Institutions & Historic Sites
Bedini, S. A. 1965. The evolution of science museums. Technology and Culture, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-29.
Table 1, ("Early Science Collections and Museums through the Nineteenth Century," pp. 2-6) lists public and private collections and museums arranged by country. Gives name or owner, dates, city, collection content, and uses for each collection.
Kiger, J. C., ed. 1993. International Encyclopedia of Learned Societies and Academies. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 377 pp. [Includes historical information]
Murray, D. 1904. Museums, their History and their Use: with a Bibliography and List of Museums in the United Kingdom. 3 v. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, publishers to the University.
--Reprint, Staten Island, NY: Pober Pub., 2000. 3 v. in 2. With introduction by Paula Findlen.
--Over half of the work is a bibliography of museums. List of museums in the United Kingdom": v. 1, p. 292-312.
Repertorium Veterrimarum Societatum Litterariarum: Inventory of the Oldest Scholarly Societies [pre-1800]
--Includes a chronology.
Steinke, C. A., ed. 1994. History of Science and Technology: A Sampler of Centers and Collections of Distinction. NY: Haworth Press, 124 pp.
--Also published as a special issue of Science and Technology Libraries (v. 14, no. 4, 1994). Descriptions of:
- Bakken Library of Electricity in Life (Minneapolis)
- Charles Babbage Institute for the History of Information Processing (Minneapolis)
- Deutsches Museum (Munich)
- Linda Hall Library (Kansas City)
- Othmer Library of Chemical History (Philadelphia)
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography (San Diego)
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
Zenkoku kigyo hakubutsukan gaido. Tokyo: Kodansha, Showa 62, 1987, 263 pp. [Directory of Japanese science and industrial museums]
Académie des Sciences. 1996. Histoire et memoire de l'Académie des sciences: guide de recherches. Ed. by C. Demeulenaere-Douyère & É. Brian. Londres, Paris, NY: Tec & doc, 449 pp. Guide to the history and archives of the Academie des Sciences, Paris.
Goldbeck, G. 1975. Museen in Deutschland, West: Technische Museen: Fuhrer zu d. Museen f. d. Geschichte von Naturwiss., Technik, Gewerbe u. Industrie in d. Bundesrepublik Deutschland u. West-Berlin. Skripta-Reihe. Stuttgart: Fink, 70 pp.
Schwarzbach, M. 1981. Auf den Spuren unserer Naturforscher: Denkmaler und Gedenktafeln: ein Reisefuhrer. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel, 295 pp.
--Historic sites, statues, inscriptions, etc. in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
Tanford, C. & J. A. Reynolds. 1992. The Scientific Traveler: a Guide to the People, Places, and Institutions of Europe. NY: Wiley, 335 pp.
Berry, M. J., ed. 1988. Science and Technology in the USSR. Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, UK: Longman; Detroit, MI, 405 pp.
--Chiefly an annotated list of Soviet research institutes and other organizations. Most entries have some historical information and the date of foundation. Arranged by subject.
Rosen, D. & S. Rosen. 1994. London Science: Museums, Libraries, and Places of Scientific, Technological & Medical Interest. London: Prion, 224 pp.
Smart, J. E. 1978. Museums in Great Britain with Scientific and Technological Collections: A List. 2nd ed. London: Science Museum, 88 pp.
Tanford, C. & J. A. Reynolds. 1995. A Travel Guide to Scientific Sites of the British Isles: A Guide to the People, Places and Landmarks of Science. NY: Wiley, 344 pp.
Williams, T. I. 1996. Our Scientific Heritage: An A-Z of Great Britain and Ireland. Gloucestershire: Sutton Pub. 246 pp.
--List of museums, historic sites, birthplaces, etc., alphabetical by location, usually town/city. Eleven regional maps. Includes list of persons mentioned with brief biographical data.
Bates, R. S. 1965. Scientific Societies in the United States. 3rd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 326 pp.
Danilov, V. J. 1990. America's Science Museums. NY: Greenwood Press, 483 pp.
Elliott , C. A. 1992. Chronological overview of Harvard science (1636-1945). Appendix 2 (pp. 331-360) in Science at Harvard University: Historical Perspectives. Edited by C. A. Elliott and M. W. Rossiter. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 380 pp.
Kiger, J. C., ed. 1982. Research Institutions and Learned Societies. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 551 pp. [Includes historical sketches]