Zoology Secondary Source Bibliographies
Fisheries Research Guide (Humboldt State University)
Wildlife Research Guide (Humboldt State University)
Mayr, E. 1975. Epilogue: Materials for a history of American ornithology. Pp. 365-396 in: Ornithology from Aristotle to the Present, by Erwin Stresemann. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 432 pp.
Zoology Primary Source Bibliographies
Zoology: Primary Sources (General)
Agassiz, L. 1848-54. Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae. A General Catalogue of all Books, Tracts, and Memoirs on Zoology and Geology. Ed. by H. E. Strickland. 4 v. London: Ray Society. Reprints, Scholarly; Folkestone, Kent: Dawson, 1967-68.
Volume 1 contains a list of periodicals by country and city, indexed by title. Main bibliography is by author.
Bardeen, C. R. 1905. Anatomy in America. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin no. 115. Science series. v. 3, no. 4, p. 85-208.
Bibliographic notes: pp. 118-205. Lists contributors to anatomical subjects but does not give citations.
Bibliography of Indian Zoology, 1958- . Delhi: Zoological Survey of India.
Bibliotheca Historico-naturalis. Verzeichniss der Bucher uber Naturgeschichte, welcher in Deutschland, Scandinavien, Holland, England, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien in den Jahren 1700-1847 erscheinen sind, by W. Engelmann. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1846, 786 pp.
Bibliotheca Zoologica, by J. V. Carus and W. Engelmann. 2 v. 1861. Leipzig: Engelmann. [Lists the literature of zoology for the years 1846-1860, and includes periodical articles for 1700-1860 (omitted from Engelmann, 1846)].
Bibliotheca Zoologica II, by O. W. Taschenberg. 8 v. 1887-1923. Leipzig: Engelmann. [Continues the above bibliography for 1861-1880]
Bogaert-Damin, A.-M. & J. A. Piron. 1987. Livres d'animaux du XVIe au XXe siècle dans les collections de la Bibliotheque Universitaire Moretus Plantin. Namur: Bibliotheque Universitaire Moretus Plantin, Publication no 3 (Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur), 223 p.
Borella, P. & S. Borella. 1986. Dansk zoologisk Bibliografi: Systematisk del 1907-1945. 2 v. (Acta historica scientiarum naturalium et medicinalium v. 36-37) Copenhagen: C. A. Reitzel.
V. 1. Author list; v. 2, classified arrangement with indexes by taxa (new species and genera, and Danish and scientific names), by geographical name, and by subject.
Burns, F. L. 1915. A bibliography of scarce or out of print North American amateur and trade periodicals devoted more or less to ornithology. Oologist, v. 32 (supplement), pp. 1-32.
Fox, W. J. 1908. A list of American journals omitted from Bolton's 'Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals, 1865-1895.' Bulletin of Bibliography, v. 5, pp. 82-85.
Cortese, T. J., and B. A. Groshek. 1987. Selected Research Publication Series of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Seervice, 1889-1985. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Resource Publication 159, 163 pp.
Annotated bibliography of 10 USFWS series.
Cortese, T. J., P. A. Opler and H. T. Kemp. 1987. Indexes to Selected Research Publication Series of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1889-1985. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Resource Publication 159-Indexes, 45 pp.
Author, species and subject indexes.
Dahl, S. 1910. Bibliotheca zoologica danica, 1876-1906: fortegnelse over Danmarks zoologiske literatur 1876-1906. København: J.L. Lybeckers forlag, 262 p.
Dictionary Catalogue of the Blacker-Wood Library of Zoology and Ornithology. 9 v. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1966.
Eales, N. B. 1969, 1975. The Cole Library of Early Medicine and Zoology. Pt. 1, 1472 to 1800; Part 2, 1800 to the Present Day and Supplement to Part 1. Reading: University of Reading Library.
With subject index.
Gosch, C. C. A. 1870-78. Udsigt over Danmarks zoologiske literatur: med en indledende fremstilling af de videnskabelige grundsætninger for naturvidenskabens især zoologiens stadium. 3 v. in 4. Kjøbenhavn: Hoffensberg, Jespersen & F. Trap.
Covers 1597-1875
Harvard University. 1967. Catalogue of the Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 8 v. or 16 microfilm reels. First supplement, 1976, 770 pp. Boston: G. K. Hall.
List of the Periodicals and Serials in the Library of the Zoological Society of London. London, 1949.
Neave, S. A., ed. 1939-40. Nomenclator zoologicus; A List of the Names of Genera and Subgenera in Zoology from the Tenth Edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to the End of 1935. 4 v. London: Zoological Society of London. Also: v. 5: 1936-1945, 1950; v. 6: 1946-1955, (ed. by M. A. Edwards & A. T. Hopwood), 1966; v. 7: 1956-1965, (ed. by M. A. Edwards & H. G. Vevers), 1975.
