Oral History and Interviews
Oral History in HOLLIS and WorldCat
To find oral histories in HOLLIS or WorldCat Advanced Search:
Subject exact phrase: Indians of North America
Subject contains: Interview* OR "Oral History" OR "Oral histories"
In WorldCat some items will be in transcript form only but may be available via scanning or Interlibrary Loan. Many are available online.
Online Full Text
In the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) search: physicists AND ("oral history" OR "oral histories" OR Interview)
Digital Libraries by State
These websites list hundreds of local, state, and regional resources. Many are rich sources of oral histories and interviews. Each is different and some are better designed than others. Very useful when your topic has a regional focus.
- State Archives and Collaborative (NARA)
- 250+ Killer Digital Libraries and Archives
- 71 Digital Portals to State History
In Google Advanced search, you can search
this exact word or phrase:: Your person or organization
any of these words: “Oral history” “Oral histories” Interview
Oral History Online indexes oral history collections, with links to interview-level bibliographic records and to full-text materials, audio files and visual files where these are available.
HistoryMakers: An African American oral video history archive
North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral Histories (1800-1950.) includes 342 authors.
Columbia University Oral History Portal offers an enormous collection of oral histories at Columbia University.
Some of the Columbia University oral histories have been digitized. For those available only at Columbia here are instructions for obtaining copies. Then you can go to Harvard Library Interlibrary Loan.
Columbia University Oral History Portal Some of the oral histories found here have been digitized but have no links to the digitized version. Go to Digital Collections for these to search for these. Some of the oral histories found in the digital collections have only citations (Padlock icon).
Includes the New York's art world project.
If this url doesn’t hold then search “New York's art world project” in https://clio.columbia.edu/catalog
Some Columbia oral histories we have in:
Oral history collection. Columbia University, [Oral History Research Office].
[Glen Rock, N.J. : New York Times, 1973-1988?] 6 pts. on 2690 microfiches + guide (32 p.)
Some Columbia oral histories, even among those in the microfiche, are not in Oral History Online (above)
For a known oral history:
Check Columbia digital library
Check HOLLIS for microfiche
Obtain copy from Columbia Instructions
Civil Rights History Project offers inventory of oral-history interviews with participants in the civil rights movement held in libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, and other institutions. Links to catalog records and finding aids.
Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives, 1960-1974 includes letters, diaries, and oral histories, together with posters, broadsides, pamphlets, advertisements, and audio and video materials.
Black Women Oral History Project. Interviews, 1976-1981 (inclusive). 72 interview transcripts, 353 reels of audiotape.
Schlesinger | OH-31; T-32
Digitized items
Brief description in HOLLIS record
Foreign Affairs Oral History Program (Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training)
British Diplomatic Oral History Programme
Veterans History Project of the American Folklife Center offers oral histories, interviews, correspondence personal narratives, photographs and other records (WWI- present). Search Surgeon in keyword search.
Regulatory Oral History Hub (Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University) offers links to digital collections containing interviews with regulators, lawyers, and judges. Mainly U.S.
WGBH OpenVault contains full interviews from WGBH programs that were used for clips in the programs themselves, as well as interviews about the programs. Covers many different topics.
Link Collections
Centers and Collections (OHA)