Mathematics Secondary Source Bibliographies
Barbieri, F. & L. Pepe, eds. 1992. Bibliografia italiana di storia delle matematiche, 1961-1990. Bollettino di storia delle matematiche, v. 12 (1) and separately published: Bologna: Editrice Compositori, 181 pp.
Dauben, J. W. and A. C. Lewis, eds. 2000. The History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Present: A Selective Annotated Bibliography. 2nd. ed. [CD-ROM]. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.
Demidov, S. S. 1993. A brief survey of the literature on the development of mathematics in the USSR. Pp. 245-271 in Golden Years of Moscow Mathematics, ed. by S. Zdravkovska, S. and P. L. Duren. (History of mathematics, v. 6). Providence: American Mathematical Society; London: London Mathematical Society, 271 pp.
Grattan-Guiness, I. 1977. History of mathematics. Pp. 60-77 in Use of Mathematical Literature. Ed. by A. R. Dorling. London: Butterworths, 260 pp.
Loria, G. 1946. Guida allo studio della storia delle matematiche. 2nd ed. Milan: Hoepli, 385 pp.
May, K. O. 1973. Bibliography and Research Manual of the History of Mathematics.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 818 pp.
--Includes bibliography of secondary literature listed by mathematical topic,
by civilization, century, country and city.
Sarton, G. 1936. The Study of the History of Mathematics. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 112 pp.
Mathematics Primary Source Bibliographies
Albree, J., D. C. Arney, and V. F. Rickey. 2000. A Station Favorable to the Pursuits of Science: Primary Materials in the History of Mathematics at the United States Military Academy. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 272 pp.
American Mathematical Textbooks, 1760-1850. London: Robin Halwas, Ltd, 1997, 144 pp. [Sale catalog of important collection]
Anderson, N. D. 1989. French Mathematical Seminars: A Union List. 2nd ed. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 178 pp.
Catalogue of Current Mathematical Journals, etc., with the Names of the Libraries in which They may be Found. Compiled for the Mathematical Association. London: G. Bell and sons, 1913, 39 pp.
De Morgan, A. 1847. Arithmetical Books from the Invention of Printing to the Present Time. London: Taylor and Walton, 124 pp. Reprints, London: H. K. Elliott, n.d.; 1966, with introduction by A. R. Hall; See also Smith, below.
Erlecke, A. 1873. Bibliotheca mathematica. Halle: A. Erlecke, 307 pp. Reprint, Niederwalluf b. Wiesbaden: M. Sandig, 1971. [German mathematical literature to1870]
Forsythe, G. E. 1956. Bibliography of Russian Mathematics Books. NY: Chelsea, 106 pp. [Russian mathematics books published since 1930]
Grinstein, L. S. 1992. Mathematical Book Review Index, 1800-1940. NY: Garland, 448 pp.
Hill, S. 1982. Catalogue of the Turner Collection of the History of Mathematics held in the Library of the University of Keele. Keele: University Library, 231 pp.
Honda, S. 1982. Pre-Meiji Works in the Library of Congress: Japanese Mathematics: A Bibliography. (Asian Division bibliographic series, no. 1). Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 64 pp.
Karpinski, L. C. 1940. Bibliography of Mathematical Works Printed in America through 1850. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 697 pp.
Supplements 1 & 2 in Scripta Mathematica, v. 8 (December 1941), pp. 233-236 and v. 11 (June 1945), pp. 172-177.
Kendall, M. G. & A. G. Doig. 1962, 1965, 1968. Bibliography of Statistical Literature. 3 v. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. Reprint, NY: Arno, 1981.
V. I, 1950-1958; v. II, 1940-1949; v. III, Pre-1940, with supplements to the volumes for 1940-1949 and 1950-1958. Books and articles in Western languages from the sixteenth century through 1958.
Lancaster, H. O. 1968. Bibliography of Statistical Bibliographies. Edinburgh, London: For the International Statistical Institute by Oliver & Boyd, 103 pp.
Pp. 4-29 publications on statisticians, subject bibliographies, 33-65, index to national bibliographies, p. 69, subject and author indexes. 103 pp.
Lehmer, D. H. 1941. Guide to Tables in the Theory of Numbers. Bulletin of the National Research Council, no. 105 (Washington, DC), 177 pp.
Descriptive survey, pp. 5-83; bibliography, p. 85-125.
Meschkowski, H. 1980. Mathematiker-Lexikon. 3rd ed. Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut, 342 pp.
