Petzold Collection
Petzold Scrolls Collection (HOLLIS listing)
424 scrolls held by Yenching Library are viewable.
Visual finding aids (more images)
Selections from the collection:
Kōyasan saiken ezu / Tachibana Yasuharu zu. 高野山細見絵図 (1813)
Digitized materials
Harvard-Yenching Library Japanese Digital Collection- Rare Books (ongoing project)
Japanese Art and Design digitization project
芹澤銈介『繪本どんきほうて』 Ehon Don kihote
Heso no Yadogae へそのやどかえ. Comic books from the 19th century.
Nise Murasaki inaka Genji 偐紫田舍源氏; 38編
Taka kuden 鷹口伝, (HOLLIS )
Takaezu 鷹絵図, (HOLLIS )
Chuzan Bussankō 中山物産考, by Tamura Ransui 田村藍水, (1769).
Bugaku jōsha Shi-shi shichisho kōgi : 42-kan 武學上舍施氏七書講義 : 42卷, (1634). Chinese military text with readers' notes and illustrations. (HOLLIS )
Kankoku Saishuto ryoko nisshi 韓国濟州島旅行日誌. Travel journal from Japan to Korea's Saishuto in the early 20th century. (HOLLIS )
Tokugawa Mitsukuni 德川光國. Chosen buntsu 朝鮮文通, (HOLLIS )
Ryōkan Dōnin ikō 良寬道人遺稿Title:, (HOLLIS
Yenching Books in Google Books Search
Manchukuo related postcards of Harvard-Yenching Library Some 2400 cards
Japanese prints: The library holds a few hundreds sheets of the 19th century woodblock prints.
Our collections include... (Click on the titles to see each gallery)
Charles Perry Woodblock prints, 1850-1890, (HOLLIS listing)
Yokohama-e collection, Bequest of William S. Lieberman
Zenʹaku kurabe : shokoku meshimori Edo no hippari 善悪競 : 諸国飯盛江戸のひッぱ里, (HOLLIS listing)
Ukiyo no nami yume no uranai 浮世の浪夢乃占, (HOLLIS listing)
Yoshiashi konzatsubanashi 善悪混雑噺, (HOLLIS listing)
Yokohama matsudaibanashi 横濱末代咄, (HOLLIS listing)
Goshōraku sandaibanashi 語笑楽三題咄, (HOLLIS listing)
Early Modern woodblock prints 近世木版画, (HOLLIS listing)
Chirimen prints 縮緬版画, (HOLLIS listing)
Hagoromoza Tsuji banzuke 羽衣座辻番付, (Kabuki programmes) (HOLLIS listing)
Daihōten saishin bijutsuzu 大奉天最新美術図, (View Image)
Harubin shigai zenzu 哈爾濱市街全圖, (View Image)
Kōyasan saiken ezu 高野山細見絵図, (View Image)
Japan showing missions of the A.B.M.U., 大日本 drawn by Samuel E. Mann
Tōkaidō buken ezu 東海道分間絵図, (1690) drawn by Hishikawa Moronobu
Dai Min Kyuhen bankoku jinseki rotei zenzu 大明九辺萬國人跡路程全圖, (View Image)
Dai Min tojozu 大明都城図, (View Image)
Digitized Manchukuo maps
Scanned Maps - Japan from Harvard Map Collection
Nota Bene
繪本どんきほうて Ehon Don Kihote (Illustrated Don Quixote) Kōjitsuan,1936
Harvard Art Museum holds Serizawa's stencils for making this book.
大正震火災木版畫集. Taishō shin kasai mokuhan gashū; Great Kanto earthquake [1924] 36 sheets of color wood-block prints
Japanese prints The library holds a few hundreds sheets of the 19th century wood block prints.
Aum shinrikyo collection in 4 boxes
Band Score = バンド・スコア. a collection of rock music scores published in Japan in 179 volumes.
Prange collection in microform
Gordon W. Prange Collection magazines 13,783 magazines published in Japan during 1945-1949, in microfiche (in 62,977 sheets)
Contents of these magazines are searchable here. Zassaku Plus dētabēsu ざっさくプラスデータベース ID
Gordon W. Prange Collection of newspapers and newsletters 18,047 newspapers and newsletters in microfilm (in 3,826 rolls)
- 一般図書 デジタル画像(国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
- 検閲新聞ゲラ デジタル画像(国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション
- 国会図書館プランゲ文庫の検索と複写申し込みガイド