The following research was conducted by Heather Mumford in 2023. Please email us with corrections, clarifications, or questions. Also, please make sure to review this comprehensive history written by the department: History of GHP.
1913-1921: Formal departments did not exist in the early school. Rather, courses were grouped together in the catalog, and these specific “groups” were given titles. Students took public health courses at HMS, HU in Cambridge, and MIT. The early group connected to GHP is:
To see an isolated list of the first "departments" of the school, see The Early School (1913-1921).
1962- Department of Demography and Human Ecology
1969 - Department of Population Sciences
1991 - Department of Population and International Health
2008 - Department of Global Health and Population
Related Work
1963 - Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies (the Pop Center)
1983 - Takemi Program on International Health
2005 - HSPH China Initiative
2008 - Bernard Lown Scholars in Cardiovascular Health Program
2010 - Dean’s Flagship Women and Health Initiative (W&HI)
2015 - India Research Center
2018- Harvard China Health Partnership
2020 - QuEST (Quality Evidence for Health System Transformation) Network
2021 - Future of Health and Economic Resiliency in Africa (FHERA)
Founded 1962
Becomes Population Sciences 1970
Cross-listed in Graduate Program in the Division of Biological Sciences in Public Health 1984
Cross-listed in Division of Biological Sciences in Public Health in 1986
Cross-listed in International Health Programs 1991 [not listed after 1992]
Becomes Population and International Health 1992
Becomes Global Health and Population 2008
John C Snyder (1962-1964)
Roger Revelle (1964-1969)
Joseph Beasley (1969-1970)
John C Snyder (1970-1971)
Hilton Salhanick (1971-1972)
Nathan Keyfitz (1973-1975) [acting]
George Masnick (1975-1977)
Joe D Wray (1977-1979)
Nathan Keyfitz (1979-1981)
David E Bell (1981-1988)
Lincoln Chen (1988-1997)
Michael Reich (1997-2002) [acting to full]
David Bloom (2002-2011) [acting to full]
Wafaie Fawzi (2011-
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