Image Databases
Union Catalog of the Collections of the National Art Museums, Japan (掲載作品数38,488点、画像公開数14,668点/2015.10.9)
SHUZO: Japanese Museum Collections Search
Kyoto National Museum Collections 京都国立博物館蔵品データベース
Over 5,000 items held by the museum are searchable by title, creator, type, nationality, period, etc. 10,000 images are viewable.
Art of Asia, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
早稲田大学演劇博物館浮世絵閲覧システム Image Database of Ukiyoe Collection owned by the Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum
Database of Ukiyo-e held at the Library of Congress
東京都立図書館貴重資料画像データベース 13,800 Ukiyoe are searchable and veiwable.
奈良国立博物館所蔵写真検索システム Nara Museum Photograph search
在欧博物館等保管日本仏教美術資料データベース Japanese Buddhist Art in European Collections (JBAE)
ARTstor for Japanese works (ID)
Ukiyo-e Search "With a collection of over 200,000 images, the site provides comprehensive coverage of images from the mid-1700s up to the contemporary period. Sources of the images include major museums, academic institutions, libraries, databases, galleries and dealers."
935 digitized Japanese art exhibition catalogues
Picture Scrolls/Books 絵巻 絵本
The World of the Japanese Illustrated Book, G Pulverer Collection, Smithsonian
ちりめん本データベース Printed on crepe paper (chirimen), 77 titles of Japanese Folk tales are viewable.
Nara ehon database 国文学研究資料館奈良絵本データベース
米国議会図書館蔵奈良絵本 Four books held by Library of Congress fully digitized.
Picture scroll database 日文研絵巻物データベース
Itô Jakuchû Japanese (Kyoto 1716 - 1800)
Flowers of the K'un-lun Mountains (Gempô Yôka), Mid Edo period, dated 1768
The Levenberg Collection of Japanese Prints (日本の版画コレクション)
『浮世絵芸術』全文データベース Full text database of Ukiyoe geijutsu 1962-present).
Viewing Japanese Prints Illustrated essays on the artists, designs, technique of traditional and modern prints maniteined by John Fiorillo.
Contemporrary Arts
Keio University Art Center Archive アート・アーカイヴの各コレクション
土方巽(高井富子・池宮信夫・石井満隆・辻村和子・副島輝人・吉本隆明に関する資料体を含む)、ノグチ・ルーム、田邊光郎/『役者』、瀧口修造、油井正一、慶應義塾の建築、西脇順三郎、渋井清/春画研究、草月アートセンター、峯村敏明、飯田善國、中嶋興、VIC(Video Inforamation Center)
草月アートセンター 旧草月会館の落成後1958年に、勅使河原宏をディレクターとして発足
Sogetsu Art Center Doryun Chong's essay in MOMA's online journal "POST." (under the transition)
Oral History Archives of Japanese Art Founded in 2006 by a group of art historians and curators, the Oral History Archives of Japanese Art is an organization that is devoted to conducting interviews with individuals involved in the field of art, and collecting and preserving the results as historical documents.
Modern Arts
Art works at Harvard
Kano Tsunenobu Java Sparrow by Pink and Red Hibiscus Mutablis, Early Edo period, circa 1681
artscape 大日本印刷
所蔵作品総合目録検索システム Union Catalog of the Collections of the National Art Museums, Japan
Freer/Sackler The Smisonian's Asian Art Museum
Art of Asia, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
新美術海 a Japanese design magazine that was edited by illustrator and designer Korin Furuya (1875-1910)
Japanese Art and Design digitization project 44 Modern Art and Design catalogs are viewable
杉浦康平デザインアーカイブ 武蔵野美術大学 美術館・図書館 所蔵 杉浦康平デザインアーカイブ「デザイン・コスモス」
Architecture 建築
The Kenzō Tange Archive -- 丹下健三アーカイブ Gift of Mrs. Takako Tange, 2011. Frances Loeb Library, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
雛形本 118 titles of Hinagatabon,(architecturtal and sructure design books) published between 1700 to 1913 are downloadable.
『コンドル博士遺作集』 (1932)
Research resources
国立西洋美術館出版物リポジトリ The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo - Publications Repository
東京文化財研究所 総合検索データベース including auction catalogs, exhibition catalogs, journal index and more
Behind the Camera is an open-source website that creates new critical directions on the history of photography, feminist art history, and the history of modern Japan.