South America


Collective Biography

Cutolo, Vicente Osvaldo. Nuevo diccionario biografico argentino (1750-1930). Buenos Aires, Editorial Elche, 1968-1985.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 5416. 78 Library has: 7 v. 
--A scholarly dictionary of national biography in the manner of its British and American counterparts. Its completion makes redundant several earlier works.  Most articles have extensive source lists. Full text in {i}Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive{/i}.
Only the 1st vol.(A-C; 2004) of the similar {i}Novísimo diccionario biográfico argentino, 1930-1980{/i} has been published.

Cutolo, Vicente Osvaldo. Novísimo diccionario biográfico argentino, 1930-1980. Buenos Aires : Editorial Elche, 2004-
Widener  |  WID-LC  |  CT653 .C87 2004x

Diccionario biografico, historico y geografico argentino El Ateneo. Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1997.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F2804.D47 1997

Sosa de Newton, Lily. Diccionario biografico de mujeres argentinas: aumentado y actualizado. 3a ed. Buenos Aires: Plus Ultra, c1986. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT3290.S67x 1986 
--Around 2100 brief biographies of living and deceased women.  Terminal bibliography.  1st ed., 1972. Full text of 2nd ed. (1980) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Sosa de Newton, Lily. Diccionario biografico de mujeres argentinas. Coleccion Diccionarios biograficos argentinos. Buenos Aires, 1972.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 5416.79

Udaondo, Enrique. Diccionario biografico colonial argentino. Buenos Aires, Editorial Huarpes, s.a., 1945.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 5416.32.5   NIS
--About 2000 entries. Covers the colonial period of Argentina from from the discovery and conquest of the Rio de la Plata to 1810.  Continued by Udaondo’s Diccionario biogrfico argentine which covers 1800-1920 and has roughly 3450 entries with some portraits.

Udaondo, Enrique, 1880- Diccionario biogrfico argentino, por Enrique Udaondo. Buenos Aires, Casa editora "Coni," 1938. viii, 1151 p. Law School | B/ARG 015 UDA Widener | SA 5416.32  NIS


Quien es quien en America del Sur, diccionario biografico argentino, 1982-1983. 1a ed. [Buenos Aires]: Publicaciones Referenciales Latinoamericanas, [c1982]. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT640.Q54 1982x  
--Covers broad range of academic and professional life, arts and communication, government, religion, politics, etc.

Other who’s whos include:

Quién es quién en la sociedad argentina (1982) which includes cultural figures as well as professional and business people.

Quien es quien en la Argentina. (1st ed., 1939 – 9th ed., 1968; full text of 5th ed. (1950) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive)

Biografías argentinas y sudamericanas. (1938-40) which emphasizes the military.

Argentines of today (1920) which offers around 500 biographical entries in English, many with portraits.

Quién es quién en la sociedad argentina. Buenos Aires : Ediciones Elite, 1982. 753 p. Widener | WID-LC | CT656 .Q53 1982

Quien es quien en la Argentina. Ano 1939- Buenos Aires: G. Kraft, 1939- 
LOCATION: Widener: SA 5416.60   eds. 1-9,1939-1968

Parker, William Belmont, 1871-1934, ed. Argentines of today, edited by William Belmont Parker ... Buenos Aires, New York, The Hispanic Society of America, 1920. 2 v.
Widener | SA 5416.20   NIS


Collective Biography

Arze, Jos Roberto. Diccionario biograico boliviano. Published: La Paz: Editorial Los Amigos del Libro, 1984. Widener | WID-LC | F3323 .A79 1996x   NIS
--Short sketches of both living and deceased individuals with source lists.  Individual volumes includes indexes by birth place and field of endeavour.  Contents: v. 1. Figuras bolivianas en las ciencias sociales -- 2. Figuras eclesiasticas en Bolivia -- 3. Geografos, exploradores y figuras en la ciencia -- 4. Historiadores y cronistas. – 5. Figuras centrales en la historia de Bolivia: epocas precolonial y colonial. -  6.  Figuras centrales en la historia de Bolivia : independencia y republica, 1996.

Rivas Grana, Carlos Humberto. Personajes bolivianos del siglo XX. 1. ed. [Cochabamba, Bolivia]: Promociones Culturales "Punku", 1991. 
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository CT672.R58 1991
--Paragraph to page-length biographies of deceased and living persons with portraits.  Index by profession.  Contact information for living persons. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese 280864 , and Latin American biographical archive.


