C : Faculty Papers
Cabot, Richard C. (Richard Clarke), 1868-1939. Medicine and Ethics (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Richard Clarke Cabot, 1886-1974. (221 containers).
- Papers of Richard Clarke Cabot [accessions], 1909-1951. (1 legal half-document box).
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974. Theology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Henry Joel Cadbury, 1912-1954. (1 document box, 1 half-document box).
- New Testament studies and other papers. (1 document box).
- The Society of Friends. (1 document box).
Cameron, A. G. W. (Alastair Graham Walter), 1925-2005. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- Papers of Alastair Graham Walter Cameron, 1959-1976. (43 boxes, 1 v.).
- Papers of Alastair Graham Walter Cameron [accessions], 1976-1983. (21 record cartons).
Cannon, Annie Jump, 1863-1941. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- Papers, 1863-1978. (31 folders, 28 document boxes, 5 glass lantern slide boxes, 4 flat boxes, 2 accordion folders, 1 portfolio folder, 1 pamphlet binder, 1 record carton).
Carleton, Nathaniel Phillips, 1929-1920. Physics (Field of Study).
Carpenter, F. M. (Frank Morton), 1902-1994. Zoology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Frank M. Carpenter, 1923-1973. (13 document boxes).
- A collection of papers by Frank M. Carpenter, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 folder).
Carr, Wendell Robert, 1938-2016. History (Field of study).
- Papers of Wendell Robert Carr, 1960-1969. (3 document boxes, 1 half document box).
Carrier, George F., 1918-2002. Mathematics (Field of Study).
- Papers of George F. Carrier [accessions], 1943-1998. (2 document boxes).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by George F. Carrier. (1 folder).
Carroll, John B. (John Bissell), 1916-2003. Education and Psychology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of John B. Carroll, 1949-1967. (6 document boxes).
Carver, Thomas Nixon, 1865-1961. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Thomas Nixon Carver, 1929-1930. (1 document box).
Casagrande, Arthur, 1902-1981. Engineering and Soil Mechanics (Fields of Study).
- Arthur Casagrande personal archive [accessions], 1911-1988. (388 record cartons, 14 portfolio folders, 14 flat boxes, 4 open cartons, 2 document boxes, 2 map tubes, 1 portfolio folder, 1 exhibit tube).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Arthur Casagrande. (1 accordion folder).
Castle, William B. (William Bosworth), 1897-1990. Medicine (Field of Study).
- Collection of papers by William B. Castle, mainly cuttings and reprints from periodicals. (1 folder).
Cavers, David F. (David Farquhar), 1902-1988. Law (Field of Study).
Chafee, Zechariah, Jr., 1885-1957. Law (Field of Study).
- Papers of Zechariah Chafee, Jr., 1889-1957. (49 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 4 half-document boxes, 4 folders).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Zechariah Chafee, Jr. (1 folder).
Chaffee, E. L. (Emory Leon), 1885-1975. Physics and Engineering (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Emory Leon Chaffee, 1920-1965. (16 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
- A collection of papers by Emory Leon Chaffee, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 document box).
Chalmers, Bruce, 1907-1990. Engineering and Metallurgy (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Bruce Chalmers, 1953-1966. (2 pamphlet binders, 6 document boxes).
Chamberlin, Edward, 1899-1967. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edward H. Chamberlin, 1936-1964. (7 document boxes).
- A collection of pamphlets including reprints from periodicals by Edward H. Chamberlin. (1 folder).
Chang, Kwang-chih, 1931-2001. Archaeology and Anthropology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Kwang-chih Chang [accessions], 1958-1996. (15 record cartons, 1 document box, 1 flat box).
Channing, Edward, 1856-1931. History (Field of study).
- Papers of Edward Channing, 1893-1931. (2 pamphlet binders, 2 volumes).
Channing, Edward Tyrrel, 1790-1856. Rhetoric and Oratory (Fields of Study)..
- Papers of Edward Tyrrel Channing, 1816?. (1 volume).
Chapman, Robert Harris, 1919-2000. Drama and English (Fields of Study).
- Robert Harris Chapman correspondence, 1963-1974. (1 pamphlet binder).
Chase, George Henry, 1874-1952. Archaeology (Field of Study).
- Papers of George Henry Chase, 1907-1951. (23 document boxes).
Chase, Gordon, 1932-1980. Government (Field of study).
- Papers of Gordon Chase, ca. 1974-1979. (5 document boxes).
Chenery, Hollis Burnley, 1918-1994. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Hollis Burnley Chenery [accessions], 1947-1994. (8 record cartons).
Cherington, Charles Richards, 1913-1967. Government (Field of study).
- Papers of Charles R. Cherington, 1940?-1966. (17 document boxes).
Chermayeff, Serge, 1900-1996. Architecture (Field of study).
- Papers of Serge Ivan Chermayeff, 1945-1947. (1 accordion folder).
Child, Francis James, 1825-1896. English, Rhetoric and Oratory (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Francis James Child, 1854-1923. (8 pamphlet binders, 4 volumes, 1 flat box, 1 folder).
