Europe: P-Z
General Biographical sources for Poland offers an extensive annotated list of print Polish sources.
Collective Biography
Biogramy uczonych polskich: materiaÅÇy o Å_yciu i dziaÅÇalnoÅõci czÅÇonkÃ_w AU w Krakowie, TNW, PAU, PAN / opracowali Andrzej ÅörÃ_dka, PaweÅÇ SzczawiÅÑski. WrocÅÇaw : ZakÅÇad Narodowy im. OssoliÅÑskich, 1983-93- 7 v + suppl
Widener | WID-LC | CT1230 .B56 1983
--Offers biographical information for members of four 19th- and 20th-century scholarly societies (the Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci w Krakowie, the Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie, the Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci, and the Polska Akademia Nauk); no living members are included. Information provided includes mentors, most important publications and students, as well as standard biographical information. Each part is arranged alphabetically; each volume (including those with partial alphabetical sequences) has its own name and discipline index. Contents: cz. ---1, Nauki społeczne; cz. 2, Nauki biologiczne; cz. 3, Nauki ścisłe; cz. 4, Nauki techniczne; cz. 5, Nauki rolnicze i leśne; cz. 6, v. 1, Nauki medyczne, A-L. v. 2. M-Z -- cz. 7. Nauki o Ziemi i górnicze, A-Z.
Zentrales Personenregister aus den Beständen des Herder-Instituts -- Biografische Materialien zur Zeitgeschichte - Polen
Very brief biographical data on over 8800 Poles derived from Herder Institut East Central European press clipping collection. Material dates from after 1945. Mainly birth date, birth place, education, occupation, and breif list of activities.
Kto byl kim w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. red. naukowa Jacek M. Majchrowski przy wspólpracy Grzegorza Mazura i Kamila Stepana [Majchrowski, Jacek; Mazur, Grzegorz; Stepan, Kamil]. Wyd. 1, 1994. 579 p., ill., 29 cm. Polska Oficyna Wydawnicza "BGW", Warszawa,
Polska Akademia Umiej_tno_ci. Polski slownik biograficzny. [Komitet redakcyjny: W_adys_aw Konopczy_ski, et al.] Krak_w, Sk_ad g__wny w ksi_g, Gebethnera i Wolffa, 1935-
Widener | Slav 6575.10 Unbound vols. in Slavic Division
Covers about 25,000 deceased Poles and foreigners who have been active in Poland, from dawn of Polish history to the present. Includes ethnic minorities in Poland. Supplement, Uzupelnienia i sprostowania do tomów I-XL (Additions and Corrections to Volumes I-XL), issued in 2002, corrects some effects of communist-era bias and censorship. Indexed in Indeks hasel Polskiego slownika biograficznego: tomy I-XXXVII. 277700 Web site includes list of forthcoming biographees with dates and very brief identifications. Completion expected about 2030. Digitization has begun, but results not currently available. List of biographees available . Short summaries of articles in vols. 25-37 (1980-1997) in Polish biographical archive. Online version
--Indexed in Indeks hasel Polskiego slownika biograficznego: tomy I-XXXVII. Lublin: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, 1999. LOCATION: Widener: Slav 6575.10.2
Wybitni Polacy XIX wieku : leksykon biograficzny / autorzy WÅ_odzimierz Bernacki ... [et al.]; redakcja naukowa Tomasz GÄÅcsowski. KrakÃ_w : Wydawn. Literackie, 1998. 437 p.
Widener | WID-LC | DK4349.5 .W96 1998
Polish biographical archive
Słownik biograficzny historii Polski / pod redakcją Janiny Chodery i Feliksa Kiryka. Wrocław ; Warszawa ; Kraków : Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich--Wydawn., c2005. 2 v.
Widener | CT1230 .S58 2005
--Short sketches of roughly 5400 deceased Poles, from Medieval times to the present. Scattered portraits.
Sokol, Stanley S. The Polish biographical dictionary : profiles of nearly 900 Poles who have made lasting contributions to world civilization / Stanley S. Sokol... Wauconda, Ill. : Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, c1992. 477 p.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT1230.S67 1992
--Short biographies of Poles, living and deceased, but largely deceased, both within Poland and emigrants worldwide. Covers the 10th century to the 20th. Entries have short source lists. A few have portraits. Index by “Categories of Achievement”. Indexed in Biography and genealogy master index. Full text in Polish biographical archive.
Kto jest kim w Polsce / [zesp__ redakcyjny Beata Cynkier ... [et al.]]. Ed. 4. Warszawa: PAI, 2001. xvi, 1111 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT1230 .K85 2001
--Over 3400 entries. Earlier eds.: 1993, 1989, 1984. Full text (1984 and 1993 eds.) in Polish biographical archive.
For earlier coverage: Who's who in Poland (1982).
Kto jest kim w Polsce: informator biograficzny. Edycja 3. Warszawa: Wydawn. Interpress, 1993. LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT1230.K84 1993x
--1st ed., 1984.Provides brief biographical information and current addresses for some 4,500 contemporary individuals in the fields of government, science, and the arts. `
Wsp__cze_ni uczeni polscy : s_ownik biograficzny / [redaktor naukowy Janusz Kapu_cik]. Warszawa : O_rodek Przetwarzania Informacji, [1998?]- 3 v.
Scholars -- Poland -- Biography -- Dictionaries.
Widener | WID-LC | CT3990.A2 W78 1998
Who's who in Poland (Zurich, Switzerland) Who's who in Poland / edited by Interpress Publishers, Warsaw. Zurich : Who's Who the International Red Series Verlag, c1982- v. ; (The International red series )
Widener | WID-LC | CT1230. W46
--Subtitle: A biographical directory comprising about 4,000 entries on leading personalities in Poland and information on major state, political, diplomatic, scientific and artistic institutions, and organizations.Following the section of biographical sketches is an index which gives directory information on some 800 institutions, organizations, associations, foreign embassies, etc.
Collective Biography
Archivo biografico de Espana, Portugal e Iberoamerica.
Archivo biografico de Espana, Portugal e Iberoamerica.. 1960- 1995. Munchen: G.K. Saur, [1996]-1998. LOCATION: Widener: Microfiche RR 19.2 Library has: 447 microfiches
Dicionário de história dos descobrimentos portugueses, direcção de Luís de Albuquerque ; coordenação de Francisco Contente Domingues. Lisboa : Caminho, 1994. 2 v.
