
Internet Archive

NDL Search  search engine of National Diet Library, which aims to be an access point for  public libraries, archives, museums, institutes of academic research and NDL.


World Digital Library

 科学研究費助成事業データベース  文部科学省および日本学術振興会が交付する科学研究費助成事業により行われた研究の当初採択時のデータ(採択課題)、研究成果の概要(研究実施状況報告書、研究実績報告書、研究成果報告書概要)、研究成果報告書及び自己評価報告書を収録したデータベース

機関リポジトリ一覧 List of Japanese Institutional Repository supported by NII

地域研究資源共有化データベース、京都大学 Center for Intergrated Area Studies, Kyoto University
J-GLOBAL.  50 million scientific and technological information such as articles, patents, and researchers information


沖縄関係データベース / Okinawa Related Database 

沖縄文献情報データベース Bibliographic Information Database of Okinawa materials created by University of the Ryukyus

Japan Archives Discovery  created by National Archive of Japan with links to 168 archives in Japan

Directory of Japanese Studies in the US and Canada, created and updated by Japan Foundation in early 2013

Digital Resources and Projects on East Asia selected and maintained by Paula Curtis

NDL resources

国立国会図書館東京本館利用案内 NDL's official guides for users (video instructions)

Prof. Nagao Munenori's NDL Guides

国立国会図書館の使い方(遠隔)How to use NDL Remotely

国立国会図書館の使い方(来館利用)How to use NDL On site

NDL Services for Japanese Studies The National Diet Library (NDL) provides services in support of Japanese studies worldwide. This page provides an introduction to NDL services available to those living outside Japan as well as practical information in English for Japanese studies librarians.

Kaleidoscope of Books 本の万華鏡  NDL's online exhibition

East Asian Research

国立国会図書館関西館アジア情報室: アジア情報の調べ方案内

Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo 東京大学東洋文化研究所
Besides its library collection catalogs, the site offers useful databases including Korean Genealogies 朝鮮族譜データベース , Index to Chinese Modern Literature 中国近現代文学関係雑誌記事データベース articles, and a Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary (Tibetan-Sanskrit 構文対照電子辞書プロジェクト).

Chinese Classics Catalog at the Toyo Bunko 東洋文庫所蔵漢籍オンライン検索
Bibliographic database of Chinese Classics held by the Toyo Bunko 東洋文庫.

Digital Silk Road The digital archive (image database) of basic references on Silk Road, including 150 rare books (54 authors : 39,408 pages) through the digitization of whole books from cover to cover.

Annual Bibliography of Oriental Studies 東洋学文献類目
Harvard-Yenching Ref (J) DS5 .T69x (1934 - )
Citation index for scholarly literature on East Asia in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Western languages. Includes journal articles and monographs. Coverage is strongest for Chinese, Japanese, and Western languages. The online version covers scholarship published since 1981 and allows author and title keyword searching. It offers two interfaces:

  • Japanese-language interface: Search terms may be entered in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or Western languages. Please note that characters, kana, and Western-language search terms will search for those precise terms. i.e. 蒙古モンゴル, and Mongolia will retrieve different records. Please enter katakana terms with full-width katakana. Searching capability in han'gul is limited.
  • Western-language interface: Searching in Western scripts only for Western-language materials.

If you experience display problems, see the instructions for viewing Japanese web pages.

東アジア人文情報学研究センター Center for Informatics for East Asian Studies, Kyoto University 京都大学人文科学研究所作成主要データベースへの入口、全国漢籍データベース他

Links for Korean studies, compiled by Professor Kan Kimura 

Database for Books and Magazines on Modern Korea 近代朝鮮関係書籍データベース
Bibliographic database of books and magazines on Korea published in Japan between 1868 and 1945.

清末小説研究会 Back issues of newsletters 「清末小説」「清末小説から」are all available in PDF.

『三才図会』データベース 東京大学東洋文化研究所蔵、清刊本(槐蔭草堂藏板)

東京大学東洋文化研究所所蔵 アジア写真資料集成データベース

東京大学附属図書館アジア研究図書館 (U-PARL)


Resources for Librarians

DRF (Digital Repository Federation), Japan: Monthly Newsletter

Open Access Overview by Peter Suber   "Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder."

HL resources

RTL Shares

ABCD-Library Working Group Meetings