HOLLIS/WorldCat Country Codes

You can do a HOLLIS search for material published in a particular country or US state.  Go to HOLLIS Classic Command search and put, for example for Iran, wlo=ir in the search box. Country code list. You can do the same thing in WorldCat Advanced Search. Put cp:iran in the 'Search for:' field. Cp: is country/state of publication.

These searches can be limited by language, dates, format, etc. In the usual way

New Research Guides

We have made an Introductory Library Research Guide for History with selected sources from the larger guide.

Labor Collections at Harvard

Other Boston Area Collections

Jewish Heritage Center at New England Historic Genealogical Society holds the New England Archives of the American Jewish Historical Society (NY) and hosts the Massachusetts: Organized Jewish Group Activity in 19th Century Massachusetts database with links of collection finding aids where available.

Massachusetts Hip-Hop archive

Simmons College Archives holds a Charities Collection (1790s to about 1950): annual reports and other publications of private charities, public welfare agencies, and hospitals in Boston, Massachusetts, the eastern United States, and England.

High-Lighted E-Resource: Web of Science

Browsing in bibliographies is an excellent method for getting a structured overview of a field’s literature.  Find them in HOLLIS by including the Subject keyword Bibliography in your search.

When using an old bibliography, you can find more recent secondary sources by searching an old article or book in the Cited Reference search of the  Web of Science (Citation Indexes) which cover: science, 1900- ; social science, 1956- ; arts/humanities, 1975- .
More information.

You can also use it to find both initial reaction to and secondary studies on a primary source work.  For example E. Franklin Frazier’s Black bourgeoisie (1957):

Search: Frazier EF and Cited Year 1957.  It is safest not to limit by Cited Work.

Non-Harvard E-Resources

Livingstone Online is a digital library on the Victorian explorer David Livingstone (1813-73). Offers archival material from the University of Maryland Libraries, the David Livingstone Centre (Blantyre, Scotland), the National Library of Scotland, and other archives.

Internet Archive now joins HathiTrust and Google Books in offering a global full text search over all included texts.  Put your terms (phrases or personal names, in quotation marks (""), work best) in the search box.  This initial search searches the titles of texts.  The results page will offer a Full text search.

Harvard Library Collections

2nd Annual Homelessness Marathon : January 27-28, 1999. [Geneva, NY : The Nobody Show, 1999]  7 sound cassettes ; 1 7/8 ips.
HOLLIS Record To find them all (2nd - 18th, 2016) search the phrase "Homelessness Marathon"
Includes interviews with homeless persons and service providers.

Julio Mario Santo Domingo May 1968 Paris protest collection, 1968 May-June.
Author / Creator:Santo Domingo, Julio Mario, 1957-2009 [collector]
Electronic finding aid available
Description: 1.2 linear feet (3 boxes, 3 drawers)
Arranged in four series: I. Posters; II. Postcards; III. Fliers (printed matter); and IV. Printed and other material.

Black Panther printed ephemera, circa 1966-2006.
Widener Library also holds a large collection of Black Panther ephemera.
HOLLIS Record 1
HOLLIS Record 2

The Library has a collection of approximately 900 science fiction pulp magazines dating from the 1920s onward. See Ordway Collection Reflects Life Working Toward Space Exploration
In HOLLIS search the phrase (in "") "Frederick I. Ordway III"

Sources on Radicalism

Harvard Library has several collections of documents relating to far left and far right radical activity.

American radicalism document collections are listed on the Library Guide for American Studies.

Alternative/radical newspapers are listed on the Guide to Newspapers and Newspaper Indexes.

British Document Collections

The Left in Britain, 1904-1972. microfilm reels & microfiches.
Online Guide

Radical politics and the working man. Microform.. 2 ser. on 106 microfilm reels.
Microforms (Lamont) | Film A 264

The Radical right and patriotic movements in Britain. 370 microfiches.
Printed Guide
Printed Guide 1978

Rare radical and labour periodicals of Great Britain. Series two, The late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 18 microform reels
Microforms (Lamont) | INDEX Film S 1640.5 =List of contents of the reels
Microforms (Lamont) | Film S 1640.5 ser.2

New E-Resources


ACI Scholarly Blog Index

Free Mapping Online is a mapping tool from the China Data Center of the University of Michigan

NBC Learn: Higher Ed  has digitized stories from the NBC News archives, dating back to the 1920s. Updated daily. Includes NBC Nightly News, the TODAY show, Meet the Press, Dateline NBC, as well as the networks of MSNBC, CNBC, and Telemundo.

United States

African American National Biography in Oxford American Studies Center

American Book Prices Current

American Indians and the American West, 1809-1971 offers 20th century records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Major Council Meetings of American Indian Tribes. Includes other primary source collections from the U.S. National Archives and the Chicago History Museum that focus on the 19th Century.

American Race Relations: Global Perspectives, 1941-1996  covers foreign reactions to American race relations from the Jim Crow era to the Civil Rights movements and beyond.

Black Studies Center offers a cross search of:

  • Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience (essays, reference materials)
  • International Index to Black Periodicals Full Text
  • The Marshall Index (print version: A Guide to Negro periodical literature  (HOLLIS Record)
  • Chicago Defender
  • Black Literature Index offers author/title indexing for a collection of over 86,000 full text literary works (1827-1940) on microfiche, including fiction, poetry, book reviews and other literary forms by African-Americans and Whites writing in African-American periodicals and newspapers. HOLLIS record for microfiche.

Dave Leip U.S. House General County Election Results (1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012)

Harvard Art Museums The Social Museum Collection offers Progressive-Era photographs and graphic illustrations surviving from the Social Museum of Harvard University. Focus is on social reform organizations and institutions in the United States and western Europe, but countries such as Japan, New Zealand, and the Philippines are also represented.

HistoryMakers is an African American oral video history archive

National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS)

Sanborn Maps Geo Edition (1867-1970) offers sophisticated search capabilities for selected Sanborn maps, but is much less comprehensive than Digital Sanborn maps 1867-1970.


Conrad Gessner's Private Library Online (1516 – 1565) was a Swiss naturalist, bibliographer, physician and classicist.

Digitalia Française is a collection of French language ebooks.

Latin America

Latin American History Collection eBooks offers full text of monographs on Latin American history, mostly published in Spain. -


Early Experiences in Australasia covers the arrival of the first settlers through Australian Federation.

Nepal Journals Online

Online Burma/Myanmar Library is an index to over 30,000 full texts of individual Burma documents on the Internet. It also houses articles, conference papers, theses, books, reports, archives and directories. Includes the Burma Press Summary archive).