Portugal -- History -- Period of discoveries, 1385-1580 -- Dictionaries -- Portuguese
Quem é quem : portugueses célebres / coordenação, Leonel de Oliveira ; textos, Manuel Alves de Oliveira ... [et al.]. Lisboa : Temas & Debates, 2009 539 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT1363 .Q54 2009
--Strong on artists and other cultural figures. Largely deceased but some living. Slightly revised version (although not indicated as such), with some updated and a few new entries, of
O Grande livro dos portugueses : 4000 personalidades em texto e imagem : nomes, datas, factos com 980 ilustraes. [Lisboa?] : Crculo de Leitores, [1991]. 518 p. : ill. (some col.), music, facsims. Widener | WID-LC | CT1363 .G73 1991 F
O seculo XX portugu_s. Lisboa : Texto Editora, 2000. 2 v., ports.
--[1] Epocas historicas e cronologia – [2] Personalidades que marcaram uma _poca O
Widener | Harvard Depository | DP672 .S43 2000x NIS
Volume 2 of O seculo XX portugu_s contains about 350 biographies, most with small portraits, of living and deceased persons.
Collective Biography
Ionescu, Serban N. Who was who in twentieth century Romania / by Serban N. Ionescu. Boulder: East European Monographs, 1994. 318, [ARBA 95]
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DR216.I55 1994x
--About 3000 entries largely on deceased Romanians including emigrants. Appendixes include lists of Romanian Academy presidents and prime ministers, pronunciation key and brief bibliography. Full text in South-East European biographical archive.
Who's who în România / [redactori, Gabriela Avram ... et al. ; ed., Vassos Panayiotis]. Edit?ie princeps. Bucures?ti : Pegasus Press, 2002, 735 p.
--Around 4400 entries in Romanian.
Milanovic, Milena. Srbi koji su obelezili XX vek : biografski leksikon, pet stotina licnosti = Serbs who marked the 20th century : biographical lexicon : five hundred. Beograd : Jefimija JK, 2006, 618 p. : ill. ; 34 cm.
--Articles, with portraits, on 500 Serbs, living and deceased, largely resident in Serbia but including some emigrés. All content in Serbian and English parallel columns. Terminal bibliography.
Srpski biografski rečnik / [glavni urednici, Mladen Leskovac, Aleksandar Forišković, Čedomir Popov].
Widener | WID-LC | CT1452 S64 2004
--Major biographical dictionary for Serbia. Paragraph/page-length articles (considerable longer for a few major figures) on deceased Serbians, middle ages to present. Articles with lists of works and sources, most with portraits. Vols. 1 (A-B), 2 (V-G), and 3 (D-Z), which is about one third of the way through the Serbian alphabet, have thus far (9/19/2008) appeared. In Serbian, Cyrillic script.
Paunovi_, Marinko. Srbi : biografije znamenitih : A-_ / Marinko Paunovi_. Beograd : Emka, 1998. 299 p.
Widener | Harvard Depository
--Includes about 1375 deceased persons, 18th-20th centuries. Most with portraits. Cyrillic text.
Ko je ko u Srbiji '96 : intelektualna, umetni_ka, politi_ka, finansijska, vojna, sportska elita Srbije : biografski leksikon / [_lanovi redakcije Irena Kova_evi_ ... et al.]. Beograd : "Bibliofon-Who's Who", 1996. 567 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT1457.S47 K6 1996x
Over 4700 standard Who’s Who type entries based on questionnaires and interviews. Over 1000 new entries. No occupation index. Earlier ed.: 1991. Full text (1991, 1996) in South East European biographical archive.
For earlier coverage see Jugoslovenski savremenici : ko je ko u Jugoslaviji 509442 (eds. 1928, 1957, 1968 (title, publisher varies)). Full text (1970 ed.) in South-East European biographical archive.
Jugoslovenski savremenici : ko je ko u Jugoslaviji / Redakcioni odbor, Milan JoksimoviÄ_ ... et al. glavni redaktor i "ReÄ* urednika" napisao, RadoÅ_in RajoviÄ_. Beograd : Hronometar, 1970. 1208 p. ; (Biblioteka Leksikon )
Widener | Harvard Depository | CT1452.J84 1970x
Ko je ko u Srbiji 1991 : leksikon / [urednici Momir _okovi_ ... et al. ; saradnici Jovan Despotovi_ ... et al.]. Beograd : Bibliofon, 1991. 553 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT1457.S47 K6 1991x
Srbi u svetu : Ko je ko, 1996/99 : biografski leksikon = Serbs in the world : Who is who, 1996/99 : biographical lexicon / [author of the project Milena Milanovic. Beograd ; Los Angeles : [M. Milanovic], 1999 (Beograd : Radunic) 702 p.
Widener | WID-LC | DR1955 .S73 1999x
Short biographies of 1037 Serbs living outside Serbia. Material compiled from questionnaires. Serbian and English in parallel columns.
The same author's {i}Srbi koji su obelezili XX vek: biografski leksikon,
pet stotina licnosti = Serbs who marked the 20th century : biographical
lexicon : five fundred persons{/i} covers the 20th century, including
emigrés. Terminal bibliography.
Biographical sources for the Czech Republic and Slovakia provides descriptions of several Slovak sources.
Collective Biography
Czech and Slovakian biographical archive
Lexikón slovenských žien / hlavné autorky a odborná redakcja Ľudmila Ďuranová, Anna Šourková, Alena Táborecká. Martin : Slovenská Národná Knižnica : Národný Biografický ústav, 2003, 288 p. : ports.
Short biographies of about 900 deceased Slovakian women, Middle Ages – 20th century. Most with portraits. Articles have source lists.
Ma_ov__k,August_n ... [et al.]. Slovak biographical dictionary /
Martin : Matica Slovensk_ ; Wauconda, IL : Bolchazy-Carducci, 2002, 417 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT949 .S58 2002x
--Includes over 850 deceased Slovaks (dying before 1998) from the seventh century to the present but with emphasis on the 20th century, and including the Slovak diaspora worldwide. Covers many cultural as well as political and military figures. Short reference lists, which include periodical articles, with each entry. Translation, without the portraits, of Reprezentačný biografický lexikón Slovenska.
