
Bailey, L. H., Jr. 1883. Jacob Bigelow. Botanical Gazette, vol. 8, no. 5 (May), pp. 217-222.
Dexter, R. W. 1986. Cape Ann visits of the Great Sea-Serpent (1639-1886). American Neptune, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 213-220.
Biographical dictionary of American science : the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries, ed. by C. A. Elliott. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979, 360 p.
Dictionary of American biography. (NY: C. Scribner's sons, 1928-95. 20 v. + 10 Supplements).
Ellis, George Edward. 1880. Memoir of Jacob Bigelow. Cambridge: John Wilson & Son.
Gifford, G. E., Jr. 1965. Physician of many facets. Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin, vol. 39, no. 4 (Spring), pp. 34-39. Reprinted in Medicine and Science in Early America, Being the Collected Essays of George Edmund Gifford, Jr., 1930-1981. Friends of George E. Gifford, Jr., 1982, pp. 32-37.
Gray, Asa. 1879. American Journal of Science, ser.3, vol. 17, pp. 263-266. Reprinted in Scientific Papers of Asa Gray, vol. 2, pp.412-416.
Greene, J. C. American science comes of age, 1780-1820. Journal of American History, v. 55, no. 1, pp. 22-41. Quote of Bigelow on importance of European correspondence for alleviating dearth of books and specimens.
James, M. A. 1992. Engineering an environment for change: Bigelow, Peirce, and early nineteenth-century practical education at Harvard. Pp. 55-75 in Science at Harvard University, ed. by C. A. Elliott & M. W. Rossiter. Portrait
Kelly, H. A. 1914. Some American Medical Botanists. Troy, NY: Southworth, pp. 120-128.
Mumford, J. G. 1908. Surgical Memoirs and other Essays. NY Moffat, Yard. [Available in Google Book Search]
National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. (NY: J.T. White, 1898-1984), vol. 4.
[Obituary]. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, new ser. vol. 6 (whole ser., vol. 14) (1879), pp. 333-42.
Winthrop, R. C. 1886. Jacob Bigelow and George C. Hillard. Addresses and Speeches on Various Occasions from 1878-1886. Pp 23-26. Boston: Little, Brown.
Wolfe, Richard J. Jacob Bigelow's American Medical Botany, 1817-1821; an examination of the origin, printing, binding and distribution of America's first color plate book. With special emphasis on the manner of making and printing its colored plates. North Hills, Pennsylvania, Bird & Bull Press; Boston, Massachusetts, Boston Medical Library, 1979.
Primary Works
Bibliography of his articles in Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900. (London: Royal Society of London, 1867-1925, 23 vols.).
American Medical Botany, Being a Collection of the Native Medicinal Plants of the United States, Containing Their Botanical History and Chemical Analysis, and Properties and Uses in Medicine, Diet and the Arts, with Coloured Engravings ... Boston: Cummings and Hilliard; Cambridge: University Press, Hilliard and Metcalf, 1817-20 [i. e. 1817-21]. Avaivle on CD-ROM: Jacob Bigelow. American Medical Botany (Boston, 1817–1820). Oakland, Calif.: Octavo, 2004. CD-ROM. 30.00 (1-891788-23-X) Introduction by Philip Weimerkirch.
Florula Bostoniensis. A collection of plants of Boston and its environs, with their generic and specific characters, synonyms, descriptions, places of growth, and time of flowering, and occasional remarks. Boston, Cummings and Hilliard, 1814. [Later editions 1824, 1840]
Florula bostoniensis. A collection of plants of Boston and its environs, with their generic and specific characters, principal synonyms, descriptions, places of growth, and time of flowering, and occasional remarks. 2d. ed. greatly enl. To which is added a glossary of the botanical terms employed in the work. Boston, Cummings, Hilliard, 1824.
Florula bostoniensis. A collection of plants of Boston and its vicinity, with their generic and specific characters, principal synonyms, descriptions, places of growth, and time of flowering, and occasional remarks. 3d ed. enl., and containing a glossary of botanical terms. Boston, C. C. Little and J. Brown, 1840. For review, see CUSHING, Caleb.
Some account of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery, vol. 5, no. 4 (October, 1816), pp. 323-338.
Facts serving to show the comparative forwardness of the spring season in different parts of the United States. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. 4, pp. 77-85, 1818.
Documents and remarks respecting the sea serpent. American Journal of Science, vol. 2, no. 1, 1820, pp. 147-164.
An abstract of an account of the White Mountains, from the New England journal of medicine and surgery. London, J. Sci & Arts 2: 392-99 1817.
