Biology Secondary Source Bibliographies
Annual Bibliography of the History of Natural History. London: British Museum (Natural History), v. 1-6, 1985-93. [Covers 1982-87]
Earlier literature may be found in: Bridson, G. D. R. & A. P. Harvey. 1971. A checklist of natural history bibliographies and bibliographical scholarship, 1966-1970. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, v. 5, pp. 428-467.Bridson, G. D. R. & A. P. Harvey. 1973. A checklist of natural history bibliographies and bibliographical scholarship, 1970-1971. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History, v. 6, pp. 263-292.
Baumer-Schleinkofer, A. 1997. Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Biologie. Frankfurt am Main; NY: Peter Lang, 307 pp.
Unannotated references under topics and major individuals. Indexes of topics and individuals covered.
Besterman, T. 1971. Biological Sciences: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 471 pp.
Included in Besterman, T. 1965-66. A World Bibliography of Bibliographies and of Bibliographical Catalogues, Calendars, Abstracts, Digests, Indexes, and the Like. 5 v. 4th ed. Lausanne, Societas Bibliographica.
Bourdier, F. et al., eds. 1975. Introduction bibliographique a l'histoire de la biologie. Paris: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Also in Histoire et Nature, 3-4 (1974-75).
Bridson, Gavin D. R. 2008. The history of natural history : an annotated bibliography : a guide to sources of information : histories, bibliographies, biographies, library resources, etc. 2nd ed. London: The Linnean Society of London, xxxii, 1032 pp.
Bridson, G. & J. J. White. 1990. Plant, Animal and Anatomical Illustration in Art and Science. A Bibliographical Guide from the 16th Century to the Present. London: St. Paul Bibliographies; Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 451 pp.
References arranged under subject categories, with subject index.
Browne, J. 1987. History of biology. Pp. 177-186 in Information Sources in the Life Sciences. 3rd ed. Ed. by H. V. Wyatt. London: Butterworths.
Electricity in Life: A Bibliography of Secondary Literature on the History of Electricity and Magnetism in Medicine and the Life Sciences, Bakken Library and Museum.
Bibliography of over 750 works on the history of electricity in medicine and the life sciences. Radiotherapy, radiology, electron microscopy, and tomography are excluded.
Jahn, I., R. Löther & K. Senglaub, eds. 1985. Geschichte der Biologie: Theorien, Methoden, Institutionen, Kurzbiographien. 2nd ed. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 864 pp.
Overmier, J. A. 1989. The History of Biology: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. NY: Garland, 157 pp.
Sackmann, W. 1985. Biographische und Bibliographische Materialien zur Geschichte der Mikrobiologie und zur bakteriologischen Nomenklatur. (Marburger Schriften zur Medizingeschichte no. 16) Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 412 pp.
Simon, H.-R. 1977. Die Bibliographie der Biologie: Eine analytische Darstellung unter wissenschaftshistorischen und informationstheoretischen Gesichtspunkten. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 315 pp.
Smit, P. 1974. History of the Life Sciences: An Annotated Bibliography. Amsterdam: A. Asher; NY: Hafner, 1071 pp.
Thornton, J. L. & R. I. J. Tully. 1971. History and biography of biology. Pp. 311-330 in The Use of Biological Literature. 2nd ed. Ed. by R. T. Bottle & H. V. Wyatt. London: Butterworths.
Biology Primary Source Bibliographies
Life Sciences: Primary Sources - Printed
Bridson, G. & J. J. White. 1990. Plant, Animal and Anatomical Illustration in Art and Science. A Bibliographical Guide from the 16th Century to the Present. London: St. Paul Bibliographies; Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 451 pp.
References arranged under subject categories, with subject index.
British Museum (Natural History). 1903-15, suppl. 1922-40. Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History). 5 v. 3 v. London: British Museum (Natural History). Reprint, NY: M. Martino, 1992.
Dryander, J. 1796-1800. Catalogus bibliotheca historico-naturalis Josephi Banks. 5 v. London: Bulmer. Reprint, Amsterdam: A. Asher & NY: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1966.
Fierro Benitez, R., J. Revelo Rosero, and F M. Hidalgo. 1997. Bibliografia cientifica ecuatoriana sobre las Islas Galapagos. Coleccion Bibliografia cientifica ecuatoriana; No. 2. 1. ed. Quito, Ecuador: Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamin Carrion", Centro Nacional de Documentos Cientificos Ecuatorianos, 487 pp.
Felsenstein, J. & B. Taylor. 1981. A Bibliography of Theoretical Population Genetics. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, 866 pp. [Author list and keyword title access]
Fruton, J. S. 1982. A Bio-Bibliography for the History of the Biochemical Sciences since 1800. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 885 pp. Also: Supplement, 1985, 262 pp.
Gray, F. & P. Gray. 1956. Annotated Bibliography of Works in Latin Alphabet Languages on Biological Microtechnique. Dubuque, IA: Brown, 116 pp.