Quien es quien en Bolivia. La Paz, Editores Quien es Quien en Bolivia, 1942- 
LOCATION: Widener: SA 5750.45 Holdings : 1942, 1959   2003 NIS
--Offers (2003 ed.) mostly very brief information on roughly 3400 persons.  Earlier eds: 1942, 195.

Bolivians of to-day (1920, 1922) which offers one-page articles, most with photograph, on prominent professionals, academics, and government officials. Full text of 1922 ed. in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Parker, William Belmont, ed.   Bolivians of to-day, edited by William Belmont Parker.   2 ed., rev. and enl.   London, New York, The Hispanic society of America,  1922.   xiv, 332 p. Widener | SA 5750.20.2   NIS

Parker, William Belmont, ed.   Bolivians of to-day, edited by William Belmont Parker.   Santiago de Chile, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1920.   xiv, 319 p. (Hispanic notes & monographs )  Widener | SA 5750.20   NIS

Quienes somos : quién es quién en Bolivia / Author(s): Hinojosa Canedo, Benjamín. La Paz : Secretaría Nacional de Cultura, 1999 379 p.



Indice de biobibliografia brasileira [por J. Galante de Sousa. Rio de Janeiro] Instituto Nacional do Livro, Mininstério da Educação e Cultura [1963] 440 p. 
Widener | SA 6210.30 
--Indexes bio-bibliographical articles on nearly 17,000 individuals from Brazil in 29 sources.  NIS


Vieira, N.H. 'A Brazilian Biographical Bibliography' Biography, vol. 5, no. 4, 1982, pp. 351-364. Lists works from the 18th century to 1980, but strongest on memoirs, autobiographies, etc., since 1930.

Collective Biography

Almanaque Abril: quem e quem na historia do Brasil. Sao Paulo, SP: Abril Multimidia, c2000.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F2521 .A396 2000x
--Biographies of about 500 living and deceased persons with portraits. Name/subject index. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Brazilian biographical annual, by J. M. de Macedo. Rio de Janeiro. 1876. 3 v.
HathiTrust Full Text
--Biographies arranged by birth date 1 volume - 31 December.  List by birth date of included names at end of each volume. No general index.

Dicionario historico-biografico brasileiro, pos-1930. 2. ed. rev. e atualizada. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: FGV Editora: FGV CPDOC, 2001.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F2538.D53 2001 Library has: 5 v.   NIS
--Entries range from a few lines to several pages and include source lists. Covers almost exclusively politicians and the military. Articles on political parties and other institutions interfiled among biographies. New ed. of {i}Dicionario historico-biografico brasileiro, 1930-1983{/i}. 349508 Available on CD-ROM. <a href=””>See their website</a>.

Dicionario historico-biografico brasileiro, 1930-1983. la. ed. Rio de Janeiro -RJ: Forense-Universitaria: FINEP, 1984.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F2504.D53 1984 Library has: 4 v.  NIS

Dicionario mulheres do Brasil : de 1500 ate a atualidade : com 270 ilustra?s / organizado por Schuma Schumaher, Erico Vital Brazil. Rio de Janeiro : J. Zahar Editor, 2000. 567 p
--About 900 biographies, a few with portraits, of living and deceased women.  References with each article, including some archival sources, and a 20-page terminal bibliography. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese , and Latin American biographical archive.

Segadas Machado-Guimares, Argeu de. Diccionario bio-bibliographico brasileiro de diplomacia, poltica externa e direito internacional. Rio de Janeiro, Edio do autor, 1938, 478, [4] p.


Oliveira, Eduardo de, Quem é quem na negritude brasileira. [São Paulo : Congresso Nacional Afro-Brasileiro ; Brasilia : Secretaria Nacional de Dereitos Humanos do Ministerio da Justica, 1998- .
--Widener | Harvard Depository | F2659.N4 O54 1998    
--Alphabetical by first name.  Indexes by state and profession. List of included women. Terminal bibliography. 1st ed. all published? In Saur

Earlier coverage: 

Who's who in Brazil, ed. 1 (1968/69) – ed. 8 (1980); eds 7-8 titled international registry of who's who.

Quem e quem no Brasil, 287103  1st ed. (1948) – 10th ed. (1972).  Full text of 4th ed. (1955) in Spanish, Portuguese , and Latin American biographical archive.


