What's New

Asahi Cross Search (use VPN for remote access)

日本文学Web図書館 Download the application in each session

KinoDen New title 

週刊NHKラジオ新聞 (Jan. 6, 1951- Dec. 29, 1952)


東京パック 第1号から第227号まで(明治38年4月~45年5月)

毎日グラフ (1948ー1960)

VAN : 綜合諷刺雑誌  (1946-49)

Japan News Digital Archive Launched in 1955, The Japan News is an English-language daily published by The Yomiuri Shimbun. Known by several different names during its history (Japan News, Yomiuri Japan News, The Yomiuri, The Daily Yomiuri), The Japan News adopted its current name in 2013.

Rafu Shimpo Digital Archive the longest running Japanese American newspaper in the United States. The paper began in 1903 supporting the small but growing Japanese community in the Little Tokyo area of Los Angeles, California. (1914-2018)

Maruzen e-Book LibraryNew contents include: Over 800 titles of Iwanami publications in 岩波文庫 and 岩波新書 ; 広辞苑第7版満洲グラフ Manshu Graph (1933-1944), 東京大学明治新聞雑誌文庫所蔵雑誌目次総覧(150巻).

J-DAC ジャパンデジタルアーカイブズセンター       User Guide 近現代史料データベース
楠田實資料: 佐藤栄作官邸文書 Prime Minister Eisaku Sato's archive, 矢部貞治関係文書 -- 大平正芳関係文書 -- 大来左武郎関係文書 -- 三木武夫関係資料 -- J-DAC Database Goto Shinpei Bunsho (オンライン版 後藤新平文書) --- J-DAC Database Yuho bunko (オンライン版 友邦文庫) --- Todofuken tokeisho detabesu  都道府県統計書データベース -- Business Archives Online (企業史料統合データベース)

社会文化史データベース : 性風俗稀少雑誌コレクション, 「日本心霊」

Remote Access Contents for Japanese resources

Kigoshi Osamu Collection Rich in contemporary culture, donated in 2019

Harvard Alumni can access to JapanKnowledge

NDL リサーチ・ナビ 人文リンク集

Japan Search National platform to discover over 21 million items with 3.1 million contents publicly accessible. Created by National Diet Library of Japan.

Cultural Japan  Launched in August 2020, a discovery site for over 1 million Japanese items

Art Platform Japan(アートプラットフォームジャパン)日本現代アートの持続的発展を目指し、美術館の収蔵品情報や資料を国内外に向けて公開するとともに、国際的なネットワークづくりを推進するためのプラットフォーム

CiNii Research 文献だけでなく、外部連携機関、機関リポジトリ等の研究データ、KAKENの研究プロジェクト情報などを含めて、シンプルなインターフェースから横断検索

Newly digitized!

Harvard-Yenching Library Japanese Digital Collection- Rare Books (ongoing project)

偐紫田舍源氏: Nise Murasaki Inaka Genji (1829-1842) 

Manchukuo related postcards of Harvard-Yenching Library (some 2400 cards are now digitized)

New E-Contents


Manchuria Daily News (1912-1941)

Japan Advertiser (1913-1940) included in Japan Times Archive

Japan Year Book (1933-1952)

New Titles at JapanKnowledge 

「大漢和辞典」(1927-2000, 15 vols)

JKBooks文藝春秋アーカイブズ  (1923-1975)

JKBooks 鎌倉遺文1,2





Harvard Resources

HOLLIS ID A discovery tool that allows you to search Books and Articles, images together, and more.

HOLLIS Help Search tips for getting started, recommendations for those coming from Classic, and general system documentation for how HOLLIS works. 

HOLLIS Images The Harvard Library's dedicated image catalog, which includes content from archives, museums, libraries, and other collections throughout Harvard University.

HOLLIS for Archival Discovery Finding aids for archival and manuscript collections.

A Directory to Photographs at Harvard

Harvard Art Museum Collections

Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) A central, open access repository for the scholarly output of faculty and the broader research community at Harvard.

Office for Scholarly Communication

Office for Scholarly Communication: General PrincipleFAQ: Harvard Library Policy on Access to Digital Reproductions of Works in the Public Domain

metaLAB (at) Harvard

Harvard libraries

Harvard Digital Collection  provides free, public access to more than 6 million objects digitized from our collections - from ancient art to modern manuscripts and audio visual materials.

Harvard Library A gateway to library services including Inter Library Loan and Borrow Direct, Hours, Directory, Admittance.

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Imaging Services Offers reproduction services of Harvard materials.

Harvard-Yenching Library     Library admittance policy   

Japanese Collection

HYL Facebook page

Harvard Law School Library

Digitized Scrolls from Japanese Manuscript collection 1158-1590

Joseph Berry Keanan Digital Collection Comprised of manuscript materials and photographs of the US prosecutor of the Japanese War Crimes Trial.

The Harvard Library Innovation Laboratory

Fine Arts Library

Etz-Trudell collection of hand-colored lantern slides of Japan

East Asian Art Resource guide by Nanni Deng

Film Research at Harvard 

How to use Harvard Library as an Alum

Scholarly Forums

H-Japan Online discussion network for scholars on Japan

Bibliographic Orientations

Japanese Language Resources – Please register with Kuniko Yamada McVey <kmcvey@fas.harvard.edu> 