Secondary Sources, Context, and Background
Analytical Bibliography of the History of Engineering and Applied Science, 1921-47. In: Transactions of the Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of Engineering and Technology.
LOCATION: Baker Business: QK.76 N54
LOCATION: History of Science
LOCATION: Widener: Sci 1490.193
History of technology index: journal articles in the Science Museum Library, 1991-1992.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC T15.Z99 H57x
Reference Sources: Chronologies, Dictionaries, Directories, Encyclopedias, Handbooks
Angliss, S. et al. 1996. Guide to the History of Technology in Europe 1996. 3rd ed. London: Science Museum, 235 pp. [Directory of historians, institutions, and journals]
Baker, R. 1976. New and Improved...: Inventors and Inventions that have Changed the Modern World. London: British Museum Publications, 168 pp. [Alphabetical list of inventions, with names of inventors, dates, patent numbers, & brief descriptions] Not at Harvard
Berlow, L. H. 1998. The Reference Guide to Famous Engineering Landmarks of the World: Bridges, Tunnels, Dams, Roads, and other Structures. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 250 pp.
Articles on over 600 engineering works of the last 5000 years. Some emphasis on the U.S.
Bunch, B. & A. Hellemans. 1993. The Timetables of Technology: A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in the History of Technology. NY: Simon & Schuster, 490 pp.
Carter, E. F., ed. 1974. Dictionary of Inventions and Discoveries. 2nd ed. NY: Crane, Russak, 208 pp.
Chanut, J. M. et al. 2000. L'Industrie française au milieu du 19e siècle: les enquêtes de la statistique générale de la France. (Recherches d'histoire et de sciences sociales, 86). Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 214 pp. + 1 computer laser optical disc.
- ch. 1. Historique et contenu des enquêtes, by Jean Heffer
- ch. 2. Nomenclatures, by Jean-Marie Chanut, André Straus, Patrick Verley
- ch. 3. Confrontation avec les recensements de la population: les champ des enquêtes, by Jean Heffer, Gilles Postel-Vinay, Pierre Sicsic
- ch. 4. Confrontation avec les statistiques de l'administration des mines: la date des enquêtes, by Frédéric Boccara, Jean-Marie Chanut, Jacques: Mairesse, Gilles Postel-Vinay
- ch. 5. Taux de salaire journalier et salaire annuel, by Gilles Postel-Vinay
- ch. 6. Dénombrement des moyens de production et évaluation du capital, by Jean Heffer, Jacques Mairesse, Gilles Postel-Vinay
- ch. 7. Localisation des activités et taille des établissements, by Jean-Marie Chanut, Jacques Mairesse, annexe de Patrick Verley
- ch. 8. Partage de la production et productivité du travail, by Jean-Marie Chanut, Jacques Mairesse
- ch. 9. La base de données: présentation et guide d'utilisation, by Jean-Marie Chanut.
Desmond, K. 1986. A Timetable of Inventions and Discoveries from Pre-History to the Present Day. London: Constable; NY: M. Evans, ca. 250 pp.
Findling, J. E. & K. D. Pelle, eds. 1990. Historical Dictionary of World's Fairs and Expositions, 1851-1988. NY: Greenwood Press, 443 pp.
Lackner, H., G. Luxbacher & C. Hannesschläger. 1996. Technikgeschichte in Osterreich: eine bibliographische und museale Bestandsaufnahme. Wien / Munchen: Oldenbourg, 157 pp.
Lehmann, E., K. M. Pedersen & H. Kragh. 1991. Videnskabens og teknologiens, historie og filosofi: Et katalog over aktiviteter i Danmark. Arhus: Den Danske Nationalkomité for den Internationale Union for Videnskabernes Historie og Filosofi, 134 pp. Not at Harvard
Lines, C. 1990. Companion to the Industrial Revolution. NY: Facts on File, 262 pp. [Alphabetically arranged brief articles on people, places and things]
McNeil, I., ed. 1990. An Encyclopaedia of the History of Technology. London: Routledge, 1062 pp.