Reprezentacn_ biografick_ lexik_n Slovenska / August_n Matovc_k ... [et al.].
Martin : Matica Slovensk_, 1999. 384 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT949 .R46 1999x
Slovensk_ biografick_ slovn_k : od roku 833 do roku 1990 / [hlavn_ redakcia Vladim_r Min__, hlavn_ redaktor ... et al.]. Martin : Matica slovensk_, 1986-
1. zv. A - D -- 2. zv. E - J. -- 3. zv. K - L. -- 4. zv. M - Q. -- 5. zv. R - _. -- 7. (Hesl_r dodatkov_ho zväzku)
Scholarly articles (paragraph to two pages) with lists of works, references and locations of manuscript collections. Covers early middle ages to present. Articles in Slovak (roman characters). Introduction in Slovak, English, German and Russian. Entries in vol. 7 include only names, occupations, birth/death dates and locations for about 2700 persons not included in the previous volumes and are keyed to to list of reference works at the front of the volume and to periodical articles. Full text in Czech and Slovakian Biographical Archive. Only vols. 1 (A-B) and 2 (C-F) of new ed., the Biografick_ lexik_n Slovenska, thus far published.
Biografick_ lexik_n Slovenska / [lexikografick_ redaktor Pavol Pareni_ka].
Martin : Slovensk_ N_rodn_ Kni_nica, N_rodn_ biografick_ _stav, 2002-
Widener | WID-LC | CT949 .B56 2002
Kto je kto na Slovensku, 1991? / zostav. Vladim? Adamec ... [et al.] Bratislava : Konzorcium Encyklop?a, 1991. 236 p.
Widener | WID-LC | DB 2745 K76, 1991x
About 900 entries. Government and directory information in the back. Full text in Czech and Slovakian Biographical Archive. For earlier coverage Kto je kto na Slovensku : 1969.
Kto je kto na Slovensku : 1969 / zostavila Oľga Slušná. Bratislava : Slovakopress, [1970] 494 p.
Widener | WID-LC | DB2754 .K76x 1976
Collective Biography
Slovenski biografski leksikon / uredila Izidor Cankar in Franc Ksaver Lukman s sodelovanjem uredniÅ_kego odbora. Ljubljana : ZaloÅ*ila ZadruÅ*na gospodarska banka, 1925- 5 v. ;
Widener | Slav 8465.81 Record includes Osebno
Long, signed articles on Slovenians, many with source lists. Issued in fascicules. Publisher varies. Indexed by the separately published Slovenski biografski leksikon: Osebno kazalo 466343. Background and projected future ed. discussed in Franca Buttolo’s “The Slovenski Biografski Leksikon – Once again from the beginning, but how?” Slovene Studies, v. 14, no 2 (1992), pp. 217-222.
Slovenia -- Biography -- Dictionaries -- Indexes.
Yugoslavia -- Biography -- Dictionaries -- Indexes.
Bajt, Drago. Slovenski kdo je kdo / Drago Bajt. 1. izd. Ljubljana : Nova Revija, 1999. 655 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT1442 B35 1999x
Includes articles on about 3000 Slovenes both in and outside Slovenia from a wide range of occupations. Index by profession. Earlier coverage: 466352 Kdo je kdo za Slovence, 1991, 1993 eds. Full text (1993 ed.) in South-East European biographical archive.
Foulch-Delbosc, R. (Raymond), 1864-1929. Manuel de l'hispanisant / R. Foulch-Delbosc & L. Barrau-Dihigo. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1920-1925. 2 v. ; Widener | RR3761.2
Indice biogrfico de Espana, Portugal e Iberoamrica
Duran Lopez, Fernando. Catalogo comentado de la autobiografia espanola, siglos XVIII y XIX. Madrid: Ollero & Ramos, 1997. LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT1351.Z99 D87 1997x
Lists autobiographies by 479 authors with biographical notes and brief synopses. List of periodicals with references to autobiographies published in each. Terminal bibliography of secondary sources.
Collective Biography
Archivo biografico de Espana, Portugal e Iberoamerica
Biografias y Vidas
Spanish-language site with about 3000 entries. World-wide coverage but strong emphasis on Spaniards.
Contemporary Hispanic biography : profiles from the international Hispanic community. Detroit : The Gale Group Inc., c2002-
Widener | Harvard Depository | F1407 .C66x
Indexed in Biography and genealogy master index.
Diccionari biogrfic. Barcelona, Alberti [1966-70] 4v. coats of arms, facsims., geneal. tables, maps, Widener | Span 3912.37
A biographical dictionary for Catalonia. Mainly brief sketches of figures from all periods, including some living persons. No principal editor or editorial board is indicated; articles are unsigned and without bibliographies. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.
Dictionary of Hispanic biography.
Esperabe Arteaga, Enrique, 1868- Diccionario enciclopedico ilustrado y crtico de los hombres de Espana / por Enrique Esperab de Arteaga ; prlogo del Conde de Romanones. [2a ed.] Madrid : Grficas Ibarra, 1947. 2 v. in 1
Widener | WID-LC | DP58 .E86 1947x
Brief information on 4100 Spaniards, living and deceased (1947 ed.).
Ruiz Cort_s, Francisco. Diccionario biogr_fico de personajes hist_ricos del siglo XIX español / Francisco Ruiz Cort_s, Francisco S_nchez Cobos. Madrid : Rubiños-1860, S.A., 1998. 375 p. Widener | WID-LC | DP202.A2 R85 1998
Biographies (1-2 pages) each with chronology of major events and source list. Emphasis on political and military figures. Index of personal names. Introductory section (pp. 13-87) on 19th century Spain with chronology and bibliography.
Coverage is extended to the 20th century in the similar Diccionario biografico de personajes historicos del siglo XX espanol (Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive).
See also: Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture for artists, writers, performers, journalists, some politicians, etc. Includes living and deceased persons. Many articles with references. List by area of activity.
Qui_n es qui_n en España (Madrid, Spain : 1989) Qui_n es qui_n en España. Madrid : J.L. Campillo Alonso.
