Europe: G


Collective Biography

Pirt’a anotirebuli lek’sikoni : XI-XVII ss. K’art’uli istoriuli sabut’ebis mixedvit’ / Gamosac’emad moamzades, D. Kldia_vilma ... [et al.].  T_bilisi : Mec_niereba, 1991- 
Title in colophon: Dictionnaire annot_ des personnes d'apr_s les documents historiques g_orgiens du XI-XVII s. 
In Georgian, with introductory article in French and Russian. 
Names, Personal -- Georgian. 
Georgian language -- Etymology -- Names. 
Georgia (Republic) -- Biography -- Dictionaries. 
Widener | WID-LC Mid East | CT1919.G4 P57 1991x


Vin vinaa Sak?art?velo_i, 1998-99 : [k?art?uli  biograp?iuli lek?sikoni / mt?avari redak?tori  T?inat?in Mamula_vili].   T?bilisi : K?art?uli biograp?iuli c?entri, c1999.   442 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.    Widener | Harvard Depository | CT1919.G465 V563 1999x      

Vin vinaa Sak?art?velo_i : 2001-2002 = Who Is Who in  Georgia.   [s.l.] : K?art?uli Biograp?iuli C?entri, 2001.   442 p.

Earlier eds. 1997, 1999.


The Neue deutsche Biographie website offers extensive listings of biographical information sources


Gorzny, Willi, ed. Deutsches biographisches Generalregister : Fundstellen-Nachweis fr mehr als 1000 biographische Nachschlagewerke, die zwischen 1950 und 2000 erschienen sind. Pullach : W. Gorzny, 2001- .Bd. 1. Aach - Bagusche. ISBN: 3924276218 (12-v. set); 3924276226 (v. 1 : cl.); Vendor: Otto Harrassowitz (HARR) 168.00 DEM

Nachrufe in Zeitungen 1974-1990 : ein bibliographische berblick / herausgegeben von Willi Gorzny.Pullach im Isartal : W. Gorzny, 1994.421 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT120.Z99 G67 1994x 
--List of almost 22,000 obituaries from the Zeitungsindex from 1974-1990. 


Biographical sources for foreign countries Washington, 1944.   I. General.--II. Germany and Austria, compiled by N.R.  Burr.--III. The Philippines, compiled by Helen Dudenbostel Jones.--IV. The Japanese empire, compiled  by N.R. Burr.   
Widener | H 1139.44.10 
--Annotated list of biographical dictionaries, directories, and periodicals containing biographical information on living persons of the World War II era.   Largely organized by profession.  Many of the serial publications listed extend into pre- and post-War era.   Vol. I. General, vol. II. Germany and Austria, vol. III. The Philippines, vol. IV. The Japanese empire.

Roberts, Susanne. A Select Bibliography for the Study of German History, 1500 – Present. IV. Biographical Sources
--Briefly annotated bibliography.

Dimpfel, Rudolf A.  Biographische nachschlagewerke, adelslexika,  wappenb_cher; systematische zusammenstellung f_r  historiker und genealogen, von Rudolf Dimpfel.   2. Aufl.   Weisbaden, M. Sändig [1969]   148 p.  
Widener | Ger 55.69.2
--Unannotated list of biographical dictionaries by profession and by German-speaking countries, regions, and cities.  For World War II era sources see: Biographical sources for foreign countries  II. Germany and Austria.

Jessen, Jens Christian, 1919- Bibliographie der Autobiographien / Jens Jessen. Mnchen; New York : K.G. Saur, 1987- v. ; 
Widener | WID-LC | NX550.Z8 J47 x, 1987 
--Listing, arranged alphabetically by author, of published autobiographies, diaries, and letters. Most entries have abbreviated citations to standard biographical sources, the keys to which appear at the end of each volume. Although the author disclaims comprehensiveness, this series should present a fairly complete enumeration of German autobiographical works from the late Renaissance through the twentieth century.
--Contents: v. l, Selbstzeugnisse, Erinnerungen, Tagebucher und Briefe deutscher Schriftsteller und Knstler; v. 2, Selbstzeugnisse, Erinnerungen, Tagebcher und Briefe deutscher Geisteswissenschaftler; v. 3, Selbstzeugnisse, Erinnerungen, Tagebcher und Briefe deutscher Mathematiker, Naturwissenschaftler und Techniker. v. 4, Selbstzeugnisse, Erinnerungen, Tagebücher und Briefe deutschsprachiger Ärzte.