[Letter to J. E. Smith]. Memoir and Correspondence of the Late James Edward Smith, edited by Lady Smith. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, vol. 2, pp. 185-187, 1832. [Letter of introduction to Smith by Correa de Serra, pp. 221-222]
[Jacob Bigelow, biographical materials] IN: Kremers Reference Files. YEAR: 1980 9999 Archive/Manuscript Control 1 folder. SUBJECT: Bigelow, Jacob, -- 1786-1879. LIBRARIES: WI GZM UW-Madison
Letter from Correia da Serra to Bigelow (pp. 255-257) in:
Correia da Serra, José Francisco, 1750-1823. The Abbé Corrêa in America, 1812-1820: the contributions of the diplomat and natural philosopher to the foundations of our national life, ed. Richard Beale Davis. Providence, RI: Gávea-Brown, 1993, 375 p.
Bigelow, Robert Payne 1863-1955
b, Baldwinsville, NY; MIT; Medusae, Crustacea
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Bigelow, William Sturgis 1850-1926
b,d, Boston; Physician; Council of Boston Society of Natural History; Summered at Tuckernaut, off Nantucket; AOU
obit, Proc, MHS
Councilman, W. T. 1927. William Sturgis Bigelow. Pp. 265-269 in Later Years of the Saturday Club, 1870-1920, ed. by M. A. De Wolfe Howe. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 427 p. Portrait
Lears, T. J. Jackson. 1981. No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture. NY: Pantheon Books, 375 pp. Bigelow, pp. 225-234.
Prout, C. 1997. William Sturgis Bigelow: Brief life of an idiosyncratic Brahmin: 1850-1926. Harvard Magazine, v. 100, no. 1 (Sept.-Oct.), pp. 50-51. Port. Available online
Bill, Charles 1840-1897
b, Ledyard, CT; d, in Georgia on visit from his home in Springfield, MA; Yale, 1865; Business man; Sportsman, no publications; AOU
Billings, Elizabeth
Patron of A. P. Morse in teaching natural history to children in Woodstock, VT; AOU (in obituary of A. P. Morse)
Bingham, Millicent Todd 1880-1968
Bingham, Millicent Todd. 1937. (reprinted 1949?, AMNH). Rescuing an Island. Natural History, vol. 39: 318-328 p.
Hog Island, Muscongus Bay, Maine
Bingham, Walter Van Dyke 1880–1952
Husband of Millicent Todd Bingham
Homo Sapiens Auduboniensis: A Tribute to Walter Van Dyke Bingham. NY: National Audubon Society, 1953, 39 pp.
Binney, Amos 1803-1847
18 Oct. 1803-18 Feb. 1847; b, Boston, MA; d, Rome, Italy; Brown, B.S., 1821; Harvard, M.D., 1826
m, Mary Ann Binney (cousin), 1827, 5 children
Brown University, A.B. 1821
Harvard Medical School, M.D. 1826
1824-25, traveled in Europe
Businessman, 1826-42
Massachusetts State Legislature, member, 1836-37
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
Bouvé, T. T. 1880. Boston Society of Natural History Anniversary Memoir, pp. 46-48. Portrait
Biographical dictionary of American science : the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries, ed. by C. A. Elliott. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979, 360 p.
Dictionary of American biography. (NY: C. Scribner's sons, 1928-95. 20 v. + 10 Supplements).
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. 6, pp. 89-90, 1856.
Dall, W.H. 1888. Some American conchologists. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, v. 4, pp. 95-134 (pp. 122-123).
Dall, Baird, p. 132. had "what was considered the finest zoological library in the U.S."
Gould, A. A. Memoir of Dr. Amos Binney, in The Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks of the United States, 1851, vol. 1, preface, pp. 11-29.
National Cyclopaedia of American Biography. (NY: J.T. White, 1898-1984), vol. 7, pp. 510-511.
Todman, A. 1997. Biographical Dictionary of American and Canadian Naturalists and Environmentalists, pp. 83-84.
Primary Works
Bibliography of his articles in: Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900. (London: Royal Society of London, 1867-1925, 23 vols.).
Remarks made at the annual meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, June 2, 1845; showing the origin and history of the society, its influence in New England, its present condition and wants, and its claims. Boston: Freeman and Bolles, 1845, 16 pp. Drakes Boston Pamphlets, vol. 17, no. 29.
On Storer's report on the fishes, reptiles, and birds of Massachusetts. American Journal of Science, vol. 38, 1840, pp. 393-396.
Notebook. [n.d.].LOCATION: Ernst Mayr Library, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. In Marcou catalog under: Binney, Amos, 1800 ([18--?])
The conchological writings of Amos Binney ... [1858]. LOCATION: Special Collections, Ernst Mayr Library, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. "This volume is believed to contain all the published zoological writings of Dr. Binney, with the exception of his work on the Terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States". Separate articles bound together.
The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States, and the adjacent territories of North America. Boston, Little, Brown, 1851-78. 5 v. in 6
Remarks made at the annual meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, June 2, 1845: showing the origin and history of the society, its influence on the cultivation of the natural sciences in New England, its present condition and wants, and its claims upon the liberality of the public. Boston: Freeman and Bolles, 1845.
