Acta Sanctorum
Analecta hymnica
L'Année Philologique
Cambridge Ancient History
New Cambridge Medieval History
Database of Latin Dictionaries
Digital Loeb Classical Library
Dyabola: Census of Antique Art
International Medieval Bibliography
Lexikon des Mittelalters
Library of Latin Texts (CLCLT)
Monumenta Germaniae Historica
New Jacoby Online
New Pauly Online
Oxford Bibliographies Online
Oxford Classical Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
Patrologia Graeca
Patrologia Latina
Perseus: Greek and Roman Materials
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae
Vetus Latina Database
Digital Reference Sources
Ancient World Open Bibliographies
Scholarly bibliographies available online.
Analytic Bibliography of On-line Neo-Latin Texts
A bibliography of Latin texts written during the Renaissance and later that are freely available to the general public on the Web. Each entry links to the digitized online text.
This database of ancient objects enables archaeologists and classicists to quickly search hundreds of thousands of records on objects and their attributes.
Attalus: Sources for Greek and Roman History
This site contains detailed lists of events and sources for the history of the Hellenistic world and the Roman republic. It includes links to online translations of many of the sources, as well as new translations of some works which have not previously been easily available in English.
Beazley Archive Pottery Database
A searchable catalog of the Beazley Archive, the world's biggest photographic archive devoted to ancient Greek figure-decorated pottery.
Bibliographies on Galen and Hippocrates
Brill's Encyclopaedia of the Neo-Latin World
This encyclopedia traces the enduring history and wide-ranging cultural influence of Neo-Latin, the form of Latin that originated in the Italian Renaissance and persists to the modern era. Featuring original contributions by a host of distinguished international scholars, this comprehensive reference work explores every aspect of the civilized world from literature and law to philosophy and the sciences.
Classical Art Research Center
The databases of the CARC offer a wealth of images, bibliography, and documentation on ancient Greek and Roman pottery, gems, and terracotta ornaments. Also represented are historical photographs of archaeological sites and plaster casts of Classical sculpture.
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Online
This site presents more than 250 out-of-print volumes of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, a series of catalogs of mostly ancient Greek painted pottery in collections around the world. For Harvard's holdings of the series, browse HOLLIS by the title Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum.
The Digital Archaeological Record (TDAR)
An international digital repository for the digital records of archaeological investigations
Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations
DARMC offers a series of maps and geodatabases bearing on multiple aspects of Roman and medieval civilization. The site allows users to generate original maps based on maps of Roman military installations, roads, shrines, mines, and villas; study the rise and fall of medieval kingdoms; and follow the geographic development of the medieval church.
Digital Roman Forum(archived site)
Online access to the subject catalogs of publications on the history of art and classical archaeology. It includes the subject catalogs of the German Archaeological Institute in Rome (1956-2004), the Bibliography of Iberian Archaeology from the German Archaeological Institute in Madrid (1991-2002), and the Archaeology of Roman Provinces from RGK Frankfurt (1992-2004). Dyabola also includes the image resources Database of Attic Grave Reliefs, the Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance and Corpus of Antique Monuments Known to Winckelmann.
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL)
Encyclopedia of Ancient History
5,000 entries on the entire ancient Mediterranean world, including the Near East and Egypt, span the late Bronze Age through the seventh century C.E.
FASTI Online
A database of archaeological excavations, conservation, and field surveys in Europe and North Africa.
FRANTIQ (Federation et Ressources sur l'Antiquite)
FRANTIQ is a collaborative portal, organized by the CNRS in conjunction with roughly twenty universities and the Ministry of Culture in France, dedicated to the study of antiquity from prehistory to the year 1000. Among the features are an indexed catalogue of monographs, papers, conference proceedings and other online documents. The site also provides access to a variety of audiovisual material including documentary films and recordings of lectures by notable archeologists, classicists, and medievalists. It also offers a section of announcements of relevant European colloquia and conferences. It allows the user to link to a variety of other portals, catalogues, and online journals.