Hannich-Bode’s Die Autobiographien zur deutschen Literatur, Kunst und Musik 1900-1965. Bibliographie und Nachweise der persnlichen Begegnungen und Charakteristiken  173483 lists more than 500 autobiographies and diaries in the first section. A second section offers an index to the names of persons appearing in the autobiographies cited.

Hänsel’s Die anonym erschienenen autobiographischen Schriften des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts : Bibliographie: mit einem Nachweis für die Bibliotheken Deutschlands 287538 lists anonymous autobiographies, some with supplied author names.  Arranged by a subject keyword (e.g., Bombay, Psychoanalyse) and by supplied author, if any.  Includes autobiographies published as periodical articles as well as books.    

Sagarra’s Quellenbibliographie autobiographischer Schriften von Frauen im deutschen Kulturraum 1730-1918 (Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur, v. 11, 1986, pp. 175-231) provides very briefly annotated references to 591 autobiographies, diaries, and published correspondences (travel accounts excluded), with name, occupational, and chronological indexes.

Hannich-Bode, Ingrid. Die Autobiographien zur deutschen Literatur, Kunst und Musik 1900-1965. Bibliographie und Nachweise der persnlichen Begegnungen und Charakteristiken. [Von] Ingrid Bode. Stuttgart, Metzler (1966) x, 308 p. (Repertorien zur deutschen Literaturgeschichte, Bd. 2) Widener | 46511.239 Bd.2 Under Bode   

HÃ_nsel, Markus. Die anonym erschienenen autobiographischen Schriften des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts : Bibliographie : mit einem Nachweis fÃ_r die Bibliotheken Deutschlands / Markus HÃ_nsel. M_nchen ; NY: Saur, 1986, 292 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT158.Z99 H36 x, 1986   NIS

Sagarra, Eda. Quellenbibliographie autobiographischer Schriften von Frauen im deutschen Kulturraum 1730-1918. Internationales Archiv f_r Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur, v. 11, 1986, pp. 175-231.
Widener | Periodicals Reading Room Stacks | PT 1 .A22x Widener | WID-LC | PT 1 .A22x

Schreiber, Klaus. Biographische Informationsmittel: Typologie mit Beispielen:. Beiheft; 9. Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1999. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT154.S38 1999x Library has: 2 v.

Collective Biography

Allgemeine deutsche Biographie / herausgegeben durch die Historische Commission bei der Knigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2., unvernderte Aufl., Neudruck der 1. Aufl. von 1875. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 1967-1971. 56 v.
Widener | RR 1786.2.2  
--Online version is searchable by name, birth/death dates, religion, epoch, occupation, author of article, but not full text. Contains long, signed articles, with source lists, on Germans from early times to the end of the 19th century.  In Fraktur type.  Articles are longer than most of those in the Dictionary of German biography.282044  Contents of the print Allgemeine deutsche Biographie: v. 1-45, A-Z; v. 46-55, Nachträge bis 1899, Andr-Z (A-Ad included in v. 45); v. 56, General Register.  As there are supplementary sections in many volumes, it is essential that the index (v. 56 or online) be used to find the complete record.  General Register (v. 56), only, included in German biographical archive

Biographisches Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration nach 1933 / 1980-1983.   

--Offers some 8,700 biographical sketches of persons (living or deceased) who emigrated from Central Europe up to (vol. 1) and during (vol. 2)  the Third Reich.  Articles include lists of works and sources. Vol. 1 in German; vols. 2 and 3 in English (titled {i}International biographical dictionary of Central European emigrés 1933-1945{/i}).  Vol. 3 offers indexes by names, pseudonyms, cover names and name changes, by countries of intermediate emigration and final settlement, by occupation, plus selected references to parties, associations, and institutions mentioned in the text. Contents: v. 1, Politik, Wirtschaft, Öffentliches Leben; v. 2, The arts, sciences, and literature (in 2 v.); v. 3, Gesamtregister; Index.  Full text in German biographical archive.