Collective Biography

Castillo Infante, Fernando. Diccionario historico y biografico de Chile. Coleccion Historia y geografia. Santiago de Chile: Zig-Zag, 1999.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F3054.C377 1996
--Bulk of the entries are biographical.  Paragraph to column in length.  Terminal bibliography.  NIS (from 1996 ed.)

Cspedes, Mario. Gran diccionario de Chile: biogrfico-cultural. v. 1-2. Edition: 2a ed. Published: Santiago: Importadora Alfa, 1988. Physical Details: 2 v. : ill., ports. Series: Col. Alfa divulgacin. Serie Historia de Chile. Notes: Bibliography: v. 2, p. 883-888.  NIS
--Mainly a biographical dictionary but includes some historical events.  Appendix lists heads of state. Terminal bibliography.

Figueroa, Pedro Pablo. Diccionario biografico de Chile. 4 ed. Nendeln, Liechtenstein, Kraus Reprint, 1974. 
LOCATION: Widener: SA 6820.23.3 Library has: 3 v.
--Earlier editions include names dropped from later editions, and the later editions add new names and incorporate corrections and additional information for sketches previously included. Primarily 19th century with a few earlier names.  Articles from paragraph to two pages. Full text (4th ed.) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive. 1st ed., 1887; 2nd ed., 1888; 3rd ed., 1891. 4th ed. repr: Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1974. 

Figueroa’s Diccionario biografico de estranjeros en Chile extends coverage to foreigners living in Chile.  Full text in  Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Virgilio Figueroa’s Diccionario historico, biografico y bibliografico de Chile 349319 is arranged alphabetically by family name and then by seniority in the family rather than alphabetically.  Most articles have source lists. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Figueroa, Pedro Pablo. Diccionario biografico de estranjeros en Chile. Santiago de Chile, Imprenta moderna, 1900. 
LOCATION: Widener: SA 6820.23.15

Virgilio Figueroa’s Diccionario historico, biografico y bibliografico de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Establecimientos graficos "Balcells & co.", 1925-31.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 6820.24.5 Library has: 5 v. in 4

Medina, Jose Toribio. Diccionario biografico colonial de Chile. Santiago de Chile, Impr. Elzeviriana, 1906.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 6820.27
--Full text in Saur Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive. 90954010


Diccionario biografico de Chile. Santiago, Chile: Empresa Periodistica Chile. 
LOCATION: Widener: RR 1551.2 Latest SA 6820.45 Earlier   Latest 84/86
--Over 14,000 entries in latest (18th, 1984/86) ed. Ed 1. 1936. Initially biennial, triennial, 1950- . 
--Full text (5th ed., 1944) in Spanish, Portuguese , and Latin American biographical archive. 280864  older information see Chileans of to-day (1920)

Parker, William Belmont, 1871-1934, ed.   Chileans of to-day, edited by William Belmont Parker  ...   New York, London, G. P. Putnam's sons; Santiago de  Chile [Imprenta universitaria] 1920.   xix, 633 p. incl. front. ports.
Widener | SA 6820.30   NIS


Collective Biography

Compendio de biografias colombianas: [literatura, historia, musica, artes plasticas, ciencia. Santafe de Bogota: Panamericana Editorial, 1995. 329, [6] p. 
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository CT706.C66 1995x
--Biographies of 114deceased figures prominent in the intellectual, cultural and artistic life of Colombia, alphabetical under major categories.  “Historia” includes political figures. Short terminal bibliography.

Gómez Pérez, Fernando and Jaime Gómez Pérez, 300 colombianos de todas las épocas. 2nd ed.  Bogotá, D.C.: Próyex Editores, 2003, 1206 pp.  NIS
--Includes both living and deceased persons from te 15th century to the present. Many articles have portraits.  List of biographees arranged by historical period and by subject affiliation in front.

Mendez Bernal, Rafael Mauricio. Hechos y protagonistas del siglo XX en Colombia. Santafe de Bogota, Colombia: Circulo de Lectores, 1997. 509 p.
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository CT706.M46 1997
--Well-illustrated popular biographies of 60 persons from a variety of professions. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Perozzo, Carlos. Forjadores de Colombia contemporánea : los 81 personajes que más han influido en la formación de nuestro país / colección de biografías a cargo de Carlos Perozzo, Renán Flórez, Eugenio de Bustos Tovar. Bogotá, Colombia : Planeta, 1986. 2 v. 
Widener | WID-LC | CT704 .P47 1986
Biographies in birth date order (1506-1942) of largely deceased Colombians with portraits. Biographee index. Full text in Saur Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Ospina, Joaquin. Diccionario biografico y bibliografico de Colombia. Bogota, Editorial de Cromos, 1927-39. 
LOCATION: Widener: SA 7290.15 Library has: 3 v. 
--Covers from the Spanish conquest to the 20th century.  Includes persons of many professions who contributed to the development of the country.  Major works mentioned in articles. Articles from paragraph to one page in length.  Full text in Spanish, Portuguese 280864 , and Latin American biographical archive.