Binney, William Greene 1833-1909
b, Boston, MA; d, Burlington, NJ
22 October 1833 - 3 August 1909
b, Boston, MA; d, Burlington, NJ
m, Maria Louisa Chamberlin, 1855, 2 children
Son of Amos Binney
Harvard College, 1854 (out-of-course, 1857)
Probably studied in Europe
Abbott, R. T. 1973. American Malacologists: A National Register of Professional and Amateur Malacologists and Private Shell Collectors and Biographies of Early American Mollusk Workers between 1618 and 1900 Falls Church, VA: American Malacologists, 494 pp.
Biographical dictionary of American science : the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries, ed. by C. A. Elliott. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1979, 360 p.
Faxon, W. 1911. Report on the Crustacea and Mollusca. Annual Report of the Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1910-1911 (31)?? Binney Collection
Gray, A. F. 1931. Nautilus, v. 45, pp. 37-41. Portrait.
Gray, A. F. 1937. Bibliography of William Greene Binney. Nautilus, v. 50, pp. 98-100, 135-140.
Primary Works
Remarks...showing the origin and history of the Society... Boston: Freeman & Bolles, 1845, 16 pp. (Drake's Boston Pamphlets VOL. 17, no. 29) [on the Boston Society of Natural History]
The terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the Uniited States, and the adjacent territories of North America. Ed. by Augustus A. Gould. 5 vols. Boston: Little & Brown, 1851-57. (vols. 4-5 are by W.G. Binney)
Bibliography of North American conchology previous to the year 1860. Part 1, American authors. Part 2, Foreign authors. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution (Miscellaneous Collections vol. 5, article 1; vol. 9, article 1), 1863, 1864, 650 pp., 306 pp.
Land and fresh water shells of North America... With T. Bland and G.W. Tryon, Jr. 4 vols. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution (Miscellaneous Collections vol. 7, article 2-3; vol. 8, article 3; vol. 16, article 1), 1865-73.
A manual of American land shells. Washington, DC: U.S. National Musum (Bulletin no. 28), 1885, 528 pp.
Notes on American land shells and other miscellaneous conchological contributions. Burlington, NJ: Printed for the author.
Birdseye, Eleanor
With her husband Clarence, Cape Ann amateur botanists and pioneeer woodland wildflower gardeners. Authors of Growing Woodland Plants. N.Y.: Dover, 1951, 1972.
Birtwell, Francis Joseph 1880-1901
b, London; d, Willis, NM; Came to Boston when young, Member of several Boston natural history clubs, including Nuttall.; AOU
Bishop, James Nathaniel 1851-1906
A list of phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants at present known to grow in the state of Connecticut. 1901.
A list of phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants at present known to grow in the state of Connecticut. Additions and corrections. Hartford. 1898. (from Report of the Secretary, Conn. Board of Agriculture), 6 pp.
Catalogue of all phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants at present known to grow without cultivation in the State of Connecticut. Hartford. Report of the Secretary, Conn. Board of Agriculture, 1895 (1896??), pp. 236-256. Additions and corrections, 1898. Ed. 3. (Report of the Conn. Board of Agriculture) Hartford: Hartford Press, Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1901, 57 pp.
Catalogue of all phaenogamous plants at present known to grow without cultivation in the State of Connecticut. Hartford, 1885.
Bishop, Louis Bennett 1865-1950
Guildford, CT; Physician; Ornithology
American Men of Science, ed. 2 (1910).
Howard. H. 1951. Louis Bennett Bishop. Auk, v. 68, pp. 440-446.
Sanford, L. C. Louis Bennett Bishop: A reminiscence. Manuscript. Louis B. Bishop folder, Dept. of Ornithology Archives, American Museum of Natural History, NY [Barrow, M. V., Jr. A Passion for Birds (1998), p. 223].
Sanford, L. C., L. B. Bishop and T.S. Van Dyke. 1903. The water-fowl family. NY: Macmillan, ix, 598 p., [20] leaves of pl. (The American sportsman's library).
Sage, John Hall, Louis Bennett Bishop, and Walter Parks Bliss. 1913. The birds of Connecticut. Hartford, CT: Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin no. 20. State of Connecticut public document; no. 47 370 p.
Bissell, Charles Humphrey 1857-1925
Weatherby, C. A. 1925. Charles Humphrey Bissell. American fern journal, vol. 15, no. 4 (October-December), pp. 101-106, [1] leaf of pl
Primary works
Flora of the town of Southington, Conn., and its vicinity. A list of the fern and seed plants growing without cultivation, by C. H. B. and Lumen Andrews. Connecticut. State Board of Education. Connecticut school document no.15. Hartford: State Board of Education, 1902, 118 pp.
The fern flora of Connecticut. 1906. Fern Bull. vol. 14, 11 pp.
Graves, Charles Burr, Edwin Hubert Eames ... Charles Humphrey Bissell, Luman Andrews, Edgar Burton Harger ... and Charles Alfred Weatherby ... committee of the Connecticut Botanical Society. 1910. Catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns of Connecticut growing without cultivation.. 23 cm. (Connecticut. Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin no. 14; (State of Connecticut.Public document no. 47). 569 pp.