Europe: H-N



Radix links: Biographies: List of online collective biographical sources 

Collective Biography

Hungarian biographical archive   

Magyar letrajzi lexikon / f'szerkeszt', Kenyeres gnes. 4., vltozatlan kiad. Budapest : Akadmiai Kiad, [1984]-1985, c1967-c1981. 3 v. : ports. ; Widener | WID-LC | DB922 .M25x 1984 Vol. 2: 3., vltozatlan kiads; v. 3: 2., vltozatlan kiads.   IN SAUR

Brief biographical sketches of Hungarians of all periods (excluding living persons). Articles include some sources. Many small portraits. Vol. 3 is a supplement. In Hungarian biographical archive. 

Szinnyei, Jzsef, 1830-1913. Magyar írók élete és munkái a Magyar tudományos akadémia megbizásából / irta Szinnyei Jzsef Budapest : Kiadja Hornynszky V., 1891-1914. 14 v. ; 
Widener | Aus 80475.22    
--Comprehensive biobibliographical dictionary of Hungarian literature from its Medieval beginnings through the 19th century. Covers nearly 30,000 persons. Early 20th century figures included in the later vols. Articles have source lists. Reprinted 1980-81. Free online at Full text in Hungarian biographical archive. 283041
--Continued by Pál Gulyás’ Magyar írók élete és munkái.  Only the letters A-D (vols. 1-6) were originally published (1939-44). Magyar irok elete es munkai, vols. 7-19 (Ebeczky – Ö) published 1990-2002.  Gulyás continued collecting information up to 1956 on roughly 80,000 persons from about 2000 sources, adding more information on authors covered by Szinnyei and many additional persons.  Full text of vols. 1-17 (-Lyka) in Hungarian biographical archive. 283041  Manuscript card file covering later part of alphabet (p-z) is available online  Described in “Adatbank - kamatok nélkül? (Gulyás Pál: Magyar írók élete és munkái c. Müvének kézirata az MTA Könyvtárában)”, by János Viczián. Magyar Könyvszemle, 1981, v. 97, no. 4, pp. 337-345. 

Magyar i_ro_k e_lete e_s munka_i : u_j sorozat / i_rta e_s o_sszea_lli_totta, Gulya_s Pa_l ; megindi_totta Szinnyei Jo_zsef. Budapest : Argumentum : Magyar Tudoma_nyos Akade_mia Ko_nyvta_ra, <1992-2002> v. <2-3, 8-17, 19> ; a. General note:  Rev. ed. of: Magyar i_ro_k e_lete e_s munka_i. Repr. ed. 1980-1981.    
Apparently a completion of Gulyas????

Gulyas, Pal Magyar irok elete es munkai / Szinnyei Jzsef. j sorozat / rja s szerkeszti Gulys Pl. Budapest : Magyar Knyvtrosok s Levltrosok Egyeslete, 1939- v. 
Widener | HunL 59.39

Magyar i_ro_k e_lete e_s munka_i : u_j sorozat / i_rta e_s o_sszea_lli_totta, Gulya_s Pa_l ; megindi_totta Szinnyei Jo_zsef. Budapest : Argumentum : Magyar Tudoma_nyos Akade_mia Ko_nyvta_ra, <1992-2002> v. <2-3, 8-17, 19> ; a. General note:  Rev. ed. of: Magyar i_ro_k e_lete e_s munka_i. Repr. ed. 1980-1981.    

Jsznigi, Alexander, 1861- ed. Das geistige Ungarn, biographisches lexikon, hrsg. von Oskar von Krcken [pseud.] und Imre Parlagi. Wien, Leipzig, W. Braumller [pref. 1918] 2 v. Widener | Aus 80475.12


Fekete, Mrton. Prominent Hungarians : home and abroad. 5th ed. Budapest  1991. 504 p.     Widener | RR 1621
--About 5,000 very brief entries, often identifying only position. Text in English. 1st ed., 1966; 4th ed., 1985. Imprint varies. For the Hungarian diaspora see also: Tibor Szy’s Hungarians in America. 103230  Hungarica Biographical Register offers brief data on Hungarians living abroad.   

Biogr_f ki kicsoda : kort_rsaink _letrajzi lexikona  / c foszerkeszto, Hermann, P_ter.   2002-   Budapest : Enciklop_dia Kiad_, 2001-    Biennial     Hungarians -- Foreign countries -- Biography --  Dictionaries.     Hungary -- Biography -- Dictionaries.       
--Widener | WID-LC | DB958.5 .K5       Have 2002   
--Includes around 21,000 entries (2004 ed.), including some emigrants. Biennial. Continues: Magyar _s nemzetközi ki kicsoda (1992, 1994, 1996, 1998).  