Quien es quien en Colombia, 1978: biografias contemporaneas. Bogota, Colombia: Editorial Temis Libreria, 1978. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT706.Q53    NIS
The first, and  sole edition of an intended who’s who series. A Clasificación por profesiones (p. 387-400) groups the names of the biographees by occupation.  An earlier series with the same title appeared in four editions (1944-70).

Quien es quien en Colombia. 1st- 1944-1970. Bogota: Kelly.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 7290.8   NIS


Collective Biography

Album biogra´fico ecuatoriano. Camilo Destruge [Destruge, Camilo]. 2a ed.,  anotada e ilustrada en dos tomos, 1984. 5 v. in 2, ports., 22 cm. Centro  de Investigacio´n y Cultura del Banco Central del Ecuador, Sucursal Mayor,  Guayaquil.

Alarcon Costta, Cesar. Diccionario biografico ecuatoriano. 1a ed. Quito, Ecuador: Fundacion Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo, FED: Editorial Raices, [2000]. 1273 p. : ports. + 1 v. (102 p.)
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT712.A533 2000 Index
--Over 6000 biographies of living and deceased persons.  The separate Apéndice bibliográfico e índice lists the biographees and keys them to 243-item bibliography.  Includes references to 16 periodicals.  Full text (but without the Apéndice bibliográfico e índice) in Spanish, Portuguese 280864 , and Latin American biographical archive.

Perez Marchant, B. (Braulio). Diccionario biografico del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador, Escuela de artes y oficios, 1928.
LOCATION: Law School: Harvard Depository B/ECU 015 PER

Perez Pimentel, Rodolfo. Diccionario biografico del Ecuador. [Guayaquil, Ecuador]: Litografia e Imp. de la Universidad de Guayaquil, 1987-
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT712.D52x 1987-2001 Library has: v. 1-21 in 14 
--Contains two to three-page essays, most of which previously appeared in Ecuadorian newspapers, concerning deceased individuals from all areas and periods of Ecuadorian life. Each volume is arranged alphabetically, a-z; v. 5 includes a cumulative index, p. ii-xii.  Full text of v. 3, 6-16 in Spanish, Portuguese 280864 , and Latin American biographical archive.  A 2nd. ed. which includes largely the same people as the 1st ed.  is up to v. 4

Perez Pimentel, Rodolfo. Diccionario biografico del Ecuador / Rodolfo Perez Pimentel. 2. ed., corr. y aum. [Guayaquil, Ecuador] : Universidad de Guayaquil, 2001- v. . Widener | WID-LC | CT712 .D52 2001x


Diccionario biografico ecuatoriano. 2a ed. Quito, Ecuador: R 2 M Producciones Editoriales, 1985/86 [i.e. 1986]. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT712.D53 1986 Library has: 2 v.     NIS
--Brief who's who entries on more than 10,000 prominent figures from all fields. Includes addresses and telephone numbers.  1st ed., 1975.


Collective Biography

Dictionary of Guyanese biography / by Arthur & Elma Seymour. 1985-1986 2 v. ; 
Widener | WID-LC | CT719.5 .S48 1984  
--Nearly 600 deceased Guyanese-born and other persons significant in Guyanese history. Wide range of occupations. Short terminal bibliography of reference books.   NIS


Collective Biography

Forjadores del Paraguay: diccionario biografico. 1. ed. Buenos Aires: Distribuidora Quevedo de Ediciones, 2000. 672 p. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT722.F67 2000
--About 1300 biographies of deceased and living persons from throughout Paraguayan history.  Many portraits. Terminal bibliography. Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Other sources include Breve historia de grandes hombres  which includes almost 400 primarily historical figures arranged by category of achievment, then by birth date and Los 100 paraguayos más notables del siglo XX which covers mostly deceased persons of a range of professions with portraits, in birth year order with alphabetical index in front.  OK

