Biographical Sources
To find directories in library catalogs do a keyword search which includes: (physicians or medicine) and directories and the desired location, which may be a country, state, city, or region, e.g., New England.
Beighton, P. and G. Beighton. 1986. The Man behind the Syndrome. Berlin; NY: Springer-Verlag, 240 pp.
Beighton, P. and G. Beighton. 1997. The Person behind the Syndrome. Berlin; NY: Springer, 231 pp.
One-page biography (including references) with facing portrait of 100 physicians or geneticists in each volume, together with 110/70 brief (~120 word) biographies without portraits. Subject index.
Bendiner, J. and E. Bendiner. 1990. Biographical Dictionary of Medicine. NY: Facts on File, 284 pp. Not at Harvard.
Callisen, A. C. P. 1830-1845. Medicinisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon der jetzt lebenden Aerzte, Wunderärzte, Geburtshelfer, Apotheker, und Naturforscher aller gebildeten Völker. 33 v. Copenhagen: Königl. Taubstummen Institute zu Schleswig. Reprint, Nieuwkoop: De Graaf, 1962-65.
Detailed biobibliographies for, approx., 1780-1830.Fulton, J. F. 1951. The Great Medical Bibliographers: A Study in Humanism. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 107 pp. See p. 66.
Dupont, M. 1999. Dictionnaire historique des médecins dans et hors de la médecine. Paris: Larousse, 628 pp.
Emphasis on France and continental Europe. 10-800 word entries. Includes list of biographees by medical and nonmedical specialties. Some entries with citations of selected primary and secondary works. A few portraits.
Eckart, W. U. and C. Gradmann. 1995. Arztelexikon: von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. (Beck'sche Reihe; 1095). Munchen: C.H. Beck, 439 pp.
Worldwide, emphasis on Germans. Short list of works and works about. Includes index and list of physicians in chronological order of birthdate.
Fischer, I., ed. 1932-33. Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Aerzte der letzten fünfzig Jahre. 2 v. Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg. Reprint, Munich, 1962.
Freeman, S. E. 1964. Medals Relating to Medicine and Allied Sciences in the Numismatic Collection of the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD: Evergreen House Foundation, 430 pp.
Gilbert, J. B. 1962. Disease and Destiny: A Bibliography of Medical References to the Famous. London: Dawsons of Pall Mall, 535 pp.
Updated by:
Schioldann Nielsen, J. 1986. Famous and very important persons : medical, psychological, psychiatric bibliography, 1960-1984. (Odense University studies in psychiatry and medical psychology, v. 3). Odense: Odense University Press, 186 pp.
Hirsch, A., ed. 1929-34. Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Aerzte aller Zeiten und Völkern. 2nd ed. 5 v. Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg. Reprint, Munich, 1962. Ergänzungsband, ed. by W. Haberling & H. Vierordt, 1935, Berlin: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 426 pp. [Physicians working before 1880]
Karger-Decker, B. 1991. An der Pforte des Lebens: Wegbereiter der Heilkunde im Portrat. 2 v. Berlin: Edition q.
Portraits of physicians with biographical sketches. Worldwide with German emphasis.
Kestner, C. W. 1740. Medicinisches Gelehrten-Lexicon. Jena: J. Meyers seel. Erben, 940 pp. Reprint, NY: G. Olms, 1971. [Bio-bibliography]
Lee, H. S. J. 2000. The Medical Millennium: 1000 Pioneers Who have Contributed to the Development of Medicine over the last 1000 Years. NY: Parthenon Pub. Group, 113 pp.
1 or 2-sentence accounts of living and deceased persons. Some portraits.
Magner, L. N. 1997. Doctors, Nurses, and Medical Practitioners: A Bio-bibliographical Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 372 pp.
Martin, E. A. 2110- . A biographical encyclopedia of medical travel authors / Edward A. Martin ; with a foreword by Peter Froggatt. Published : Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, 6 v.
--v. 1, Americas and Canada; v. 2, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Pacific, and the Antarctic; v. 3, Continental Europe; v. 4, England and Wales; v. 5, Ireland; v. 6, Scotland.
Morton, L. T. & R. J. Moore. 1994. A Bibliography of Medical and Biomedical Biography. 2nd ed. Aldershot: Scolar Press; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 333 pp. [With disciplinary index of subjects]
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Winners 2001-1901
Links to bio-bibliographical information.