Collective Biography

Olason, Pall Eggert. Íslenzkar aeviskrar fra landnamistimum til?? Arsloka 1940. Reykjavk, Birt kostnad hins slenzka bokmenntaflags, 1948- v. 
Widener | Scan 3691.24        

National biographical dictionary of Iceland to 1940. Deceased persons only. Brief entries with source lists. Biographees are listed under first name in the Icelandic style.  Continued by Íslenzkar aeviskrar fra landnamstimum til arsloka 1965  374827 which includes persons dying up to 1965 or omitted from the earlier volumes.  Also called vol. 6 of the main work.  IN Saur

Íslenzkar aeviskrar fra landnamstimum til arsloka 1965 / Jn Gunason tk saman ; "lafur . Kristjnsson s um tgfu. Reykjavk : Birt kostna hins slenzka bkmenntaflags, 1976. 560 p. ; Widener | Scan3691.24.2

Scandinavian biographical archive. Munich; New York: K.G. Saur, 1989-1992. LOCATION: Widener: Microfiche RR 26 Microfiche Library has: sect. A on 383, microfiches; sect. B on microfiches 445, 


Samtíðarmenn : ævi og störf Kunnra Íslendinga / [ritstj.: Pétur Ástvaldsson]. [Reykjavík] : Vaka-Helgafell, 2003. 2 v. (921 p.) 
Widener  |  WID-LC    |  CT1280 .S192 2003x
--Articles on about 1800 prominent figures representing a variety of occupations from Iceland, with photographs.  

Gudnason, J. and P. Haraldsson. Islenzkir samtidarmenn. Reykjavk : Bkatgfan samtarmenn, 1965- v. <1. 
Widener | Scan 3691.35   

Who's who in Scandinavia. 1st ed. (1981). [Worthsee?]: Who's Who, 1981. LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository CT1240.W46x


Collective Biography

Dictionary of Irish Biography: From the Earliest Times to the Year 2002. University College Dublin. James Quinn  9 v.
--Published in collaboration with the Royal Irish Academy, this is the most comprehensive and scholarly source for Ireland.  Includes over 9000 entries, ranging from 200 to 15,000 words. Articles have source lists; location of personal papers given at end of body of article. Covers the full range of occupations. Includes those born in Ireland but active overseas and those born elsewhere and living in Ireland.  Online version is full text searchable, with the advanced search offering gender, birth/death/floruit date, place, religion, occupation, contributor searches.  Free website offers searches and retrieves names and brief descriptions but full text by subscription. No subject index in the print ed. One-volume dictionaries of Irish biography include Boylan’s 259218 A dictionary of Irish biography, 160465 Modern Irish lives, and 279940 Women of Ireland: a biographic dictionary

Boylan, Henry. A dictionary of Irish biography / Henry Boylan. 3rd ed. Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, c1998. xviii, 462 p. : ill. ; Widener | WID-LC | CT862 .B69 1998  
--Covers about 1800 deceased individuals born in Ireland or those born abroad who "had an Irish parent, or were of Irish descent, lived or worked in Ireland or made a considerable contribution to Irish affairs" (Pref.). Includes “where possible, a sentence or quotation 'to give the flavour of the man'" Introd., 1st ed (1978). Terminal bibliography. Indexed in Biography and genealogy master index. Full text in British biographical archive. 150109 Earlier eds., 1988, 1978.  

Modern Irish lives : dictionary of 20th-century Irish biography / general editor, Louis McRedmond. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, c1996. xix, 328 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT862 .M63 1996bx
--Most complete source for Eire and Northern Ireland with over 1400 biographies of living and deceased individuals.  Includes emigrants with careers in other countries and non-Irish living in Ireland.  Introduction has brief discussion of other Irish collective biographies. Indexed in Biography and genealogy master index. Full text in British biographical archive.

