H : Faculty Papers
Haberler, Gottfried, 1900-1995. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Gottfried Haberler [accession], 1936-1966. (1 record carton, 1 document box).
Haertlein, Albert, 1895-1960. Engineering (Field of Study).
- Papers of Albert Haertlein, 1919-1959. (9 document boxes).
Hall, Edwin Herbert, 1855-1938. Physics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edwin H. Hall, 1890-1979 (inclusive), 1917-1918 (bulk). (1 document box, 2 pamphlet binders)
Hall, Livingston, 1903-1995. Law (Field of Study).
- Papers of Livingston Hall, 1952-1960. (3 document boxes).
Haller, John, 1927-1984.. Geology (Field of Study).
- Papers of John Haller, 1944-1984. (34 document boxes, 6 portfolio boxes, 2 flat file boxes, 5 map boxes, 3 portfolio folders, 1 map roll).
Hamblin, Stephen F. (Stephen Francis), 1884-1964. Horticulture and Land architecture (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Stephen F. Hamblin [accessions], circa 1960-1970. (1 flat box, 1 document box).
Hammond, Mason, 1903-2002. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Mason Hammond, 1922-1968. (7 containers).
- Papers of Mason Hammond [accessions], 1920-1995. (38 record cartons, 21 document boxes, 3 flat boxes).
- A collection of papers by Mason Hammond, mainly cuttings and reprints from various publications, 1922-1968. (3 folders).
Hammonds, Evelynn Maxine, born 1953. African American studies and History of Science (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Evelynn Maxine Hammonds [accessions], 1985-2007. (51 record cartons).
Handlin, Oscar, 1915-2011. History (Field of Study).
- Papers of Oscar Handlin, 1958-1984. (71 boxes).
- Oscar Handlin personal archive [accessions], 1935-2012. (110 record cartons, 3 flat boxes).
- A collection of papers by Oscar Handlin, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals, 1942-1964. (1 document box).
Hanfmann, George M. A. (George Maxim Anossov), 1911-1986. Archaeology, Classics and Fine Arts (Fields of Study).
- Papers of George M. A. Hanfmann, 1927-1987. (57 document boxes, 3 record cartons, 1 half-document box, 1 folder).
- A collection of papers by George M. A. Hanfmann, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals, 1927-1985. (1 folder).
Hanford, A. Chester (Alfred Chester), 1891-1975. Government (Field of Study).
- Papers of Alfred Chester Hanford, 1887-1957. (1 letter document box, 1 legal document box, 1 card box, 1 accordion folder, 1 pamphlet binder).
- Papers of Alfred Chester Hanford [accessions], 1931-1946. (1 document box).
Hansen, Alvin H. (Alvin Harvey), 1887-1975. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Alvin Harvey Hansen, 1907-1995. (17 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
- Alvin Harvey Hansen writings and publications, circa 1918-1957. (5 document boxes, 1 flat box, 1 volume, 1 pamphlet binder).
- A collection of papers by Alvin Harvey Hansen, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals, 1932-1945. (1 accordion folder).
Hanus, Paul H. (Paul Henry), 1855-1941. Education (Field of Study).
- Papers of Paul H, Hanus, 1891-1941. (13 document boxes, 5 pamphlet binders, 1 volume).
Haring, C. H. (Clarence Henry), 1885-1960. History (Field of Study).
- Papers of Clarence Henry Haring, 1905-1960. (10 document boxes, 1 card file box).
- A collection of papers by Clarence Henry Haring, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 folder).
Harris, Joseph C., born 1940. Literature (Field of Study).
- Joseph C. Harris personal archive [accessions], 1931-1939, 1970-2000. (1 document box).
Harris, Seymour Edwin, 1897-1974. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Seymour Edwin Harris, 1930-1974. (13 document boxes, 4 pamphlet binders, 3 folders, 2 volumes).
Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1854-1943. History and Government (Fields of Study).
- Papers Albert Bushnell Hart, 1841-1943. (102 document boxes, 4 pamphlet binders, 1 card box, 1 accordion folder).
- History topics, 1829-1861. (1 folder).
Hart, Henry M., Jr., 1904-1969. Law (Field of Study).
- Papers of Henry M. Hart, 1933-1968. (10 document boxes).
Hartshorne, Edward Yarnall, 1912-1946. Sociology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edward Y. Hartshorne, 1920-1940. (2 pamphlet binders).
Hartz, Louis, 1919-1986. Government (Field of Study).
- Papers of Louis Hartz, 1955-1986. (12 document boxes, 2 half document boxes, 2 microfiche boxes, and 3 folders).
Haskins, Charles Homer, 1870-1937. History (Field of Study).
- Papers of Charles Homer Haskins, 1904-1938. (1 document box, 2 pamphlet binders, 3 volumes).
Hastings, J. Woodland (John Woodland), 1927-2017. Biology (Field of Study).
- J. Woodland Hastings personal archive [accessions], 1947-2012. (74 record cartons).
