E : Faculty Papers
Eckstein, Otto, 1927-1984. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of Otto Eckstein, 1958-1973. (10 document boxes).
Edgell, George Harold, 1887-1954. Fine Arts (Field of Study).
- Papers of George Harold Edgell, 1929-1935. (2 document boxes, 1 pamphlet binder).
Edsall, John T. (John Tileston), 1902-2002. Biochemistry (Field of Study).
- Papers of John T. Edsall, 1931-1979. (36 feet of ms. and 4 audio cassettes).
- Papers of John Tileston Edsall [accessions], 1946-1997. (20 record cartons, 2 document boxes, 1 accordion folder).
- Transcript of John T. Edsall Interview, 1984 May 8.
Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926. Mathematics and Chemistry (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Charles William Eliot, 1807-1945. (99 document boxes, 21 portfolio boxes, 2 flat boxes).
- Charles W. Eliot personal expense records, 1857-1923. (9 document boxes).
Elisséeff, Serge, 1889-1975. East Asian languages (Field of Study).
- A collection of papers by Serge Elisseeff, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 accordion folder).
Elliott, William Yandell, 1896-1979. Government and History (Fields of Study).
- Papers of William Yandell Elliott, 1935-1945. (8 document boxes).
Ellwood, David T., born 1953. Economics (Field of Study).
- Papers of David T. Ellwood [accessions], 1980-1997. (13 record cartons).
Emerson, Rupert, 1899-1979. Government (Field of study).
- Papers of Rupert Emerson, ca. 1960-ca. 1970. (1 document box).
- A collection of papers of Robert Emerson, mainly cuttings and reprints from various periodicals. (1 pamphlet binder).
Emerton, Ephraim, 1851-1935. History and German (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Ephraim Emerton, 1891-1930. (1 pamphlet binder, 1 volume, 1 sound recording).
Emmons, H. W. (Howard W.), 1912-1998. Mechanical Engineering (Field of Study).
- Papers of Howard W. Emmons, 1942-1946. (1 document box).
- Papers of Howard W. Emmons [accessions], 1940-1976. (17 record cartons, 2 document boxes).
Evans, G. Blakemore (Gwynne Blakemore), 1912-2005. English and Literature (Fields of Study).
- Papers of Gwynne Blakemore Evans [accessions], 1933-2005. (9 record cartons, 1 half-letter document box).
Everett, Charles Carroll, 1829-1900. Theology (Field of Study).
- Papers of Charles Carroll Everett, 1900. (1 document box, 2 pamphlet binders).
Everett, William, 1839-1910. Classics and Latin (Fields of Study).
- Papers of William Everett, 1876-1908. (1 pamphlet binder).