Pagel, J., ed. 1901. Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Aerzte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 2 v. Berlin & Wien: Urban & Schwarzenberg. [669 portraits] Reprint, Basel: Karger, 1989, 998 pp., with a historical introduction.
Portrait catalog of the Library of the New York Academy of Medicine. Boston, G. K. Hall & Co., 1960. 5 v.
--v. 1. A-C.--v. 2. D-Her.--v. 3. Hes-Meg.--v. 4. Mer-R.--v. 5. S-Z.
--Entries on over 10,784 portraits in the Academy, together with nearly152,000 entries for portraits appearing in books and journals.
Includes the names, dates, and nationalities of physician creative writers worldwide. Lists biographical sources and the physicians' books
Slocum, R. B. 1986. Medicine. Pp. 900-929 in Biographical Dictionaries and Related Works: An International Bibliography of More than 16,000 Collective Biographies. 2nd ed. V. 2. Detroit, MI: Gale Research.
Smith, R. W. I. 1932. English-speaking Students of Medicine at the University of Leyden. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 258 pp.
--Covers 1575-1875, brief biographical data.
Strieby, I. M. 1940. A check-list of foreign directories of the medical and some allied professions, 1930-1940. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, v. 28, no. 4 (June), pp. 205-218.
Talbott, J. H. 1970. A Biographical History of Medicine. NY: Grune & Stratton, 1211 pp.
Wellcome Bibliography of the History of Medicine (formerly Current Work in the History of Medicine), (1954-2004) included section on biographies (including obituaries), 1991-2004. Included obituaries of physicians from the Times. Entries are available in the Wellcome Library catalogue, and some material continues to be added.
Who's Who in World Medicine: 1939. London: B.U.E. Ltd., 1939, 605 pp.
--Brief biographical data with some publications listed.
Chaff, S. L. 1977. Women in Medicine: A Bibliography of the Literature on Women Physicians. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1124 pp.
--Over 4,000 annotated citations from the published literature. In addition to topical organization, entries are divided by geography and are indexed by personal name, author, and subject. Pp. 75-384 are on biographical books and articles.
--18th century through 1975.
Creese, Mary R. S. Ladies in the Laboratory II : West European Women in Science, 1800-1900 : A Survey of Their Contributions to Research. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2004.
Available online through EBSCOHOST ebook collection (subscription, accessed through library website)
Creese, Mary R. S., and Creese, Thomas M. Ladies in the Laboratory III : South African, Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian Women in Science : Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries : A Survey of Their Contributions. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2010.
Creese, Mary R. S., and Creese, Thomas M. Ladies in the Laboratory IV : Imperial Russia's Women in Science, 1800-1900 : A Survey of Their Contributions to Research. 2015.
Available online through EBSCOHOST ebook collection (subscription, accessed through library website)
Hellstedt, L. M. 1978. Women Physicians of the World: Autobiographies of Medical Pioneers. Washington, DC: Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 420 pp. Autobiographical essays by 91 women from 27 countries, all born between 1878-1911.
Edited and compiled by the International Women’s Medical Association. Focus on the motivations” and cultural, historical and familial factors in the lives of the oldest (then living) MIWA membership. Written in the physicians’ native languages and translated by MIWA editors.
Lovejoy, E. P. 1957. Women Doctors of the World. NY: Macmillan, 413 pp.
This is a history of women doctors by geography. In each place particular women are highlighted. Level of detail varies by individual. A few pictures. Alphabetical index
Medicine: Biography by Medical Specialty
Albert, D. M. & P. Henkind. 1993. Men of Vision: Lives of Notable Figures in Ophthalmology. Philadelphia: Saunders, 409 pp.
Baskett, T. F. 1996. On the Shoulders of Giants: Eponyms and Names in Obstetrics and Gynecology. London: RCOG Press, 270 pp.
--Biographical dictionary with portraits. Index lists medical terms. Citations in the bibliography for each entry.
Biographical Archive of Psychiatry
Bradford, T. L. 1897. The Pioneers of Homoeopathy. Philadelphia: Boericke and Tafel, 677 pp. Part 1: an account of the “pioneers… of homeopathic material medica,” ie Samuel Hahnemann and his students. Part 2 is a list of “all the persons practicing homeopathy” before 1835.
