Botany Secondary Source Bibliographies
Desmond, Ray. 1984. Bibliography of British Gardens. Winchester, Hampshire: St. Paul's Bibliographies, 318 pp.
Johnson, D. E. 1985. Literature on the history of botany and botanic gardens, 1730-1840. Huntia, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 3-121.
Stannard, J. 1966. Early American botany and its sources. Pp. 73-102 in Bibliography and Natural History Lawrence: Univ. of Kansas Publications, Library Series No. 27.
Botany Primary Source Bibliographies
Botany: Primary Sources (General)
Forestry Reference Resources, by R. Sathrum, Humboldt State University, 2008.
Frodin, D. G. 1984. Guide to Standard Floras of the World. Cambridge University Press, 619 pp.
Jackson, B. D. 1881. Guide to the Literature of Botany; Being a Classified Selection of Botanical Works, Including nearly 6000 Titles not given in Pritzel's "Thesaurus". London: Longmans, Green, 626 pp. Reprint, Hafner, 1964.
Jackson, B. D. 1893-95. Index Kewensis plantarum phanerogamarum. Nomina et synonyma omnium generum et specierum a Linnaeo usque ad annum MDCCLXXXV complectens nomina recepto auctore patria subjectis. 2 v. in 4. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [Periodic supplements to date; for more information on the Index Kewensis and for indices to other plant groups see G. Bridson, 1994]
A Magnificent Collection of Botanical Books being the Finest Colour-Plate Books from the Celebrated Library Formed by Robert de Belder. London: Sotheby's, 1987, 425 pp.
Nissen, C. 1951. Die Botanische Buchillustration, ihre Geschichte und Bibliographie. 2 v. Supplement, 1966, 97 pp. Stuttgart: Hiersemann. Reprint, Mansfield, CT: M. Martino, 1994.
Pritzel, G. A. 1872-77. Thesaurus Literaturae Botanicae. Lipsiae: Brockhaus, 577 pp. Reprints, Milan, 1950; Koenigstein: O. Koeltz, 1972; Storrs-Mansfield, CT: M. Martino, 1995.
--Stafleu, F. A. 1973. Pritzel and his Thesaurus. Taxon, v. 22, no. 1, pp. 119-130.
Rehder, A. 1911-18. The Bradley Bibliography: A Guide to the Literature of the Woody Plants of the World Published before the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. 5 v. Jamaica Plain, MA: Arnold Arboretum.
Stafleu, F. A. & R. S. Cowan. 1976-88. Taxonomic Literature: A Selective Guide to Botanical Publications and Collections with Dates, Commentaries and Types. 7 v. 2nd ed. Utrecht: Bohn, Scheltema & Holkema (Regnum vegetabile, v. 94, 98, 105, 110, 112, 115, 116).
Supplement, F. A. Stafleu & E. A. Mennega, 1992- . Koenigstein: Koeltz (Regnum vegetabile, v. 125, 130, 132, 134). [v. 1, 2, 3, 4: A-Be, Be-Bo, Br-Ca, Ce-Cz]
Available online via the Botany Libraries. Covers Linnaean period - 1940. Includes supplement vols., 1992- .
Coverage: 1753-1938; see F. A. Stafleu & R. S. Cowan. 1979. The making of a book: An interim report on TL-2. Taxon, v. 28, pp. 77-86.
Includes biographical references for each author.
Stapf, O., ed. 1929-31. Index Londinensis to Illustrations of Flowering Plants, Ferns and Fern Allies. 6 v. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Supplement for 1921-35, by W. C. Worsdell, 2 v. 1941. Reprint, Koenigstein: Otto Koeltz. [1753-1935]
Botany: Primary Sources - Printed - National/regional Bibliographies
Bullock, A. A., ed. by O. A. Leistner. 1978. Bibliography of South African Botany up to 1951. (Flora of Southern Africa (1975) Introductory). Pretoria: Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services, Republic of South Africa, 194 pp.
Kerkham, A. S. 1988. Southern African Botanical Literature, 1600-1988 (SABLIT). (Grey bibliographies 16) Cape Town: South African Library, 256 pp.
Tyrrell-Glynn, W. F. 1963. Flora Africana: South African Botanical Books 1600-1963: A Selective Bibliography Based on the Collections of the South African Public Library (with the addition of items from the Bolus Herbarium of the University of Cape Town). Published in commemoration of the Kirstenbosch Jubilee. (Grey bibliographies, no. 8). Cape Town, South African Public Library, 77 pp.
Merrill, E. D. & E. H. Walker. 1938. A Bibliography of Eastern Asian Botany. Jamaica Plain, MA: Arnold Arboretum, 719 pp. Suppl. E. H. Walker, 1960, 552 pp.
Merrill, E. D. 1947. A Botanical Bibliography of the Islands of the Pacific. Washington, DC: U. S. National Herbarium (Contributions, v. 30), 322 pp. [Covers 1772-1946]
Miller, A. G., I. C. Hedge and R. A. King. 1982. Studies in the flora of Arabia. III. A botanical bibliography of the Arabian Peninsula. Notes from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh, v. 40, no. 1, pp. 43-61.