Wer war wer in der DDR? : ein biographisches Lexikon / Helmut Mller-Enbergs ... (Hg.) ; unter Mitarb. von Olaf W. Reimann und Bernd-Rainer Barth. berarb. und erw. Neuausg. Berlin : Links, 2006. 2 v.  
WID-LC DD281.5 .W474 2001x 
--Includes about 3500 living and deceased persons active in East Germany (D..D..R..) before unification. Articles with brief lists of works and sources.  Indexes of places, countries, pseudonyms and persons.  Earlier eds.: Wer war wer in der DDR?: ein biographisches Lexikon (2000; free on web:;  War wer war in der DDR: ein biographisches Handbuch (1995).

Wer war wer in der DDR? [computer file] : ein biographisches Lexikon / herausgegeben von Helmut Mller-Enbergs, Jan Wielgohs und Dieter Hoffmann. Berlin : Directmedia, c2001. 1 computer optical disc; 4 3/4 in. (( Digitale Bibliothek ; Bd. 54 ) )
Widener | Harvard Depository | XVT 997

 Wer war wer in der DDR : ein biographisches Handbuch / herausgegeben von Bernd-Rainer Barth ... [et al.]. Stark erweiterte und aktualisierte Ausg. Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1995. 874 p.
Widener | RR1588.14

Biographisches Handbuch der SBZ/DDR, 1945-1990. Munchen: New Providence: K.G. Saur, 1996-1997. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT1099.2.B56 1996x Library has: 2 v.     
--Short (paragraph-column length) biographies of about 4500 living and deceased persons with each entry keyed to 8-page list of biographical works at beginning of vol. 1.  Vol. 2 concludes with short addendum to vol. 1.  Full text in German biographical archive.

Deutsches biographisches Archiv 

Deutsches biographisches Jahrbuch. Stuttgart : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1925- 1929?? v. : Widener | Ger 11750.55
--Contents: v. l, 1914-16; v. 2, 1917-20; v. 3, 1921; v. 4, 1922; v. 5, 1923; v. 10, 1928; v. 11, 1929. Vol. 6-9 not publ. Contains long, signed articles, many with bibliographies, and a necrology list of briefer notices. ---------. Reg. zu Bd. 1-5, 10 u. 11, by Heinrich Ihme. (Mnchen ; N.Y. ; London ; Oxford ; Paris : Saur, 1986. 99 p.). Indexes the cumulated volumes. `


Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog. [microform]. Berlin : Georg Reimer, 1897-[1917] 18 v. : ill. ; Widener | Ger 11750.54.2 =Register Widener | Harvard Depository | Ger 11750.54

Nekrolog auf das Jahr : Enthaltend Nachrichten von dem  Leben merkw_rdiger ... verstorbener Personen /  gesammelt von Friedrich Schlichtegroll.   Gotha : J. Perthes, 1791-1806.   11 v. in 22 ; 16 cm.    Widener | Ger 2139.30.3    Houghton | Harvard Depository    Widener | Harvard Depository | Ger 11760.30    Widener | Harvard Depository | Ger 11760.30

Nekrolog der Teutschen f_r das neunzehnte Jahrhundert.  Hrsg. von Friedrich Schlichtegroll.   1.-5. bd.   Gotha, J. Perthes, 1802-06.   5 v. ill., ports.    Widener | Harvard Depository | Ger 11760.31

Neuer nekrolog der Deutschen ...   Ilmenau, etc. B. F. Voigt. 1823-1852.  60 v. fronts., ports. 17-18 cm.    Widener | Ger 11760.32

Dictionary of German biography (DGB). Deutsche biographische Enzyklopdie (DBE). English. Dictionary of German biography (DGB) / editors in chief, Walther Killy and Rudolf Vierhaus ; [translators into English, Christiane Banerji ... et al.]. Mnchen : K.G. Saur, 2001-2006 v. 
Widener | WID-LC | CT759 .D4813 2001x  
--Translation of the Deutsche biographische Enzyklopadie 397861. Includes about 61,000 paragraph-length biographies of deceased individuals from Charlemagne to the 20th century from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other German-speaking countries, including non-German residents. Short entries keyed to other biographical dictionaries in 13 page list in front of each volume. There are also longer (up to about 3 columns), signed articles on major figures which contain primary and secondary source lists.  Secondary sources mainly German; English and other scholarship largely absent. Emphasis on subject’s achievements with little on personal or social matters.  Good coverage of pseudonyms and variant name forms.  The ten-volume English-language ed. includes all the names in vols 1-10 (a-z) of the German ed. The names in the Nachtrage in v. 11 have been integrated into the English ed. main alphabetical sequence.  The index of persons (v. 11, parts 1 and 2) and the indexes of places and professions (vol. 12, parts 1 and 2) are not included, nor is the Supplementary volume of additional names (vol. 13), in the English ed.  Full text of German ed. in German biographical archive.  CD-ROM version, Deutsche biographische Enzyklopdie & Deutscher biographischer Index (397874) available only in German. The two works can be searched together or separately. Search criteria include name, sex, occupation, birth/death years/places, place of activity, titles of works, region, persons referred to, full text. 