- Pioneers online: PDF images of the book. Full text search, though results are confusing as they appear in the form of markers, often one on top of the other. "Index" appears in the front as a list of names represented in the book. In the Medical Heritage Library at Internet Archive.
Darby, W. J. & T. H. Jukes, eds. 1992. Founders of Nutrition Science: Biographical Articles from the Journal of Nutrition Volumes 5-120, 1932-1990. 2 v. Bethesda, MD: American Institute of Nutrition. Not at Harvard
Freund, H. & A. Berg, ed. 1963-66. Geschichte der Mikroskopie: Leben und Werk grosser Forscher. 3 v. Frankfurt a. M.: Umschau.
v. 2. Medizin
Organ, C. H., Jr. and M. M. Kosiba, eds. 1987. A Century of Black Surgeons: The U.S.A. Experience. 2 v. Norman, Ok: Transcript Press. Portraits.
Zimmerman, L. M. and I. Veith. 1993. Great Ideas in the History of Surgery. (Norman surgery series no. 7) San Francisco, CA: Norman Pub., 587 pp.
Biographical sketches of surgeons, Hippocrates to early 20th century. Illustrated.
Medicine: Biography by Country (General Medicine)
Canadian Health Obituaries Index File (1830s- )
Indexes obituaries in:
- Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) v.1 - 161, 1911-1999
- Maritime Medical News (MMN) v.1 - 22, 1889-1910
- Montreal Medical Journal (MMJ) v.17 - 39, 1888-1910
- Canada Medical and Surgical Journal (CMSJ) v.1 - 16, 1873-1888
Bayle, A. L. J. & A. Thillaye. 1855. Biographie medicale par ordre chronologique, d'après Daniel Leclerc, Éloy, etc. 2 vols. Paris: Adolphe Delahays. Reprint, Amsterdam: N. V. Boekhandel & Antiquariaat B. M. Israël, 1967.
Covers French physicians and surgeons. Not at Harvard
Huguet, F. 1991. Les professeurs de la Faculte de medecine de Paris: dictionnaire biographique 1794-1939. (Collection "Histoire biographique de l'enseignement") Paris: Institut national de recherche pedagogique: Editions du CNRS, 753 pp.
Nicole-Genty, G. & M. Chapuis. 1979. Index biographique des membres, des associés, et des correspondents de l'Académie de Médecine de 1820 à 1970. 2nd ed. Paris: Doin, 513 pp.
Rist, E. 1955. 25 portraits de medecins francais, 1900-1950. Paris: Masson, 219 pp.
--No portraits. Largely notices read to the Académie de Médicine and the Société médicale des Hôpitaux de Paris.
Wickersheimer, E. 1979. Dictionnaire biographique des medecins en France au moyen age. 3 v. in 2. Geneve: Droz. (Centre de recherches d'histoire et de philologie de la IVe section de l'Ecole pratique des hautes etudes, Publications, 5; Hautes etudes medievales et modernes, 34-35)
Vols. 1-2 are reprints of the 1936 ed. published by Droz, Paris. Vol. 3 (365 pp.): Nouvelle ed., ed. by G. Beaujouan, is a supplement with additional biographies by Danielle Jacquart, with name index to original and supplement. 10-1300 word biographies
Bauer, A. W. and J. I. Schufmann. 1997-2003. Biographische Artikel und Nekrologe (BAN) der Münchener Medizinischen Wochenschrift (MMW) Band 53 (1906) bis Band 91 (1944) sowie Band 112 (1970) sowie der Deutschen Medizinischen Wochenschrift (DMW) Band 76 (1951) bis Band 100 (1975).
Jessen, J. C. & R. Voigt. 1996. Bibliographie der Autobiographien. Bd. 4. Selbstzeugnisse, Erinnerungen, Tagebücher und Briefe deutschsprachiger Ärzte. Munchen; NY: K. G. Saur, 630 pp.
Komorowski, M. 1991. Bio-bibliographisches Verzeichnis jüdischer Doktoren im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. (Bibliographien zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte, Bd. 3) München; NY: Saur, 128 pp.
Hill, J. C. 1976. Name-list from a Medical Register of the Italian Renaissance 1350-1550. Oxford: Truexpress, 121 pp. Not at Harvard
Italian medical directory.
