Interactions between Islamic Art and Western Art & Architecture
The Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA) is a digital archive focused on Western interactions with the Middle East, in the 19th & early 20th centuries. It has electronic texts such as travel guides, museum catalogs, and travel narratives, photographic and hand-drawn images of Egypt, historical maps, and interactive GIS maps of Egypt and Cyprus.
Peltre, Christine. Orientalism in Art. New York, 1998. (FA 607.74.14 Folio)
L'Orientalisme, les orientalistes et l'Empire ottoman de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à la fin du XXe siècle. Ed. S. Basch. Paris, 2011. (WID-LC DS61.85 .O753 2011x)
The Lure of the East: British Orientalist Painting. Ed. by Nicholas Tromans. New Haven, 2008. (FAL-LC ND1460.E95 L87 2008)
Edwards, Holly. Noble Dreams, Wicked Pleasures: Orientalism in America, 1870-1930. Princeton NJ, 2000. (FA 919.701.65)
Schick, İrvin Cemil. The Erotic Margin: Sexuality and Spatiality in Alteritist Discourse. New York, 1999. (WID-LC HQ21 .S315 1999)
Alloula, Malek. Le Harem colonial: images d'un sous-érotisme. Paris, 1981. (FA 10143.30.4)
Jacobson, Ken. Odalisques & Arabesques: Orientalist Photography 1839-1925. London, 2007. (FAL-LC TR113.5.J33 2007)
Graham-Brown, Sarah. Images of Women: The Portrayal of Women in Photography of the Middle East, 1860-1950. New York, 1988. (FA 10143.30.6)
Photography's Orientalism: New Essays on Colonial Representation. Ed. by Ali Behdad & Luke Gartlan. Los Angeles, 2013. (FAL-LC NX650.E85 P49 2013)
Orientalism's Interlocutors: Painting, Architecture, Photography. Ed. J. Beaulieu & M.Roberts. Durham, 2002. (FA 607.164)
Çelik, Zeynep. Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth-Century World's Fairs. Berkeley, 1992. (FA1718.37), also available online
L'Orientalisme architectural entre imaginaires et savoirs. Ed. Nabila Oulebsir & Mercedes Volait. Paris, 2009. (Loeb Design: NA957.5 .O75 O75 2009)
Exotische Welten, europäische Phantasien. Ed. H. Pollig. Stuttgart, 1987. (FA 607.74)
With many illustrations & an extensive bibliography on exoticism in Western art and architecture.
Conner, Patrick. Oriental Architecture in the West. London, 1979. (FA 2999.145.61)
Beauthéac, N., & F.-X. Bouchart. L'Europe exotique. Paris, 1985. (FA 2107.36)
Koppelkamm, Stefan. Der imaginäre Orient: Exotische Bauten des achtzehnten und neunzehnten Jahrhunderts in Europa. Berlin, 1987. (FA 2107.36.2)
Miyake, Riichi. Fin-de-siècle Architecture, v. 3: Stile Liberty and Orientalism. Tokyo, 1983. (FA 2106.701.14 F v. 3)
Hammadi, Rodolphe. Paris arabesques: architectures et décors arabes et orientalisants à Paris. Paris, 1988. (FA 2255.1.67 Folio)
Venise et l'Orient, 828-1797. Ed. Stefano Carboni. Paris, 2006. (FAL-LC NK961.V5 V46 2006)
Arte veneziana e arte islamica: atti del primo Simposio internazionale sull'arte veneziana e l'arte islamica. Ed. Ernst J.Grube. Venice, 1990. (FA 706.1.174)
Shalem, Avinoam. Islam Christianized: Islamic Portable Objects in the Medieval Church Treasuries of the Latin West. New York, 1996. (FA 6569.5)
Europa und der Orient, 800-1900. Ed. G. Sievernich & H. Budde. Gütersloh, 1989. (FA 607.74.4)
A massive exhibition catalog, with substantial essays, useful illustrations & extensive bibliography.
