P : Faculty Papers
Packard, Frederick C. (Frederick Clifton), 1899-1985. Rhetoric and oratory (Field of Study).
- Papers of Frederick Clifton Packard, ca. 1940-ca. 1970. (1 folder).
- Packard recordings and index, 1930-1955. (7 LP document boxes, 7 card boxes, 5 LP crates, 3 pamphlet binders, 1 folder, 1 document box, 1 record carton).
- Frederick Clifton Packard personal archive [accession]. (12 record cartons).
- Frederick Clifton Packard personal archive [accession], 1892-1979. (10 record cartons and 1 flat box).
Paine, John Knowles, 1839-1906. Music (Field of Study).
- Papers of John Knowles Paine, 1868-1906. (4 pamphlet binders, 1 volume).
Palache, Charles, 1869-1954. Geology and Mineralogy (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Charles Palache, 1881-1955. (14 document boxes, 3 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder).
- Papers of Charles Palache [accessions], 1936-1954. (1 pamphlet binder).
Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881. Religion (Field of Study).
- Papers of John G. Palfrey, 1846-1855. (1 pamphlet binder).
Palmer, George Herbert, 1842-1933. Philosophy (Field of Study).
- Papers of George Herbert Palmer, 1931-1932. (1 document box, 2 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder).
Papaliolios, Costas D., 1931-2002. Physics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Costas Papaliolios [accessions], circa 1950-2001. (29 record cartons).
Papas, Charles Herach, 1918-2007. Physics and Electrical Engineering (Field of Study).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Charles Herach Papas, 1948-1951. (1 pamphlet binder).
Pappenheimer, Alwin Max, 1908-1995. Biochemistry and Immunology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Alwin Max Pappenheimer [accession], 1907-1993. (3 record cartons).
Parker, George Howard, 1864-1955. Zoology (Field of Study).
- Papers of George H. Parker, 1881-1956. (3 document boxes, 2 accordion folders, 1 flat box, 1 pamphlet binder).
- Papers of George H. Parker [accessions], 1887-1955. (1 flat box).
Parker, Joel, 1795-1875. Law (Field of Study).
- Papers of Joel Parker, 1860-1875. (1 document box, 1 pamphlet binder).
Parry, J. H. (John Horace), 1914-1982. History (Field of study).
- Papers of John Horace Parry, 1951-1982. (15 document boxes, 1 accordion folder, 1 pamphlet binder).
Parry, Milman, 1902-1935. Classical studies, Greek, Latin and Linguistics (Field of Studies).
- Letters to Milman Parry and his wife, Marian Thanhouser Parry, 1914-1936. (1 pamphlet binder).
Parsons, Talcott, 1902-1979. Sociology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Talcott Parsons, 1921-1979. (198 boxes and 10 folders).
- Papers of Talcott Parsons [accessions], 1838-1992. (2 document boxes, 2 folders).
Parsons, Theophilus, 1797-1882. Law (Field of Study).
- Papers of Theophilus Parsons, 1856-1862. (1 pamphlet binder).
Patterson, Bryan, 1909-1979. Paleontology, Geology and Zoology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Bryan Patterson, circa 1931-1975. (24 document boxes, 2 half-document boxes, 2 card boxes, 1 folder, 1 pamphlet binder, 1 flat box, 1 microfilm box, 1 half-record carton).
Payne-Gaposchkin, Cecilia, 1900-1979. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- Papers of Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkin, 1924, circa 1950s-1990s, 2000. (3 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder, and 6 digital images).
Peabody, Andrew P. (Andrew Preston), 1811-1893. Theology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Andrew Preston Peabody, 1839-1895. (2 pamphlet binders).
Peabody, Francis Greenwood, 1847-1936. Theology and Social Sciences (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Francis Greenwood Peabody, 1886-circa 1961. (5 pamphlet binders, 5 flat boxes, 5 volumes, 3 half-document boxes, 2 microfilm reels, 2 accordion folders).
Pearson, Carl Eric. Engineering (Field of Study).
- Miscellaneous papers by Carl Eric Pearson, 1954. (1 folder).