Ó C_ir_n, Kit. Women of Ireland : a biographic dictionary / Kit & Cyril Ó C_ir_n,. Kinvara : TÃ_r Eolas, 1996. 248 p. 
Widener | WID-LC | CT3650.I73 O24 1996bx
Biographies of around 300 deceased individuals. Terminal bibliography. Appendix lists biographees by occupations and interests. Index of names and subjects.  Indexed in Biography and genealogy master index . Full text in British biographical archive


Who's who in Ireland : the influential Irish/ Maureen Cairnduff 1999 [3rd ed.]. 232 p.Dublin : Checkout Publications, 
--Career outlines of about 1100 people prominent in a broad array of activities in the Republic of Ireland. Appendix includes around 150 Irish Americans, a new feature with the current ed. (4th, 2006).  Many entries with photographs. Earlier eds.. (1999, 1991, 1984) titled Who's who in Ireland : "the influential 1,000".  Full text of 1991 ed. in British biographical archive.



Manzoni, Cesare. Biografia italica : saggio bibliografico di opere italiane a stampa per servire alla biografia degli Italiani / Cesare Manzoni. Osnabrck : Biblio Verlag, 1981. 592 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT1124.Z99 M36 x, 1981
Lists general biographical dictionaries and works of collective biography, volumes of local and regional biography, etc. Works are grouped by type, subdivided geographically as appropriate. Index of authors, editors, and anonymous titles. Introductory matter in Italian, English and German.

Collective Biography

Archivio biografico italiano

Supplemented and continued by:

Archivio biografico italiano (ABI II) drawn from 124 biographical works largely published late 19th through mid-20th centuries.   Archivio biografico italiano sino al 1996 (ABI III) drawn from about 158 works published 1960-1996.

Archivio biografico italiano sino al 2001 (ABI IV) drawn from 218 works largely published 1980-2001.

Series I and II indexed in the Indice Biografico Italiano, 4th ed. (2007) in print and Series I, II and III in the World Biographical Information System Index.  Useful both as an index to the microfiche set and an independent resource.  Entries provide dates, occupations, and citations to both the printed sources and the microfiche set.  Series I and II available online.

Dizionario biografico degli Italiani / [direttore, Alberto M. Ghisalberti]. Roma : Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1960- Widener | RR 1781.5.1 = Index Widener | RR 1781.5
Online Version
--Scholarly dictionary of national biography with often long (1 - over 15 pp.) signed biographies of deceased Italians from the 5th century to the present. Substantial source lists, including archival collections, with each sketch.

Dizionario enciclopedico italiano. Roma : Instituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1955-1961. 12 v.
Widener | RR 2040.5 F 

Le Donne italiane : il chi e del '900 / a cura di Miriam Mafai ; con interventi di Natalia Aspesi ... [et al.]. Milano : Rizzoli, 1993. 403
Widener | WID-LC | CT3540 .D66 1993
First portion of the book contains a series of general essays on the participation of Italian women in sports, politics, the arts, etc. Beginning on p. 127 are 900 short biographies of prominent 20th century Italian women, a high percentage of whom are living. Short terminal bibliography. Full text in Italian biographical archive.

Encyclopedia of contemporary Italian culture / edited by Gino Moliterno.  London; New York : Routledge, 2000.  xxiv, 677 p. ; 26 cm.   Widener | RR 3799.12
Includes living and deceased artists, writers, performers, journalists, some politicians, etc., of the post-1945 era emphasizing recent decades.  Many articles with references. List by area of activity.


Catalogo dei viventi 2009 : 7247 italiani notevoli / Giorgio Dell'Arti, Massimo Parrini ; con l'indice di tutti i nomi citati. 1. ed. Venezia : Marsilio, 2008.1917 p. ( Tascabili Marsilio ; 241 ) 
Biographies (no addresses, short paragraph-2 pp.) of Italians from a variety of occupations.  Index includes names mentioned in entries.  Index uses not page numbers but entries individually labeled with three letter sequences: a-z, aa-zz, aaa-zzz. No index in the earlier version: Catalogo dei viventi : 5062 italiani notevoli, 2007 / Giorgio Dell'Arti, Massimo Parrini. 1. ed. Venezia : Marsilio, 2006.  1806 p.  )
Widener  |  WID-LC    |  CT1133 .D45 2006  

Who's who in Italy. Milano : Intercontinental, 1958-
Widener | WID-LC | DG578 .W8 Earlier Widener | RR 1581.1 Latest
Current ed. (2007) has 6,700 biographical entries and 4,500 company  and institutional profiles.  Who's who in Italy 102291 print publisher (1958- ) varies. For earlier coverage: Chi e (1st-7th ed., 1928-1961; full text (5th, 1948; 6th, 1957) in Italian biographical archive).

Chi e (a different work, 1908). 

