RISS International (KERIS)(Harvard KEY required)
Expanded services based on RISS. Besides citation searching and the limited free full-text available through RISS, KERIS also provides access to full-text of articles available through KISS and DBpia, Scholar, E-article as well as providing a "RISS Int'l ILL" request function for other articles and dissertations.
National Library of Korea 국립중앙도서관This online catalog allows users not only to perform a general search but also to browse library materials by subject. The library resources include books, monographs, periodicals, theses and dissertations, academic journals, and rare books. Full-text access only in Korea.
National Assembly Library 대한민국 국회도서관This online catalog provides bibliographic information for books, multimedia resources, periodicals, newspapers and other resources housed in the National Assembly Library of Korea. Users can search through more than 25 databases of government publications, documents issued by the National Assembly, academic journals published since 1910, theses and dissertations since 1945, rare books, and other collections. Full-text access only in Korea.
Worldcat(Harvard key required)
WorldCat is a union catalog of records of any type of material (books, periodicals, scores, films, recordings, etc.) catalogued by over 41,000 OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) member libraries, primarily but not exclusively, from libraries in the United States, but extending to 82 other nations. To view the interface in Korean, please click on the Korean-language display option 한국어 at the bottom of the screen.
Bibliography of Asian Studies(Harvard KEY required)
Citation index for Western-language journal articles, edited collections and older monographs (pre-1992). Coverage is from 1971 on and primarily English-language.
Annual Bibliography of Oriental Studies 東洋学文献類目Harvard-Yenching Ref (J) DS5 .T69x (1934 - )
Citation index for scholarly literature on East Asia in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Western languages. Includes journal articles and monographs. Coverage is strongest for Chinese, Japanese, and Western languages. The online version covers scholarship published since 1981 and allows author and title keyword searching. It offers two interfaces: Japanese-language interface and Western-language interface.
Korean Bibliography by the Library of CongressBibliography of approximately 4,800 records of books about Korea in English up to 1995 held by the Library of Congress. To browse by area of interest, see theTopical Term Index. Keyword searching is also possible.
Naver Scholar 네이버 전문정보Naver Scholar provides an easy way to search across for scholarly information in Korea. It is available to search articles, theses and research papers from more than 70 scholarly databases, universities, academic libraries and other research centers. Bibliographic information, abstracts, table of contents, references and citations are offered. Some of the materials may be available in full-text.
Yūhō Bunko Collection of the Research Institute for Oriental Cultures of Gakushuin University 学習院大学東洋文化研究所所蔵・友邦文庫Large collection of historical materials relating to the Government-General of Korea during the Japanese colonial period. Includes the Korea/Manchuria collection of books and documents on colonial Korea and Manchuria; general books; original documents from the Government-General; newspapers and foreign journals from the the 1930s-1960s; recorded tapes and transcriptions of interviews done in the post-war period with former Government-General officials; photographs and survey materials.
Literature Translation Institute of Korea Library한국문학번역원 전자도서관The Virtual Library of Korean Literature provides bibliographic information on translations of Korean literary works both classic and modern. It also offers visual images of Korean culture that appear in Korean literature; photographic images relating to works of Korean literature; and interviews with contemporary Korean writers. Bibliographic records are searchable by title, author, and publisher and can be browsed by subject. Some full text is provided of older works on Korea and of Korean works which have been translated.
Bibliography of East Asian Periodicals (Colonial Korea 1900-1945)The Bibliography of East Asian Periodicals (Colonial Korea 1900-1945) provides comprehensive information on a total of 913 periodicals from the colonial period (1910-1945), pre-colonial period (1896-1910), and post-colonial period from liberation in 1945 to the establishment of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 1948. For each title, the Bibliography provides identifying information, regions of origin and distribution, bibliographic details of publication, and current holding and accessibility status in North America and Asia.