Nissen, C. 1966, 1978. Die Zoologische Buchillustration: Ihre Bibliographie und Geschichte. 2 v. Stuttgart: A. Hiersemann.
Phillips, J. C. 1930. A Bibliography of American Sporting Books: Sport, Natural History, Hunting, Dogs, Trapping, Shooting, Early American Travel, Fishing, Sporting Periodicals, Guide Books, Forestry, Conservation, &c. Boston: Edward Morrill and Son, 638 pp.
On pp. 575-613 is an annotated list of natural history periodicals. There is bibliographical material on state game laws and wildlife departments.
Root, N. J. & B. R. Johnson. 1986. The Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: An Index to the Artists, 1848-1900. NY: Garland, 947 pp.
Root, N. J. & B. R. Johnson. 1986. The Transactions of the Zoological Society of London: An Index to Illustrators. NY: Garland, 464 pp. [Covers v. 1 - 21; 1835-1936]
Russell, K. F. 1987. British Anatomy, 1525-1800: A Bibliography of Works Published in Britain, America, and on the Continent. 2nd ed. Winchester: St. Paul's Bibliographies, 245 pp.
Subjects included in the index.
Sherborn, C. D. 1902-33. Index animalium; sive, Index nominum quae ab A.D. MDCCLVIII generibus et speciebus animalium imposita sunt. 2 v. in 10. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [References for generic & specific names, 1758-1850]
Waterhouse, F. H. 1902. Catalogue of the Library of the Zoological Society of London. 5th ed. London: Taylor and Francis, 856 pp.
Zoology: Primary Sources - Printed - By Taxon
Invertebrates other than Insects
Allouse, B. 1956. A Bibliography on the Invertebrate Fauna of Iraq and Neighbouring Countries. I. Molluscs. Baghdad. Mathaf al-Tarikh al-Tabi i al- Iraqi. Publication, no. 8, 34 pp.
Binney, W. G. 1863, 1864. Bibliography of North American Conchology previous to the Year 1860. Part 1, American Authors. Part 2, Foreign Authors. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution (Miscellaneous Collections, v. 5, article 1; v. 9, article 1), 650 pp., 306 pp.
Hastings, L.B. & M.C. Teskey. 1979. Indexes for the Nautilus. Geographical, Vols. 1-90; Scientific Names, Vols. 61-90. Ed. by R.T. Abbott. Melbourne, FL: American Malacologists, 238 pp.
Hopkinson, J. 1913. A Bibliography of the Tunicata, 1469-1910. London: Ray Society, 288 pp.
Mikkelsen P. M., R. Bieler, and R. E. Petit. 1993. A bibliography of Caribbean malacology 1826-1993. American Malacological Bulletin, v. 10, no. 2, pp. 267-290.
Thompson, D'A. W. 1885. A Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Coelenterata, and Worms, including also the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, and Tunicata, for the years 1861-1883. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 284 pp.
Vosmaer, G. C. J. 1928. Bibliography of Sponges, 1551-1913. Ed. by G. Bidder & C. Vosmaer-Röell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 234 pp.
Banks, N. 1911. A list of works on North American entomology, U.S.D.A., Division of Entomology, Bulletin, 81 (new series), 120 pp.
Bryan, E. H. 1948. Bibliography of Micronesian Entomology. Comp. for the Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council. Honolulu?, 43 lvs.
Chamberlain, W.J. 1946. Entomological Nomenclature and Literature. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers. 135 pp. [UTA-LS]
Information on bibliographical sources and a description of U.S. Government publications related to entomology.
Derksen, W. & U. Schieding. 1963-75. Index Litteraturae Entomologicae, Ser. 2. Die Welt-literatur uber die gesamte Entomologie von 1864 bis 1900. 5 v. Berlin: Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften der DDR.
Field, W.D., C.F. Dos Passos, & J.H. Masters. 1974. A bibliography of the catalogs, lists, faunal and other papers on the butterflies of America North of Mexico arranged by state and province. Smithsonian Contribution to Zoology No. 157, 104 pp.
Hagan, H. A. 1864. Bibliotheca Entomologica: die Literatur über das ganze Gebiet der Entomologie bis zum Jahre 1862. 2 v. Leipzig: W. Engelmann. Reprint, Weinheim: J. Cramer; Codicote: Wheldon & Wesley, 1960, 2 v. in 1.
Henshaw, S. and N. Banks. 1889-1905. Bibliography of the more important contributions to American economic entomology. Parts I - VIII. U.S.D.A., Division of Entomology.
