Featured Collection

Les Ballets Russes
Souvenir program of a season at Theatre de L'Opera. Reproduction of a watercolor by Valentine Gross of Michel and Vera Fokine in Scheherazade. Harvard Theatre Collection. Part of LDI project: Russian Theatrical Designs in the Harvard Theatre Collection.

Quick Facts





East View Universal Databases
Minneapolis, MN:East View Publications
The East View UDBs are a set of full-text journal databases on the subject of politics, government, and social sciences in the former Soviet republics, with chief emphasis on Russia.

ISI Emerging Markets
Networked Resource (Access restricted to users with a valid Harvard ID): http://site.securities.com.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/sources/sources.html?pc=RU


Oxford Russian dictionary / Russian-English, edited by Marcus Wheeler and Boris Unbegaun ; English-Russian, edited by Paul Falla ; revised and updated by Della Thompson.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2007.
HOLLIS # 010520868
Location: Widener Loker Reading Room RR 2472.18.10

Slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo literaturnogo iazyka : v 20 tomakh / [glavnyi redaktor vtorogo izdaniia K.S. Gorbachevich].
Moskva : “Russkii iazyk”, 1991-
HOLLIS # 001656643
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC PG2625.S594 1991x

Tolkovyi slovar’ russkogo iazyka s vkliucheniem svedenii o proiskhozhdenii slov : 82 000 slov I frazeologicheskikh vyrazhenii / otv. Red. N. IU. Shvedova.
Moskva : Izdatel’skii tsentr “Azbukovnik”, 2007.
HOLLIS # 011380699
Location: Widener WID-LC PG2625 .T65 2007

Tolkovyi slovar : v chetyrekh tomakh / Vladimir Dal.
Moskva : Russki iazyk, 1989-
HOLLIS # 001610783
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC PG2625 .D28 1989x


Rubrikon: entsiklopedii, slovari, spravochniki
(“Russia's largest reference site, presents a unique collection of the best Russian encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference titles.”)

Slovari russkogo iazyka – IAndeks.Slovari
http://slovari.yandex.ru/~книги/Словари русского языка/

(A portal of language resources and a reference service maintained by the A.S. Pushkin Instute of Russian language of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Russko-angliiskii slovar na WordReference.com

Anglo-russkii slovar na WordReference.com


The Cambridge encyclopedia of Russia and the former Soviet Union / edited by Archie Brown, Michael Kaser and Gerald S. Smith ; associate editor Patricia Brown.
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994. 
HOLLIS # 003808520
  • Lamont REFERENCE DK14 .C35 1994
  • Tozzer REF DK17 .C3 1994
  • Ukrainian Res Inst Ref DK14 .C35 1994
  • Widener WID-LC DK14 .C35 1994

The Military-Naval Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union 
Gulf Breeze, Fla. : Academic International Press, 1978-
HOLLIS # 000112950
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC UA770 .M56

The Modern Encyclopedia of Religions in Russia and the Soviet Union (Modern encyclopedia of religions in Russia and Eurasia)
Gulf Breeze, FL : Academic International Press, 1988-
HOLLIS # 001588992
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC BL980.S65 M63 x, 1980

Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet Literature 
Gulf Breeze, FL : Academic International Press, 1977-
HOLLIS # 000766016
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC PG2940 .M6

Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History / edited by Joseph L. Wieczynski.
Gulf Breeze, Fl : Academic International Press, 1976-
HOLLIS # 001225870
Location: Widener Loker Reading Room RR 3877.6

The supplement to The modern encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian history / edited by George N. Rhyne.
Gulf Breeze, Fla. : Academic International Press, 1995-
HOLLIS # 005784596
Location: Widener Loker Reading Room RR 3877.6.5


Soviet Military Encyclopedia  / edited and translated by William C. Green and W. Robert Reeves.
(Abridged English language ed. of Sovetskaia voennaia entsiklopediia.)
Boulder : Westview, 1993.
HOLLIS # 002874541
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC U24 .S7213 1993

Bol’shaia entsiklopediia : v shestidesiati dvukh tomakh / [nauchno-redaktsionnyi sovet, G.A. Mesiats … [et al.] ; glavnyi redactor, S.A. Kondratov].
Moskva : “Terra”, 2006.
HOLLIS # 010115701
Location: Widener Loker Reading Room RR 2065.15

Bol’shaia rossiiskaia entsiklopediia / nauchno-redaktsionnyi sovet, predsedatel’ IU.S. Osipov.
Moskva : Nauchnoe izd-vo “Bol’shaia rossiiskaia entsiklopediia”, 2004-
HOLLIS # 009516455
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC DK14 .B65 2004x