For living and deceased artists, writers, performers, journalists, some politicians, etc., see Encyclopedia of contemporary German culture which covers the post-1945 era emphasizing recent decades.  Many articles with references. List by area of activity.

Deutsche biographische Enzyklopadie: (DBE). Munchen; New Providence: K.G. Saur, 1995-2000. LOCATION: Widener: RR 1786.5 Library has: v. 1-12 in 14; suppl.

Deutsche biographische Enzyklopdie & Deutscher biographischer Index [electronic resource] CD-ROM ed. Mnchen : K.G. Saur Electronic Pub., c2001 1 computer laser optical disc : 4 3/4 inches + folded insert Widener | Harvard Depository

Encyclopedia of contemporary German culture / edited by John Sandford.  London ; New York : Routledge, 1999.  xxx, 696 p. ; 26 cm.   Widener | WID-LC | DD290.26 .E53 1999

 Die Grossen Deutschen, Deutsche Biographie. Hrsg. von Hermann Heimpel, Theodor Heuss [und] Benno Reifenberg. Berlin, Propylen-Verlag [1956-57] 5 v. illus. (part col.) ports. (part col.) facsims. (part fold.) Widener | Ger 11750.17.5
Reprint, 1978.

Köhler-Lutterbeck, Ursula.   Lexikon der 1000 Frauen / Ursula Köhler-Lutterbeck,  Monika Siedentopf.   Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., 2000.   455 p.    
Widener | WID-LC | HQ1625.A3 K634 2000   

Deceased women from the German-speaking world, 8th-20th  centuries.  Most entries have short source lists; many have portraits.  Terminal bibliography.  Chronological and occupational indexes.  

Neue deutsche Biographie / herausgegeben von der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, c1953- v.
Widener | RR 1786.4         
--Not intended to supersede its predecessor {i}Allgemeine deutsche Biographie{/i} (ADB) 397902, although many of the same names appear in it, along with persons who have died since the older work was published and some additional names from earlier periods. Articles are signed and with source lists of materials by and about biographees. References to portraits sometimes noted. Index in each volume, covering the part of the alphabet contained therein, includes references to entries in the ADB thus calling attention to articles omitted from the newer work. Currently up to vol. 22 (2004; Roh-Schin) which includes ADB & NDB-Gesamtregister auf CD-ROM Zweite Auflage.  The online index to the first 21 volumes (, together with the ADB, can be searched by birth/death dates, religion, epoch, occupation, and author of article. Articles are longer than most of those in the Dictionary of German biography.

Rossler, Hellmuth. Biographisches Worterbuch zur deutschen Geschichte / begrndet von Hellmuth Rssler und Gnther Franz ; bearbeitet von Karl Bosl, Gnther Franz, Hanns Hubert Hofmann. 2., vllig neubearb. und stark erw. Aufl. Mnchen : Francke, 1973-1975. 3 v. : geneal. tables ; Widener | RR 1786.7
--Earlier ed.: 1952-53
[Compact dictionary of deceased German celebrities. "History" is interpreted in a wide sense. Biographies of about 2000 Germans and foreigners significant in German history from Roman times to 1933. Articles have brief bibliographies. Contains several useful indexes offering different means of approach. Roberts Yale] Full text in German biographical archive. 

Klee, Ernst. Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich: Wer war was vor und nach 1945? Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 2003.
WID-LC DD256.5 .K493 2003x   
Brief information on about 4,500 people from a wide variety of occupations.  Articles keyed to substantial terminal bibliography.  Brief Begriffslexikon identifies organizations, events, policies, etc. Also see Klee’s similar Das Kulturlexikon zum Dritten Reich: wer war was vor und nach 1945 for cultural figures.
--Fuller information on fewer individuals in Routledge who's who in Nazi Germany  160422 which covers 350 persons including many nonpolitical/military figures and with terminal glossary, table of military and SS ranks, and bibliography (full text of 1st ed. (1982) in German biographical archive).

