R : Faculty Papers
Ramsey, Norman, 1915-2011. Physics (Field of Study).
- Norman Ramsey personal archive, 1919-2010. (88 record cartons, 36 document boxes, 7 card boxes, 1 microfilm box).
- Notes for Physics 243 : introduction to the quantum theory. (1 folder).
- Collection of articles by Norman Ramsay, reprinted from periodicals. (1 document box).
Rand, Benjamin, 1856-1934. Philosophy (Field of Study).
- Papers of Benjamin Rand, circa 1900. (3 containers).
Rand, Edward Kennard, 1871-1945. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Edward Kennard Rand, 1890-1945. (45 linear ft.).
- Lecture notes on Livy : [Latin B]. (1 folder).
Raper, John R., 1911-1974. Botany (Field of Study).
- Papers John Robert Raper, 1936-1950. (2 pamphlet binders).
- John R. Raper personal archive [accessions], 1955-1997, (bulk dates 1955-1977). (7 record cartons).
Rawls, John, 1921-2002. Philopsophy (Field of Study).
- Papers, 1942-2003. (60 document boxes, 2 card boxes).
- Books from the personal library of John Rawls,1915-2002. (19 record cartons).
Raymond, Percy E. (Percy Edward), 1879-1952. Paleontology and Geology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Percy Edward Raymond, 1901-1952. (3 document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders).
Redfield, Alfred Clarence, 1890-1983. Physiology and Medicine (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Alfred Clarence Redfield, ca.1910-1973. (9 document boxes, 2 half-document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders).
- A collection of papers by Alfred Clarence Redfield, mainly cuttings and reprints from various publications, 1938, 1954. (1 folder).
Reischauer, Edwin O. (Edwin Oldfather), 1910-1990. Japanese and East Asian Studies (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Edwin O. Reischauer, 1933-1990. (196 containers).
- Papers of Edwin O. Reischauer [accessions], 1890-1990. (10 record cartons).
Reischauer, Haru Matsukata, 1915-1998. Japanese and East Asian Studies (Fields of Study).
- Haru M. Reischauer personal archive, 1890-1998.(25 record cartons, 3 flat boxes).
Reisner, George Andrew, 1867-1942. Archaeology and Semitic languages (Fields of Study).
- Papers of George A.R. Reisner, 1932-1948. (1 document box).
Remington Jonathan,1677-1745.
Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong), 1893-1979. English (Field of Study).
- I.A. Richards correspondence and typescript, 1940-1981. (4 document boxes, 4 photographic negatives, 1 pamphlet binder).
Richards, John F. C., 1897-1992. Classics (Field of Study).
- Papers John Francis Chafferton Richards, 1970. (1 pamphlet binder).
Richards, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1868-1928. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of Theodore William Richards, 1877-1947. (25 half document boxes, 7 document boxes, 4 flat boxes, 4 volumes, 3 pamphlet folders, 2 card boxes, 1 microfiche box, 1 accordion folder, and 1 record carton).
Riesman, David, 1909-2002. Sociology (Field of Study).
- Papers of David Riesman,1929-1988. (273 document boxes, 1 7 inch reel-to-reel tape, 1 audio cassette tape).
- Correspondence between David Riesman and David W. Plath, 1959-1970. (1 pamphlet binder).
- Papers of David Riesman [accessions], 1910-1997. (115 record cartons, 3 document boxes, 2 folders, 2 half-record cartons).
- Writings and publications by David Riesman, circa 1929-1988. (5 document boxes, 1 volume).
Ripley, William Zebina, 1867-1941. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of William Z. Ripley, 1895-1940. (13 letter document boxes, 1 slide box, 1 portfolio folder).
- A collection of papers by William Z. Ripley, mainly cuttings and reprints from various publications, 1896-1926. (1 half-document box).
Roback, A. A. (Abraham Aaron), 1890-1965. Psychology and Jewish Studies (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Abraham Aaron Roback, 1915-1965. (15 letter document boxes, 1 legal document box).
Robinson, F. N. (Fred Norris), 1871-1966. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Frederick Norris Robinson, 1900-1966. (11 letter document boxes, 4 flat boxes, 1 pamphlet binder, 1 card box).