Bol’shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia / glavnyi redaktor, A.M. Prokhorov.
Moskva : “Sov. Entsiklopediia”, 1970-1981.
HOLLIS # 001235908

  • Ukrainian Res Inst Ref AE55 .B623 1970 
  • Widener Harvard Depository 
  • Widener Stacks Slav 253.6

Novyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ / [izdaetsia pod obshchei red. K.K. Arsen’eva].
S.-Peterburg : Tip. Aktsionernago ob-va “Brokgauz-Efron”, [1911-1916].
HOLLIS # 002544075
Location: Widener Stacks Slav 253.16


Rubrikon: entsiklopedii, slovari, spravochniki
(“Russia's largest reference site, presents a unique collection of the best Russian encyclopedias, dictionaries and other reference titles.”)


Entsiklopedii – Iandeks.Slovari


Archival guides

Archives of Russia : a directory and bibliographic guide to holdings in Moscow and St. Petersburg / edited by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted ; compiled by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Lada Vladimirovna Repulo, and Irina Vladimirovna Tunkina ; with an introduction by Vladimir Petrovich Kozlov.
Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe, c2000.
HOLLIS # 008307116
  • Fung Library Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Reference  CD1710 .A76 2000
  • Ukrainian Res Inst CD1710 .A76 2000 
  • Widener Stacks RR 627.566.25.2

Working with Russian archival documents : a guide to modern handwriting, document forms, language patterns, and other related topics / Olga E. Glagoleva.
Toronto, Ont., Canada : Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto, [1998]
HOLLIS # 008772983
Location: Widener WID-LC CD1713 .G55 1998x 




Russian Archives Database
(Provides full-text access to over 90 Russian archival guides. A complete list of the guides is available at: http://guides.rusarchives.ru/browse/browse.htmlhttp://guides.rusarchives.ru/search/basic/BasicSearch.html 

ArcheoBibliobase: Archives in Russia
(This database provides information (location, hours, published guides, etc.) on various archives in Russia.)


Russia, scale 1:6 000 000 : indexed / cartography by Associated Cartographic Centre, Moscow, Russia ; cartography by Galina Korobova … [et al.].
Vancouver, B.C. : International Travel Maps, c2007.
HOLLIS # 011484724
Location: Map Coll (Pusey) MAP-LC G7061.E635 2007 .A8

Atlas of the CIS and Baltic States [electronic resource] : detailed maps of the Baltics, Belarus, Moldova Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia = Atlas—SNG I Baltiia : karty stran SNG, gosudarstv Baltii, regionov / produced by AO “Ingit” under license by the Russian government.
Tacoma, WA : Hamilton Global Management, c2006.
HOLLIS # 009921482
Location: Map Collection (Pusey Library) CDISC MAP-LC G2110 .I54 2006

Atlas Rossii : geograficheskii / [otvetstvennyi redactor atlasa, N.V. Smurova].
Moskva : Proizvodstvennoe kartosostavitel’skoe ob”edinenie “Kartografiia,” 2005.
HOLLIS # 010077736
Location : Map Coll (Pusey) G2140 .P563 2005 pf

The Routledge atlas of Russian history / Martin Gilbert.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2007.
HOLLIS # 010255716
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC G2111.S1G52 2007x

Russian National Bibliography

  •  Hardcopy and microform version of the Russian/Soviet bibliography goes back to Imperial Russia.  Search Hollis under the various titles:
    • Knizhnaia letopis’ (books)
    • Letopis’ zhurnal’nykh statei (journal articles)
    • Letopis’ gazetnykh statei (newspaper articles)
    • Letopis’ avtoreferatov dissertatsii (dissertations)
    • Letopis’ retsenzii (reviews)
    • Letopis’ izoizdanii (arts)
    • Notnaia letopis (music)
    • Kartograficheskaia letopis’ (maps)


Federal'naia sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki, Rossiiskaia federatsiia (Federal Service of State Statistics, Russian Federation; English version also available)

Universal Database of Statistical Publications.
[Minneapolis] : East View Publications, [2003]-

Art & Culture

The Cambridge Companion to modern Russian culture / edited by Nicholas Rzhevsky.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998.
HOLLIS # 007902092
  • Lamont DK32 .C33 1998 
  • Widener Stacks WID-LC DK32 .C33 1998 A history of Russian thought / edited by William Leatherbarrow and Derek Offord.

Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
HOLLIS # 012341364
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC DK189.2 .H57 2010 


Between heaven and hell : the story of a thousand years of artistic life in Russia / W. Bruce Lincoln. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Viking, 1998.
HOLLIS # 007738403
Fine Arts FA828.316 
Fung Library Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies NX556.A1 L53 1998
Widener WID-LC NX556.A1 L53 1998


The Modern encyclopedia of religions in Russia and the Soviet Union / edited by Paul D. Steeves.
Gulf Breeze, FL : Academic International Press, 1988-
Vols. 7+ have title: The modern encyclopedia of religions in Russia and Eurasia.
HOLLIS # 001588992
  • Andover-Harv. Theol Ref. BL940.S65 M63 1988 
  • Widener Stacks WID-LC BL980.S65 M63 x, 1980

A history of Russian theatre / edited by Robert Leach and Victor Borovsky ; associate editor Andy Davies. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999.
HOLLIS # 007910719
Location: Widener WID-LC PN2724 .H57 1999x 


Russian cinema / David Gillespie.
Harlow, England ; New York : Longman, 2003.
HOLLIS # 009041530
Location: Widener Harvard Depository PN1993.5.R9 G48 2003 


Russko-angliiskii entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ iskusstv i khudozhestvennykh remësel : The Russian-English encyclopedic dictionary of the arts and artistic crafts / A.A. Azarov. Moskva : Flinta : Nauka, 2005.
HOLLIS # 010065204
Location: Fine Arts Reading Room RFA190.5 

Istoriia russkogo iskusstva : v 22 tomakh / otv. redaktor, A.I. Komech.
Moskva : Severnyĭ palomnik, 2007-
HOLLIS # 011578859
  • Biblioteca Berenson Deposit N6981 .I89 2007
  • Dumbarton Oaks OVERSIZE N6981 .I89 2007
  • Fine Arts Harvard Depository N6981 .I89 2007

Istoriia russkogo iskusstva / pod obshchei red. I.Ė. Grabaria, V.N. Lazareva, V.S. Kemenova. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1953-1969. 13 v.
Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1953-1969.
HOLLIS record # 002655710
  • Dumbarton Oaks N6981 .A45X 1953 [D.O. has t.1-13.] 
  • Fine Arts Harvard Depository 828 G72a
  • History Dept Hist 3121.1F
  • Theatre Collection HTC-LC N6981 .A45 1968 [HTC has t. 10]
Izobrazitelʹnoe i prikladnoe iskusstvo : ukazatelʹ bibliograficheskikh posobiĭ, 1789-2007 gg. / O.S. Ostroĭ, I. Kh. Saksonova.
Sankt-Peterburg : Rossiĭskaia natsional'naia biblioteka, 2012.
HOLLIS # 013609115
Location: Widener Harvard Depository


Portal “Kultura Rossii”:

Russian Academy of Sciences


Muzei Rossii


Internet Movie Database

Entsiklopediia otechestvennogo kino : SSSR/SNG


A history of Russia / Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, Mark D. Steinberg.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HOLLIS # 012570257
  • Lamont DK40 .R5 2011
  • Widener Harvard Depository DK40 .R5 2011
The Cambridge history of Russia.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
HOLLIS # 010261621
The Routledge atlas of Russian history / Martin Gilbert.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2007.
HOLLIS # 010255716
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC G2111.S1G52 2007x

A history of Russia / Nicholas V. Riasanovsky, Mark D. Steinberg.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2011.
HOLLIS # 012570257
  • Lamont DK40 .R5 2011
  • Widener Harvard Depository DK40 .R5 2011
The Cambridge history of Russia.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
HOLLIS # 010261621
Russia and the Russians : a history / Geoffrey Hosking.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2001.
HOLLIS # 008557408
  • Harvard University Archives HU 137.6935.21
  • Lamont DK40 .H66 2001
  • Widener WID-LC DK40 .H66 2001



Kennan Institute-National Public Radio Russian History Audio Archive
The Kennan Institute and National Public Radio are pleased to announce the establishment of an online audio archive of Soviet and Russian history. The archive consists of recordings dating back to the earliest years of the Soviet state

Dom Romanovykh
An illustrated electronic bio-bibliographical resource on the House of Romanov from the Russian National Library. Includes some full-text sources.

Politics & Government

Understanding Russian politics / Stephen White.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HOLLIS # 012777233
Location: Lamont JN6695 .W48 2011 ; Widener WID-LC JN6695 .W48 2011x


Institutions, ideas and leadership in Russian politics / edited by Julie M. Newton, William J. Tompson.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
HOLLIS # 012533728
Location: Widener WID-LC JN6695 .I585 2010 


Politics in Russia / Thomas F. Remington.
Boston : Pearson Longman, c2012.
HOLLIS # 012748284
Location: Widener Harvard Depository JN6695 .R46 2012 


Contemporary Russia / Edwin Bacon.
Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
HOLLIS # 012262034
Location: Widener WID-LC DK510.23 .B33 2010x 


