Earth Sciences Secondary Source Bibliographies
- Geology
- Meteorology
- Oceanography
- Geography [Includes cartography, expeditions (non-oceanographic), and surveying]
Bassett, D. A. 1989. History of geology. Pp. 463-504 in Information Sources in the Earth Sciences. 2nd ed. Ed. by D. N. Wood, J. E. Hardy, & A. P. Harvey. London: Bowker-Saur.
Bowler, P. J. 1993. The Norton History of the Environmental Sciences. NY: Norton, 634 pp. [Published in England as The Fontana History of the Environmental Sciences]
--Bibliographical essay covering primary and secondary literature, pp.
Brush, S. G. & H. E. Landsberg. 1985. The History of Geophysics and Meteorology: An Annotated Bibliography. NY: Garland, 450 pp.
Margerie, E. de. 1896. Catalogue des bibliographies géologiques. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 733 pp. Reprint, Amsterdam: Meridian, 2 v. 1966. [4000 bibliographies; 1726-1895]
Porter, R. 1983. The Earth Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography. NY: Garland, 192 pp.
Sarjeant, W. A. S. 1980. Geologists and the History of Geology: An International Bibliography from the Origins to 1978. 5 vols. London: Macmillan; NY: Arno Press. Supplement, 1979-1984 and Additions. 2 v. 1987; Supplement 2, 1985-1993 and Additions, 1996. Malabar, FL: R. E. Krieger.
Schmidt, P. 1970. Zur Geschichte der Geologie, Geophysik, Mineralogie und Paläontologie: Bibliographie und Repertorium für die Deutche Demokratischen Republik. (Veröffentlichungen der Bibliothek der Bergakademie Freiberg, 40) Freiberg: Bibliothek der Bergakademie, 134 pp. Not at Harvard
Brush, S. G. & H. E. Landsberg. 1985. The History of Geophysics and Meteorology: An Annotated Bibliography. NY: Garland, 450 pp.
Day, D. 1987-1997. Cumulative Bibliography on the History of Oceanography. Scripps Institution of Oceanography Technical Report, 2002.
--Continued in the The History of Oceanography Newsletter, 1996-date.
Brown, C. L. and J. O. Wheeler. 1989. A Bibliography of Geographic Thought. NY: Greenwood Press, 520 pp.
--English-language publications (about 6000 articles, 600 books) on history, philosophy, and methodology of geography grouped under major topics. Includes biographical articles.
Dunbar, G. S. 1985. The History of Modern Geography: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works. NY: Garland, 386 pp.
Dunbar, G. S. 1987. The History of Modern Geography. Corregenda and Addenda. Los Angeles, CA: G.S. Dunbar, 57 pp.
--Arranged under general/topical, national, and biographical headings, with author and subject indexes.
Wolf, E. W. 1992. The History of Cartography: A Bibliography, 1981-1992. Washington, DC: Washington Map Society in association with Fiat Lux, 89 pp.
Earth Sciences Primary Source Bibliographies
- Geology
- Meteorology
- Oceanography
- Geography [Includes cartography, expeditions (non-oceanographic), and surveying]
GeoRef (U.S.: 1785- ; Worldwide: 1933- ) corresponds to the print publications: Bibliography of North American geology (including its earlier titles); Bibliography and index of geology exclusive of North America; Geophysical abstracts; and: Bibliography and index of geology; with additional citations from other sources. Print versions are accessible via HOLLIS.
Agassiz, L. 1848-54. Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae. A General Catalogue of all Books, Tracts, and Memoirs on Zoology and Geology. Ed. by H. E. Strickland. 4 v. London: Ray Society. Reprints, Scholarly; Folkestone, Kent: Dawson, 1967-68.
--Volume 1 contains a list of periodicals by country and city, indexed by title. Main bibliography is by author.
Bassett, D. A. 1989. History of geology. Pp. 463-504 in Information Sources in the Earth Sciences. 2nd ed. Ed. by D. N. Wood, J. E. Hardy, & A. P. Harvey. London: Bowker-Saur.
Bowler, P. J. 1993. The Norton History of the Environmental Sciences. NY: Norton, 634 pp. [Published in England as The Fontana History of the Environmental Sciences]
--Bibliographical essay covering primary and secondary literature, pp.
Challinor, J. 1971. The History of British Geology: A Bibliographical Study. Newton Abbot: David and Charles, 224 pp. [Has chronological list of major works and author index with biographical information. Appendices cover secondary literature]
Darton, N. H. 1896. Catalogue and Index of Contributions to North American Geology, 1732-1891. Washington, DC: U. S. Geological Survey (Bulletin 127), 1045 pp. Reprint, NY: Arno Press, 1980
Hazen, R. M. & M. H. Hazen. 1980. American Geological Literature, 1669 to 1850. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 431 pp.
McDonald, N. G. 1996. The Connecticut Valley in the Age of Dinosaurs: a guide to the geologic literature, 1681-1995. (State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Bulletin, 116). Hartford, CT: DEP Natural Resources Center, Technical Publications Program, 242 pp.
Matthews, E. B. 1923. Catalogue of Published Bibliographies in Geology 1896-1920. Washington, DC: National Research Council (Bulletin no. 36 (v. 6, pt. 5)), 228 pp.