Benitez, Luis G. Breve historia de grandes hombres. [S.l.: s.n., 1986] (Asuncion, Paraguay: Industrial Grafica Comuneros).
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository CT726.B46 1986

Masi Pallarés, R. (Rafael) Los 100 paraguayos más notables del siglo XX / Rafael Masi Pallarés. [Asunción? : Artes Gráficas Zamphirópolos?, 2002?] 530 p. Widener NIS


Quien es quien en el Paraguay? 1941- [Buenos Aires]: Editorial F. Monte Domecq, 1941-
LOCATION: Widener: RR 1555.2  13th ed. 2001
--Around 200 entries, with portraits(ed. 15, 2005).  Includes government and commercial directory information. Full text (11th ed., 1994/95 only) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.
--For earlier coverage see William Belmont Parker’s Paraguayans of to-day (1921) which offers one-two page articles many with photographs.  Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.


Collective Biography

Diccionario histórico biográfico : peruanos ilustres / [editor, Alfonso Cueva Sevillano].  Lima, Perú: A.F.A. Editores Importadores, 2004.  738 p.
Widener  |  WID-LC  |  CT732 .D53 2004x 
--About 700 biographies largely of deceased Peruvians from the 16th to the late 20th centuries.  Some with portraits.

Diccionario histórico biográfico de los conquistadores del Perú Only vols. 1-2, A-I, published.  WID-LC F3442 .B87 1986

Diccionario historico y biografico del Peru, siglos XV-XX. 1a ed. Lima, Peru: Editorial Milla Batres, 1986. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F3404.D53 1986 Library has: 9 v.
--Comprised almost entirely of short biographical articles, most including brief reference list. Late Inca period to present. Includes foreigners important in Peruvian history.  Wide occupational coverage, but with many important people omitted. Emphasis on 2nd half of 20th century and on Lima and coastal region.  Articles are variable with birth/death dates sometimes omitted.  Sometimes several articles with overlapping content on one person.
--Revised version of 19th-20th century articles, with some new articles, published as {i}Enciclopedia biográfica e histórica del Perú: siglos XIX-XX{/i}. 281587  Some articles have references and/or a portrait. Full text in {i}Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive{/i}.

Mainly living, largely 20th century figures are included in Milla Batres’ {i}Diccionario biográfico del Perú contemporáneo: siglo XX{/i}

Diccionario biográfico del Perú contemporáneo : siglo XX / dirección, coordinación, revisión, ilustración, epígrafes, diagramación y edición, Carlos Milla Batres. Lima, Perú : Editorial Milla Batres, 2004. 2 v. 
Widener  |  WID-LC  |  F3405 .D544 2004x 

Enciclopedia biografica e historica del Peru: siglos XIX-XX. 1. ed. Lima, Peru: Editorial Milla Batres, 1994.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F3404.D53 1994 Library has: 12 v.

Mendiburu, Manuel de. Diccionario historico-biografico del Peru. Segunda edicion con adiciones y notas bibliograficas publicada por Evaristo San Cristoval; estudio biografico del general Mendiburu por el dr. d. Jose de la Riva-Aguero y Osma. Lima, Imprenta "Enrique Palacios", 1931-34 [i.e. '35]. 
LOCATION: Widener: SA 8980.5.2 Library has: 11 v.  
--Historical and biographical articles in one alphabet, with a subject index in each volume and a general index at the end. Includes fairly long articles with references to sources.  "Catĺogo de las obras y manuscrites que deben consultarse para la historia de la America latiria y particularmente del Peru." v. l, p. 15-52.  Additional alphabetical series in the 4-vol. Apeňdice (1935-38). 458541 The first volume of a third edition covers Abad-Amat (Lima : Editorial Arica, 1976). 458553 Full text of 1st ed. (1874-1890) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive. 280864  

Mendiburu, Manuel de. Diccionario historico-biografico del Peru. Coleccion Peru historia: Serie verde, El Virreinato; 1. 3. ed. Lima: Editorial Arica, c1976-
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F3405.M54 1976 Library has: v. 1 only published  t. 1. (ABAD-AMAT.)

---------. Apeňdice (Lima : Gil, 1935-38. 4 v.). The first volume of a third edition covers Abad-Amat (Lima : Editorial Arica, 1976).


Requejo, Juan V. Quien es quien en el Peru. Lima, Centro de Documentacion Andina, [1990]. 
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CT732.R47 1990x  NIS
--Includes government and commercial directory information.