Widener | RR 1576.35.5 Earlier in WID-LC CT1353.Q53
Current ed. (2007) has roughly 4300 entries. Annual. About a third of book given to government directory. Began in 1981; title varies. Full text of 1989 & 1998 eds. in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin-American biographical archive. 280864
Figuras de hoy. Madrid. 1950-1956. Widener | Span 3907.54
Who's who in Spain (Milan, Italy) Milano : Who's Who in Italy S.r.l., c1987- (Sutter's international red series) Widener | RR 1576.35 Latest Widener | WID-LC | CT1343 .W56x Earlier
The 2006 ed. provides entries on some 2800 individuals. Publications are listed for authors. A directory of business, government, and other Spanish institutions is appended, followed by its own index. Entries in English. Available free online:
Agren, Sven, 1887- Svensk biografisk uppslagslitteratur; bibliografisk frteckning av Sven Agren. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1929. xiv, 423 p. (Svenska bibliotekariesamfundets skriftserie 1) Widener | Harvard Depository | Scan 3361.42
Classified by occupation, with a section on local biographical dictionaries. Author and subject index. Includes material dealing with Swedish Finland (to 1809) and other Swedish possessions, as well as with Swedes in foreign countries. Lists more than 2,000 biographical dictionaries, registers, collective biographies, etc., which include Swedish biography.
Collective Biography
Österberg, Carin. Svenska kvinnor : foregangare, nyskapare/ Carin Österberg, Inga Lewenhaupt, Anna Greta Wahlberg. Lund : Signum, c1990. 412 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT3540 .O88 1990x
--Biographies of nearly 800 Swedish women, mainly deceased, many with portraits. Longer articles have references to books. OK
Personhistorisk tidskrift, 1898- Stockholm.
Location : Widener Scan 3361.35
--Publishes biographical and genealogical articles. Articles listed at: Register över artiklar i Personhistorisk Tidskrift 1898-1997 at
Scandinavian biographical archive. Munich; New York: K.G. Saur, 1989-1992.
Svenskt biografiskt lexikon .... Stockholm, A. Bonnier, [1918- v. illus. (ports.)
Long, signed articles, source lists, and many portraits. Includes persons of all periods but no longer covers living persons, although these were considered in v. 1-10. Chronological index to v. 1-10 is included in v. 10. Currently through Sparre (v. 32). Scheduled for completion in 2015. Covers significant contributors to Swedish national life, both those born in Sweden and elsewhere - in Finland before 1809 and in Swedish colonies in the Baltic, Germany, and the Americas before their independence. Swedish expatriates not included. Index to all articles at
For persons late in the alphabet not yet covered see:
Svenska man och kvinnor; biografisk uppslagsbok. Stockholm, Bonnier [1942-55] 8 v.
Widener | Scan 3361.43
Hofberg, Herman. Svenskt biografiskt handlexicon : Alfabetiskt ordnade lefnadsteckningar af Sveriges namnkunniga män och qvinnor från reformationen till närvarande tid. Ny upplaga. Stockholm, A. Bonnier 1906. 2 v.
Widener | Harvard Depository | Scan 3361.11
Online full text
Vem är det? Svensk biografisk handbok. Stockholm, P. A. Nordstedt and Sners.
Widener | RR1604.2 Latest Widener | Scan 3361.16 Earlier
About 7,000 sketches in current ed. (2007), which includes a necrology for 1/1995-5/2006.
Who's who in Scandinavia (1981) and Dictionary of Scandinavian Biography (1972) offer English-language who’s who-type entries. 119210 365441 NIS
Included in German and French biographical archives.
Barth, Hans, 1871-1926. Repertorium Ã*ber die in zeit- und sammelschriften der jahre 1891-1900 enthaltenen aufsÃ_tze und mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen inhaltes. Als fortsetzung zu Brandletters Repertorium fÃ*r die jahre 1812-1890 hrsg. von der Allgemeinen geschichtforschenden gesellschaft der Schweiz und in ihrem auftrag bearb, von dr. Hans Barth ... Basel, Basler buch- und antiquariatshandlung, 1906. vil, 359 p. Widener | Harvard Depository | Swi 55.6.15
Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte. Bern : [s.n.], Widener | Swi 1.3.5(n.s.12-18) 1913-1919 Widener | Swi 2.3 1938- Widener | Swi 26.1(1-15,19) 1920-1937
Brandstetter, Josef Leopold. Repertorium Ã*ber die in Zeit- und Sammelschriften der Jahre 1812-1890 enthaltenen AufsÃ_tze und Mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen Inhaltes. Hrsg. von der Allegemeinen geschichtforschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz und in deren Auftrag bearbeitet. Basel, A. Geering, 1892. 2 p. l., iv, 467 p. Widener | Harvard Depository | Swi 55.6
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek. Katalog der Schweizerischen landesbibliothek Bern. Systematisches verzeichnis der schweizerischen oder die Schweiz betreffenden verÃŘffentlichungen 1921-1930 ... Bern, H. Huber, 1941, '33. 2 v. in 1. Widener | B 1278.3.13
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek. Katalog der Schweizerischen landesbibliothek Bern. Systematisches verzeichnis der Schweizerischen oder die Schweiz betreffenden verÃŘffentlichungen, 1901-1920. 0, 1-9. Bern, E. Bircher, 1922-26. pp. 1006+. l.8vo Widener | B 1278.3.10
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek. Katalog der Schweizerischen landesbibliothek Bern. Systematisches verzeichnis der Schweizerischen oder die Schweiz betreffenden verÃŘffentlichungen, 1901-1920. 0, 1-9. [Bern, 192-?]. Widener | B 1278.3.9
Allgemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Schweizergeschichtliches Repertorium III; Bibliographie der in Zeit- und Sammelschriften der Jahre 1901-1912 enthaltenen AufsÃ_tze und Mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen Inhalts. Als Fortsetzung zu Brandstetters Repertorium I fÃ*r die Jahre 1812-1890 und zu Barths Repertorium II fÃ*r die Jahre 1891-1900 hrsg. von der Allgemeinen Geschichtforschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Basel, E. BirkhÃ_user, 1943. xv, 703 p. (Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte, n.F., 4. Abt.: HandbÃ*cher, Bd. 6 ) Widener | Swi 65.1.5 vol.6
Collective Biography
Dictionnaire historique & biographique de la Suisse. Suppl?nt : contenant une table syst?tique des sept tomes et des deux suppl?nts / publi?ous la direction de Marcel Godet, L? Montandon, Hans Tribolet ; avec de nombreux collaborateurs de tous les cantons ; illustr?e planches dans le texte. Neuch?l : V. Attinger, 1934. viii, 208,
Widener | WID-LC | DQ51 .D52 Widener | Swi 2240.15
Dictionnaire historique & biographique de la Suisse. Neuch?l : Administration du dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse, 1921-1933. 7 v. : ill. (some col.), maps, coats of arms ; Widener | WID-LC | DQ51 .D5
Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Basel : Schwabe
Year: 2002- Will appear in 12 volumes in each of three languages: French, German, and Italian. Made available online as articles are edited, currently into the L’s. Vol. 5 (-Gyssling) is last print volume published. Publ. simultaneously in French, Italian and German.