Pearson, Eliphalet, 1752-1826. Hebrew (Field of Study).
- Papers of Eliphalet Pearson, 1768-1819. (2 volumes, 1 legal document box, and one flat box).
Pease, Arthur Stanley, 1881-1964. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Arthur Stanley Pease, 1906-1961. (2 volumes, 2 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder).
- Collection of papers by Arthur Stanley Pease, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 document box).
Peck, William Dandridge, 1763-1822. Zoology and Botany (Fields of Study).
- Papers of William Dandridge Peck, 1775-1937. (5 document boxes, 4 flat boxes, 3 oversize folders, 2 pamphlet binders).
Peirce, B. O. (Benjamin Osgood), 1854-1914. Mathematics and Physics (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Benjamin Osgood Peirce, 1834-1971. (19 document boxes, 3 pamphlet binders, 2 volumes).
Peirce, Benjamin, 1809-1880. Mathematics and Astronomy.
- Papers of Benjamin Peirce, 1846-1925. (5 pamphlet binders, 3 volumes).
Peirce, James Mills, 1834-1906. Mathematics and Astronomy.
- James Mills Peirce personal archive, 1879, 1885-1990. (1 flat box).
- Scrap book, [ca. 1845-1847?]. (1 volume).
- The character and philosophy of Malebranche, 1856. (1 pamphlet binder).
- Catalogue of the valuable private library of the late Prof. J.M. Peirce of Harvard University. (Boston, C.F. Libbie & Co., 1909)
Perkins, Dwight H. (Dwight Heald), born 1934. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Dwight H. Perkins [accessions], 1950-2006. (13 record cartons, 1 document box).
- Dwight H. Perkins personal archive [accessions], 1959-2007. (26 record cartons, 1 document box).
Perkins, Elliott, 1901-1985. History (Field of Study).
- Papers of Elliott Perkins, 1934-1985. (12 boxes).
- Letters from Elliott Perkins to William R. Tyler, 1940-1960, (1 box).
- Letter from Elliott Perkins to David R. Wood, 1974 September 15. (1 pamphlet binder).
Perkins, George Holmes, 1904-2004. Architecture (Field of Study).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by George Holmes Perkins. (1 pamphlet binder).
Perrone, Vito, 1933-2011. Education (Field of study).
- Vito Perrone personal archive [accessions], 1969-2000. (21 record cartons, 2 document boxes).
Perry, Bliss, 1860-1954. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Bliss Perry, 1892-1954. (5 pamphlet binders, 3 document boxes, 1 volume).
Perry, Ralph Barton, 1876-1957. Philosophy (Field of Study).
- Papers of Ralph Barton Perry, 1891-1957. (ca. 30 linear ft.).
- Collection of papers by Ralph Barton Perry, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (4 folders).
Perry, William G. (William Graves), 1913-1998. Education and Psychology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of William G. Perry [accessions], 1930-1983. (11 record cartons, 1 document box, 1 flat box).
- Collection of works by William G. Perry, mostly reprints and clippings, 1948-1958. (1 accordion folder).
Pfeiffer, Robert H. (Robert Henry), 1892-1958. Languages (Field of Study).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Robert H. Pfeiffer. (1 pamphlet binder).
Phelps, Reginald H. (Reginald Henry), 1909-2006. German and History (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Reginald Phelps [accessions], 1946-1999. (5 record cartons, 2 document boxes).
Phoutrides, Aristides Evangelus, 1887-1923. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Aristides Evangelus Phoutrides, 1914?-1915. (1 pamphlet binder).
Pickering, Edward C. (Edward Charles), 1846-1919. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edward Charles Pickering, 1847-1922, 1978. (12 document boxes, 6 volumes, 2 flat boxes, 1 card box, 9 pamphlet binders, 1 portfolio folder, 1 accordion folder).
Pickering, William H. (William Henry), 1858-1938. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- Papers of William Henry Pickering, 1870-1907. (3 folders and 9 boxes).
Pierce, George Washington, 1872-1956. Engineering and Physics (Fields of Study).