McPhee, M. 1993. The Dictionary of Australian Inventions and Discoveries. St. Leonard's, Australia: Allen & Unwin, 164 pp.
Mulligan, W. H., Jr. 1988. A Historical Dictionary of American Industrial Language. NY: Greenwood Press, 332 pp.
List of terms grouped by industry (pp. 325-323); index of institutions and people (pp.330-332).
Schlager, N., ed. 1994. When Technology Fails: Significant Technological Disasters of the Twentieth Century. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 659 pp.
Stearns, P. N. & J. H. Hinshaw. 1996. The ABC-CLIO World History Companion to the Industrial Revolution. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 328 pp.
Thomas' Register of American Manufacturers. 1st-60th ed. 60 v. NY: Thomas Pub. Co. 1905-1960. [Continued by: Thomas' Register of American Manufactureres and Thomas' Register Catalog File] [Microfilm: Thomas Register, 1905-1938: Guide to the Microfilm Collection. Woodbridge, CT: Research Publications, 1983, 26 ll.]
Travers, B., ed. 1994. World of Invention: History's Most Significant Inventions and the People Behind Them. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 770 pp.
Webb, P. and M. Suggitt. 2000. Gadgets and Necessities: An Encyclopedia of Household Innovations. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 377 pp.
Darnell, V. C. 1984. Directory of American Bridge-Building Companies, 1840-1900. Washington, DC: Society for Industrial Archeology (Occasional Publication no. 4), 110 pp.
Angelo, J. A. 2000. Encyclopedia of space exploration. NY: Facts on File, 305 pp.
Baker, D. 1996. Spaceflight and Rocketry: A Chronology. NY: Facts on File, 528 pp.
Bali, M. 1990. Space Exploration: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 240 pp.
Chronology, biographies, list of missions.
Bruno, L. C., ed. 1994. On the Move: A Chronology of Advances in Transportation. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 423 pp.
De La Pedraja Tomn, R. 1994. A Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Merchant Marine and Shipping Industry since the Introduction of Steam. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 754 pp.
Massive site on spaceflight worldwide: images, articles, bibliography, statistics, chronology.
Garrat, C. 1997. The World Encyclopedia of Locomotives: A Complete Guide to the World's Fabulous Train Engines. London: Lorenz, 256 pp.
Gunston, B. 1998. World Encyclopaedia of Aero Engines: All Major Aircraft Power Plants, from the Wright Brothers to the Present Day. 4th ed. Sparkford, Nr Yeovil, Somerset: P. Stephens; Newbury Park, CA: Haynes North America, 208 pp.
Gunston, B., ed. 2001. Aviation Year by Year: A Chronology of Aviation from its Beginnings to the Present Day. London: Dorling Kindersley, 984 pp.
Previous ed.: Chronicle of aviation. s.l.: s.n., 1992.
James, L. 1983. A Chronology of the Construction of Britain's Railways, 1778 -1855. London: I. Allan, 120 pp.
Railways listed by year with brief information on incorporation, route, history, opening date with a short bibliography.
Jane's Space Directory. Ed. by A. Wilson. 12th ed. (1996-97) Coulsdon, Surrey / Alexandria, VA: Jane's Information Group, 1996, 524 pp. Chronologies, descriptions of programs and equipment.
McShane, C. 1997. The Automobile: A Chronology of its Antecedents, Development, and Impact. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 222 pp.
International coverage. Annotations largely social and economic. Appendixes include 14 graphs showing changes in statistical measures (e.g. horsepower, petroleum consumption, persons per car, etc.) and a list of North American automotive museums.
Magill, F. N. and R. R. Tobias, eds. 1996. USA in space. 3 v. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
Articles on missions, programs, types of spacecraft and satellites, etc. No biographical articles. Glossary and list of web sites.
Paine, L. P. 1997. Ships of the World: An Historical Encyclopedia. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 680 pp.
Richter, W. L. 1995. The ABC-CLIO Companion to Transportation in America. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 653 pp.