Krebs, Siegfried. Portraits grosser Schweizer / Siegfried Krebs.Kassel : Edition Reichenberger, 1992. 247 p. : ports. ; (Europische Profile ; 2 )
Widener | Harvard Depository
Who's who in Switzerland including the principality of Liechtenstein. Zurich : Central European Times Pub. Co. Ltd., 1952-1999 v. ; Widener | RR1593.2 Latest Law School | ILS RR | DQ 52 .W5 Widener | Swi 2240.8 Earlier
In English. Over 2000 entries. Biennial. Terminated in 1999 (20th ed.).
Keller’s Schweizer biographisches Archiv 463634 provides who’s who information for the 1950s. Each volume with a-z series. No overlap among volumes. Many photographs at end of each vol. Volume 6 has index to whole set with photographs indicated. Text largely in German or French, some Italian and Rhaeto-Romanic. Full text in German biographical archive. 173507
Keller, Willy. Schweizer biographisches Archiv. Z_rich, Verlag Internationaler Publikationen, 1952-58 6 v. Widener | Swi 2240.17
Collective Biography
Kharchenko, T. N. 100 znamenitykh li_u_de_ Ukraïny / T.N. Kharhchenko, O.I_U_. Ochkurova, I.A. Rudycheva ; [avtor i rukovoditel_ proekta Dmitri_ Vladimirovich Tabolkin ; otv. za vyp. R. E. Panchenko]. Khar_kov : Folio, 2004. 511 p.
Widener | Harvard Depository S number [009350001]
Deceased and living Ukrainians from the 11th century to present, with emphasis on 20th century, with portraits.
Ukraïns'ka biohrafistyka = Biographistica Ukrainica / Natsional'na akademiia nauk Ukraïny, TSentral'na naukova biblioteka im. V.I. Vernads'koho, Instytut biohrafichnykh doslidzhen'. Vyp. 1-
Kyïv : "BMT", 1996-
Text in Ukrainian, with table of contents also in English.
Ukraine -- Biography -- Periodicals.
Widener | Harvard Depository | DK508.45 .U37x
Khto ie khto v Ukraïni / Kyïvs'ke naukove tovarystvo im. Petra Mohyly.
Kyïv : Vyd-vo K.I.S., 1997-
Widener | WID-LC | CT1225 .K48x Latest (2004)
Includes nearly 7000 entries.
Imena Ukrainy / Ukrainska akademiia nauk natsionalnoho prohresu, Instytut humanitarnykh doslidzhen. Kyiv "Feniks", 1999- (2002, 1st ed., 1999 (continues Khto i_e_ khto v Ukraïni, 1997) offers around 3300 entries, with portraits)
Widener | RR 1616.10 Latest Widener | HD | CT1225 .K47x Earlier
Khto i_e_ khto v Ukraïni / Instytut humanitarnykh doslidz_h_en_. Kyïv : Instytut, 1997. 1 v.
Widener | Harvard Depository | CT1225 .K47x
Milanovic, Milena. Srbi koji su obelezili XX vek : biografski leksikon, pet stotina licnosti = Serbs who marked the 20th century : biographical lexicon : five hundred. Beograd : Jefimija JK, 2006, 618 p. : ill. ; 34 cm.
Articles, with portraits, on 500 Serbs, living and deceased, largely resident in Serbia but including some emigrés. All content in Serbian and English parallel columns. Terminal bibliography.
Srpski biografski rečnik / [glavni urednici, Mladen Leskovac, Aleksandar Forišković, Čedomir Popov].
Widener | WID-LC | CT1452 S64 2004
--Major biographical dictionary for Serbia. Paragraph/page-length articles (considerable longer for a few major figures) on deceased Serbians, middle ages to present. Articles with lists of works and sources, most with portraits. Vols. 1 (A-B), 2 (V-G), and 3 (D-Z), which is about one third of the way through the Serbian alphabet, have thus far (9/19/2008) appeared. In Serbian, Cyrillic script.
Paunovi_, Marinko. Srbi : biografije znamenitih : A-_ / Marinko Paunovi_. Beograd : Emka, 1998. 299 p.
Widener | Harvard Depository
--Includes about 1375 deceased persons, 18th-20th centuries. Most with portraits. Cyrillic text.
Ko je ko u Srbiji '96 : intelektualna, umetni_ka, politi_ka, finansijska, vojna, sportska elita Srbije : biografski leksikon / [_lanovi redakcije Irena Kova_evi_ ... et al.]. Beograd : "Bibliofon-Who's Who", 1996. 567 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT1457.S47 K6 1996x
Over 4700 standard Who’s Who type entries based on questionnaires and interviews. Over 1000 new entries. No occupation index. Earlier ed.: --1991. Full text (1991, 1996) in South East European biographical archive.
--For earlier coverage see Jugoslovenski savremenici : ko je ko u Jugoslaviji 509442 (eds. 1928, 1957, 1968 (title, publisher varies)). Full text (1970 ed.) in South-East European biographical archive.
Jugoslovenski savremenici : ko je ko u Jugoslaviji / Redakcioni odbor, Milan JoksimoviÄ_ ... et al. glavni redaktor i "ReÄ* urednika" napisao, RadoÅ_in RajoviÄ_. Beograd : Hronometar, 1970. 1208 p. ; (Biblioteka Leksikon )
Widener | Harvard Depository | CT1452.J84 1970x
Ko je ko u Srbiji 1991 : leksikon / [urednici Momir _okovi_ ... et al. ; saradnici Jovan Despotovi_ ... et al.]. Beograd : Bibliofon, 1991. 553 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT1457.S47 K6 1991x
Srbi u svetu : Ko je ko, 1996/99 : biografski leksikon = Serbs in the world : Who is who, 1996/99 : biographical lexicon / [author of the project Milena Milanovic. Beograd ; Los Angeles : [M. Milanovic], 1999 (Beograd : Radunic) 702 p.