Reed, C. F. 1969. Bibliography to Floras of Southeast Asia; Burma, Laos, Thailand (Siam), Cambodia, Viet Nam (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina), Malay Peninsula, and Singapore. Baltimore, 191 pp.
Sachet, M.-H. and F. R. Fosberg. 1955. Island Bibliographies: Micronesian Botany, Land Environment and Ecology of Coral Atolls, Vegetation of Tropical Pacific islands. U.S. National Research Council Publication no. 335, 577 pp.
Langman, I. K. 1964. A Selected Guide to the Literature on the Flowering Plants of Mexico. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1015 pp.
Asmous, V. C. 1947. Fontes historiae botanica Rossicae. Chronica Botanica 11(2): 87-118. [Sources for the history of Russian botany]
Hawksworth, D. L. and M. R. D. Seaward. 1977. Lichenology in the British Isles, 1568-1975: An Historical and Bibliographical Survey. Richmond, Surrey: Richmond Publishing Co., 231 pp.
Henrey, B. 1974. British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. 3 v. London: Oxford University Press.
Simpson, N. D. 1960. A Bibliographical Index to the British Flora. Bournemouth: The Author, 429 pp.
Stevens, M. P. 1991. The Botanical Literature of Mississippi: A Taxonomic, Geographic and Subject Guide, 1854 through 1984. (Museum technical report no. 12). Jackson, MS: Mississippi Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Museum of Natural Science, 50 lvs.
Torrey Botanical Club. 1969. Index to American Botanical Literature, 1886-1966. 4 v. or 8 microfilm reels. Boston: G. K. Hall. First supplement (1967-1976), 1977, 740 pp.
Botany: Primary Sources - Printed - By Taxon
Lindau, G. & P. Sydow. 1908-17. Thesaurus litteraturae mycologiae et lichenologicae. 5 v. Lipsiis: Fratres Borntraeger. Suppl. by R. Ciferri. 4 v. Papia, Italy: Cortina, 1957-60. Reprint, NY: Johnson, 1964 (1st 5 v. only)
Pfister, D., R. Boise & M. A. Eifler. 1990. A Bibliography of Taxonomic Mycological Literature, 1735-1821. Berlin: J. Cramer, 161 pp.
Rückert, D. and W. Korth. 1990. Bibliographie bryologischer Bibliographien: Bryophyta. (Veröffentlichungen des Informationszentrums für Biologie am Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, no. 9; Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 132) Frankfurt a. M.: Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 144 pp.
Swift, L. H. 1970. Botanical Bibliographies. Minneapolis, MN: Burgess, 804 pp.
Botany: Primary Sources - Printed - Catalogs of Libraries
Bogaert-Damin, A.-M. & J. A. Piron. 1992. Livres de fruits du XVIe au XXe siècle dans les collections de la Bibliotheque Universitaire Moretus Plantin. Namur: Bibliotheque Universitaire Moretus Plantin (Publication no 5), 264 pp.
Burdet, H. M. 1985. Ouvrages botaniques anciens: catalogue des ouvrages prélinnés de la Bibliothèque des Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de la Ville de Genève. Genève: Le Conservatoire (Publication hors-serie 5), 599 pp.
Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. London, 1899, 790 pp. Supplement, London, 1919, 433 pp.
The Lindley Library. Catalog of Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, and Drawings. London: Royal Horticultural Society, 1927, 487 pp.
B-P-H: Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum. Ed. by G. H. M. Lawrence et al. Pittsburgh, PA: Hunt Botanical Library, 1968, 1063 pp. [List of over 12,000 botanical periodicals]
B-P-H/S: Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum/ Supplementum. Ed. by G. D. R. Bridson & E. R. Smith. Pittsburgh, PA: Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, 1991, 1068 pp.
Dictionary Catalog of the Library of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 3 v. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1962.
Dictionary Catalog of the National Agricultural Library, 1862-1965. 73 v. Totawa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1967-70. [Biographies & obituaries are listed under each author name]
Hall, E. C. 1970. Printed Books 1481-1900 in the Horticultural Society of New York. NY: Horticultural Society of New York, 279 pp. Not at Harvard
Hocker, S. H. 1985. Herbals and Closely Related Medico-Botanical Works, 1472-1753, in the Department of Special Collections, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, and the History of Medicine Collection, Clendening Medical Library. (University of Kansas Publications, Library Series 50) Lawrence: University of Kansas Libraries, 94 pp.
Johnston, S. H., Jr. 1992. The Cleveland Herbal, Botanical, and Horticultural Collections. A Descriptive Bibliography of Pre-1830 Works from the Libraries of the Holden Arboretum, the Cleveland Medical Library Association, and the Garden Center of Greater Cleveland. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1012 pp.
Quinby, J. & A. Stevenson, eds. 1958-61. Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Library of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt. 2 v. in 3. Pittsburgh: Hunt Botanical Library. Reprint, NY: M. Martino, 1991.
Tucker, E. M. 1914, 1917, 1933. Catalogue of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. 3 v. Cambridge, MA: Cosmos Press.