The Homer Encyclopedia
This work, the first encyclopedia on Homer ever published, covers Homeric scholarship and reception from antiquity to the present, with 1,360 entries contributed by 130 scholars.
The Homer Multitext Project
The Project offers free access to a library of texts, images, and tools to allow readers to discover and engage with the Homeric tradition.
In Principio
In Principio features over 1 million incipits, covering Latin literature from its origins to the Renaissance. It is an inevitable research tool for those scholars and libraries interested in the writers, texts and manuscripts of Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Users have the option of directly entering search terms in one or more fields, searching terms from a browselist, checking "hits" before displaying results, and exporting records.
International Aristotle Bibliography
This bibliography, which gives access to books, articles, book reviews and dissertations on the philosopher Aristotle, covers more than 100 years of publication.
KIRKE: Katalog der Internetressourcen für die Klassische Philologie
KIRKE is a catalogue of internet resources concerning Classical Studies. These internet resources are indexed by the Bavarian State Library and are based on a collection of the Institute of Classical Philology at the Humboldt Universität Berlin.
New Pauly Online: Encyclopedia of the Ancient World
Providing coverage of the ancient world from Aegean prehistory (2nd millennium BCE) to late antiquity (600-800 CE), this encyclopedia includes the entire text of Metzler's Der Neue Pauly and also all volumes of the English language Brill's New Pauly now in print.
ORBIS: The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World reconstructs the time cost and financial expense associated with different types of travel across the Roman Empire. It broadly reflects conditions around 200 CE but also covers a few sites and roads created in late antiquity.
Oxford Bibliographies
The Classics module includes more than 270 bibliographic essays, each offering a selective list of recommended works on various aspects of the topic. Entries range from "Arena Spectacles" to "Pre-Hellenistic Greek Poetry."
Oxford Classical Dictionary
"The new OCD incorporates intuitive search options that offer easier navigation; new and continuously-updated articles that enable researchers to ensure their scholarship is current; reliable perspectives from an ever-growing, international team of contributors; and finally, multimedia content--including interactive maps, audio, and images--that take full advantage of the OCD’s digital form to vividly depict the ancient world."
Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization
The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization provides an authoritative survey of the Greek and Roman worlds in all their aspects. Drawing on the latest edition of the highly praised Oxford Classical Dictionary, the Companion offers articles on diverse fields such as, history and politics; ethics and morals; law and punishment; social and family life; language, literature, and art; religion and mythology; technology, science, and medicine.
Oxford Companion to Classical Literature
The main focus of the Companion remains the lives and works of the principal authors. Biographical entries offer the essential facts and sift the conjectural evidence, while entries on the major works include discussions of the philosophical dialogues and political speeches and plot summaries of the epic poems and plays. The various literary forms--epic, comedy, tragedy, rhetorical writing--are covered in depth, supplemented by articles on the origins of the Greek and Latin alphabets and languages.
An open-access digital directory of places in ancient history, built on the Classical Atlas Project, which produced the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World.
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites
Silver Muse Project
Web-based texts of Silver Latin authors, including selections from Ovid, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, Statius and Silius Italicus. The passages contain hyperlinks to notes and vocabulary. There are also links to secondary literature online, and additional bibliography.
Studies in Mycenaean Inscriptions and Dialect (SMID)
SMID contains glossaries of individual Mycenaean terms, tablet and series citations, and subject indices all linked to bibliographical references. As a reference tool, SMID is both complex and comprehensive, with indices of linguistic, archaeological, historical, religious, and cultural topics, as well as individual words and phrases in the tablets.
Traditio Classicorum
A bibliography of secondary literature concerning the traditions of classical authors to the year 1650.
Who's Who in the Classical World
Who's Who in the Classical World offers biographical entries on nearly 500 individuals of central importance from the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome, including writers, thinkers, artists, scientists, statesmen, kings, queens, and other historical figures; mythological figures are excluded.