Widener | WID-LC | DR1955 .S73 1999x
--Short biographies of 1037 Serbs living outside Serbia. Material compiled from questionnaires. Serbian and English in parallel columns.
--The same author's {i}Srbi koji su obelezili XX vek: biografski leksikon, pet stotina licnosti = Serbs who marked the 20th century : biographical lexicon : five fundred persons{/i} covers the 20th century, including emigrés. Terminal bibliography.
Biographical sources for the Czech Republic and Slovakia provides descriptions of several Slovak sources.
Collective Biography
Czech and Slovakian biographical archive
Lexikón slovenských žien / hlavné autorky a odborná redakcja Ľudmila Ďuranová, Anna Šourková, Alena Táborecká. Martin : Slovenská Národná Knižnica : Národný Biografický ústav, 2003, 288 p. : ports.
--Short biographies of about 900 deceased Slovakian women, Middle Ages – 20th century. Most with portraits. Articles have source lists.
Ma_ov__k,August_n ... [et al.]. Slovak biographical dictionary / Martin : Matica Slovensk_ ; Wauconda, IL : Bolchazy-Carducci, 2002, 417 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT949 .S58 2002x
Includes over 850 deceased Slovaks (dying before 1998) from the seventh century to the present but with emphasis on the 20th century, and including the Slovak diaspora worldwide. Covers many cultural as well as political and military figures. Short reference lists, which include periodical articles, with each entry. Translation, without the portraits, of Reprezentačný biografický lexikón Slovenska.
Reprezentacn_ biografick_ lexik_n Slovenska / August_n Matovc_k ... [et al.]. Martin : Matica Slovensk_, 1999. 384 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT949 .R46 1999x
Slovensk_ biografick_ slovn_k : od roku 833 do roku 1990 / [hlavn_ redakcia Vladim_r Min__, hlavn_ redaktor ... et al.]. Martin : Matica slovensk_, 1986-
1. zv. A - D -- 2. zv. E - J. -- 3. zv. K - L. -- 4. zv. M - Q. -- 5. zv. R - _. -- 7. (Hesl_r dodatkov_ho zväzku)
--Scholarly articles (paragraph to two pages) with lists of works, references and locations of manuscript collections. Covers early middle ages to present. Articles in Slovak (roman characters). Introduction in Slovak, English, German and Russian. Entries in vol. 7 include only names, occupations, birth/death dates and locations for about 2700 persons not included in the previous volumes and are keyed to to list of reference works at the front of the volume and to periodical articles. Full text in Czech and Slovakian Biographical Archive. Only vols. 1 (A-B) and 2 (C-F) of new ed., the Biografick_ lexik_n Slovenska, thus far published.
Biografick_ lexik_n Slovenska / [lexikografick_ redaktor Pavol Pareni_ka]. Martin : Slovensk_ N_rodn_ Kni_nica, N_rodn_ biografick_ _stav, 2002-
Widener | WID-LC | CT949 .B56 2002
Kto je kto na Slovensku, 1991? / zostav. Vladim? Adamec ... [et al.] Bratislava : Konzorcium Encyklop?a, 1991. 236 p.
Widener | WID-LC | DB 2745 K76, 1991x
--About 900 entries. Government and directory information in the back. Full text in Czech and Slovakian Biographical Archive. For earlier coverage Kto je kto na Slovensku : 1969.
Kto je kto na Slovensku : 1969 / zostavila Oľga Slušná. Bratislava : Slovakopress, [1970] 494 p.
Widener | WID-LC | DB2754 .K76x 1976
Collective Biography
Slovenski biografski leksikon / uredila Izidor Cankar in Franc Ksaver Lukman s sodelovanjem uredniÅ_kego odbora. Ljubljana : ZaloÅ*ila ZadruÅ*na gospodarska banka, 1925- 5 v. ;
Widener | Slav 8465.81 Record includes Osebno
Long, signed articles on Slovenians, many with source lists. Issued in fascicules. Publisher varies. Indexed by the separately published Slovenski biografski leksikon: Osebno kazalo 466343. Background and projected future ed. discussed in Franca Buttolo’s “The Slovenski Biografski Leksikon – Once again from the beginning, but how?” Slovene Studies, v. 14, no 2 (1992), pp. 217-222.
Slovenia -- Biography -- Dictionaries -- Indexes.
Yugoslavia -- Biography -- Dictionaries -- Indexes.
Bajt, Drago. Slovenski kdo je kdo / Drago Bajt. 1. izd. Ljubljana : Nova Revija, 1999. 655 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT1442 B35 1999x
Includes articles on about 3000 Slovenes both in and outside Slovenia from a wide range of occupations. Index by profession. Earlier coverage: Kdo je kdo za Slovence, 1991, 1993 eds. Full text (1993 ed.) in South-East European biographical archive.
Foulch-Delbosc, R. (Raymond), 1864-1929. Manuel de l'hispanisant / R. Foulch-Delbosc & L. Barrau-Dihigo. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1920-1925. 2 v. ; Widener | RR3761.2
Indice biogrfico de Espana, Portugal e Iberoamrica
Duran Lopez, Fernando. Catalogo comentado de la autobiografia espanola, siglos XVIII y XIX. Madrid: Ollero & Ramos, 1997. LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT1351.Z99 D87 1997x
--Lists autobiographies by 479 authors with biographical notes and brief synopses. List of periodicals with references to autobiographies published in each. Terminal bibliography of secondary sources.
Collective Biography
Archivo biografico de Espana, Portugal e Iberoamerica
Biografias y Vidas
Spanish-language site with about 3000 entries. World-wide coverage but strong emphasis on Spaniards.
Contemporary Hispanic biography : profiles from the international Hispanic community. Detroit : The Gale Group Inc., c2002-
Widener | Harvard Depository | F1407 .C66x
Indexed in Biography and genealogy master index.
