Early Modern (15th-18th centuries)
For general English-language digital libraries see Library Research Guide for History: Finding Primary Sources Online: Digital Libraries/Collections by Region or Language
An Analytic Bibliography of On-line Neo-Latin Texts
CAMENA: Latin Texts of Early Modern Europe is a digital library of the humanistic Respublica Litterarum
Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum includes catalogue of all online Latin texts from beginnings to 18th century Neo-Latinists.
Middle Eastern Manuscripts Online (MEMO) I: Pioneer Orientalists consists of the Arabic manuscripts of Joseph Justus Scaliger (d. 1609), Franciscus Raphelengius (d. 1597) and Jacobus Golius (d. 1667) from the Leiden University Library. The Golius collection is particularly famous for its manuscripts on Islamic science.
The Recipes Project (Early Modern Recipes Online Collective) is an international group of scholars interested in the history of recipes, ranging from magical charms to veterinary remedies.
Traditio Classicorum contains a bibliography of secondary literature concerning classical authors to the year 1650.
Grand Tour (1550-1850). Sources drawn from various libraries and archives, including the Beinecke Library, the Paul Mellon Centre, the Chaney Library, and the British Library, on British European travel. Includes full-text of John Ingamell's Dictionary of British and Irish travellers in Italy, 1701-1800 (1997). Print version
Sound Toll Registers (1497-1857) record the toll levied on ships through the strait between Denmark and Sweden. Includes for each passage, the name of the shipmaster, his town of residence, his port of departure and--from the mid-1660s--his port of destination, the composition of the cargo and the toll per commodity.
Hungarian Reformation Online (1540s-1650s) offers the writings of the Hungarian reformers.
Codices Vossiani Latini Online offers the 363 codices which form the Latin part of Isaac Vossius’ manuscript collection held at Leiden University Library.