Simmons, J. & and G. Biddle, eds. 1997. The Oxford Companion to British Railway History from 1603 to the 1990s. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 608 pp.
Zimmerman, R. 2000. The Chronological Encyclopedia of Discoveries in Space. Phoeniz, AZ: Oryx Press, 410 pp.
Chronologically arranged short articles. Appendixes: Satellites and missions listed alphabetically, Satellites and missions listed by subject, Satellites and missions listed by nation or group of nations. Glossary and bibliography.
Atkins, S. E. 2000. Historical Encyclopedia of Atomic Energy. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 491 pp.
Burns, G. 1992. The Nuclear Present: A Guide to Recent Books on Nuclear War, Weapons, the Peace Movement, and Related Issues: with a Chronology of Nuclear Events, 1789-1991. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 633 pp.
Chronology, pp. 428-536, index to chronology, pp. 609-631.
Downard, W. L. 1980. Dictionary of the History of the American Brewing and Distilling Industries. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 268 pp.
Davis, H. B. O. 1981. Electrical and Electronic Technologies: A Chronology of Events and Inventors to 1900. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 213 pp.
Davis, H. B. O. 1983. Electrical and Electronic Technologies: A Chronology of Events and Inventors from 1900 to 1940. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 208 pp.
Davis, H. B. O. 1985. Electrical and Electronic Technologies: A Chronology of Events and Inventors from 1940 to 1980. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 313 pp.
Dummer, G. W. A. 1978. Electronic Inventions and Discoveries. 2nd ed. NY: Pergamon, 204 pp.
Johannsen, H. R. 1986. Eine Chronologie der Entdeckungen und Erfindungen vom Bernstein zum Mikroprozessor. Berlin: VDE-Verlag (Geschichte der Elektrotechnik 3), 347 pp.
Cortada, J. W. 1987. Historical Dictionary of Data Processing: Organizations. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 309 pp.
Cortada, J. W. 1987. Historical Dictionary of Data Processing: Technology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 415 pp.
Gardner, R. & D. Shortelle. 1997. From Talking Drums to the Internet: An Encyclopedia of Communications Technology. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 355 pp.
Jones, S., ed. 2003. Encyclopedia of new media: an essential reference to communication and technology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 532 p.
--Articles with references.
Mannoni, L., D. Pesenti Campagnoni & D. Robinson. 1995. Light and movement: Incunabula of the Motion Picture, 1420 -1896 = Luce e movimento: incunaboli dell'immagine animata, 1420-1896. Gemona, Italia: Giornate del cinema muto; [Paris, France]: Cinematheque francaise-Musee du cinema; [Torino]: Museo nazionale del cinema, 470 pp.
Chronology and reproduced documents. Text in English Italian, and French.
Moschovitis, C. J. P. et al. 1999. History of the Internet: A Chronology, 1843 to the Present. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 312 pp.
Cossons, N. 1993. The BP Book of Industrial Archaeology. 3rd ed. Newton Abbot; North Pomfret, VT: David & Charles, 384 pp.
Long (10-30 pp.) articles on British industrial and engineering subjects, e.g., coal, iron and steel, rivers and canals. Appendices: gazetteer of sites, list of industrial museums, addresses of associations, archives, etc., bibliography.
Jones, W. R. 1996. Dictionary of Industrial Archaeology. Herndon, VA: Sutton Pub., 461 pp.
1 paragraph to 2 page articles, often with references, on building types, machines, mechanisms, processes, statutes, organizations, etc., connected with 18th and 19th century British industry.
Trinder, B., ed. 1992. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Industrial Archaeology. Oxford: Blackwell, 964 pp.
Derdak, T., ed. 1988- . International Directory of Company Histories. Chicago: St. James Press. [10 v. as of 1994; a 2-4 pp. historical sketch of each company]
History, 1602-1988: A Chronology. NY: Greenwood Press, 643 pp.
Witthoft, H., ed. 1991- . Handbuch der historischen Metrologie. 4 v. St. Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae Verlag.
