V : Faculty Papers

Vendler, Helen, born 1933. American and English Literature (Fields of Study).


Verba, Sidney, 1932-2019. Government (Field of study).


 Vermeule, Emily, 1928-2001. Archaeology, Classical Philology and Greek (Fields of Study).


Vernon, Raymond, 1913-1999. Government (Field of Study).


Very, Jones, 1813-1880. Greek (Field of Study).


Viaux, Edouard H.  French (Field of Study).


Viëtor, Karl, 1892-1951. German and Art (Fields of Study).


Viets, Henry R. (Henry Rouse), 1890-1969. Medicine (Field of Study).


Vincent, John Carter, 1900-1972. East Asian Studies (Field of Study).


Vogel, Ezra F., born 1930. East Asian Studies (Field of Study).


Vogt, Evon Z. (Evon Zartman), 1918-2004. Anthropology (Field of Study).


Von Mises, Richard, 1883-1953. Mathematics and Engineering (Fields of Study).