
Mayer, L.A. A Bibliography of Moslem Numismatics, India Excepted, 2nd ed. rev. and enl. London, 1954. (Widener Arc 1433.1.12)

An important complement to Creswell's Bibliography of the Architecture, Arts and Crafts of Islam (which does not cover numismatics); for more recent studies, see Numismatic Literature.

Numismatic Literature. New York, 1947-2007. (Widener Arc 1300.3)

Periodical bibliography with good coverage of research on Islamic numismatics (much of the latter sponsored by the American Numismatic Society, which published this index until 2007).

Broome, Michael. A Handbook of Islamic Coins. London, 1985. (FA 8598.40.401)

Plant, Richard. Arabic Coins and How to Read Them. 2nd rev. ed. London, 1980. (WID-LC CJ3412 .P55 1980)

Useful as a starting point.

Bacharach, Jere. Islamic History Through Coins: An Analysis and Catalogue of Tenth-Century Ikhshidid Coinage. Cairo, 2006. (FAL-LC CJ3421 .B33 2006)

Heidemann, Stefan. "Numismatics: Coins and Coin Circulation from the 7th to the 11th century." In: The New Cambridge History of Islam, I: The Formation of the Islamic World, Sixth to Eleventh Centuries. Ed. Chase Robinson. Cambridge, 2010. pp. 648-663, 775-779, pl. 16.1-16.41. (Andover-Harvard Theol. Library: Ref. DS35.6 .C3 2010 v.1); also available online.

Diler, Ömer. Islamic Mints = İslâm Darp Yerleri. Istanbul and London, 2009. 3 vols. (FAL-LC CJ3421 .D56 2009)

Zambaur, Eduard von. Die Münzprägungen des Islams, zeitlich und örtlich geordnet. Ed. P. Jaeckel. Wiesbaden, 1968- (Widener Arc 1048.5 Folio)

Goodwin, Tony. Arab-Byzantine Coinage. Studies in the Khalili Collection, 4. London, 2005. (WID-LC CJ3876 .G66 2005x Folio)

Gyselen, Rika. Arab-Sasanian Copper Coinage. Vienna, 2000. (FA 8598.40.601.4)

Heidemann, Stefan. "The Development of the Representation of the Early Islamic Empire and Its Religion on Coin Imagery." In: The Qur’an in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʼānic Milieu. Ed. by Angelika Neuwirth, Nicolai Sinai and Michael Marx. Leiden, 2010, pp. 149-195. (WID-LC BP130 .Q675 2010)

Treadwell, Luke. "The 'Orans’ Drachms of Bishr ibn Marwān and the Figural Coinage of the Early Marwanid period." In: Bayt al-Maqdis: Jerusalem and Early Islam (Oxford Studies in islamic Art, 9, pt. 2). Oxford, 1999, pp. 223-229. (FA 1970.646.5.14)

Spengler, W. F, and W. G. Sayles. Turkoman Figural Bronze Coins and Their Iconography. Lodi WI, 1992. 2 vols. (FA 8598.41.601.5)

Power of Gold, Golds of Power: Exhibition of Gold Coins, Yapı Kredi Collection = Altının İktidarı, İktidarın Altınları: Yapı Kredi Para Koleksiyonu, Altın Sikke Sergisi. Ed. Ş. Şentürk and S. Özpalabıyıklar. Istanbul, 2004. (FAL-LC CJ 215.T9 I88 2004)

Wilski, Hans. Countermarks on Ottoman Coins. Gütersloh, 1995. (FAL-LC CJ3447.W5 1995)

History of Ottoman Coins = Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi, ed. Atom Damalı, Bilhan Akçaşar. Istanbul, 2010– . 36 vols. (WID-LC CJ3445.D36 2010)

Der Münzschatz von Beçin. Ed. Rahmi Hüseyin Ünal, Friedrich Krinzinger, M. Alram, Şule Pfeiffer-Taş. Wien, 2010. 2 vols.  (Widener LSoc 386.3 Bd. 396). Study and analysis of an enormous hoard of 50,000 Islamic and 800 Western coins recently discovered at Milas, Turkey.
History of Ottoman Coins = Osmanlı Sikkeleri Tarihi. Ed. Atom Damalı, Bilhan Akçaşar. Istanbul, 2010– . 36 vols. (WID-LC CJ3445.D36 2010)