Minneapolis, MN:East View Publications
East View Unversal Datavbases are a collection of  full-text journal and newspaper databases. They provide access to journals on the subject of politics, government, and social sciences in the former Soviet republics, with chief emphasis on Russia. They also  provide access to a wide range of newspapers in central and regional cities of the former Soviet republics.
Location: Networked Resource [Provides access to full text from late 1990’s] (Access restricted to users with a valid Harvard ID): http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.eresource:udbrussn 




Internet-portal Pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatsii

Ofitsialnaia Rossiia: Server organov gosudarstvennoi vlasti Rossii

Russian Language

MLA international bibliography [electronic resource] / SilverPlatter Information.
Norwood, MA : SilverPlatter Information,
(Database of citations to critical documents on folklore, language, linguistics, and literature, including articles from journals, monographs, collections & reference works.)
HOLLIS # 006188158
Location: Networked Resource Z7006 .M64 [Also available in a Windows version at: Hilles, Lamont, and Widener Libraries] : http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.eresource:mlabibli 


Russian linguistics.
Dordrecht, Netherlands Boston, D. Reidel Pub. Co.
HOLLIS # 000111623


A comprehensive Russian grammar / Terence Wade ; revised and updated by David Gillespie.
Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
HOLLIS # 012671807
Location: Widener Harvard Depository PG2106 .W33 2011 


Modern Russian grammar : [a practical guide] / John Dunn and Shamil Khairov.
Milton Park, Abingdon ; N.Y. : Routledge, c2009.
HOLLIS # 011878633
Location: Widener WID-LC PG2112 .D86 2009 




(A portal of language resources and a reference service maintained by the A.S. Pushkin Instute of Russian language of the Russian Academy of sciences)

Rubrikon: entsiklopedii, slovari, spravochniki

Slovonovo: slovar sovremennoi leksiki, zhargona i slenga

Russian Literature

MLA international bibliography [electronic resource] / SilverPlatter Information.
Norwood, MA : SilverPlatter Information,
(Database of citations to critical documents on folklore, language, linguistics, and literature, including articles from journals, monographs, collections & reference works.)
HOLLIS # 006188158-9
Location: Networked Resource Z7006 .M64 [Also available in a Windows version at: Hilles, Lamont, and Widener Libraries] : http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.eresource:mlabibli 

The Russian review.
Malden, MA [etc.] Blackwell [etc.]
HOLLIS # 000137203-3
Location :
  • Fung Library Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies
  • Widener PSlav 75.55
  • Widener Harvard Depository PSlav 75.55
  • Networked Resource DK1 .R82 Restrictions  (This resource may be restricted to users with a valid Harvard ID) : http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.ejournals:sfx954925442609
The Modern encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet literature / edited by Harry B. Weber.
Gulf Breeze, FL : Academic International Press, 1977-
HOLLIS # 000766016-2
Location: Widener Stacks WID-LC PG2940 .M6

The Cambridge introduction to Russian literature / Caryl Emerson.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
HOLLIS # 011525693-8
  • Lamont PG2951 .E47 2008
  • Widener WID-LC PG2951 .E47 2008 
The Cambridge introduction to Russian poetry / Michael Wachtel.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
HOLLIS # 009447059-6
  • Lamont PG3041 .W328 2004
  • Widener WID-LC PG3041 .W328 2004 
The Cambridge companion to twentieth-century Russian literature / edited by Evgeny Dobrenko, Marina Balina.
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
HOLLIS # 012703900-7
  • Widener WID-LC PG3017 .C36 2011 
  • Lamont PG3017 .C36 2011 
Russian literature / Andrew Baruch Wachtel and Ilya Vinitsky.
Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2009.
HOLLIS # 011939803-6
  • Lamont PG2945 .W23 2009x
  • Widener WID-LC PG2945 .W23 2009x 
Knizhnoe obozrenie.
Moskva : Moskovskaia Pravda, 1966-
HOLLIS # 000170251-3
  • Master Microforms Harvard Depository Film Mas S 7 
  • Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche S 525 [Some years issued in microfilm; see LOC 5] 
  • Microforms (Lamont) Harvard Depository Film S 1235 [Some years issued in microfiche; see also LOC 6] 
  • Widener Harvard Depository PSlav 397.45 PF [Consult Circ. desk for earlier volumes (1966-1973) at Harvard Depository] 
  • Online version: http://www.knigoboz.ru/




Rossiiskaia knizhnaia palata : knigi v proizvodstve

FEB-web: The Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore

Knizhnoe obozrenie

About this page

This page is maintained by Anna Rakityanskaya, librarian for Russian-language materials from Russia and the former Soviet Union in the Slavic Division of Widener Library, in conjunction with the research contacts for Slavic studies.