Media Studies
National Film Archive of Japan 国立映画アーカイブ
日本アニメーション映画クラシックス Japanese Animated Film Classics 64 early animated films are viewable.
NFC Calendar (April 2009- )
NFC Newsletter: Table of Contents
NFC Newsletter (#13 1997- )
"Japanese Motion Pictures in the Library of Congress, Part 1: Fiction Films, 1921-1945" compiled by Zoran Sinobad.
Collaborative Cataloging Japan Collaborative Cataloging Japan (CCJ) Advocates Preservation, Documentation, and Dissemination of Japanese Experimental Moving Image Works Made in 1955—1979.
The Makino Collection (牧野コレクション) Held by Columbia University. The Collection contains over 1,000 pre-war scenarios, valuable because many are handwritten, and may include several versions of the same script or even related storyboards, sketches, or photographs. In addition, there are over 3,000 leaflets or handbills (chirashi) from regional movie theaters (more than 70 theaters, mostly in Tokyo) from the 1910s through 1940s.
Japanese Film Database 日本映画データベース Over 35,000 titles of films made in Japan since 1899 are searchable by title, cast, directors, and year. Also lists related reference books.
Japanese Film Database (JFDB) 日本映画データベース It is managed in cooperation with the Japan Foundation and UNIJAPAN. It provides search for information on Japanese films according to title, film cast and staff, or film industry related companies.
Shochiku Movie Database since 1920 松竹映画作品データベース
日映アーカイブ映像検索 戦時中の国策映画、文化教育映画、戦後の産業映画などの短編作品約400タイトル、ニュース映画約5,500項目の中から検索
映画チラシデータベース Movie flyer database, Over 30,000 fliers are searchabe amd viewabe.
東京国立近代美術館フィルムセンターちらし (2000- )
JFROL(Japanese Film Resources Online)映画資料所在地情報検索システム
Film resource portal
The Oxford handbook of Japanese cinema online
Close-UP Its guiding principle is to provide access for everyone to film culture and history through our library, film screenings and publication of Vertigo magazine.
Vertigo Fully archived contents are available.
Kinema Club The site serves both to introduce its activities, such as the KineJapan mailing list and our conferences and workshops, as well promote information and thinking about films, research, bibliography, and education.
映画芸術 DIARY 『映画芸術』site, film-makers' interviews are available.
Collaborative Cataloging Japan an international organization dedicated to preserving, documenting, and disseminating the legacy of Japanese experimental moving image made in 1950s—1980s
Harvard Film Archive
January 15, 2013—The majority of the Harvard Film Archive’s (HFA) records, representing more than 23,000 films and videotapes, are now searchable through HOLLIS.
ゲームに関する記事一覧 in「メディア芸術カレントコンテンツ」
ゲーム保存協会 (Game Preservation Society)
Inside Lens - Game Preservation, the Quest 30-minute documentary on preservation effort for Japanese video games
Yenching's Japanese video game collection
Toward a Gameic World by Ben Whaley (Michigan 2023)
Finding Moving images (NCC Image Use Protocol)
Japanese Reference Materials for Japanese Cinema at Yale University very useful
Japanese Film Ephemera Collection at Yale University
Forest Plus 紀伊国屋 DVD/CD search
TV Drama database テレビドラマデータベース
Over 27,000 TV dramas since 1940 are searchable by title, cast, creator, abstract, and writers.