Parker, William Belmont, ed.   Peruvians of to-day, ed. IN SAUR


Collective Biography

Fernandez Saldana, Jose Maria. Diccionario uruguayo de biografias, 1810-1940. Montevideo, Editorial Amerindia, 1945. 
LOCATION: Widener: SA 9163.5
--Sketches range in length from a single column to several pages and include figures from many fields--diplomats, military men, writers, artists, etc. Few references to sources.  Full text in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive.

Rela, Walter.   Personalidades de la cultura en el Uruguay : humanistas  y científicos / Walter Rela.   [Uruguay] : Ediciones de la Plaza, [2002]   291 p. 
Widener  NIS 
--Includes 86 deceased jurists, humanists, and scientists grouped by field with name index.  Terminal bibliography.
--Overlaps with Siluetas uruguayas en la cultura del siglo XX which covers 40 deceased cultural figures and includes portraits. Brief terminal bibliography.

Marino, Roberto. Siluetas uruguayas en la cultura del siglo XX. Montevideo: Ediciones Polifemo, 2001.


Mannise Castiglioni, Efrain and Jacobo Swier Grafner. Quién es quién en el Uruguay 1997 [2. ed.] 415 p.  Montevideo, Uruguay : Promociones y Ediciones Panamericana,   
--About 700 entries. Full text (1997 ed.) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive. First ed., 1980.
--Other sources include Diccionario biografico de la mujer en el Uruguay 277533 and Uruguayans of today 593092 (1921) with roughly 250 biographies, most with portraits.

Diccionario biografico de la mujer en el Uruguay. Full text (1999 ed.) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American biographical archive. First ed., 1983.

Scarone, Arturo, b. 1885. Uruguayos contemporáneos; nuevo diccionario de datos biográ ficos y bibliográficos. Montevideo, "Casa A. Barreiro y RWidener | SA 9490.8.2

Scarone, Arturo, b. 1885. Uruguayos contemporáneos; obra de consulta biográfica por Arturo Scarone ... Diccionario de datos referentes a compatriotas ... y de algunos extranjeros desde largo tiempo incorporados y descollantes en nuestra vida pública; prólogo del doctor Juan Antonio Buero. 1. ed., con un apéndice ... Montevideo, "Renacimiento," 1918. 676 p.  Widener | SA 9490.8 "Ejemplar no. 00106."

Parker, William Belmont, ed.   Uruguayans of today.  London, New York, Hispanic society of America, 1921.  575 p. Widener | SA 9490.6

Campodónico, Miguel Angel.  Nuevo diccionario de la cultura uruguaya : sepa quién es quién en artes visuales, música, cine y video, teatro, letras y periodismo.  Montevideo : Linardi y Risso, 2003.  365 p. Widener Ordered--received 
--About 800 living artists, writers, journalists, etc.  Short terminal bibliography. Includes list of 58 persons dying since the last ed. No contact information.  Earlier ed. (1995) called Uruguayos por su nombre: sepa quien es quien. Full text (1995) in Spanish, Portuguese 280864 , and Latin American biographical archive. Secondary Done   Future  SAUR


Collective Biography

Maldonado Parilli, Jorge. Gente de Venezuela : 500 años, 585 venezolanos. [Rev. ed.]. Caracas : M.A. García, 1992. 2 v. (1693 p.)
Widener | WID-LC | CT754 .M28 1992    
--Biographies, which include professional and cultural figures, arranged by district with terminal table of contents in each volume. Detailed name index. 1st ed.: 1987-1990

Silva Montañés, Ismael.  Hombres y mujeres del siglo XVI venezolano.  Caracas: Academia Nacional de la Historia, 1983.  4 v. (Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia. Fuentes para la historia colonial de Venezuela ; 156, 159, 164, 166 )   
Widener | WID-LC | CT755 .S55 1983   NIS
--Entries of variable length on 5251 persons keyed to bibliography of 58 historical works.


Quien es quien en Venezuela, 1988. 1a ed. Caracas: Editorial Quienes Somos en Venezuela, 1988.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 1558. 5  NIS
--Includes a separate listing of government officials and a section illustrating and describing official medals. About 950 entries. No more published?

The Diccionario biografico de Venezuela (1953) includes about 3600 who’s who type entries in one alphabetical sequence.  Also includes full page biographies of 120 historical figures, included in index as Próceres

Diccionario biografico de Venezuela. 1. ed. Madrid, Blass, 1953.
LOCATION: Widener: SA 9502.15   NIS