
Maruzen E-books Currently 3056 titles are available for Harvard readers. 


E-book Publishers includes: 岩波書店、東京大学出版、吉川弘文堂、平凡社、みすず書房、勉誠出版 and more.

To request/suggest titles to add, please contact Kuniko Yamada McVey.

Internet Archive includes 2598 Japanese books published recently. Books are available to one borrower at a time using controlled digital lending.


JapanKnowledge ID Over 80 titles of essential reference books and multi-volume sets are available online. Selected titles are below. Access to individual contents via the main entry of JapanKnowledge.

日本国語大辞典 第二版 Hollis

国史大辞典 Hollis

平凡社  東洋文庫 (772 volumes)


小学館 新編 日本古典文学全集 (88 volumes)

第六十八回 日本統計年鑑 平成31年

東洋経済新報/週刊東洋経済 (1895-2015)

人物叢書 新装版 (270 volumes)

Japanese Open Access resources

Japan Search National platform to discover over 21 million items with 3.1 million contents publicly accessible. Created by National Diet Library of Japan.

Cultural Japan  Launched in August 2020, a discovery site for over 1 million Japanese items

National Diet Library Digital Collection 

IIIF Discovery in Japan Over 470,000 titles of Japanese materials that are digitized in Japan are searchable and accessible. Contributing 19 institutions include National Diet Library, University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, National Institute of Japanese Literature and more.


Selected e-books titles

The Cambridge History of JapanID 1988-1999. Hollis listing

 『東洋文庫』 Some 700 volumes of classics, 『新編 日本古典文学全集』(全88巻), 
『群書類従』『続群書類従』 are available via JapanKnowledge. ID
Kokushi taikei 「国史大系」ID Search 国史大系 in EBSCO host platform after login
Check here for more extensive lists of e-books that are commercially and publicly accessible.
This page for book search, links to digital contents, publishers, and book related sites. 


Kikuzo Visual II for Libraries 聞蔵IIビジュアル for Libraries ID 朝日新聞 (1879-present).

Yomidas Rekishikan 読売新聞 (1874-present) ID Including Daily Yomiuri (1989-present).

Nikkei Telecom 21 日経テレコン21 ID Nihon Keizai shinbun 日本経済新聞 (1876-present) and other three Nikkei papers.

Maisaku 毎日新聞 ID (1872-Present) 

Domei Junpo 「同盟旬報」(1937-1945)

Keijo nippo 京城日報 / Kyŏngsŏng ilbo 경성일보 (1915-1944) ID 

Taiwan jihō 臺灣時報 ID (1898-1945)
Taiwan nichinichi shinpō 臺灣日日新報 ID (1898-1944)
Manchuria Daily News (1912-1941) ID

 The Hoji Shinbun Digital Collection Hoover Institution, Stanford University

海外邦字新聞 海外邦字新聞のなかからサンパウロ、サンフランシスコ、ブエノスアイレスにて発行された9紙

Japan Times (1897-2018) ID

Japan Advertiser (1913-1940) included in Japan Times Archive

Japan Chronicle Weekly (1902 – 1940) ID

The Times Supplements: Japanese Section (1910-1916) ID

The Trans-Pacific (Sep 1919 - 1921) Via Hathi Trust.

Illustrated London News Historical Archive

Japan Weekly Mail 1870 (Vol.1, #1-50)

The Anglo-Japanese Gazette (Vol. 1-2, July 1902-June 1903)

Guide to Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes

America's Historical Newspapers ID

Nexis Uni ID For most Western media after 1980s.


Buddhism in the Pandemic a collaborative repository for pedagogical resources related to Buddhism and the coronavirus pandemic

法隆寺金堂壁画写真ガラス原板 the glass photographic plates of the murals at the Kondō, or the Golden Hall, of Hōryūji Temple in Nara

Scholarship in/on Pandemic

the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (Volume 18, No.14, Special Issue: Pandemic Asia, Part I)

"Corona Cartoons, Japan" by Ryan Holmberg in The Comic Journal, Part 1 & Part 2



Homepage for contents information and more