Epigraphical Resources

Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
A list of abbreviations used in Latin inscriptions.

American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Links to Web-based epigraphical resources, conferences, colloquia, seminars and lectures, museum inventories and more.

Archivum Corporis Electronicum
This database allows access to the collection of squeezes, photographs and bibliographical references maintained by the research centre of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL), sorted by inscription-number. Digital images of inscriptions and squeezes (when available) can be viewed at different resolutions. The CIL includes the Latin inscriptions from the entire area of the former Roman empire, arranged by region and by inscription-type.

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
A multi-volume collection of ancient Latin inscriptions from the whole territory of the Imperium, geographically and systematically arranged (also see Archivum Corporis Electronicum, above). HOLLIS record

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum II
Provided by the University of Alcalà, this site contains epigraphic images from new volumes of the CIL II.

Indexes for CIL I2, part 2, fasc. 4 and CIL XVII, part 4, fasc. 1.
Concordances for the volumes of the CIL.
CIL database of photographs and bibliographic references.

Digital Library of Inscriptions and Calligraphies
The Library is a digital record of inscriptions, including a synopsis of their data, photos, and a record of the writings they bear. The scripts include Ancient Egyptian, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Greek.

Current Epigraphy Blog

Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE)
Researchers can use EAGLE to search the following databases: EDB, EDH, EDR (see below). Note: the EAGLE search engine seems to conflict with the Safari browser. Use Mozilla Firefox or Chrome for best results.

EpiDoc: Epigraphic Documents in TEI and XML
A growing, global collaboration of humanists and information technologists whose joint aim is the creation of flexible but rigorous standards and tools for the digital encoding and interchange of epigraphic documents.

Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB)

Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR)

Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby (EDCS)
Large archive of Latin inscriptions from various collections (AE, CIL, and others). Brief User's Guide

Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH)

Hispania Epigraphica Online
Roman inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula.

Imaging Inscriptions
Hundred of images of Greek inscriptions from IG1 and IG2.

Inscriptiones Graecae
This Digital Scholarly Edition of the Inscriptiones Graecae currently offers access to the text, the translations (German and English), and the TEI (Epidoc) encoded sources of eleven volumes of the IG.

InsAph: Inscriptions of Aphrodisias
The aim of this project is to publish the nearly 2,000 inscriptions from Aphrodisias, a city in south-west Turkey that flourished from the second century BC until the early seventh century AD.

Late Antique and Early Medieval Inscriptions
A collection of links to on-line databases, books, dissertations, and articles on late antique and early medieval inscriptions, covering the period from A.D. 300 to 900.

Latin Inscriptions Site
Photographs and transcriptions of 200 inscriptions, with a beginner's guide to epigraphy in 28 inscriptions.

Lexicon of Greek Personal Names
Established to collect and publish all ancient Greek personal names, drawing on the full range of written sources from the 8th century B.C. down to the late Roman Empire.

Packard Humanities Institute's CD-ROM 7: Greek Documentary Texts
This CD-ROM contains over 80,000 Greek inscriptions and over 32,000 papyri. It is available by request at the Widener Reference Desk.

Photographs of inscriptions from Ostia and Portus

Poinikastas: Epigraphic Sources for Early Greek Writing
Notes and photographs from the archives of Anne Jeffery, presenting her epigraphical research for her landmark study The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece.

Saxa Loquuntur
A collection of resources for the study of epigraphic texts, with a focus on Greek inscriptions.

Searchable Greek Inscriptions (Packard Humanities Institute)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum
The SEG systematically collects newly published Greek inscriptions as well as publications on previously known documents. It presents complete Greek texts of all new inscriptions with a critical apparatus; it summarizes new readings, interpretations, and studies of known inscriptions, and occasionally presents the Greek text of these documents. The online edition includes all SEG volumes.

Ubi Erat Lupa
Contains links to many epigraphic resources and catalogs.

Vindolanda Tablets Online
An online edition of the Vindolanda writing tablets, excavated from the Roman fort at Vindolanda in northern England.