Kiger, R. W., C. A. Tancin, and G. D.R. Bridson. 1999. Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations: Together with a Synoptic Bibliography of the Dissertations and a Concordance for Selected Editions. Pittsburgh, PA: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, 299 pp.
McIver, T. 1992. Anti-evolution: A Reader's Guide to Writings before and after Darwin. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 385 pp.
Perrault, A. H. 1987. Nature Classics: A Catalogue of the E. A. McIlhenny Natural History Collection at Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, LA: Friends of the LSU Library, 280 pp. Not at Harvard
Research Catalog of the Library of the American Museum of Natural History: Authors. 13 v. 1977; Classed Catalog. 12 v. 1978; New Catalog, 6 v. 1983; Boston: G. K. Hall.
Roe, K. E. & R. G. Frederick. 1981. Dictionary of Theoretical Concepts in Biology. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 267 pp. [References arranged by concept; largely 20th century]
Savage, S., ed. 1925. Catalogue of the Printed Books and Pamphlets in the Library of the Linnean Society of London. London: Linnean Society of London, 860 pp.
Serial Publications in the British Museum (Natural History) Library. 3rd ed. 3 v. London: British Museum (Natural History), 1980.
Ataur-Rahim, M. 1987. Natural History of Pakistan: A Bibliographic Survey from 1684-1947. Islamabad: Pakistan Scientific & Technological Information Centre, Pakistan Science Foundation, 494 pp.
Brodie, A. H., K. Kusumadinata, and J. W. Brodie. 1982. Krakatoa, A Selected Natural History Bibliography. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute (Wellington), Miscellaneous publication 96, 87 pp.
De Neve, G. A. 1992. Krakatau Bibliography: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Krakatau Volcano in the Sunda Straits and its Adjacent Regions (Indonesia). Bandung: Volcanological Survey of Indonesia, 645 pp.
Howard, M. 1983. Krakatau: A Centenary Bibliography and Guide to the Literature. Oxford: Informedia, 93 pp.
Kiger, R. W., C. A. Tancin and G. D. R. Bridson. 1999. Index to Scientific Names of Organisms Cited in the Linnaean Dissertations: together with a Synoptic Bibliography of the Dissertations and a Concordance for Selected Editions. Pittsburgh, PA: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, 299 pp.
Sandermann Olsen, S.-E. 1997. Bibliographia discipuli Linnaei: Bibliographies of the 331 Pupils of Linnaeus. Copenhagen: Bibliotheca Linnaeana Danica, 458 pp.
Scheele, M. & G. Natalis, eds. 1981. Biologie-Dokumentation: Bibliographie der Deutschen biologischen Zeitschriftenliteratur 1796-1965. 24 v. Munich: Saur.
Lists articles from 152 German journals by author. Articles indexed by keyword and a classification system.
Guerrini, A. 1986. Natural History and the New World, 1524-1770: An Annotated Bibliography of Printed Materials in the Library of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society Library (Library Publication no. 11), 83 pp.
McNeil, R. A. 1995. The Humboldt Current: Northern European naturalists in Latin America: A bibliographical survey, 1799-1859. Pp. 24-44 in: Technology, The Environment, and Social Change: Papers of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, Instituto de Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, May 15-20, 1993. SALALM Papers, v. 38. Albuquerque, NM: SALALM Secretariat, General Library, University of New Mexico.
Rahim, M. A. 1979. Biology of the Arabian Peninsula: A Bibliographic Study. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Biological Society of Saudi Arabia, 180 pp.
Guerrini, A. 1986. Natural History and the New World, 1524-1770: An Annotated Bibliography of Printed Materials in the Library of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society Library (Library Publication no. 11), 83 pp.
Isfort, L. G. 1949. A Partial Bibliography of Natural History in the Chicago Region. American Midland Naturalist, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 406-472.
Meisel, M. 1924-29. Bibliography of American Natural History: The Pioneer Century, 1769-1865; The Role Played by the Scientific Societies; Scientific Journals; Natural History Museums and Botanic Gardens; State Geological and Natural History Surveys; Federal Exploring Expeditions in the Rise and Progress of American Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology and Zoology. 3 v. Brooklyn, NY: Premier Publishing Co. Reprints, NY: Hafner, 1967; Mansfield, CT: M. Martino, 1994.
Internet Archive
Tucher, A. J. 1985. Natural History in America, 1609-1860: Printed Works in the Collections of the American Philosophical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and the Library Company of Philadelphia. NY: Garland, 287 pp.
Underwood, M. H. 1954. Bibliography of North American Minor Natural History Serials in the University of Michigan Libraries. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 197 pp.
Freeman, R. B. 1980. British Natural History Books, 1495-1900: A Handlist. Folkestone: W. Dawson; Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 437 pp.