Parts I-V by S. Henshaw; parts VI-VIII by N. Banks.Continued by: Index to Literature of American Economic Entomology, American Association of Economic Entomologists, Special Publications:
- I. 1905-14, by N. Banks, 1917, 330 pp.
- II. 1915-19, by M. Colcord, 1921, 390 pp.
- III. 1920-24, by M. Colcord, 441 pp.
- IV. 1925-29, by M. Colcord, 518 pp.
- V. 1930-34, by M. Colcord and E.P. Felt, 693 pp.
- VI. 1935-39, by M. Colcord, E.P. Felt, and S.W. Bromley, 1942, 815 pp.
The most complete compilation of American economic entomology literature.
Horn, W. & S. Schenkling. 1928-29. Index Litteraturae Entomologicae. Ser. I. Die Welt-Literatur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inklusive 1863. 4 v. Berlin: W. Horn.
Gaedike, R; and O. Smetana. 1984. Erganzungen und Berichtigungen zu Walter Horn und Sigmund Schenkling: Index Litteraturae Entomologicae, Serie 1, die Weltliteratur über die gesamte Entomologie bis inklusive 1863. Beitraege zur Entomologie, v. 34, no. 1, pp.167-291.
Lisney, A. A. 1960. A Bibliography of British Lepidoptera 1608-1799. London: Chiswick Press, 315 pp.
Martin Albaladejo, C. 1994. Bibliografia Entomologica de Autores Espanoles (1758-1990). (Documentos Fauna Iberica, 1). Madrid: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC, 821 pp.
Musgrave, A. 1932. Bibliography of Australian Entomology, 1775-1930, with Biographical Notes on Authors and Collectors. (Australian Zoological Handbooks, no. 3) Sydney, The Society, 1932.
Piran, A. A. 1954-57. Bibliografia entomologia Argentina, 1874-1952. 2 v. Publicaciones de extension cultural y didactica; no.1. Curso de entomologia; 10. Buenos Aires, Imprenta y Casa Editora "Coni,"
Ryan, J. G., J. P. O'Connor & B. P. Beirne. 1984. A Bibliography of Irish Entomology. Dublin: Fly Leaf Press, 363 pp.
Schwarz, E. A. 1888. An enumeration of the published synopses, catalogues and lists of North American insects; together with other information intended to assist the student of American entomology. U.S.D.A., Division of Entomology, Bulletin, 19 (old series), 77 pp.
Allouse, B. G. 1954-55. A Bibliography on the Vertebrate Fauna of Iraq and Neighboring Countries. Publications of the Iraq Natural History Museum, v. 4-7.
- I. Mammals, v. 4, pp. 1-30.
- II. Birds, v. 5, pp. 1-45.
- III. Reptiles and Amphibians, v. 6, pp. 1-23.
- IV. Fishes, v. 7, pp. 1-32.
Blackwelder, R. E. 1972. Guide to the Taxonomic Literature of Vertebrates. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 259 pp.
Minot, C. S. 1893. A Bibliography of Vertebrate Embryology. Boston: Boston Society of Natural History (Memoir 4: 487-614).
Phillips, J. C. 1930. American Game Mammals and Birds: A Catalogue of Books, 1582-1925: Sports, Natural History and Conservation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 638 pp. Reprint: NY: Arno, 1978.
Sathrum, R. 2007. Wildlife Reference Resources. Humboldt State University.
Wood, C. A. 1931. An Introduction to the Literature of Vertebrate Zoology. Oxford Univ. Press, 643 pp. Reprints, Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1974; NY: Arno, 1974; Cambridge, MA: M. Martino, 1993.
Astbury, E. C. 1981. Casey A. Wood (1856-1942): A bio-bibliography. McGill University, Graduate School of Library Science, Occasional Paper 7, 66 pp.
Conant, E. B. 1986. Bibliography of lungfishes, 1811-1985. Journal of Morphology, Suppl. 1, pp. 305-373.
Dean, B. 1916-23. A Bibliography of Fishes. 3 v. NY: American Museum of Natural History. Reprint, NY: Russell & Russell, 1962.
Sathrum, R. 2002. Fisheries Literature Searching, by R. Sathrum, Humboldt State University, 2002.
Anker, J. 1938. Bird Books and Bird Art. Copenhagen: Levin and Munksgaard, 251 pp. Reprints, NY: Arno, 1974; NY: M. Martino, 1990.
Bailey, H.B. 1881. Forest and Stream, Bird Notes. An Index and Summary of all the Ornithological Matter Contained in Forest and Stream. NY: Forest and Stream Publ. Co., 195 pp.
Forest and Stream was an important natural history and sporting magazine of the late nineteenth century.