- Scrapbook on Francis James Child compiled by George Lyman Kittredge, prior to 1900?. (1 box).
- Letter from the Königliche Bibliotheks-Commission in Göttingen, 31 March 1856. (1 container).
Clark, Walter Eugene, 1881-1960. Sanskrit (Field of Study).
- Papers of Walter E. Clark, 1937-1944. (1 accordion folder).
- Walter Eugene Clark personal archive [accession], circa 1891-1960. (4 record cartons, 1 flat box).
Clarke, George L. (George Leonard), 1905-1987. Marine Biology (Field of Study).
- Papers, 1974-1980. (1 document box).
Clifford, Harry Ellsworth, 1866-1952. Electrical Engineering (Field of Study).
- Papers of Harry E. Clifford, 1914-1921. (1 document box).
Clymer, W. B. Shubrick (William Branford Shubrick), 1855-1903. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of William Branford Shubrick Clymer, ca. 1883-1887. (5 notebooks).
Cochran, William G. (William Gemmell), 1909-1980. Statistics (Field of study).
- Papers of William G. Cochran, 1934-1980. (41 document boxes, 2 folders).
Cohen, I. Bernard, 1914-2003. History of science (Field of study).
- I. Bernard Cohen personal archive [accessions], 1645, 1736, 1921-2003. (41 record cartons, 39 document boxes, 2 flat boxes. 1 portfolio folder).
Cohn, Edwin J. (Edwin Joseph), 1892-1953. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edwin J. Cohen, ca. 1928-1961. (4 folders, 2 flat boxes, 2 portfolio folders, 1 half-legal document box, 1 letter document box, 1 volume, 1 pamphlet binder).
Cole, Arthur Harrison, 1889-1974. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Arthur H. Cole, ca. 1940-ca. 1970. (7 document boxes).
- A collection of papers by Arthur H. Cole, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals, 1922-1959. (1 pamphlet binder).
Conant, James Bryant, 1893-1978. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of James Bryant Conant, 1862-1987. (177 boxes).
- Papers of James Bryant Conant [accessions], 1959-1974, 1999. (1 document box, 1 videotape).
- James Bryant Conant press and articles collection, 1920-1970?. (6 boxes).
Conant, Kenneth John, 1894-1984. Architecture and Fine Arts (Fields of study)
- Papers of Kenneth J. Conant, 1907-1975. (7 document boxes, 1 card box, 1 portfolio folder, 2 pamphlet binders).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Kenneth J. Conant. (1 folder).
Cons, Louis, 1879-1942. French Literature (Field of Study).
- Papers of Louis Cons, 1909-1942. (1 pamphet binder, 4 document boxes, 4 half-document boxes).
Constable, Giles, born 1929. History (Field of study).
- Papers of Giles Constable, 1969-1970. (1 pamphlet binder).
- Papers of Giles Constable [accessions], 1946-2000. (10 record cartons, 1 document box).
Cooke, Josiah P., Jr. (Josiah Parsons), 1827-1894. Chemistry and Mineralogy (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Josiah Parsons Cooke, 1851-1893. (1 pamphlet binder, 3 volumes).
Coolidge, Albert Sprague, 1894-1977. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers, 1954-1966. (2 document boxes).
Coolidge, Harold J. (Harold Jefferson), 1904-1985. Zoology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Harold Jefferson Coolidge, 1904-1985. (223 containers).
- 2nd Company Separate Battalion CMTC Fort Devens [photograph], July 1940. (1 photograph : black and white, panoramic ; 10 inches by 28.5 inches).
Coolidge, John, 1913-1995. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Papers of John Phillips Coolidge [accessions], 1948-1995. (13 record cartons, 3 document boxes, 1 flat box).
Coolidge, Julian Lowell, 1873-1954. Mathematics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Julian Lowell Coolidge, 1895-1955. (3 volumes, 1 letter document box, 1 portfolio folder).
- Personal archive of Julian Lowell Coolidge [accessions], 1931, 1951-1955. (1 document box).
Coon, Carleton S. (Carleton Stevens), 1904-1981. Anthropology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Carleton Stevens Coon [accessions], 1924-1980. (1 record carton).
- A collection of papers by Carleton Stevens Coon, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 pamphlet binder).
Copeland, Charles Townsend, 1860-1952. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Charles Townsend Copeland, 1862-1960. (21 document boxes, 5 pamphlet binders, 1 flat box, 1 accordion folder, 1 folder).
Crompton, Alfred Walter, born 1927. Paleontology and Zoology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Alfred Walter Crompton [accession], 1956-2000. (9 record cartons).
Cross, Samuel Hazzard, 1891-1946. Slavic languages (Field of Study).
- Papers of Samuel Hazzard Cross, 1912-1947. (25 document boxes, 6 pamphlet binders).
- A collection of papers by Samuel Hazzard Cross, mainly cuttings and reprints from various publications, 1936. (1 pamphlet binder).
Crozier, W. J. (William John), 1892-1955. Biology and Physiology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of William John Crozier, 1918-1965. (13 letter document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder).
- Collection of papers by William John Crozier, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 document box).