Nickles, J. M. 1923-24. Geologic Literature on North America, 1785-1918. 2 v. U. S. Geological Survey Bulletins 746 & 747, 1167 pp.
Pestana, H. R. 1972. Bibliography of Congressional Geology. NY: Hafner, 285 pp.
Sen, S. N. & S. Chatterjee. 1992, 1993. A bibliography of physics, astronomy astrophysics, and geophysics in India, 1800-1950. Part I: Introduction. Part II: Bibliography. Part III: Author index. Indian Journal of History of Science 27: S1-S77; 28: S79-S219, S221-S501.
Sinkankas, J. 1993. Gemology: An Annotated Bibliography. 2 v. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
Ward, D. C. & A. V. Carozzi. 1984. Geology Emerging: A Catalog Illustrating the History of Geology (1500-1850) from a Collection in the Library of the University of Illinois of Champaign-Urbana. Champaign-Urbana: University of Illinois Library and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 565 pp.
White, C. and H. A. Nicholson. 1878. Bibliography of North American Invertebrate Paleontology, Being a Report upon the Publications that have hitherto been made upon the Invertebrate Paleontology of North America, Including the West Indies and Greenland. U. S. Dept. of Interior. Miscellaneous publications, No. 10, 132 pp.
Wilson, W. E. 1994. Bibliography of collection catalogs. Pp. 157-199 in The History of Mineral Collecting, 1530-1799. The Mineralogical record, v. 25, no. 6.
Bibliography of works cited pp. 229-240.
Meteorology: Primary Sources - Printed
An annotated bibliography of meteorological observations in the United States, 1715-1818, by James M. Havens. Washington, 1958, 14 pp. HathiTrust Full Text
Hellmann, G. 1883. Repertorium der deutschen Meteorologie. Leistungen der Deutschen in Schriften, Erfindungen auf dem Gebiete der Meteorologie und des Erdmagnetismus von den ältesten Zeiten bis zum Schlusse des Jahres 1881. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 995 pp.
International Catalogue of Scientific Literature F. Meteorology (1901-14). 14 v.
U.S. Army Signal Corps. 1889-91. Bibliography of Meteorology. A Classed Catalogue of the Printed Literature of Meteorology from the Origin of Printing to the Close of 1881, with a Supplement to the Close of 1887, and an Author Index. 4 v. Prepared under the direction of Brigadier General A. W. Greely. Edited by Oliver L. Fassig. Washington, DC: Signal Office.
HathiTrust Full Text
Pt. 1, Temperature; pt. 2, Moisture; pt. 3, Winds; pt. 4. Storms; parts 3-4 include supplement to close of 1889. Includes about 60,000 titles, by around 13,000 authors.Reprinted as: International Bibliography of Meteorology: From the Beginning of Printing to 1889. Ed. by J. R. Fleming & R. E. Goodman. 1 v. Upland, PA: Diane Publ. Co., 1994, 704 pp. [With new introduction and author index]
Oceanography: Primary Sources - Printed
Kelly, K. S. 1997. An Indexed Bibliography of Irish Marine Literature from 1839-1997. Dublin: Environmental Sciences Unit, Trinity College, 243 pp.
--Annotated; author, taxonomic and keyword indexes.
Watermann, B. & O. J. Wrzesinski. 1989. Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Meeresforschung: Chronologische Titelaufzahlung (1557-1989). 2nd ed. Hamburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, 248 pp.
Geography: Primary Sources - Printed
Fierro Benitez, R., J. Revelo Rosero, and F M. Hidalgo. 1997. Bibliografia cientifica ecuatoriana sobre las Islas Galapagos. Coleccion Bibliografia cientifica ecuatoriana; No. 2. 1. ed. Quito, Ecuador: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamin Carrion", Centro Nacional de Documentos Cientificos Ecuatorianos, 487 pp.
Grewe, K. 1984. Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Vermessungswesens. (Vermessungswesen bei Konrad Wittwer, Bd. 10. Bd. 6 der Schritenreihe des Forderkreises Vermessungstechnisches Museum) Stuttgart: K. Wittwer, 336 pp.
Minow, H. 1991. Geometria practica: Vermessungstechnische Lehrbücher aus drei Jahrhunderten: Eine illustrierte Bibliographie. (Schriftenreihe des Förderkreises Vermessungs-technisches Museum, Bd. 17) Wiesbaden: Chmielorz, 156 pp.
Peters, H. J. M. W. 1989. The Crone Library: Books on the Art of Navigation. (Bibliotheca Bibliographica Neerlandica v. 26) Nieuwkoop: De Graaf for the Vereeniging Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum, 805 pp.
Schmeckebier, L. F. 1904. Catalogue and Index of the Publications of the Hayden, King, Powell, and Wheeler Surveys: Namely, Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, Geographical and Geological Surveys of the Rocky Mountain Region, Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Meridian. U.S. Geological Survey bulletin, no. 222, 208 pp
Zogner, L. 1984. Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Kartographie. Bibliographia cartographica. Sonderheft 2. Munchen; NY: K.G. Saur, 267 pp.