
Historical Textbooks Collection

The Gutman Library of the Graduate School of Education has a collection of about 35,000 primary, secondary and college textbooks, largely 1800-1950 with a few earlier. Bulk is U.S. but with some European. Some of the earlier books in this class are in Houghton.

These books can be browsed on the HOLLIS Catalog basic search screen, e.g.,

Educt108 [Adjust menu to Widener call number]

The call numbers are as follows:

  • EducT108-199 Mathematics, measurement
  • EducT200-219 Natural philosophy, physics
  • EducT228-229 Chemistry
  • EducT247-249 General geography
  • EducT278-279 Physical geography, meteorology
  • EducT298-299 Geology
  • EducT308 Mineralogy
  • EducT318-319 Astronomy
  • EducT338-339 Natural history, nature study, biology, some general science
  • EducT358-359 Botany (One at EducT258)
  • EducT378-379 Zoology (some natural history mixed in)
  • EducT398-399 Anatomy, physiology, hygiene, health
  • EducT409-469 Hygiene, health

These books were originally housed in Widener and retained their Widener numbers when transferred to Gutman.

The Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology has a large collection of biological and zoological textbooks. Call numbers are as follows:

  • TxA - Textbooks, Anatomy
  • TxB - Textbooks, Biology
  • TxC - Textbooks, Cytology
  • TxE - Textbooks, Embryology
  • TxH - Textbooks, Histology
  • TxP - Textbooks, Physiology

You can browse them in HOLLIS, adjusting the menu to Other call number. Searching on the basic HOLLIS screen yields records for the books in their order on the shelves. Searching on the Expanded Search screen yields records in inverse chronological order.

University of Pittsburgh 19th Century Schoolbooks collection.

GEI Digital Textbook Library (German Textbooks)


There is an annual listing of textbooks:

The American educational catalog (1927-55) HOLLIS Record
Issued 1872-1926 each July as part of the Educational number of Publishers' weekly.
Publishers Weekly Digital Archive (1872-2013)