Lindeboom, G. A. 1984. Dutch Medical Biography: A Biographical Dictionary of Dutch Physicians and Surgeons, 1475-1975. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2244 columns.
Bloom, J. H. and R. R. James. 1935. Medical Practitioners in the Diocese of London, Licensed under the act of 3 Henry VIII, C. II: An Annotated List 1529-1725. Cambridge: The University press, 97 pp.
Brief data drawn from books of the Vicars-General of the See of London and files from Somerset House and St. Pauls. More biographical data added from other sources when available. Mainly surgeons.
Coakley, D. 1992. Irish Masters of Medicine. Dublin: Town House, 370 pp.
--40 biographies, with portraits, 17th -20th centuries, some still living.
Lyons, J. B. 1978. Brief Lives of Irish Doctors. Dublin: Blackwater, 182 pp.
Lyons, J. B. 1984. An Assembly of Irish Surgeons: Lives of Presidents of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in the 20th Century. Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin: The Glendale Press in association with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 210 pp.
Moll, J. M. H. 1996. Presidents of the Royal Society of Medicine: Illustrated Profiles, 1805-1996, Dr. William Saunders to Sir Donald Harrison. London: Royal Society of Medicine, 552 pp.
Munk, W. 1878. Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London. 2nd ed. 3 v. London: Royal College of Physicians. Continued by Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of London, v. 4 by G. H. Brown, 1955; v. 5 by R. R. Trail, 1968. [Founded in 1518]
The 1878 volumes cover 1518-1825; the 1955 volume covers 1826-1925.
Peterkin, A. 1968. Commissioned Officers in the Medical Services of the British Army, 1660-1960. 2 v. Publications of the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London). Historical Monograph Series, no. 14.
Vol. 1: A. Peterkin: 1660-1727; William Johnston: 1727-1898; v. 2: Roll of officers in the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1898-1960, by R. Drew. Arranged by enlistment date with name index. Includes, where available, birth, death, and swrvice dates. Reprints Johnston, William. 1917. Roll of commissioned officers in the Medical service of the British army, who served on full pay within the period between the accession of George II and the formation of the Royal army medical corps, 20 June 1727 to 23June 1898, with an introduction showing the historical evolution of the corps. (Aberdeen University studies no. 76). Aberdeen: The University press.
Plarr, V. G. 1930. Plarr's Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Rev. by Sir D'A. Power. 2 v. Bristol: J. Wright. Continued by: Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1930-1951, by D'A. Power, 1953, 889 pp.; Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1952-1964, by R. H. O. B. Robinson & W. R. LeFanu. Edinburgh: E. & S. Livingstone, 1970, 470 pp.
Talbot, C. H. & E.A. Hammond. 1965. The Medical Practitioners in Medieval England: A Biographical Register. London: Wellcome Historical Medical Library (Publications, new ser. v. 8), 503 pp.
Wallis, P. J. & R. V. Wallis. 1988. Eighteenth Century Medics (Subscriptions, Licences, Apprenticeships). 2nd ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Project for Historical Bibliography, 690 pp.
Very brief data on a wide variety of medical practitioners drawn from appenticeship records, book subscription lists, and other records.
Wallis, P. and R. Wallis. 1990. Eighteenth century medics--the PHIBB collective biography. Pp. 129-139 in R. Rolls et al., eds., A Pox on the Provinces. Bath: Bath University Press.
Epps, C. H., Jr., D. G. Johnson & A. L. Vaughan. 1994. African American Medical Pioneers. Rockville, MD: Betz Publishing Co., 254 pp.
Not at Harvard
---Biographical sketches, also includes tables of Black graduates of medical schools.
Hafner, A. W., ed. 1993. Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929: A Genealogical Guide to over 149,000 Medical Practitioners Providing Brief Biographical Sketches Drawn from the American Medical Association's Deceased Physician Masterfile. 2 vols. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association.
--Brief biographical sketches of over 149,000 deceased medical practitioners. Indexes African-American, female, eclectic, homeopathic, and osteopathic practitioners.
Holloway, L. M. 1981. Medical Obituaries: American Physicians' Biographical Notices in Selected Medical Journals Before 1907. NY: Garland, 513 pp.
Kagan, S. R. 1939. Jewish Contributions to Medicine in America, from Colonial Times to the Present. 2d ed. Boston, MA: Boston Medical Pub. Co., 792 pp.
