Acta Sanctorum
Analecta hymnica
L'Année Philologique
Cambridge Ancient History
New Cambridge Medieval History
Database of Latin Dictionaries
Digital Loeb Classical Library
Dyabola: Census of Antique Art
International Medieval Bibliography
Lexikon des Mittelalters
Library of Latin Texts (CLCLT)
Mirabile (in process of renewal)
Monumenta Germaniae Historica
New Jacoby Online
New Pauly Online
Oxford Bibliographies Online
Oxford Classical Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
Patrologia Graeca
Patrologia Latina
Perseus: Greek and Roman Materials
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae
Vetus Latina Database
Where can I find scholarly articles on my paper topic?
Start with a good journal index (a database that lists the articles of particular journals). Three especially useful databases for Classics-related topics are L'Année Philologique, Nestor, and TOCS-IN. Medievalists will want to begin with the International Medieval Bibliography and the MLA Bibliography. Remember, each article database only covers certain years of certain journals. To ensure that you have done a comprehensive search, search the same keywords and subjects in a variety of databases. See: Classics article databases and Medieval Studies article databases.
If you have a particular citation in hand and would like to see if the full text is available online, use the Journals Search Page.