G : Faculty Papers
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908-2006. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of John Kenneth Galbraith, 1958. (1 accordion folder).
- A collection of papers by John Kenneth Galbraith, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 document box).
Gardiner, J. H. (John Hays), 1863-1913. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of John Hays Gardiner, ca. 1897-1914. (3 document boxes, 1 accordion folder).
- Lecture notes for English 35: the English Bible. (2 boxes).
Gardner, George K. (George Knowles), 1891-1978. Law (Field of Study).
- Papers of George K. Gardner, 1935-1956. (2 document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders, 2 folders).
Gaus, John M. (John Merriman), 1894-1969. Government (Field of Study).
- Papers of John Merriman Gaus, 1947-1961. (25 document boxes).
- Correspondence from John Merriman Gaus to William Sommers, 1952-1969. (1 document box).
Gay, Edwin F. (Edwin Francis), 1867-1946. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edwin F. Gay, 1933. (1 pamphlet binder).
Ge, Kunhua, 1838-1882. Chinese (Field of study).
- Ko Kun-hua poems presented to George M. Lane, 1880-1882. (1 half document box).
Geiringer, Hilda, 1893-1973. Mathematics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Hilda Geiringer, 1900-1973. (28 document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders).
Gelbart, William M. (William Martin), 1945-2015. Biology (Field of Study).
- William M. Gelbart personal archive [accessions], 1969-2015. (7 record cartons, 1 flat box).
Gerschenkron, Alexander, 1901-1978. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Alexander Gerschenkron, 1940-1978. (59 boxes).
Giacconi, Riccardo, 1931-2018. Astrophysics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Ricardo Giacconi, 1980-1981. (1 pamphlet binder).
Gibb, H. A. R. (Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen), 1895-1971. Arabic, Hebrew & Middle Eastern Studies (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb, 1899-1962. (1 document box, 1 legal document box, 1 flat box).
Gibbs, Wolcott, 1822-1908. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of Wolcott Gibbs, 1837-1944. (2 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder, 1 volume, 1 portfolio folder).
Gibson, Russell, 1887-1977. Geology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Russell Gibson, 1930-1953. (10 document boxes).
- A collection of papers by Russell Gibson, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 folder).
Gienapp, William E., 1944-2003. History (Field of Study).
- Walter E. Gienapp personal archive [accessions], 1985-2002. (40 record cartons).
Gilbert, Walter, born 1932. Biochemistry, Chemistry, Biology, Physics (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Walter Gilbert [accessions], 1961-2005. (42 record cartons).
Gilman, Stephen, 1917-1986. Spanish (Field of Study).
- Papers of Stephen Gilman, circa 1938-1989. (23 document boxes, 4 record cartons, 2 legal document boxes, 2 half-document boxes, 1 half-legal document box, 1 pamphlet binder).
Gilmore, Myron Piper, 1910-1978. History (Field of study).
- Papers of Myron Piper Gilmore, 1947-1980s. (18 document boxes, 4 half document boxes, and 1 record carton).
- A collection of papers by Myron Piper Gilmore, mainly cuttings and reprints from various publications, 1959-1973. (1 accordion folder).
Glazer, Nathan, 1923-2019. Sociology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Nathan Glazer, 1968-1974. (1 document box).
- Nathan Glazer personal archive [accessions], 1940-2012. (57 record cartons).
Gleason, Andrew Mattei, 1921-2008. Mathematics (Field of Study).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers. (1 accordion folder).
Goldberg, Leo, 1913-1987. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- Papers of Leo Goldberg, 1933-1987. (108 Containers).
Goodale, George L. (George Lincoln), 1839-1923. Botany (Field of Study).
- Papers of George Lincoln Goldale, 1885-1921. (2 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder, 1 photograph folder).
Goodman, Nelson, 1906-1998. Philosophy (Field of Study).
- Papers of Nelson Goodman, 1943-1979. (15 document boxes).
- Papers of Nelson Goodman [accessions], 1893-1993. (4 record cartons, 3 document boxes, 1 portfolio folder, 1 flat box).
Goodwin, William Watson, 1831-1912. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of William Watson Goodwin, 1853-1929. (1 accordion folder, 4 pamphlet binders).
Gordon, Lincoln, 1913-2009. Economics (Field of Study).
Gragg, Charles Insco, 1897-1956. Business administration (Field of study).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Charles Insco Gragg. (1 pamphlet binder).
Graham, Patricia Albjerg, born 1935. Education (Field of Study).
- Patricia Albjerg Graham personal archive [accessions], 1925-2016. (48 record cartons, 2 document boxes, 1 flat box).
Grandgent, C. H. (Charles Hall), 1862-1939. Romance Languages (Field of Study).
- Papers of Charles Hall Grandgent, 1885-1940. (3 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
- Papers of Charles Hall Grandgent [accessions], 1870-1930. (1 pamphlet binder).
Graton, L. C. (Louis Caryl), 1880-1970. Geology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Louis C. Grayton, 1873-1963. (30 document boxes, 2 portfolio folders, 1 accordion folder).
Gray, Asa, 1810-1888. Botany (Field of Study).
- Papers of Asa Gray, 1840-1888. (2 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder).
Greene, William Chase, 1890-1978. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of William Chase Greene, 1901-1966. (6 document boxes).
Greenleaf, Simon, 1783-1853. Law (Field Study).
- Papers of Simon Greenleaf, 1823, 1844. (1 pamphlet binder).
Greenough, Chester Noyes, 1874-1938. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Chester Noyes Greenough, 1900-1941. (7 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
Greenough, J. B. (James Bradstreet), 1833-1901. Latin (Field of Study).
- Papers of James Bradstreet Greenough, 1856-1946. (1 document box).
Griliches, Zvi, 1930- 1999. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Zvi Griliches, 1915-2000. (133 document boxes, 1 flat file box, 2 tube boxes).
- Papers of Zvi Griliches [accessions], 1935-2010. (3 record cartons, 1 document box, 1 flat box).
Griswold, Erwin N. (Erwin Nathaniel), 1904-1994. Law (Field of Study).
- Papers of Erwin N. Griswold, 1943-1944. (2 document boxes).
- A collection of papers by Erwin N. Griswold, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 document box).
Gropius, Walter, 1883-1969. Architecture (Field of study).
- A collection of cuttings and reprints by Walter Gropius. (1 document box).
Gross, Charles, 1857-1909. History (Field of Study).
- Papers of Charles Gross, 1888-1909. (3 pamphlet binders, 2 volumes).
Gummere, Francis Barton, 1825-1896. English, Rhetoric and Oratory (Fields of Study).
- "A day with Professor Child." (1 pamphlet binder).
Gummere, Richard M. (Richard Mott), 1883-1969. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Richard Mott Gummere, 1915-1966. (2 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
Guthke, Karl Siegfried, born 1933. German Studies (Field of Study).
- Karl Siegfried Guthke personal archive [accessions], 1935-2013. (1 record carton, 5 document boxes).