Library Catalogs & Full Text Databases
- WorldCat (FirstSearch)WorldCat is a union catalog of records of any type of material (books, periodicals, scores, films, recordings, etc.) cataloged by over 41,000 OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) member libraries, primarily but not exclusively, from libraries in the United States, but extending to 82 other nations.
- The European Library - simple searchThe European Library is a project sponsored by the EU; it is a multilingual portal that provides access to the catalogues of the national libraries of 45 European countries (containing both digital and printed - books, periodicals - materials).
- Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK)The Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog allows you to search simultaneously the holdings of many major libraries in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, and the UK; it functions then as a sort of European Union Catalog, and a counterpart to the mainly US/Canadian WorldCat database in the e-resources list.
- Center for Research Libraries CatalogThe Center for Research Libraries (CRL) is an international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries.
- EuropeanaContains bibliography, images, documents, texts (some full text).
- Catalogue SUDOC (France)Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation est le catalogue collectif français réalisé par les bibliothèques et centres de documentation de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Il comprend plus de 10 millions de notices bibliographiques qui décrivent tous les types de documents (livres, thèses, revues, ressources électroniques, documents audiovisuels, microformes, cartes, partitions, manuscrits et livres anciens...)
- RLG Union CatalogThe RLG Union Catalog contains information for more than 45 million books, periodicals, recordings, scores, archival collections, and other kinds of material held in libraries and research institutions.
- URBIS - Library NetworkInternational library network based in Rome.
Selected fulltext databases
- BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search EngineSearches for bibliografic references in titles, images, texts documents, connected to full text versions.
- Early European BooksCovers a broad range of subjects such as literature, history, music, art, linguistics, and religion. "Early European Books" aims at providing digital access to continental printed texts before 1701 by offering full-color, high-resolution facsimile images scanned directly from the original printed sources.
- Biblioteca Italiana (Università La Sapienza)Full texts of early modern and modern printed texts.
- Casalini Full Text Database (Torrossa)Full text access to books and articles published in Italy. The documents open only with an Adobe Reader installed and opened. (Be aware: some PDFs have an access time slot of about 2 weeks!)
- Archive.orgThe Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. includes also full text versions of historical prints from the Gutenberg Project, American and Canadian Libraries.
- HathiTrust Digital LibraryHathi Trust is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries. Currently more than 10 million books are scanned and made available for bibliographical search and keyword search within full text. You cannot read the full text, but you will be given page numbers accordingly.
- EuropeanaContains bibliography, images, documents, texts (some digitized full-texts).
- Intra Text Digital LibraryIntra Text is a full-text online library managed by experts, that publishes works with scientific accuracy. It includes books, periodicals, complete works, archives and cooperates with outstanding religious and research institutes and organisations. It publishes religious, philosophical, literary, and scientific texts.