The Turk and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450-1750: Visual Imagery before Orientalism. Ed. James G. Harper. Farnham, Surrey, 2011. (FAL-LC N8255.T87 H37 2011)
Avcıoğlu, Nebahat. Turquerie and the Politics of Representation, 1728-1876. Farnham, Surrey, 2011. (FAL-LC NA956.A93 2011)
L'Orientalisme architectural: entre imaginaires et savoirs. Ed. Nabila Oulebsir & Mercedes Volait. Paris, 2009. (Loeb Design NA957.5.O75 O75 2009)
Kroll, Frank-Lothar. Das Ornament in der Kunsttheorie des 19. Jahrhunderts. Hildesheim, 1987. (FA 1741.21
An anthology of 19th-c. texts on the idea of the arabesque and Islamic ornament in European art theory.
Morris, Jan. Stones of Empire: The Buildings of the Raj. 2nd ed. Oxford, 2005. (FAL-LC NA1502 .M67 2005)
Vaillat, Léandre. Le visage français du Maroc. Paris, 1931. (FA 2002.480.1)
Le Caire-Alexandrie: architectures européennes, 1850-1950. Ed. Mercedes Volait. Cairo, 2001. (FA 2010.546.119)
Scharabi, M. Kairo: Stadt und Architektur im Zeitalter des europäischen Kolonialismus. Tübingen, 1989. (FA 2010.546.67)
Photographic catalogue of colonial-era architecture in Cairo (19th & early 20th c.)
Çelik, Zeynep. The Remaking of Istanbul: Portrait of an Ottoman City in the Nineteenth Century. Seattle, 1986. (FA2999.41.541.3.2)
Vernoit, Stephen. Occidentalism: Islamic Art in the 19th Century. New York, 1997. (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art, 23.) (Fine Arts AM 345.114.1 (23) Folio)
Islamic Art in the 19th Century: Tradition, Innovation, and Eclecticism. Ed. by Doris Behrens-Abouseif and Stephen Vernoit. Leiden, 2006. (FAL-LC N6260.I828 2006)
New York Masjid: The Mosques of New York City. Text: Jerrilyn Dodds; photos: Ed Grazda. New York, 2002. (FA2635.605.72.2)
Shaw, Wendy. Ottoman Painting: Reflections of Western Art from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic. London, 2011. (FAL-LC ND867 .S5 2011)
Edgü, Ferit. 20 Modern Turkish Artists of the XXth Century, 1940-2000 : Papko/Öner Kocabeyoğlu Collection. Istanbul, 2011. 3 vols. (FAL-LC N7168 .T74 2011)
Ali, Wijdan. Modern Islamic Art: Development and Continuity. Gainesville, 1997. (FA 376.29.2)
Porter, Venetia. Word into Art: Artists of the Modern Middle East. London, 2006. (FAL-LC N7625.P67 2006)
Eigner, Saeb. Art of the Middle East: Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World and Iran. London, 2010. (FAL-LC N7265.E44 2010)
Alaoui, Brahim. Perspective on Contemporary Arab Art: The Kinda Foundation Collection. Paris, 2002. (FA 329.275.1)
McKenna, Caitlin. Between Word and Image in Modern Iranian Culture: A bibliography (online)
Unedited history: séquences du moderne en Iran des années 1960 à nos jours: Musée d'Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Arc, 16 mai-24 août 2014. Ed. Hélène Studievic. Paris, 2014. (FAL-LC N7285 .U54 2014)
Iran Modern. Ed. by F. Daftari & L. Diba. New York, 2013. (FAL-LC NX574.A1 I73 2013)
Picturing Iran: Art, Society and Revolution. Ed. Shiva Balaghi & Lynn Gumpert. London, 2002. (FAL-LC N7285 .P53 2002)
Abedini, Reza & Hans Wolbers. New Visual Culture of Modern Iran: Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography. Amsterdam, 2006. (FAL-LC N7285.6 .A23 2006)
H-AMCA – H-Net discussion network on modern and contemporary art from the Arab world, Iran, and Turkey.