Who's who in Italy, 1995 / edited by Giancarlo Colombo.  Bresso (Milano) : Who's who in Italy, 1995.  3 v. (xxi, xxi, xxv, 3321 p.)    Widener On order Full text (2000) in Saur Italian biographical archive.

Chi e 1st-7th ed. (1928-1961). 1. ed.-7. ed. \ OMA. F. Formiggini Editore, 1928-1961. LOCATION Ital 5907.25   Full text (5th, 1948; 6th, 1957) in Saur Italian biographical archive.

Chi e. Roma, Romagna e c., 1908.


Collective Biography

Baltic biographical archive      

Baltische biographische Lexika: Digitization of around 12 late 19th early 20th century Baltic biographical dictionaries.

Thiébaud, Jean-Marie, 1944- Dictionnaire biographique des pays baltes : le personnel politique, diplomatique et militaire de 1918 à 2007. Paris : L'Harmattan, c2007. 279 p.

Introduction includes post-1918 chronology, and political and social history of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Entries include very brief biographical information, often without birth and death dates, for about 2500 military, diplomatic and military figures.

A hundred great Latvians / [compiler and author of texts, Pēteris Apinis].  Riga : Lauku Avize, 2006.  219 p.
Widener  |  Harvard Depository  
Well-illustrated articles on Latvians, living and deceased, of the last 150 years (since the beginning of Latvian unification). Arranged by birth date (1814-1969) with alphabetical list on title page. Substantial bibliography and list of online sources. Translation of 100 Latvijas personibu (2006) but with 40 additional persons (with 40 omissions), especially architects, scientists, religious figures, and expatriates. 


Kas ir kas Latvija_ 2003/2004 : biogra_fiska_ enciklope_dija.  
--The c. 5000 entries are presented in Latvian, then English (pp. 419-750), then Russian. Index of occupations with headings in Latvian. Earlier eds.: 1996, 1998, 1999. 

Who is who in the Baltic States : biographical dictionary. 1st ed. Riga : Pub. House of Valeri Belokon, 1998. 604 p. Widener | RR 1607.5  
--English-language biographies of about 7500 persons from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.  Names are in one sequence with a name list for each country.  For slightly earlier coverage: Public figures in the C.I.S. and Baltic States.



Wer ist wer? Wer tut was? : Handbuch f_r das  F_rstentum Liechtenstein / [Herausgeber, Hans  Löschnigg].   1. Ausg.   Triesen : F.P. van Eck, 1995.   108 p. : ports. ; 24 cm.   Handbuch f_r das F_rstentum Liechtenstein   "Stand 31. März 1995"--T.p. verso.     Liechtenstein -- Biography -- Dictionaries.
Widener | WID-LC | DB886 .W47 1995x
--About 250 entries.  Occupational index. For earlier coverage: Who's who in Switzerland including the principality of Liechtenstein (1951-1999).

Who's who in Switzerland including the principality of Liechtenstein. Zurich Latest Widener | Swi 2240.8 Earlier   NIS     Primary in Switz


Collective Biography

Baltic biographical archive

Baltische biographische Lexika: Digitization of around 12 late 19th early 20th century Baltic biographical dictionaries.

BirÅæiÅÅãka, Vaclovas, 1884-1956. Aleksandrynas; senuju lietuviu rasÃÜytoju, rasÃÜiusiu priesÃÜ 1865 m., biografijos, bibliografijos ir biobibliografijos. CÃÜikaga IsÃÜleido JAV LB Kult ÃÑuros fondas, 1960-65. 3 v. ports.  (Vol. 3: JAV LB KultÅÅLros fondas. Leidinys, 10 )  Widener | Balt 9604.6     
Title in English: Aleksandrynas; biographies, bibliographies, and bio-bibliographies of old Lithuanian authors to 1865. Articles include lists of secondary sources.  Contents: v. 1, 16th-17th centuries, with a preface in English; v. 2, 18th-19th centuries; v. 3, 19th century. Added title page and text in Lithuanian. Full text in Baltic biographical archive. 

Thiébaud, Jean-Marie, 1944- Dictionnaire biographique des pays baltes : le personnel politique, diplomatique et militaire de 1918 à 2007. Paris : L'Harmattan, c2007. 279 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT1232.5 .T55 2007
--Introduction includes post-1918 chronology, and political and social history of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Entries include very brief biographical information, often without birth and death dates, for about 2500 military, diplomatic and military figures.


