Secondary Sources, Context, and Background

Primary Sources

Periodical Indexes

Annales d'hygiéne publique et de médécine légale, 1829-1922.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial

Continued by:
Annales d'hygiéne publique, industrielle et sociale, 1923- . Paris.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (v.1-29 (1923-1951))

Bibliographie d'hygiène industrielle, 1923-1941. Genève: International Labour Office.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: 32.L.1923.3 (Incomplete)
LOCATION: Law School: Harvard Depository 182a 1623 (1923-1941))

Continued by:
Bibliography of occupational medicine. Geneva: International Labour Office
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (v. 3: no. 1 (1950))
LOCATION: Law School: 136a 9 (v.1-v.3, no.4 (1948-1950))

Bibliographischer Jahresbericht über Soziale Hygiene, Demographie und Medizinalstatistik (annual suppl???)
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (1936-44 incomplete)

Bulletin mensuel. Paris: Office international d'hygiéne publique.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Harvard Depository Serial (HOLDINGS: v.1-38 (1909-1946))
LOCATION: Law School: 133 2000 (HOLDINGS: t.3-38)

Continued by
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1947/48- . Geneva.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (1947- )
LOCATION: Primate Center Lib: (v. 40-52 (1969-1975); v. 64-68 (1986-1990))

Hygienische rundschau, 1891-Apr. 1922. Berlin, A. Hirschwald.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (1891-1922)

Continued by:
Zentralblatt für die gesamte Hygiene mit Einschluss der Bakteriologie und Immunittslehre, 1922-1944. Berlin, Springer Verlag.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (1922-40)

POPLINE(1977- ) indexes periodical articles, monographs, book chapters, technical reports, legal documents, newspaper articles, and unpublished works on reproductive health, population, family planning, etc. Emphasizes developing countries.

Public health engineering abstracts, 1921-1967. (U.S. Public Health Service).
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial

Revue d'hygiéne et de police sanitaire. Paris. Index: Vol. 1-23.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (v.1-43 (1879-1921))

Continued by:
Revue d'hygiéne. Paris.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (v.44-48 (1922-1926))

Continued by:
Revue d'hygiéne et de médécine preventive, 1927-1940. Paris.
Indexes: Vol. 1-23.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial v. 49-61 (1927-1940)

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Gebiete der Medizinalverwaltung. Berlin.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Serial (1912-1936 incomplete)

Continued by:
Veröffentlichungen aus dem gebiete des volksgesundheitsdienstes; schriftenreihe aus dem arbeitsgebiet der Abteilung volksgesundheit des Reichsministeriums des innern.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine Serial (1936-44)

Historical Statistics

Eaton, A. H. and S. M. Harrison. 1930. A Bibliography of Social Surveys; Reports of Fact-Finding Studies Made as a Basis for Social Action; Arranged by Subjects and Localities, Reports to January 1, 1928. Department of Surveys and Exhibits, Russell Sage Foundation. NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 467 pp.
--Many surveys on medical and public health subjects.


American Social Hygiene Posters University of Minnesota (1910-1970)

Images From the History of the Public Health Service: a Photographic Exhibit. National Library of Medicine.

Public Health Image Library (PHIL): Photographs, Illustrations, Multimedia Files