Diccionari biogrfic. Barcelona, Alberti [1966-70] 4v. coats of arms, facsims., geneal. tables, maps,
Widener | Span 3912.37
A biographical dictionary for Catalonia. Mainly brief sketches of figures from all periods, including some living persons. No principal editor or editorial board is indicated; articles are unsigned and without bibliographies. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.
Diccionario biográfico español. Madrid : Real Academia de la Historia, 2009-2013.
HOLLIS Record -- Online Version (lacking the entriies for living persons found in the print version)
--Substantial scholarly articles on over 40,000 individuals from all periods of Spanish history. Articles with lists of works, secondary sources, and locations of personal papers. Unlike most national biographies, the DBE includes living people. Coverage of literary authors, especially 20th century figures is uneven. Treatment of women is also uneven, although there is good coverage of several prominent feminists. There is good coverage of Islamic Spain.
The DBE has been controversial due to perceived sympathy for the Franco dictatorship. For El País' coverage of the DBE controversy see: Review: "Franco's Friends”, by Jeremy Treglown,. TLS, 3/30/2012, p. 13-15
Dictionary of Hispanic biography.
Esperabe Arteaga, Enrique, 1868- Diccionario enciclopedico ilustrado y crtico de los hombres de Espana / por Enrique Esperab de Arteaga ; prlogo del Conde de Romanones. [2a ed.] Madrid : Grficas Ibarra, 1947. 2 v. in 1
Widener | WID-LC | DP58 .E86 1947x
Brief information on 4100 Spaniards, living and deceased (1947 ed.).
Ruiz Cort_s, Francisco. Diccionario biogr_fico de personajes hist_ricos del siglo XIX español / Francisco Ruiz Cort_s, Francisco S_nchez Cobos. Madrid : Rubiños-1860, S.A., 1998. 375 p. Widener | WID-LC | DP202.A2 R85 1998
Biographies (1-2 pages) each with chronology of major events and source list. Emphasis on political and military figures. Index of personal names. Introductory section (pp. 13-87) on 19th century Spain with chronology and bibliography.
--Coverage is extended to the 20th century in the similar Diccionario biografico de personajes historicos del siglo XX espanol (Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive).
See also: Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture for artists, writers, performers, journalists, some politicians, etc. Includes living and deceased persons. Many articles with references. List by area of activity.
Qui_n es qui_n en España (Madrid, Spain : 1989) Qui_n es qui_n en España. Madrid : J.L. Campillo Alonso.
Widener | RR 1576.35.5 Earlier in WID-LC CT1353.Q53
--Current ed. (2007) has roughly 4300 entries. Annual. About a third of book given to government directory. Began in 1981; title varies. Full text of 1989 & 1998 eds. in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin-American biographical archive. 280864
Figuras de hoy. Madrid. 1950-1956. Widener | Span 3907.54
Who's who in Spain (Milan, Italy) Milano : Who's Who in Italy S.r.l., c1987- (Sutter's international red series) Widener | RR 1576.35 Latest Widener | WID-LC | CT1343 .W56x Earlier
The 2006 ed. provides entries on some 2800 individuals. Publications are listed for authors. A directory of business, government, and other Spanish institutions is appended, followed by its own index. Entries in English. Available free online:
Agren, Sven, 1887- Svensk biografisk uppslagslitteratur; bibliografisk frteckning av Sven Agren. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1929. xiv, 423 p. (Svenska bibliotekariesamfundets skriftserie 1) Widener | Harvard Depository | Scan 3361.42
--Classified by occupation, with a section on local biographical dictionaries. Author and subject index. Includes material dealing with Swedish Finland (to 1809) and other Swedish possessions, as well as with Swedes in foreign countries. Lists more than 2,000 biographical dictionaries, registers, collective biographies, etc., which include Swedish biography.
Collective Biography
Österberg, Carin. Svenska kvinnor : foregangare, nyskapare/ Carin Österberg, Inga Lewenhaupt, Anna Greta Wahlberg. Lund : Signum, c1990. 412 p.
Widener | WID-LC | CT3540 .O88 1990x
Biographies of nearly 800 Swedish women, mainly deceased, many with portraits. Longer articles have references to books. OK
Personhistorisk tidskrift, 1898- Stockholm.
Location : Widener Scan 3361.35
Publishes biographical and genealogical articles. Articles listed at: Register över artiklar i Personhistorisk Tidskrift 1898-1997 at
Scandinavian biographical archive. Munich; New York: K.G. Saur, 1989-1992.
Svenskt biografiskt lexikon .... Stockholm, A. Bonnier, [1918- v. illus. (ports.) Widener | Scan 3361.28
--Long, signed articles, source lists, and many portraits. Includes persons of all periods but no longer covers living persons, although these were considered in v. 1-10. Chronological index to v. 1-10 is included in v. 10. Currently through Sparre (v. 32). Scheduled for completion in 2015. Covers significant contributors to Swedish national life, both those born in Sweden and eleswhere - in Finland before 1809 and in Swedish colonies in the Baltic, Germany, and the Americas before their independence. Swedish expatriates not included. Index to all articles at
For persons late in the alphabet not yet covered see: Svenska man och kvinnor; biografisk uppslagsbok (1942-55) and Svenskt biografiskt handlexicon (1906) which is available full text.
Svenska man och kvinnor; biografisk uppslagsbok. Stockholm, Bonnier [1942-55] 8 v. ports. (part col.)
Widener | Scan 3361.43
Hofberg, Herman. Svenskt biografiskt handlexicon : Alfabetiskt ordnade lefnadsteckningar af Sveriges namnkunniga män och qvinnor från reformationen till närvarande tid. Ny upplaga. Stockholm, A. Bonnier 1906. 2 v.
Widener | Harvard Depository | Scan 3361.11
Vem är det? Svensk biografisk handbok. Stockholm, P. A. Nordstedt and Sners.
Widener | RR1604.2 Latest Widener | Scan 3361.16 Earlier
--About 7,000 sketches in current ed. (2007), which includes a necrology for 1/1995-5/2006.
Who's who in Scandinavia (1981) and Dictionary of Scandinavian Biography (1972) offer English-language who’s who-type entries. 119210 365441 NIS
Included in German and French biographical archives.
