Gender, Women, Sexuality
Gender (General) -- LGBTQ -- Women
Defining Gender Online: Five Centuries of Advice Literature for Men and Women. Includes a section "The Body."
Twentieth Century Advice Literature: North American Guides on Race, Sex, Gender, and the Family includes items such as "How to Get Along with Black People: A Handbook for White Folks and Some Black Folks Too" (1940), and "Art of Living: Etiquette for the Permissive Age" (1972).
Gender : identity and social change (19th century-present) offers sources for women's suffrage, the feminist movement, the men's movement, employment, education, the body, the family, and government and politics. Largely US, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia. Includes digitized archival documents, images and videos.
Sexology: Wellcome Digital Collections – A collection of nearly 100 items including art and photographic works, key texts by noted sexologists of the 19th and 20th centuries, reports on sex-related social issues, guides and advice manuals, and anthropological studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies (Voice of the Shuttle)
Sex and Sexuality (20th century) offers records from the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
Gay Men's Health Crisis records (NYPL)
Gran Fury collection (AIDS Activism) (NYPL)
In Response to the AIDS Crisis
LGBT magazine archive (1957-2015) offers runs of 26 US and British magazines
Digital Transgender Archive is an online hub for digitized historical materials, born-digital materials, and information on archival holdings worldwide.
LGBT Studies in Video includes documentaries, interviews, archival footage, and feature films on LGBT topics.
LGBTQ History & Culture Since 1940 contains present archival material, texts, letters, periodicals, speeches, interviews, and ephemera.
LGBT Thought and Culture offers books, periodicals, and archival materials documenting LGBT political, social and cultural movements from the twentieth century to the present. Includes letters, speeches, interviews, and ephemera, as well as memoirs, biographies, poetry, letters and works of fiction.
“Gay Is Good”: Digital collections in LGBTQ U.S. History
Black Women's Suffrage Collection (Digital Public Library of America)
Blogs: Capturing Women's Voices includes samples of some 20 blogs selected and archived by the Schlesinger Library. a sample of approximately 20 blogs. These blogs illuminate the lives of African-American and Latina women, lesbians, and women grappling with health and reproductive issues, and typically reflect their engagement with politics, their personal lives and philosophies, and their work lives.
British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries, from 1500-1950
A Daring Experiment: Harvard and Business Education for Women, 1937-1970
Database KvinnSam (1970- ) is interdisciplinary database with citations from the Göteborg University Library collections, mainly in the humanities and social sciences. Books, journal articles, book chapters, pamphlets, research reports etc. are included.
Diotima: Women and Gender in the Ancient World includes an online bibliography.
Discovering American Women's History Online
Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement: An On-line Archival Collection (Duke University)
The Dolley Madison Digital Edition
Early Women in Science -works women in science pre-1922. These works in the Biodiversity Heritage Library catalog:
Everyday Life & Women in America 1800-1920 provides primary source material for the study of nineteenth and early twentieth century American cultural and social history from the collections of the New York Public Library and the Duke University. Topics include fashion, beauty, prescriptive literature, and medicine.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index, 1994- .
--Not all articles from the years covered have as yet been included. Journals in women's studies, art history, literature, and other subjects are indexed, as well as those in medieval studies. Formerly called Medieval Feminist Index.
Feminism in Cuba: Nineteenth through Twentieth Century Archival Documents
The Feminist Chronicles: Early Documents
Gerritsen Collection--Women's History Online, 1543-1945 includes books, pamphlets and periodicals reflecting the revolution of a feminist consciousness and the movement for women's rights. Includes over 4000 monographs, primarily in English, German, and French, plus 265 periodical titles.
HEARTH: Home Economics Archive - books and journals related to Home Economics related disciplines, 1850-1950. Browse subjects covered:
Herstory Project: A History of the Chicago Women's Liberation Union (CWLU) contains archive of full-text documents of the Chicago Women's Liberation Movement and of classic Second Wave documents.
History of Feminism, covering 1776-1928, contains primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles published by Routledge. Primary source material is from the Rouledge series History of feminism. Harvard holds many, but not all, books of this series in print.
Kinesis: UBC Library Digital Collections - published from 1974 to 2001 by the Vancouver Status of Women (VSW), Kinesis served as a vehicle for social change and women’s liberation
Manuscript women's letters and diaries: from the American Antiquarian Society, 1750-1950
Margaret Sanger papers (Smith College) ProQuest history vault.
Margaret Sanger Papers Project
Nineteenth Century Collection Online (HarvardKey) contains History of Women, an enormous microfilm collection. It can be conveniently browsed using the original microfilm guides (choose H). Subsets: History of Science, Health and Women; Social and Cultural Construction of Girls; Women and WWI. History of Women is part of the Nineteenth Century Collection Online segment: Women: Transnational Networks.