Riccardi, P. 1873-93. Biblioteca matematica italiana dalla origine della stampa ai primi anni del secolo XIX. Modena: Società tipografica. Correzioni ed aggiunte, serie VII. Modena: Società tipografica modense, 1928. Reprints, Milano: Görlich, 2. v. 1952; Bologna: Forni, 2 v. 1985.
Originally published 1870-80. The 1873-93 edition is a corrected reprint with additions: pte. 1, Catalogo biografico, bibliografico e storico, per ordine alfabetico. 2 v.; pte. 2, Classificazione per materie delle opere indicate nella parte I. Appendice: Catalogo delle opere citate. Correzioni ed aggiunte, ser. 1.-6. Includes works in physics and astronomy.
Rider, R. E. 1982. A Bibliography of Early Modern Algebra, 1500-1800. (Berkeley Papers in History of Science, 7) Berkeley: University of California, Office for History of Science and Technology, 171 pp.
Rockey, S. W. and M. Paolillo. 1999. A Bibliography of Collected Works and Correspondence of Mathematicians.
Roman, E. 1972. Bibliografia matematica in Romania. Lucrari stiintifice 1591-1950. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, 259 pp.
Schaaf, William Leonard, 1941. A Bibliography of Mathematical Education. Forest Hills, NY: Stevinus Press, 144 pp.
A classified index of the periodical literature since 1920, containing over 4000 references.
Simons, L. G. 1936. Bibliography of Early American Textbooks on Algebra Published in the Colonies and the United States through 1850. NY: Yeshiva College (Scripta Mathematica Studies no. 1), 68 pp.
Smith, D. E. 1908. Rara Arithmetica: A Catalogue of the Arithmetics Written before the Year MDCI with a Description of Those in the Library of George Arthur Plimpton of New York. Boston: Ginn, 507 pp.
Also: Addenda to Rara Arithmetica. Boston, 1939. Reprint, Rara Arithmetica [498 pp.] and Addenda to Rara Arithmetica [pp. 501-548], with as appendix: De Morgan, 1847. Arithmetical Books from the Invention of Printing to the Present Time [pp. 553-703], together with indexes to both works [pp. 707-725]. 4th ed. NY: Chelsea, 1970.
Smith, G. C., S. Radvansky & M. Chiba. 1992. History of Mathematics and Related Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography of Sources Held by Monash University Library. Clayton, Australia: Monash University Department of Mathematics and Monash University Library, 138 pp. Not at Harvard
Sommerville, D. M. Y. 1970. Bibliography of Non-Euclidean Geometry. NY: Chelsea, 410 pp. [Supplemented version of work published in 1911]
Subject Index. Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900. Royal Society of London.
Index to: Royal Society of London. Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900. London: Royal Society of London, 1867-1925. v.1. Pure mathematics.
Vagnetti, L. 1979. De naturali et artificiali perspectiva: bibliografia ragionata delle fonti teoriche e delle ricerche di storia della prospettiva: contributo alla formazione della conoscenza di un'idea razionale, nei suoi sviluppi da Euclide a Gaspard Monge. Firenze: Edizione della Cattedra di Compisizione Architettonica, 520 pp. Not at Harvard
Van Egmond, W. 1980. Practical Mathematics in the Italian Renaissance: A Catalog of Italian Abacus Manuscripts and Printed Books to 1600. Firenze: Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Monografie no. 4, 442 pp. Not at Harvard
Wallis, R. V. & P. J. Wallis. 1986. Biobibliography of British Mathematics and its Applications. Part II: 1701-1760. Newcastle upon Tyne: Epsilon Press for the Project for Historical Bibliography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 502 pp. Amendments, 1992, 7 pp.
Wallis, R. V. & P. J. Wallis. 1993. Index of British Mathematicians. Part III: 1701-1800. Newcastle upon Tyne: Epsilon Press for the Project for Historical Bibliography, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 176 pp.
Wölffing, E. 1903. Mathematischer Bücherschatz: Systematisches Verzeichnis der wichtigsten deutschen und auslandischen Lehrbucher und Monographien des 19. Jahrhunderts auf dem Gebiete der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Leipzig: B. G. Trübner, 416 pp.
Yüan, Tung-Li. 1963. Bibliography of Chinese Mathematics, 1918-1960. Washington, DC: Author, 154 pp. [Limited to books and articles in Western languages]