Biographical sketches, some with portraits, grouped by medical specialty. Includes medical chronology, 1656-1934 (pp. 484-511). Name/subject index.
Kaufman, M., S. Galishoff & T. L. Savitt, eds. 1984. Dictionary of American Medical Biography. 2 v. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
--Includes physicians since, & omitted by, Kelly & Burrage. Indexed in Biography and Genealogy Master Index.
Kelly, H. A. & W. L. Burrage. 1928. Dictionary of American Medical Biography. NY: D. Appleton 1364 pp. Reprinted, Boston: Milford House, 1971.
Bell, W. J., Jr. 1968. Lives in medicine: the biographical dictionaries of Thacher, Williams, and Gross. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, v. 42, no. 2 (March/April), pp. 101-120. [For earlier American medical biographical dictionaries]
Full text in World Biographical Information System Online. Indexed in Biography and Genealogy Master Index.
McDevitt, T. R. 2000. A place for women: A selective annotated bibliography on Civil War women in medical services. Bulletin of Bibliography, v. 57, no. 1, pp. 1-11.
--Sections for primary and secondary sources and dissertations.
Physicians' obituaries: an obituary index to the Journal of the American Medical Association, 1989- .
Scrivener, L., et al. 2002. A Biographical Dictionary of Women Healers: Midwives, Nurses, and Physicians. Westport, CT: Oryx Press, 340 pp.
Biographies of 238 U.S. midwives, nurses, physicians. Emphasis on women who healed women or who facilitated entry of women into the profession. Appendices: List of Women by Occupation, Notable Events Related to Women Healers (1607-1999 pp. 319-323. Each article with a source list.
Texas Physicians Historical Biographical Database includes citations to brief death notices and some obituaries related to early Texas physicians from the Texas State Journal of Medicine for 1905- 1966. Additional citations from other sources (1870s to 1966) include other early Texas medical journals: Polk's Directories, Texas newspapers, and histories of Texas.
Thacher, J. 1828. American Medical Biography: or, Memoirs of eminent physicians who have flourished in America, to which is prefixed a succinct history of medical science in the United States from the first settlement of the country. NY: Milford House, 1967 reprint.
Full text in World Biographical Information System Online and Google Book Search.
White, A. 1943. An Index of obituaries published in the Medical Register of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, 1862-1896. NY: White, 32 lvs.
Williams, S. W. 1845. American Medical Biography: or Memoirs of eminent physicians, embracing principally those who have died since the publication of Dr. Thacher's initial work in 1828 on the same subject. NY: Milford House, 1967 reprint.
--World Biographical Information System Online and Google Book Search.
Directories and Who’s Whos (Chronological order by start date)
Cleave, E. 1873. Cleave's Biographical Cyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Philadelphia: Galaxy, 512 pp. 64 port. pl.
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books Reference RX61 .C58
Full text in World Biographical Information System Online. Full text available online via HOMÉOPATHE INTERNATIONAL.
Butler, S. W. 1874. The Medical Register and Directory of the United States ... Comprising Names ... of more than Fifty Thousand Physicians; with Lists of Medical Societies, Colleges, Hospitals and other Medical Institutions, with Abstracts of Medical Laws of each State, Notices of Mineral Springs, etc. Philadelphia, PA: Office of the Medical and Surgical Reporter. 854 pp.
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books Reference R712.A1 B97 1874
Location: Countway Medicine Serial
2nd.ed. 1877.
Location: Countway Medicine Serial2nd.ed. 1880.
Location : Countway Medicine Harvard Depository Rare Books
Atkinson, W. B., ed. 1878. The Physicians and Surgeons of the United States. Philadelphia, PA: Charles Robson, 788 pp.
Location : Countway Medicine 1.E.6
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books R153 .A58
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books Reference R153 .A58
Location : Widener Med 215.36
Full text in Google Book Search.Biographies (100-1000 words) of prominent living physicians. Some full-page portraits. Name index (biographies not in alphabetical order), local index by city/town; supplemental index of corrections/additions (unpaged, between pp. 748 and 749, analytical index of diseases, apparatus, drugs, and other topics. (pp. 749-788).
2d ed.: A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary American Physicians and Surgeons. Philadelphia, PA: Brinton, 1880, 747, 18 pp.