- Papers of George Washington Pierce, 1895-1977. (37 document boxes, 3 pamphlet binders, 1 accordion folder).
Pilbeam, David R., born 1940. Anthropology (Field of Study).
- David R. Pilbeam personal archive, 1951-2008. (22 record cartons).
Pipes, Richard, 1923-2018. History and Russian Studies (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Richard Pipes, 1941-1994. (49 containers).
- Papers of Richard Pipes[accessions], 1938-2017. (15 record cartons, 2 pamphlet binders, 3 document boxes, 1 accordion folder).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Richard Pipes. (1 folder).
Pipkin, Francis Marion, 1925-1992. Physics (Field of Study).
- Francis Marion Pipkin personal archive [accessions], ca. 1940-1990. (37 record cartons).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Francis Marion Pipkin. (1 folder).
Piston, Walter, 1894-1976. Music (Field of Study).
- Letters from Walter Piston to Carl Miller, 1954 and 1968. (2 letters).
Pope, Arthur, 1880-1974. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Letters from Arthur Pope to Lewis W. Rubenstein, 1931-1970. (1 pamphlet binder).
Popkin, John Snelling, 1771-1852. Classics and Greek Literature (Fields of Study).
- John Snelling Popkin personal archive, 1801-1928. (1 accordion folder).
Porter, Arthur Kingsley, 1883-1933. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Papers of Arthur Kingsley Porter, 1863-1957. (70 document boxes, 9 pamphlet binders, 5 flat boxes, 4 folders, 3 volumes, 2 card boxes, 1 accordion folder).
Porter, Douglas, 1926-1991. Education (Field of Study).
- Photographs of Harvard University taken by Douglas Porter, 1968-1976. (1 half-document box).
Porter, Keith R., 1912-1997. Biology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Keith R. Porter, 1951-1973. (5 document boxes).
Post, Chandler Rathfon, 1881-1959. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Papers of Chandler Post, ca. 1920-1940. (4 document boxes, 2 half-document boxes, 2 legal-document boxes).
- A collection of papers by Chandler Post, mainly cuttings and reprints from various publications, 1909-1922. (1 accordion folder).
Potter, Murray Anthony, 1871-1915. Romance Languages (Field of Study).
- Papers of Murray Anthony Potter, circa 1900. (1 pamphlet binder, 1 document box).
Pound, Robert Vivian, 1919-2010. Physics (Field of Study).
- Robert Vivian Pound personal archive [accessions], 1947-2010. (12 record cartons).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Robert Vivian Pound, 1951-1973. (1 accordion folder).
Pound, Roscoe, 1870-1964. Law (Field of Study).
- A collection of papers by Roscoe Pound, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 document box).
Powell, Thomas Reed, 1880-1955. Law (Field of Study).
- A collection of pamphlets by Thomas Reed Powell. (1 document box).
Price, Don K. (Don Krasher), 1910-1995. Government (Field of study).
- Papers of Don K. Price, 1958-1971. (9 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
- Papers of Don Krasher Price [accessions], 1950-1990. (26 record cartons).
Price, Hugh Douglas, 1928-1996. Government (Field of study)
- Papers of Hugh Douglas Price [accessions], 1976-1995. (1 document box).
Prince, Nathan, 1698-1748. Mathematics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Nathan Prince, 1714-1747. (1 flat box).
Pritsak, Omeljan, 1919-2006. History (Field of study).
- Papers of Omeljan Pritsak [accessions], 1961-1989. (2 record cartons).
Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, 1909-1985. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Papers of Tatiana Proskouriakoff, 1939-1983. (7 document boxes).
Purcell, Edward M., 1919-2007. Physics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edward M. Purcell [accessions], 1930-1993. (5 record cartons, 1 document box).
- Collection of miscellaneous papers by Edward M. Purcell. (1 accordion folder).
Putnam, F. W. (Frederic Ward), 1839-1915. Anthropology and Archeology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Frederic Ward Putnam, 1851-1970. (19 document boxes, 3 pamphlet binders, 1 portfolio folder, 1 card box, 2 flat boxes).