ProQuest History Vault: Women's Studies Manuscript Collections from The Schlesinger Library offers three series of collections: suffrage and voting rights, women in national politics, and reproductive rights. Coverage: 1850-1970 (bulk).
ProQuest history vault. Margaret Sanger papers (Smith College)
North American Women's Letters and Diaries (pre-1950)
Redstockings: Women's Liberation Studies Archives for Action
Studies in Scarlet: Marriage & Sexuality in the U.S. and U.K., 1815-1914 (Harvard) More than 420 trial narratives of American, British, and Irish cases 1815-1914 involving domestic violence, bigamy, seduction, breach of promise to marry, and the custody of children, as well as trials for murder and rape
Witchcraft in Europe and America
Women and Social Movements in the United States: 1600-2000 offers journal articles, manuscripts, books, pamphlets, bibliographies, images, and other sources. Interesting to search organizations by by date founded
Women and Social Movements, International: 1840 to Present
Women and Social Movements, Modern Empires Since 1820 iincludes personal writings by women related to the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and United States Empires, and settler societies in the United States, New Zealand and Australia.
Women and Transnational Networks in Nineteenth Century Collections Online. Open Collections (top right), then Archives.
Women in the National Archives (British) offer pdfs of documents covering the campaign for women's suffrage in Britain, 1903-1928 and the granting of women's suffrage in colonial territories, 1930-1962. Also a finding aid that serves as an index.
Women of Protest: Photographs from the Records of the National Woman's Party Collection (1875-1938; largely 1913-1922).
Women organizing transnationally : the Committee of Correspondence, 1952-1969 The records of this anti-communist organization include official correspondence and records, oral history transcripts, 1988-89, with related biographical material; and card files on individual participants, filed by country. The country files also contain published materials pertaining to the status and problems of the world's women
Woman Suffrage and Feminism Photographs in the Schwimmer-Lloyd Collection.
Women Working: Harvard University Library Open Collections Program - over 650,000 individual pages from more than 3,100 books and trade catalogs, 900 archives and manuscript items, and 1,400 photographs illustrating working conditions, workplace regulations, home life, costs of living, commerce, recreation, health and hygiene, and social issues for working women in the United States from 1800-1930
Women's Issues and Their Advocacy Within the White House, 1974-1977
Women’s Liberation Movement Print Culture: Digital Collections, Duke University Libraries – Manifestos, speeches, essays, and other materials documenting the Women’s Liberation Movement in the United States, 1960s-1970s
Women's Magazines/Periodicals
International Women’s Periodicals, 1786-1933: Social and Political Issues
U.S. Women's and Girls' Magazines Web Archive
Women's Magazine Archive (1883-2005) includes: Better Homes and Gardens (1922-2005); Chatelaine (1928-2005); Good Housekeeping (1885-2005); Ladies' Home Journal (1883-2005); Parents (1926-2005), Redbook (1903-2005).
- Collected Records of the Woman's Peace Party: 1914–1920
- Committee of Fifteen Records 1900–1901 – anti prostitution and gambling group, New York City
- European Women's Periodicals (1830-1940; bulk 1880-1940)
- Grassroots Feminist Organizations, Part 1: Boston Area Second Wave Organizations, 1968-1998
- Grassroots Feminist Organizations, Part 2: San Francisco Women's Building / Women's Centers, 1972-1998
- Herstory Collection (1956-1974) offers journals, newspapers, and newsletters from women's rights movements in the US and abroad
- Journals and Papers of the Birth Control Movement; Part 1: the Malthusian, 1879-1921; Eugenics Review, 1909-1921
- Planned Parenthood Federation of America Records, 1918-1974 (and related groups)
- Records of the Women's Peace Union: 1921-1940
- Women and Health/Mental Health
- Women and Law Collection (1969-1975)
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom: United States Section, 1919-1959
- Women's Labour League: Conference Reports and Journals, 1906-1977
- Women's Lives documents women missionaries (1840-1980) and American pioneer women on the Oregon Trail and in the Pacific Northwest.
- Women’s Trade Union League and Its Leaders (1903-1950)
African Women's literature (African Women's Database) (1986 - )includes books and government documents, articles appearing in edited books and conference papers, periodical articles, theses/dissertations, and videocassettes. Continues Davis Bullwinkle's 001637813 African women, a general bibliography, 1976-1985, 001778239 Women of eastern and southern Africa: a bibliography, 1976 -1985, and 001778894 Women of northern, western, and central Africa: a bibliography, 1976-1985. Also includes: Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa: 1763-1999: A Comprehensive English Language Bibliography.
Women’s Worlds in Qajar Iran -- focus on Women in Qajar Iran (1796-1925), but includes 6th century Persian medical textbooks, letters from the 1930s-1950s and images of artifacts, including water pipes and lingerie. Largely in Persian, some Arabic.
Women -- Literary
Perdita Manuscripts: Women Writers in the British Isles, 1500-1700