E-Books Search
Maruzen e-Book Library ID. New contents include: Over 800 titles of Iwanami publications in 岩波文庫 and 岩波新書 ; 広辞苑第7版, 満州グラフ Manshu Graph (1933-1944), 東京大学明治新聞雑誌文庫所蔵雑誌目次総覧(150巻).
Project MUSE ID
Open Library Includes 4000 titles E-Books from Aozora Bunko.
Finding Full-Text Books online, Harvard's guide
Ebook and Texts Archive, Internet Archive
日本文学電子テキスト検索 Search all available Japanese literature in e-texts, created by ARC (Art Research Center), Ritsumeikan University
古典選集本文データベース 『二十一代集』、『絵入源氏物語』、『吾妻鏡』、歴史物語(『栄花物語』、『大鏡』、『今鏡』、『水鏡』、『増鏡』)、奈良絵本の一部作品、『伊勢物語』、『沙石集』、『竹取物語』、『雨月物語』、『土佐日記』、『後鳥羽院御口傳・定家和哥式』、『訂正出雲風土記』、『訂正常陸國風土記』、『肥前國風土記』、『豊後風土記』、『大和物語』、『怪物太平記(化物太平記)』を検索対象とし、統合検索機能が可能
日本古典文学大系本文データベース 岩波書店刊行の旧版「日本古典文学大系」の556作品
Japanese Literature Text file 日本文学等テキストファイル List of links to full-text reproductions of Japanese literature.
日本文学電子図書館 J-Text Full texts of literary works, compiled by Kikuchi Shin'ichi.
Classical Japanese Portal Developed and maintained by the team of Ohio State University
E-Books: ACLS, Cornell CEAS
Sources of the Japanese tradition Compiled by Ryūsaku Tsunoda, Wm. Theodore de Bary, Donald Keene, 1958.
Uncovering Heian Japan: an archaeology of sensation and inscription By Thomas LaMarre, 2000.
Japan's total empire: Manchuria and the culture of wartime imperialism By Louise Young, 1999.
Native sources of Japanese industrialization, 1750-1920 By Thomas C. Smith, 1988.
Selected writings of Suzuki Shosan translated by Royall Tyler, 1977.
Three works by Nakano Shigeharu translated by Brett de Bary, 1
Song, Dance, Storytelling : Aspects of the Performing Arts in Japan by Frank Hoff, 1978.
The History of Japan, by Engelbert Kaempfer. London, 1727. Hollis listing. Many other editions also available through Hollis.
Japan Year Book (1933-1952)
E-books acquired by Harvard
Internet Archive
古事類苑 Koji Ruien (1933)
Japanese books in Open Library 3317 titles are available as of Oct 13, 2015.
From Hathi Trust
大日本佛教全書 Dai Nihon Bukkyō zensho / Bussho Kankōkai. (1911-1922) 151 vols.
生物始源 一名種源論 チャーレス ダ-ヰン 著, 立花銑三郎 訳 (1896)
繪本西遊記 初編10巻二編10巻三編10巻四編10巻 口木山人[西田維則], 山珪, 岳亭丘山[岳亭定岡]譯 ; 大原東野, 歌川豊廣, 葛飾戴斗[葛飾北斎一世]畫 ; 吉田武然校