Who is who in Lithuania. 1997/1998- Kaunas, Lithuania: Kas yra kas Lietuvoje, UAB Neolitas, 1998- 
LOCATION: Widener: RR 1610.6  WID-LC DK505.38.W46x  have 1997/98, 2000, 2002  
--Articles, in Lithuanian with short English summaries, on about 10,000 persons  from numerous occupations, data supplied by the biographee (2004 ed.). Includes list of biographees by occupation and organization. Earlier eds. 1997/98, 2000, 2002.           Future check  2000 in Saur

Who is who in the Baltic States : biographical dictionary. 1st ed. Riga : Pub. House of Valeri Belokon, 1998. 604 p. Widener | RR 1607.5  
--English-language biographies of about 7500 persons from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.  Names are in one sequence with a name list for each country. For slightly earlier coverage: Public figures in the C.I.S. and Baltic States. Jan.-June 1992- [Cambridge, England]: Chadwyck-Healey, [1992?-1993/94?
LOCATION: Widener: Microfiche RR 23


Collective Biography

Biografisch Archief van de Benelux  

Biographie nationale du pays de Luxembourg depuis ses originees jusqu'a nos jours; collection présentée par Jules Mersch. Luxembourg, Imprimerie de la Cour Victor Buck, 1947-75. 22 v.
Widener | Neth 2002.5
Nonalphabetical. Each fascicule includes some six to nine long articles on persons or families of various periods in the history of Luxembourg, often with source lists and many illustrations. Two fascicules form a volume, continuously paged and including an index to the names appearing in the articles in each volume. The final fascicule, a personal name index, indicates birth and death dates and an identifying note as well as giving reference to volume and page for the biographical sketch. Fasc. 1 was published in a revised and corrected edition, 1957.


Qui est qui en Belgique francophone et au Grand-Duche_ de Luxembourg. (1990-).


Netherlands / ( World bibliographical series ; v. 88 )
Widener  |  WID-LC    |  DJ18.Z99 K56 x, 1988   

De Nederlandse Leeuw: Een gids voor biografische gegevens van Nederlanders: List of biographical sources.  

Collective Biography

Aa, A. J. van der, 1792-1857. Biographisch woordenbock der Nederlanden bevattende levensbeschrijvingen van zoodanige personen, die zich op eenigerlei wijze in ons vaderland hebben vermaard gemaakt. Onder medew. van C. M. A. Simon van der Aa, P. O. van der Chijs, W. Eekhoff e. a. [Voortgezet onder red. van K. J. R. van Harderwijk en C. D. Schotel. Amsterdam, B. M. IsraÃÅLl, 1969,1970]. 7 v. illus. 
Widener | WID-LC | CT1143 .A22 F
Sketches on persons from medieval times to mid-19th century including numerous minor figures. Contains many persons not included in later biographical works.  The length of articles varies from a few lines to two or three columns. Includes substantial source lists both by and about the biographees. Reprint: Amsterdam: B. M. Israel, 1969-70, in seven volumes. Full text in Biographical archive of the Benelux Countries. 134698   Earlier ed., 1839-51, in 13 volumes.

Biografisch archief van de Benelux / bearbeitet von Willi Gorzny und Willemina van der Meer. MÃ_nchen : Saur, [1992-1994] 756 microfiches : negative, ill. Widener | Microfiche RR 30 Widener | RR 1795.2 = Index

Biografisch woordenboek van Nederland / onder eindredactie van J. Charité ; redactiecommissie I. SchÃŘffer ... [et al.]. 's-Gravenhage : Nijhoff, 1979-  5 v. ; 
Widener | WID-LC | CT1143 .B56
--Chronological successor to {i}Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek{/i}, providing biographical sketches largely of persons deceased since 1910. Signed articles; lists of writings by and about biographee, and indication of collections of papers and archival materials. Each volume arranged alphabetically with cumulative index to all preceeding volumes.  Available free online: 

Vandenbroucke, Dieter. Grijs geheugen. De geschiedenis van Nederland en Vlaanderen in 943 namen / samengesteld door Dieter Vandenbroucke ; met een inleiding van Piet Grijs. Amsterdam: Meulenhoff/Manteau, 2005, 245 p. 
Widener  |  Harvard Depository    |  DH103 .V36 2005  
--Both living and deceased, no refs no index

Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek onder redactie van dr. P. C. Molhuysen ... en prof. dr. P. J. Blok ... met medewerking van tal van geleerden... Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff's uitgevers-maatschappij, 1911-37. 10 v. 
Widener | WID-LC | CT1143 .M7 1911x     
--Covers persons dying before 1910. Each volume is arranged alphabetically and has a cumulated index to all previous volumes. Vol. 10 has an index to the set. Articles vary from several lines to more than a page. Most articles with references. 
Available online at Instituut voor Nederlandse  or  Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren

Nationaal biografisch woordenboek, ed. by Jozef Duverger. Brussel: Paleis der Academiën, 1964-
HOLLIS Record (vols. 1-23)
Online Version (vols. 1-10)


Wie is wie in Nederland. Den Haag : Pragma Nederland, c1984- v. 
Widener | WID-LC | DJ103 .W63x Holdings : uit.1(1984/1988)-uit.2(1994/1996)   
--Around 7500 entries in 2nd ed., 1994/1996. Full text of 1984/1988 ed. in Biographical archive of the Benelux Countries. For earlier coverage see: Who's who in the Netherlands (1962/63; apparently only one published) and Wie is dat? (1931-1956; full text of 1956 ed. in Biographical archive of the Benelux Countries).

Wie is dat? 's-Gravenhage : M. Nijhoff, 1931-1956  Widener | Neth 3961.8.5  1956 full text in Biographical archive of the Benelux Countries

Who's who in the Netherlands.  1st ed. Amsterdam. Widener | Harvard Depository | DJ289.A1 W5 Holdings : 1st ed. (1962/63)  NIS



Biografiske artikler i norske tidsskrifter, 1931-1940. Wilhelm Preus Sommerfeldt. Oslo, Fabritius   
Lists biographical articles for the years 1931-1935, 1936-1940 (2 vols., 1936, 1947).  Published as Norsk bibliografisk bibliotek (v. 2, no. 3 (106 pp.) and (v. 3, no. 6 (129 pp.) 450056 For earlier coverage: Vol. 2, Norsk biografi, of 303108 Register til en del norske tidsskrifter (19th century-1907) and Norsk tidsskriftindex, 374997 1921-30, under the heading Personalhistorie. 

Unresolved only found v. 2, no. 3 (106 pp.)

[Deichmanske Bibliotek, Oslo.] Register til en del norske tidsskrifter. Kristiania : O.F. Arneses bog- & accidenstrykkeri, 1908. 2 v. in 1 ; Widener | B 2540.15

Norsk tidsskriftindex. Oslo : Steenske Forlag, 1918-1965. 46 v. ; Widener | B 2540.10


Andresen, Harald, 1909- comp. Norsk biografisk oppslagslitteratur, katalog utarbeidet for Norsk slektshistorisk forening. [Oslo] Cammermeyer [1945] 218 p. (Slektshistorisk bibliotek) 
Widener | Harvard Depository | Scan 2361.32
--Bibliography of Norwegian sources for biographical materials, arranged by occupation.

Collective Biography

Andersen, Alf G. 500 som preget Norge: norske kvinner og menn i det 20. arhundre. Oslo: Millennium, c1999.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT1293.A53 1999x   
--Biographies of 500 notable Norwegians of the 20th century, each with chronology or list of major works, in chronological order by major achievements with name index.

Norsk biografisk leksikon / hovedredaktør, Jon Gunnar Arntzen ; leder av redaksjonsrådet, Knut Helle. [2. utg.]. Oslo : Kunnskapsforlaget, c1999-<2005>  v. <1-9 > 
Widener  |  WID-LC    |  DL444 .N67 1999   
--Covers about 5700 prominent Norwegians from earliest times to mid-20th century.  Articles with lists of works, secondary sources and portraits.  Vol. 10 has biographee, chronological, and person/keyword indexes, plus list  of organizational affiliations and list of families with genealogical information on accompanying CD-ROM. Norsk biografisk leksikon articles available free online

Norsk biografisk leksikon. Kristiania : H. Aschehoug, 1923 [i.e. 1921]-1983. 19 v. Widener | Scan 2361.12

Scandinavian biographical archive. Munich; New York: K.G. Saur, 1989-1992. LOCATION: Widener: Microfiche RR 26 Microfiche Library has: sect. A on 383, i-x microfiches; sect. B on microfiches 445, i-ix 
LOCATION: Widener: INDEX Microfiche RR 26 = Guide Library has: sect. A


Hvem er hvem? Oslo : H. Aschehoug, 1912- v. 
Widener | RR 1603.2  Widener | Harvard Depository | Scan 2361.7 
--Who’s who for Norway.  About 4900 persons in last (1994) ed. Terminal necrology.

Who's who in Scandinavia (1981) and Dictionary of Scandinavian Biography (1972) offer English-language who’s who-type entries.