Sab-Shk : Faculty Papers

Sabine, Wallace Clement, 1868-1919. Physics (Field of Study).


Sabra, A. I. (Abdelhamid Ibrahim), 1924-2013. History of Science (Field of study).


Sachs, Paul J. (Paul Joseph), 1878-1965. Fine Arts (Field of Study).


Safford, Arthur Truman, 1867-1951. Engineering (Feild of Study).


Sales, F. (Francis), 1771-1854. French and Spanish (Fields of Study).


Salvemini, Gaetano, 1873-1957. History (Field of Study).


Sanger, Charles Robert, 1860-1912. Chemistry.


Sargent, Dudley Allen, 1849-1924. Physical Education (Field of Study).


Sarton, George, 1884-1956. History and History of Science (Fields of Study).


Saunders, Frederick A. (Frederick Albert), 1875-1963. Physics (Field of Study).


Sawyer, John Edward. Education (Field of study).


Scheffler, Israel, 1923-2014. Education (Field of study).


Scherer, F. M. (Frederic M.), born 1932. Economics and Government (Fields of Study).


Schiffer, Eva, 1925-2010. Germanic Languages and literature (Field of Study).


Schlesinger, Arthur M. (Arthur Meier), 1888-1965. History (Field of Study).


Schlozman, Kay Lehman, born 1946. Government (Field of study).


Schofield, William Henry, 1870-1920. English (Field of Study).


Schroeder, Eric, 1904-1971. Middle Eastern studies, Art and Architecture (Fields of Study).


Schultes, Richard Evans. Botany (Field of Study).


Schumpeter, Joseph A., 1883-1950. Economics (Field of Study).


Schwartz, Benjamin I. (Benjamin Isadore), 1916-1999. History and Government (Fields of Study).


Schwinger, Julian, 1918-1994. Physics (Field of Study).


Scott, Austin Wakeman, 1884-1981. Law (Field of Study).


Scott, Donald, 1879-1967. Anthropology (Field of Study).


Searle, Arthur, 1837-1920. Astronomy (Field of Study).


Seavey, Warren Abner, 1880-1966. Law (Field of Study).


Sedgwick, William Ellery, 1899-1942. English (Field of Study).


Sekler, Eduard F. (Eduard Franz), 1920-1917. Architecture (Field of Study).


Sewall, Stephen, 1734-1804. Hebrew and Semi


Seymour, Arthur Bliss, 1859-1933. Botany (Field of Study).


Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, 1841-1906. Geology (Field of Study).


Shapiro, Anatole Morris, 1923-2010. Physics (Field of Study).

Shapiro, Irwin I., born 1929. Astronomy and Astrophysics (Fields of Study).

Shapley, Harlow, 1885-1972. Physics (Astronomy).


Shearman, John K.G., 1931-2003. Art (Field of study).


Sheffer, Henry Maurice, 1883-1964. Philosopher (Field of Study).


Sheldon, E. S. (Edward Stevens), 1851-1925. Romance languages (Field of Study).


Sherburn, George, 1884-1962. English (Field of Study).


Shipton, Clifford Kenyon, 1902-1973.


Shklar, Judith N., 1928-1992. Government (Field of study).