- Bd. 1. Deutsche Bibliographie zur historischen Metrologie
- Bd. 2. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. T. 1. Die Orts- und Landsmasse
- Bd. 3. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. T. 2. Die Mass- und Gewichtseinheiten
- Bd. 4. Deutsche Masse und Gewichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. T. 3. Korpus der Masse und Gewichte nach den Rechtsquellen des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Zupko, R. E. 1985. A Dictionary of Weights and Measures for the British Isles: the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, v. 168, 520 pp.
Zupko, R. E. 1978. French Weights and Measures before the Revolution: A Dictionary of Provincial and Local Units. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 208 pp.
Zupko, R. E. 1981. Italian Weights and Measures from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, v. 145, 339 pp.
Primary Sources
Periodical Indexes/Serial Bibliographies
- General
- Aerospace
- Computer Science
Applied mechanics reviews, 1948- . (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
LOCATION: McKay Applied Sci: INDEXES TA 1.A63953 (1948-1969) Harvard Depository
Bibliographie des Handwerks. Gruppe J, Jahresverzeichnis der Neuerscheinungen, 1945- . (Gottingen) covers literature on artisans, from 1957 including small business.
LOCATION: Widener: Tec 200.26
BioEngineering abstracts [title varies], 1974- .
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Abst & Ind ZQT 34 B616 Incomplete
The Engineering index, [title varies], 1884- .
HOLLIS Records
HathiTrust Full Text: 1906-1921 -- 1884-1918 -- 1884-1928
Galloup's general index to engineering periodicals. Comprising engineering; railroads; science; manufactures and trade, by Francis E. Galloupe. Boston, 1888-93. 2 v.
HathiTrust Full Text
Index to contemporary military articles of the World War II era, 1939-1949, by B. R. Beebe. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005, 455 p.
International Nuclear Information System (INIS) (1956- ).
Repertorium der technischen Literatur [title varies]
LOCATION: Cabot Science: Sci 5.3B (1823-53)
LOCATION: Widener: Sci 5.3 (1823-53)
LOCATION: Widener: Sci 5.3.2 (1854-68)
LOCATION: Widener: Sci 5.3.3 (1869-73)
LOCATION: Widener: Sci 5.3.4 (1874-76)
HathiTrust Full Text 1823-1908
Continued as:
Repertorium der technischen journal-literatur, 1881-1908. [title varies]
LOCATION: Widener: Tec 200.10 (1887-1910)
Nuclear science abstracts, 1948-1976.
LOCATION: Cabot Science: PER 5970
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Z 7144 N8
LOCATION: McKay Applied Sci: INDEXES QC770.N8 HD
Abstracts of declassified documents, 1947-1948. [U.S. Atomic Energy Commission]
LOCATION: Cabot Science: PER 1110
LOCATION: McKay Applied Sci: INDEXES QC 770.N79 HD
INIS atomindex, 1970- [Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency]
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Z 7144.N8 I105 (1970-88 incomplete)
LOCATION: Wolbach Obs (SAO): Abstracts (1976- )
Atomindex [International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna], 1959-70.
LOCATION: Law School: Harvard Depository 160a 42
Repertorium der technischen, mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen journal-literatur (1869-1871), by F. Schotte, is arranged by subject with author/subject index. 3 v.
LOCATION: Widener: Sci 5.1
Technos: revue analytique des publications techniques francaises & etrangeres, 1920-1924. (Paris: E. Chiron).
LOCATION: Widener: Tec 200.11
Aeronautical engineering index, 1947-1958. Title varies.
LOCATION: Cabot Science: PER 1350
Aerospace Database (1962- ) covers periodical articles and the report literature. Citations from International aerospace abstracts and Scientific and technical aerospace reports.
Print version:
International aerospace abstracts, 1961-
LOCATION: Cabot Science: PER 4207 (1961-82)
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Z 5063 I5 Abstracts (1961-73)
LOCATION: Wolbach Obs (SAO): Reference TL500.I57 (1963-1997)which continues:
International aeronautical abstracts, in the April issue of Aero/space engineering (Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences), 1958-1960.