Barth, Hans, 1871-1926. Repertorium Ã*ber die in zeit- und sammelschriften der jahre 1891-1900 enthaltenen aufsÃ_tze und mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen inhaltes. Als fortsetzung zu Brandletters Repertorium fÃ*r die jahre 1812-1890 hrsg. von der Allgemeinen geschichtforschenden gesellschaft der Schweiz und in ihrem auftrag bearb, von dr. Hans Barth ... Basel, Basler buch- und antiquariatshandlung, 1906. vil, 359 p. Widener | Harvard Depository | Swi 55.6.15
Bibliographie der Schweizergeschichte. Bern : [s.n.], Widener | Swi 1.3.5(n.s.12-18) 1913-1919 Widener | Swi 2.3 1938-
Widener | Swi 26.1(1-15,19) 1920-1937
Brandstetter, Josef Leopold. Repertorium Ã*ber die in Zeit- und Sammelschriften der Jahre 1812-1890 enthaltenen AufsÃ_tze und Mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen Inhaltes. Hrsg. von der Allegemeinen geschichtforschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz und in deren Auftrag bearbeitet. Basel, A. Geering, 1892. 2 p. l., iv, 467 p.
Widener | Harvard Depository | Swi 55.6
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek. Katalog der Schweizerischen landesbibliothek Bern. Systematisches verzeichnis der schweizerischen oder die Schweiz betreffenden verÃŘffentlichungen 1921-1930 ... Bern, H. Huber, 1941, '33. 2 v. in 1.
Widener | B 1278.3.13
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek. Katalog der Schweizerischen landesbibliothek Bern. Systematisches verzeichnis der Schweizerischen oder die Schweiz betreffenden verÃŘffentlichungen, 1901-1920. 0, 1-9. Bern, E. Bircher, 1922-26. pp. 1006+.
Widener | B 1278.3.10
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek. Katalog der Schweizerischen landesbibliothek Bern. Systematisches verzeichnis der Schweizerischen oder die Schweiz betreffenden verÃŘffentlichungen, 1901-1920. 0, 1-9. [Bern, 192-?].
Widener | B 1278.3.9
Allgemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Schweizergeschichtliches Repertorium III; Bibliographie der in Zeit- und Sammelschriften der Jahre 1901-1912 enthaltenen AufsÃ_tze und Mitteilungen schweizergeschichtlichen Inhalts. Als Fortsetzung zu Brandstetters Repertorium I fÃ*r die Jahre 1812-1890 und zu Barths Repertorium II fÃ*r die Jahre 1891-1900 hrsg. von der Allgemeinen Geschichtforschenden Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Basel, E. BirkhÃ_user, 1943. xv, 703 p. (Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte, n.F., 4. Abt.: HandbÃ*cher, Bd. 6 )
Widener | Swi 65.1.5 vol.6
Collective Biography
Dictionnaire historique & biographique de la Suisse. Suppl?nt : contenant une table syst?tique des sept tomes et des deux suppl?nts / publi?ous la direction de Marcel Godet, L? Montandon, Hans Tribolet ; avec de nombreux collaborateurs de tous les cantons ; illustr?e planches dans le texte. Neuch?l : V. Attinger, 1934. viii, 208,
Widener | WID-LC | DQ51 .D52 Widener | Swi 2240.15
Dictionnaire historique & biographique de la Suisse. Neuch?l : Administration du dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse, 1921-1933. 7 v. : ill. (some col.), maps, coats of arms ; Widener | WID-LC | DQ51 .D5
Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz. Basel : Schwabe, 12 v. 2002-
In French, German, or Italian.
Krebs, Siegfried. Portraits grosser Schweizer / Siegfried Krebs.Kassel : Edition Reichenberger, 1992. 247 p. : ports. ; (Europische Profile ; 2 )
Widener | Harvard Depository
Who's who in Switzerland including the principality of Liechtenstein. Zurich : Central European Times Pub. Co. Ltd., 1952-1999 v. ; Widener | RR1593.2 Latest Law School | ILS RR | DQ 52 .W5 Widener | Swi 2240.8 Earlier
In English. Over 2000 entries. Biennial. Terminated in 1999 (20th ed.).
Keller’s Schweizer biographisches Archiv provides who’s who information for the 1950s. Each volume with a-z series. No overlap among volumes. Many photographs at end of each vol. Volume 6 has index to whole set with photographs indicated. Text largely in German or French, some Italian and Rhaeto-Romanic. Full text in German biographical archive. 173507
Keller, Willy. Schweizer biographisches Archiv. Z_rich, Verlag Internationaler Publikationen, 1952-58 6 v. Widener | Swi 2240.17
Collective Biography
Kharchenko, T. N. 100 znamenitykh li_u_de_ Ukraïny / T.N. Kharhchenko, O.I_U_. Ochkurova, I.A. Rudycheva ; [avtor i rukovoditel_ proekta Dmitri_ Vladimirovich Tabolkin ; otv. za vyp. R. E. Panchenko]. Khar_kov : Folio, 2004. 511 p.
Widener | Harvard Depository S number [009350001]
Deceased and living Ukrainians from the 11th century to present, with emphasis on 20th century, with portraits.
Ukraïns'ka biohrafistyka = Biographistica Ukrainica / Natsional'na akademiia nauk Ukraïny, TSentral'na naukova biblioteka im. V.I. Vernads'koho, Instytut biohrafichnykh doslidzhen'. Vyp. 1-
Kyïv : "BMT", 1996-
Text in Ukrainian, with table of contents also in English.
Ukraine -- Biography -- Periodicals.
Widener | Harvard Depository | DK508.45 .U37x
Khto ie khto v Ukraïni / Kyïvs'ke naukove tovarystvo im. Petra Mohyly.
Kyïv : Vyd-vo K.I.S., 1997-
Widener | WID-LC | CT1225 .K48x Latest (2004)
--Includes nearly 7000 entries.
Imena Ukrainy / Ukrainska akademiia nauk natsionalnoho prohresu, Instytut humanitarnykh doslidzhen. Kyiv "Feniks", 1999- (2002, 1st ed., 1999 (continues Khto i_e_ khto v Ukraïni, 1997) offers around 3300 entries, with portraits)
Widener | RR 1616.10 Latest Widener | HD | CT1225 .K47x Earlier
Khto i_e_ khto v Ukraïni / Instytut humanitarnykh doslidz_h_en_. Kyïv : Instytut, 1997. 1 v.
Widener | Harvard Depository | CT1225 .K47x