Brasseler, H. & F. W. Bekierz. 1984. Bibliographie ornithologischer Bibliographien. Frankfurt a. M.: Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 72; Veroffentlichungen des Informationszentrums fur Biologie am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, no. 3), 157 pp.
Coues, E. 1878. American Ornithological Bibliography. [Part 1] List of Faunal Publications Relating to North American Ornithology. Bibliographical Appendix (pp. 567-784) in Birds of the Colorado Valley, Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories (Miscellaneous Publication No. 11). Reprints, NY: Arno, 1974; Mansfield, CT: Martino, 1995, 859 pp.
Coues, E. 1879. American Ornithological Bibliography. [Parts 2 & 3] Washington, DC: U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories (Bulletin, 5(2): 239-330; 5(4): 521-1072). Reprints, NY: Arno, 1974; Mansfield, CT: Martino, 1995, 859 pp.
Hoogerwerf, A. 1953. An Ornithological Bibliography: Having Particular Reference to the Study of the Birds of Java. 4 v. Djakarta: Organization for Scientific Research in Indonesia, Bulletin, no. 13-16. (Organisatie voor Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Indonesi, Bulletin, no. 13 (maart 1953)-16 (June 1953), 168 pp.
Irwin, M. P. S. 1978. A Bibliography of the Birds of Rhodesia, 1873-1977. Salisbury: Rhodesian Ornithological Society, 242 pp.
Irwin, R. 1951. British Bird Books: An Index to British Ornithology A.D 1481 to A.D. 1948. London: Grafton, 398 pp.
Jobanek, G. A. 1997. An Annotated Bibliography of Oregon Bird Literature Published before 1935. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 481 pp.
McNicholl, M. K. 1985. Manitoba Bird Studies, 1744-1983: A Bibliography. Winnipeg: Manitoba Natural Resources, Manitoba Museum of Man & Nature, 290 pp. 2nd ed. of his Manitoba Bird Studies: A Bibliography of Manitoba Ornithology, 1975.
Mayr, E. 1975. Epilogue: Materials for a history of American ornithology. Pp. 365-396 in: Ornithology from Aristotle to the Present, by Erwin Stresemann. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 432 pp.
Mengel, R. M. 1972, 1983. A Catalogue of the Ellis Collection of Ornithological Books in the University of Kansas Libraries. v. 1 (A-B), v. 2 (C-D). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Publications.
Mullens, W. H. & H. K. Swann. 1917. A Bibliography of British Ornithology from the Earliest Times to the End of 1912, Including Biographical Accounts of the Principal Writers and Bibliographies of their Published Works. London: Macmillan, 691 pp. Supplement: A Chronological List of British Birds, by H. K. Swann, London, 1923. Reprint, Codicote: Wheldon & Wesley, 1986.
Mullens, W. H., H. K. Swann & F. C. R. Jourdain. 1920. A Geographical Bibliography of British Ornithology to 1918, Arranged under Counties. London: Witherby, 558 pp.
Ripley, S. D. & L. L. Scribner. 1961. Ornithological Books in the Yale University Library, Including the Library of William Robertson Coe. New Haven: Yale University Press, 338 pp. Reprint, Mansfield, CT: M. Martino, 1993.
Ronsil, R. 1948-49. Bibliographie ornithologique francaise, travaux publies en langue francaise et en latin en France et dans les colonies francaises de 1473 a 1944. 2 v. Paris: P. Lechevalier (Encyclopedie ornithologique, v. 8, 9). Reprint, Mansfield, CT: Martino, 1995.
Strong, R. M. 1939-59. A Bibliography of Birds. 4 pts. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series 25 (1-4).
Whittell, H. M. 1954. The Literature of Australian Birds: A History and Bibliography of Australian Ornithiology. 2 v. Perth: Paterson Brokensha Pty. Reprint, Mansfield, CT: M. Martino, 1994.
Zimmer, J. T. 1926. Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library. 2 v. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History Publication 239, Zoological Series 16. Reprints, NY: Arno, 1974; NY: M. Martino, 1990.
Jones, G. S. and D. B. Jones. 1976. A Bibliography of the Land Mammals of Southeast Asia, 1699-1969. Honolulu: Dept. of Entomology, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 238 pp.
Ruch, T. C. 1941. Bibliographia Primatologica: A Classified Bibliography of Primates other than Man. (Historical Library, Yale Medical Library, Publication no. 4) Springfield, IL/Baltimore, MD: C. C. Thomas. [Contains much general zoology; dates of birth and death of authors]
Continued by:
PrimateLit: A Bibliographic Database for Primatology, 1940- .
Swepston, D.A. & B.C. Thompson. 1986. Texas furbearer bibliography, 1851-1985. Austin: Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., Wildlife Division, Fur-bearing Animal Program, (Federal Aid Project W-117R) (WR-227), 114 pp.