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books Reference R153 .A58 1880
Location : Widener Harvard Depository US 42515.13Portraits and analytical index omitted. New biographies and additions to 1st ed. biographies added as supplement. Full text in World Biographical Information System Online.
Medical and Surgical Directory of the United States [title varies], 1886-1917.
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books Reference R 712.A1 P7 (1886, 1898, 1890,1893, 1904, 1906, 1908, 1910, 1912, 1914, 1917)
Location : Widener Harvard Depository Sci 3320.30 (1886, 1898, 1893, 1896, 1898, 1900, 1902, 1904-1917
Title varies, sometimes given as Polk's Medical and Surgical Register of the United States and Canada. Canada included 1898 and after.
Watson, I. A., ed. 1896. Physicians and Surgeons of America. (Illustrated). A Collection of Biographical Sketches of the Regular Medical Profession. Concord, NH: Republican Press Association, 843 pp.
Location : Countway Medicine Harvard Depository 1 E 1896 1
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books f R153 .W33 c.2
Location : Countway Medicine Rare Books Reference f R153 .W33 c.1
Full text in World Biographical Information System Online.
Cleave, E. 1893. Biographical cyclopedia of homoeopathic physicians and surgeons Index. Chicago: Am. Hom. Biog. Ass'n, 512 p. (Not at Harvard)
The Standard medical directory of North America, 1902. Including a directory of practicing physicians in the United States of America, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, and Central America. Also directories respectively of medical officers of the U.S. Army and Navy, medical societies, medical colleges, medical laws and boards, medical publications, (books and periodicals), hospitals and sanitariums, mineral springs, drugs and medicines, medical and surgical products, manufacturers, life insurance companies, etc. Chicago : G.P. Engelhard, 1902, 924 p.
Location : Countway Medicine Harvard Depository 1.Da.1901.1
Full text in Google Book Search.
American Medical Directory, 1906-1990. 1st-32d ed. Chicago: American Medical Association. Early editions list medical schools, societies, journals, and libraries.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine | W 22 AA1 A6
LOCATION: Widener | Sci 3320.31 F (1923-1990 incomplete run)
Who's who in American medicine. 1925.
Countway Medicine | Rare Books Reference | R153 .W4 1925
Countway Medicine | 1.E.205.
Countway Medicine | Harvard Depository
American physicians and surgeons; a biographical directory of practicing members of the medical profession in the United States and Canada; including supplements in which are listed and classified the leading hospitals, sanitariums and health resorts of both countries; prepared by James Clark Fifield ... Minneapolis, The Midwest company, 1931, 1737 p.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine | Harvard Depository | t.4587
Who's who among physicians and surgeons, 1938- .
LOCATION: Countway Medicine | 1.E.251 (1938)
Official ABMS directory of board certified medical specialists [title varies], 1939- .
LOCATION: Widener | RR 5224.30 Latest issue only
LOCATION: Widener | Sci 3320.31.10 (series incomplete)
LOCATION: Cabot Science | REF | R712.A1 O335 Library keeps latest edition only
LOCATION: Countway Medicine | W 22 AA1 O32 (1994- ) Latest in Ref.11
LOCATION: Countway Medicine | W 22 AA1 A152 (1991-92)
LOCATION: Countway Medicine | W 22 AA1 D5 (1939-91)
Grigg, Bessie. 1945. Medical Woman's Directory. Cincinnati, OH: Elizabeth Press, 236 pp.
Location : Widener Med 220.40
Who's important in medicine. New York: Institute for Research in Biography, c1945.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Rare Books Reference R134.W62 1945
Who's important in medicine. 2. ed. Hicksville, New York: Institute for Research in Biography, Inc., 1952.
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: Harvard Depository WZ 140 AA1 W45 1952
LOCATION: Countway Medicine: f 1.E.51
American men of medicine. 3d ed. Farmingdale, N. Y., Institute for Research in Biography, 1961, 768 p.
Location : Countway Medicine Harvard Depository WZ 140 AA1 A5 1961
Full text in World Biographical Information System Online.
Directory of women physicians in the U.S. Chicago, American Medical Association. 2 v.
LOCATION: Schlesinger | 610 A51d (1973)
LOCATION: Countway Medicine | W 22 AA1 D9 (1973, 1979)