Hatfield, Henry Caraway, 1912-1995. Germanic Languages and literatures (Field of Study).
- Papers of Henry Hatfield, 1954-1975. (2 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
- Papers of Henry Caraway Hatfield [accessions], 1904-1995. (1 record carton, 1 flat box).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Henry Caraway Hatfield. (1 pamphlet binder).
Hatton, J. (Joseph). Physics (Field of Study).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by J. Hatton. (1 pamphlet binder).
Haugen, Einar Ingvald, 1906-1994. Scandinavian languages and literature (Field of Study).
- Papers of Einar Ingvald Haugen [accessions], 1939-1994. (60 record cartons, 1 folder).
Heaney, Seamus, 1939-2013. Poetry (Field of Study).
- Villanelle for an anniversary, 2012. (1 pamphlet binder).
Hedge, Frederic Henry, 1805-1890. History and German (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Francis Henry Hedge, 1821-1888, 1914. (1 accordion folder).
Heifetz, Ronald A. (Ronald Abadian), born 1951. Government (Field of study).
- Ronald A. Heifetz personal archive [accessions], 1981-2006. (21 record cartons, 3 document boxes).
Hencken, Hugh O'Neill, 1902-1981. Archaeology (Field of Study).
- A collection of papers by Hugh O'Neill Hencken, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 document box).
Henderson, Lawrence Joseph, 1878-1942. Biochemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of Lawrence Joseph Henderson, 1907-1977. (9 document boxes, 5 pamphlet binders, 1 accordian folder).
Henrichs, Albert, 1942-2017. Classics and Greek literature (Fields of Study).
- Albert Henrichs personal archive [accessions], 1967-2016. (12 record cartons).
Herrnstein, Richard J., 1930-1994. Psychology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Richard J. Herrnstein [accessions], 1953-1995. (12 record cartons).
Herschbach, Dudley R., born 1932. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Dudley R. Herschbach personal archive, 1932-2018. (67 record cartons, 2 flat boxes, 1 portfolio folder, .008 GB).
Hersey, Frank Wilson Cheney, 1876-1959. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Frank Wilson Cheney Hersey, 1890-1893. (1 document box).
Hiebert, Erwin N., 1919-2012. History of science (Field of Study).
- Erwin M. Hiebert personal archive [accessions], 1927-2014. (176 record cartons, 1 flat box, 1 accordion folder).
Hightower, James Robert. Chinese (Field of Study).
- Papers James Robert Hightower [accessions], 1940-2003. (3 record cartons, 1 document box).
Hildreth, Samuel Tenney, 1817-1839. Elocution (Field of Study).
- Scrapbook compiled by the sister of Samuel Tenney Hildreth, 1839-ca. 1860. (1 document box).
Hill, Adams Sherman, 1833-1910. Rhetoric and oratory (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Adam Sherman Hill, 1840-1886. (3 pamphlet binders, 1 half legal document box).
Hillyer, Robert, 1895-1961. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Robert Silliman Hillyer, 1930-1945. (2 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
Hisaw, Frederick Lee, 1891-1972. Biology and Endocrinology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Frederick Lee Hisaw, 1911-1973. (16 document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders).
Hoadley, Leigh, 1895-1975. Zoology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Leigh Hoadley, 1922-1976. (11 document boxes, 6 pamphlet binders).
Hochschild, Jennifer L., born 1950. Government and African & African American Studies (Fields of Study).
- Jennifer L. Hochschild personal archive [accessions], 1978-2014. (56 record cartons, 1 flat box).
Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966. Philosophy (Field of Study).
- Papers of William Ernest Hocking, 1927-1963. (3 pamphlet binders).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by William Ernest Hocking. (3 volumes, 1 accordion folder).
Hoffmann, Stanley, 1928-2015. Government and History (Fields of Study).
- Stanley Hoffmann personal archive [accessions], 1901-2016. (30 record cartons, 2 flat boxes, 1 document box).
Holcombe, Arthur N. (Arthur Norman), 1884-1977. Government (Field of study).
- Papers of Arthur N. Holcombe, 1923-1972. (28 document boxes, 1 accordion folder).
- Papers of Arthur N. Holcombe [accessions], 1942-1953. (9 record cartons).
- A collection of pamphlets by Arthur N. Holcombe, mainly cuttings and reprints, 1910-1956. (1 accordion folder).
Holland, Heinrich D., 1927-2012. Geology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Heinrich D. Holland [accessions], 1950-2012. (82 record cartons, 2 rolled storage boxes, 1 flat box).
Hollis, Ira N. (Ira Nelson), 1856-1930. Engineering (Field of Study).
- Papers of Ira Nelson Hollis, 1902, 1949. (2 pamphlet binders).
Holmes, Henry W. (Henry Wyman), 1880-1960. Education (Field of Study).
- Papers of Henry Wyman Holmes, 1900-1960. (58 document boxes).
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894. Medicine and Physiology (Fields of Study).
- General information about Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., 1889-1982. (1 pamphlet binder).