LOCATION: Baker Business: WK.9 A252
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies (19th century- ) is a very large searchable database.
Internet & personal computing abstracts: IPCA, 1981- . Formerly titled: Microcomputer index, Microcomputer abstracts.
LOCATION: Gutman Education: Ref Abstracts Z5643.M3 M52
LOCATION: Cabot Science: PER 5684 (1980-91 incomplete)
Computer abstracts, 1957- .
LOCATION: McKay Applied Sci: INDEXES QA75 205 (1960-65 scattered issues; 1966-1995)
Computer literature index, 1980- .
LOCATION: Baker Business: Reading Room (West Balcony) (1980-90)
Quarterly bibliography of computers and data processing, 1971-1980.
LOCATION: Baker Business: 6973800 (1970-79)
Computer literature bibliography, by. W. W. Youden. National Bureau of Standards miscellaneous publication; 266. v. 2: National Bureau of Standards special publication 309. Washington, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1965-
LOCATION: Baker Business: IGLO.1 Y67
LOCATION: Cabot Science: Math 9909.65.5 (v. 1 only)
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Harvard Depository Z 699 Y6c 1965 (v. 1 only)
LOCATION: Loeb Design: Z NAC 830 Y83
LOCATION: McKay Applied Sci: QA75 208 HD Library has: 2 vols.
LOCATION: Wolbach Obs (SAO): QC100.U57 no.266 Library has: v.1-2
- v. 1: 1946-1963
- v. 2. 1964-1967
Brown, T. 1994. Historical First Patents: the First United States Patent for many Everyday Things. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 216 pp.
Dood, Kendall J. 1983. Patent models and the patent law, 1790-1880. Journal of the Patent Office Society, v. 65, no. 4 (Apr. 1983): 187-216, and v. 65, no. 5 (May 1983): 234-274 .
Kraeuter, D. 1992. Radio and Television Pioneers: A Patent Bibliography. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 319 pp. Not at Harvard
Leggett, M. D. 1874. Subject-Matter Index of Patents for Inventions from 1790 to 1873, Inclusive. 3 v. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent Office. Reprint, NY: Arno, 1974. Print version not at Harvard.
Available electronically in Poole's Plus (in Harvard Libraries) as part of the 19th Nineteenth Century Masterfile (Paratext).
Phillips, G. G. 1983. Index of Inventors and Inventions for Canadian Patents, 1824-1872. Ottawa: Gordon Publications and Reproductions, 104 pp. Not at Harvard
Reingold, N. 1960. U.S. Patent Office records as sources for the history of invention and technological property. Technology and Culture 1: 126-167. [See also Jayawardene (1982) under "Literature guides" and E. S. Ferguson, 1968. Bibliography of the History of Technology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 102-109]
Subject-matter Index of Patents for Inventions (brevets d'invention) Granted in France from 1791 to 1876 Inclusive. Washington, DC: Patent Office, 1883, 984 pp.
Woodcroft, B. 1854. Alphabetical Index of Patentees of Inventions: from March 2 1617 (14 James I) to October 1, 1852 (16 Victoriae). London: Patent Office, 647 pp.
Berlow, L. H. 1998. The Reference Guide to Famous Engineering Landmarks of the World: Bridges, Tunnels, Dams, Roads, and other Structures. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 250 pp.
Europe (Continental)
Slotta, R. 1975- . Technische Denkmaler in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (Veroffentlichungen aus dem Bergbau-Museum Bochum; Nr. 7, 10, 17, 26, 43). Bochum: Bergbau-Museum.
Wagenbreth, O. & E. Wächtler, eds. 1983. Technische Denkmale in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag fur Grundstoffindustrie, 352 pp.
United Kingdom
Williams, T. I. 1996. Our Scientific Heritage: An A-Z of Great Britain and Ireland. Gloucestershire: Sutton Pub., 246 pp.