Das Kulturlexikon zum Dritten Reich : wer war was vor und nach 1945 / Ernst Klee. Frankfurt am Main : S. Fischer, 2007. 715 p.  

Wistrich, Robert S., 1945- Routledge who's who in Nazi Germany / Robert Wistrich. London ; New York : Routledge, 1995. x, 296 p. 
Widener | WID-LC | DD256.5 .W564 1995   


Wer ist wer? Lbeck [etc.] Schmidt Rmhild [etc.] v. ill. Widener | RR 1586.2 Latest Widener | Ger 11750.16 Earlier
--Standard German who's who offering sketches of personalities in all fields. The 45th ed. (2006/07) contains about 30,000 entries. There is a brief overview of the government, list of deaths since the last ed., and list of names by birthday.  Available on CD-ROM and online by subscription  Began in 1905 as Wer ist's?.  The 14th ed. (publ. 1962-65), issued in 2 parts, the first covering "Bundesrepublik Deutschland und West Berlin," the second, the German Democratic Republic. Later eds. restricted to the German Federal Republic and West Berlin (with some Swiss and Austrian figures in recent volumes) until 1992. Eds. 1-12 (1905-1955) in German biographical archive.

Who’s Who: Namenstexte der prominenz aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Kulture (1st ed., 1972; title and publisher vary) offers 368873 roughly 9,000 biographies of prominent persons (13th ed. 2007). Some entries with photographs.  Who's who in Germany 368785 (Sutter's international red series; 1956-1996) featured English-language biographies and directory of businesses and organizations.  

Who's who in Germany (Munich, Germany) Munich: Intercontinental Book and Pub. Co., German editor R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1956- v. ; ( 1988-: Sutter's international red series )  Widener | RR 1586.4 Latest    

Kürschners deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender. Berlin Walter de Gruyter. 16 v. 
Widener | 46538.5.10
Biographical directory of German scholars in nonliterary fields, an offshoot of Kürschners deutscher Literatur-Kalender. Typical who’s who information, with details on fields, ongoing research, and important publications.  Eds. vary considerably in size and content, both as to names included and supplementary information. The 21st ed. (2007) is in 3 v., treating 69,489 academics.  East German scholars included since 1992 (16th ed.).  Appendix includes necrology, disciplinary index, a calendar of birthdays for persons reaching 50, 55, 60 …  Includes lists index of addresses for German-speaking universities and colleges and for publishers.  17th (1996) and 21st (2007) eds. available on CD-ROM. 


Collective Biography

Greek biographical archive     


Who's who in Greece: 1996-97 / [editor : Demosthenes Koukounas].  Publication: Athens: Metron, 1996, 409 p. Not available ILL          Held at BPL


In Greek. About 6400 entries in 2005-6 ed. which is titled Who's who 2005-6: epitomo viographiko lexiko. Full text of earlier eds., Hellenikon who's who (2nd ed., 1965), Biographiko lexiko prosopikoteton: Who's who 1979, and Who's who 1996-97: epitomo biographiko lexiko, in {record}{id}283024{/id}Greek Biographical Archive{/record}.  Published by Athens News from 1959 to 1993 when Metron took over.   


Viographiko lexiko prospikot"tn   = Who's who. Ath"na : Ekdotikos Organismos Viographiko Lexiko Prospikot"tn, v. : ports. ; Widener | Harvard Depository | CT1113 V56  1979 only.

Who's Who : poios einai poios ; biographiko lexiko prosopikoteton.  Athenai : "Ekloge".  1958.  408 p

Who's Who in Greece.  Athenai : Athens News.  1958/59 (1959).  368 p. (An English translation of the prior title.) 

Hellenikon Who's Who : biographikon lexikon prosopikoteton. Athenai: Hellenikon Who's Who.  [1].  1962.  571 p.  2.  1965.  696 p.   Full text in Saur (1965)

Hellenikon Who's Who. Kypros.  Athenai : Hellenikon Who's Who.  1965.  48 p. (A supplement to prior title; covers Greeks in Cyprus.) 

Biographiko lexiko prosopikoteton : Who's Who  Athenai : Biographiko Lexiko Prosopikoteton.  1979.  768 p.   Full text in Saur