- A collection of miscellaneous papers by Frederick Norris Robinson, 1900-1950. (1 pamphlet binder).
Rochow, Eugene G. (Eugene George), 1909-2002. Chemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of Eugene George Rochow, circa 1915-2003. (10 document boxes, 8 record cartons, 2 half-document boxes, 1 legal document box, 1 flat box).
Roedder, Edwin, 1919-2006. Geology, Chemistry, and Physics (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Edwin Roedder [accessions], 1951-1997. (2 document boxes).
Roelker, Bernard, 1816-1888. German (Field of Study).
- Papers of Bernard Roelker, 1856-1941. (1 document box).
Roethlisberger, F. J. (Fritz Jules), 1898-1974. Engineering (Field of Study).
- A collection of papers by F.J. Roethlisbeger, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 accordion folder).
Rogers, Francis M. (Francis Millet), 1914-1989. Romance Languages (Field of Study).
- Papers of Francis M. Rogers, 1963-1966, 1981. (8 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder, 1 microfilm box).
- A collection of papers by Francis M. Rogers, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals, 1938-1955. (1 document box).
Rogers, Peter P., 1937-2018. Engineering (Field of Study).
- Peter P. Rogers personal archive [accessions], 1796-2017, bulk dates 1961-2017. (13 record cartons).
Rogers, William A. (William Augustus), 1832-1898. Astronomy (Field of Study).
- William A. Rogers letters regarding scientific instruments and clocks, 1884-1885. (1 pamphlet binder).
Rollins, Hyder Edward, 1889-1958. English (Field of Study).
- Papers of Hyder E. Rollins, 192?-1958. (2 record cartons, 1 document box, 1 half-document box).
Rollins, Reed C. (Reed Clark), 1911-1998. Botany and Biology (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Reed C. Rollins : a collection of his teaching materials, 1936-1972. (4 document boxes).
- Papers of Reed C. Rollins : a collection of his writings, 1957-1993. (2 document boxes).
Romer, Alfred Sherwood, 1894-1973. Zoology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Alfred Sherwood Romer, ca. 1911-1989. (80 containers).
- Papers of Alfred Sherwood Romer [accessions], 1929-1960. (6 record cartons, 5 flat boxes).
Ropes, James Hardy, 1866-1933. Theology (Field of Study).
- Papers of James Hardy Ropes, circa 1890-1930. (11 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder, 1 accordion folder).
Rosenberg, Jakob, 1893-1980. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Papers of Jakob Rosenberg, 1930-1978. (18 document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders).
Rosenkrantz, Barbara Gutmann. History of Science (Field of Study).
- Papers of Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz [accessions], 1925-2004. (42 record cartons, 1 document box, 1 pamphlet binder).
Rosovsky, Henry, born 1927. Economics (Field of Study).
- Henry Rosovsky personal archive [accessions], 1955-2010. (21 record cartons, 1 document box, 1 flat box, 1 external hard drive).
Rossi, Peter H. (Peter Henry), 1921-2006. Sociology (Field of Study).
- Collection of miscellaneous papers by Peter H. Rossi. (1 folder).
Rotberg, Robert I., born 1935. History and Politcal Science (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Robert I. Rotberg [accessions], 1890-2005 (inclusive), 1957-2009 (bulk). (57 record cartons).
Rowland, Benjamin, 1904-1972. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Papers of Benjamin Rowland, 1950-1953. (1 document box).
- Collection of papers by Benjamin Rowland, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals, 1938, 1952. (1 accordion folder).
Royce, Josiah, 1855-1916. Philosophy (Field of Study)
- Papers of Josiah Royce, 1750, 1812-1999. (156 boxes: 98 folio boxes, 47 document boxes, 11 media boxes).
Rüdenberg, Reinhold, 1883-1961. Engineering (Field of Study).
- Papers of Reinhold Rudenberg, 1901-1964. (17 document boxes, 2 pamphlet binders).
Ruggles, C. O. (Clyde Orval), 1878-1958. Business administration (Field of study).
Rulon, Phillip Justin, 1900-1968. Education (Field of Study).