Research Portals

Digital Resources and Projects on East Asia Compiled by Paula Curtis


The Japanese Historical Text Initiative (JHTI) UC Berkeley. Database of historical texts dating back more than 1200 years. The original version of every paragraph in every text is cross-tagged with its English translation, making it possible for any researcher to see, on the same screen, both the original and English translation of any word or phrase appearing in any JHTI text.

日本文化デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ拠点 立命館大学

表象文化論学会ニューズレター Newsletter REPRE

国内人文系研究機関 WWWページリスト 後藤斉作成


Working Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies Center for Japanese Studies, UCBerkeley.

Digital Humanities

Bodies and Structures 2.0: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History by David Ambaras and Kate McDonald

Bodies and Structures a platform for researching and teaching spatial histories of Japan

Embodying Japan: Cultures of Sports, Beauty, and Medicine 2017


metaLAB (at) Harvard

Harvard Library Innovation laboratory, Harvard law school

Digital Humanities Cafe Highlights selected current and historical resources related to digital humanities and new forms of scholarly communication.

THATCamp: Humanities and technology Camp

Journal of Digital Humanities

HathiTrust, overview (video)

DH in Japan

International Institute for Digital Humanities 人文情報学研究所

人文情報学月報 Monthly Newsletter on Japan's Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities in Japan Facebook Page

IIIF Discovery in Japan Over 96000 items in 20 special collections are searchable and viewable via Cultural Japan platform.

Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH)

DH projects

江戸買物案内 江戸時代に出版された『江戸買物独案内』から、IIIF Curation Platformを活用して広告版面を切り抜くとともに、商人名や職種、居所(住所)、屋号紋などを抽出することで、江戸を中心とする商人に関するビジュアルな商業広告データベースとして構築したもの

KaoKore Dataset  A dataset derived from Collection of Facial Expressions and contains facial expression images cropped from Japanese artworks, such as picture scrolls (絵巻物, Emakimono) and picture books (絵本, Ehon), in a format convenient for machine learning.

上屋敷地図 寛政武鑑(1789)の大名家を対象に、江戸の上屋敷の位置を推定して地図から検索できる