Holton, Gerald James, born 1922. Physics and History of Science (Fields of Study).
- Gerald James Holton personal archive, 1919-2015. (197 document boxes, 19 half-document boxes, 5 flat boxes,1 legal document box, 1 accordion folder, 1 record carton, 1 media container).
- A collection of pamphlets by Gerald James Holton, mainly cuttings and reprints. (1 document box).
Holzman, Philip S., 1922-2004. Psychology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Philip S. Holzman [accessions], 1950-2003. (31 record cartons).
Homans, George Caspar, 1910-1989. Sociology (Field of Study).
- Papers of George Caspar Homans, circa 1940-1989. (14 document boxes, 2 card boxes, 1 volume).
- Papers of George Caspar Homans [accessions], 1880-1967. (4 record cartons, 1 document box, 3 flat boxes).
Hooton, Earnest Albert, 1887-1954. Anthropology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Earnest Albert Hooton, 1928-1954. (2 pamphlet binders).
Hopper, Bruce C. (Bruce Campbell), 1892-1973. Government (Field of study).
- Papers of Bruce Campbell Hopper, 1918-1971. (6 document boxes, 4 pamphlet binders, 1 card box).
- Writings and publications by and about Bruce Campbell Hopper, 1924-1925, 1963-1976. (1 pamphlet binder).
- Bruce Campbell Hopper United States Air Force consulting records, 1940-1955. (1 document box).
- A collection of papers by Bruce C. Hopper, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 accordion folder, 1 volume).
Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-1893. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of Eben Norton Horsford, ca. 1857. (2 pamphlet binders).
Horton, Douglas, 1891-1968. Theology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Douglas Horton, 1872-1968. (6 document boxes, 6 audio tapes, 1 portfolio folder, 1 pamphlet binder, 1 accordion folder).
Houthakker, Hendrik S., 1924-2008. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Hendrik S. Houthakker [accessions], 1945-2006. (22 record cartons, 5 document boxes, 1 flat box).
Howard, Albert Andrew, 1858-1925. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Albert Andrew Howard, 1892-1925. (1 pamphlet folder, 1 volume).
Howard, Richard A. (Richard Alden), 1917-2003. Botany (Field of Study).
- Papers of Richard A. Howard [accessions], 1940-1995. (53 record cartons, 1 card file box).
Howard, William Guild, 1868-1960. German (Field of Study).
- Papers of William G. Howard, 1895-1948. (2 document boxes).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by William G. Howard, 1907-1937. (1 accordion folder).
Howells, W. W. (William White), 1908-2005. Anthropology (Field of Study).
- Papers of William White Howells [accession], 1948-1993. (20 record cartons).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by William White Howells, 1941-1969. (1 accordion folder).
Hubbard, Ruth, 1924-2016. Biology and Biochemistry (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Ruth Hubbard [accessions], 1975-1993. (27 record cartons, 1 flat box).
Huchra, John P., 1948-2010. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- Papers of John Peter Huchra [accessions], 1970-2010. (136 record cartons, 1 half-letter document box, 8 flat boxes, 1 tube).
Hudson, Manley O. (Manley Ottmer), 1886-1960. Government (Field of study).
- Collection of papers by Manley O. Hudson, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals, 1923-1952. (2 document boxes).
Huggins, Nathan Irvin, 1927-1989. African American studies and History (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Nathan I. Huggins, 1927-1990. (29 document boxes, 3 folders, 1 flat box, 1 card box).
Hunt, Frederick V. Physics and Engineering (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Frederick V. Hunt, 1927-1970. (27 document boxes, 4 pamphlet binders)
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Frederick V. Hunt, 1933-1964. (4 pamphlet binders).
Hunt, Herold C., 1902-1976. Education (Field of Study).
- Papers of Herold C. Hunt, 1947-1975. (27 folders, 13 document boxes).
Hunt, Reid, 1870-1948. Medicine (Field of Study)
- Papers of Reid Hunt, 1905-1936. (1 document box).
Huntington, E. V. (Edward Vermilye), 1874-1952. Mathematics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edward V. Huntington, 1933. (1 pamphlet binder).
Huntington, F. D. (Frederic Dan), 1819-1904. Theology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Frederic Dan Huntington, 1869, 1956. (2 pamphlet binders).
Huntington, Samuel P., 1927-2008. Government and International studies (Fields of study).
- Samuel P. Huntington personal archive, 1905-2008. (176 record cartons, 21 document boxes, 1 flat box)..
- A collection of papers by Samuel P. Huntington, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 pamphlet binder).
Hurlbut, Byron Satterlee, 1865-1929. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Byron Satterlee Hurlbut, 1913-1929. (1 pamphlet binder).
Hurlbut, Cornelius S. (Cornelius Searle), 1906-2005. Geology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Cornelius Searle Hurlbut [accessions], 1992. (1 accordion folder).
- Collection of papers by Cornelius Searle Hurlbut, mainly cuttings and reprints from periodicals, 1930-1973. (1 document box).