Guidebook to science and technology museums and industrial archeology.
United States
Ellsworth, L. F. 1966. Directory of artifact collections. Pp. 95-126 in Technology in Early America: Needs and Opportunities for Study, by Brooke Hindle. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 145 pp.
Flinn, A. D. & R. Cobb. 1921. Research Laboratories in Industrial Establishments of the United States, Including Consulting Research Laboratories. Bulletin of the National Research Council no. 16 (v. 3, pt. 1), pp. 1-135.
Gelbert, D. 1994. Company Museums, Industry Museums and Industrial Tours: A Guidebook of Sites in the United States that are Open to the Public. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 324 pp.
Civil Engineering
Barbey, M. F. 1981. Civil Engineering Heritage: Northern England. London: T. Telford, 178 pp. [Guidebooks to sites] Not at Harvard
Berlow, L. H. 1998. The Reference Guide to Famous Engineering Landmarks of the World: Bridges, Tunnels, Dams, Roads, and other Structures. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 250 pp.
Labrum, E. A. 1994. Civil Engineering Heritage: Eastern and Central England. London: T. Telford, 282 pp.
Otter, R. A. 1994. Civil Engineering Heritage: Southern England. London: T. Telford, 293 pp.
Sivewright, W. J. 1986. Civil Engineering Heritage: Wales and Western England. London: T. Telford, 230 pp.
Smith, R. H. 1990. The Naval Institute Guide to Maritime Museums of North America. with Selected Lighthouse, Canal, and Canal Lock Museums. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 388 pp.
Smith, R. H. 1993. Smith's Guide to Maritime Museums of North America: A Supplement to the Naval Institute Guide to Maritime Museums of North America, with Selected Lighthouse, Canal, and Canal Lock Museums. Del Mar, CA: "C" Books, 222 pp. Not at Harvard
Norris, J. R. & J. Norris. 1995. The Historic Railroad: A Guide to Museums , Depots and Excursions in the United States. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 200 pp. Not at Harvard
North American Aircraft Museum Guide. Tulsa, OK: Bruce/Beeson Publishers, 1986 ed.- (Annual) Not at Harvard
Repertory of Maritime Museums. Liverpool: National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside, 1993, 81 pp.
Mechanical Technology
Chandler, B., ed. 1984-85. The Time Museum: Catalogue of the Collection. V. 1. Time Measuring Instruments. Pt. 1: Astrolabes, Astrolabe Related Instruments, by A. J. Turner. Pt. 3: Water-clocks, Sand-glasses, Fire-clocks, by A. J. Turner. Rockford, IL: Time Museum.
Randall, A. G. 1992. The Time Museum Catalogue of Chronometers. Rockford, IL: Time Museum, 366 pp.
Bracken, J. K. & C. H. Sterling. 1995. Telecommunications Research Resources: An Annotated Guide. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 173 pp.
--lists of museums (pp. 20-22); lists of archives & libraries (pp. 23-36).
Industrial Archeology
Minchinton, W. E. 1984. A Guide to Industrial Archaeology Sites in Britain. London; NY: Granada, 192 pp.
Stott, P. 1984. A Guide to the Industrial Archeology of Boston Proper. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 66 pp.
Trinder, B. 1988. Industrial heritage of Britain. Automobile Association (Glovebox guide), 120 p.
Trinder, B. S. 1992. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Industrial Archaeology. Oxford: Blackwell, 964 pp.
Covers Europe and North America. Articles on places of industrial interest and on industrial structures, equipment, processes, and products, with bibliographies. Articles on places have lists of sites, museums, associations, etc., with addresses. An appendix offers a guide to the terminology used for subjects. Bibliography: pp. 873-930.
Belfield, R. B. 1977. Relics of the Electrical Age: A Directory of Public and Private Repositories in the United States and Canada Containing Artifacts Associated with the History of Electric Technology and Science. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the Washington, DC: National Museum of History and Technology, Smithsonian Institution, 48 pp. Not at Harvard